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Emma Frost’s head rang as she tried to push herself to her feet. Her bodyguard had opened the door to the back of her car so she could get in, then there was a jerk on the small of her back and a flash of heat and pressure. She looked around, trying to get her bearings, and realized that she was in the middle of the street.

Her car was a fiery wreck, from the looks of it her bodyguard had taken the brunt of the blast, but she was still mostly coherent. As Emma tried to rise again, her vision swam and she collapsed.

“Hey, you alright?” a voice asked, and Emma latched onto it, using it as a foundation to anchor herself to and force her dazed mind to focus.

Emma blinked a few times, mostly to force back the dizziness but also to make sure that she was seeing what she thought she was. A boy, for his size and voice precluded anything else, wearing a red sleeveless hoodie over a blue long sleeve shirt and a red ski mask over a pair of what looked like welding glasses.

“I’m sorry for pulling you back like that, but…” he began to ramble, and even without telepathy, Emma could feel how flustered he was standing so close to her.

Certain possibilities came to mind, and Emma reached out, reading his mind and searching his memories. He wasn’t a mutant, the memories of the spider bite and immediate aftermath dismissing that possibility. His mind though, combined with his physical capabilities, would make him a very useful tool once properly trained.

As the boy left, the air filling with the sound of sirens of emergency services, Emma found herself smirking. Peter Parker would make for an interesting Pawn. Perhaps, in a few years time, he would rise to the position of Knight. Either way, he would serve the Hellfire Club quite well. Given the execution, she knew exactly who it was: Jordan Davies, her business partner and cofounder of Frost International.

He had grown resentful of her success years ago and broken away, and while this wasn’t his first attempt at sabotaging her, it was still his style, merely escalated. Emma had always been one step ahead of him, but this time he had caught her off guard. She would have to be more careful in the future.

She needed to return to the club and recover. She had plans that required her undivided attention, and this was a distraction, albeit one that she would need to deal with quickly.


Jordan was in the middle of enjoying a smoke and a drink while contemplating what he would do with the money once Frost International was rightly back under his control. That frigid bitch was surely dead by now, and it was only a matter of time before he was able to take the company back.

As he reached for the phone to call his people in Frost International, it rang. It was an unknown number, but that wasn’t uncommon when you were as important as he was.

“Davies,” he said as he put the phone on speaker, setting the Mayan Sicar into his mouth and savoring the flavors of the centuries old cigar.

“Mr. Davies, I hope you are enjoying your victory,” a smooth, sultry voice drawled from the other end of the line.

Jordan sat up straight, recognizing the voice. “Emma,” he growled. “You’re not dead?”

“Unfortunately for you, no,” Emma replied coolly. “You really should have done your research before attempting to kill me.”

“You’re going to regret this,” Jordan spat. “I’ll make sure you pay for ruining my life.”

“I highly doubt that,” Emma chuckled. “I want you to know that I will not rest until I have taken back what is rightfully mine, and that includes dealing with anyone who stands in my way.”

Jordan’s mind raced as he tried to think of a way out of this situation. He had underestimated Emma Frost, and now he was paying the price. “What do you want me to do?” he asked, defeated.

“I want you to come to me,” Emma said. “Come to the Hellfire Club and make your case. If you can convince me that you are worth sparing, I may let you live.”

Jordan swallowed hard. He knew that going to Emma was dangerous, but he had no other choice. “Fine,” he growled.

So long as he was alive, he could figure a way out of this. Like his uncle had told him growing up, if you can talk, you can talk your way out.


“Miss Frost, your five o’clock appointment has arrived,” Emma’s secretary told her a month after Davies had been corrected of his mistake.

Emma allowed herself a small smirk of amused anticipation at the outcome of the meeting, even as she nodded and said, “Send them in, then clock out.”

“Yes Miss Frost,” the man said with a nod.

Less than two minutes later, Peter Parker entered her office along with his guardian, his paternal aunt Maybelle “May” Parker. Both of them had the same sense of nervousness and unease, but were determined to see this through. As the boy took a seat across from her desk, Emma leaned back in her own seat.

“Thank you both for coming,” Emma began, folding her hands in her lap. “I wish to extend an exclusive offer to you, Mr. Parker. An internship, here at Frost International, working directly under myself.”

The two stared at Emma in shock, and quietly, Emma was impressed with his self control: on his own, he’d managed to keep his gaze focused on her face. But that wouldn’t suit her needs, so with a gentle telepathic nudge to his libido redirecting his attention to her cleavage and a carefully cultivated smile that those unfamiliar with her would mistake as being genuine, she continued, “I do owe you my life, after all. Why, were it not for your aid a month ago, I suspect that car bomb would have killed me.”

“Car bomb, what car bomb?” May Parker asked, a surge of concern and worry filling her mind.

Peter on the other hand was reacting with the beginnings of panic, which wouldn’t do at all. Emma wasn’t certain how much awareness his powers would grant him for more blatant uses of telepathic manipulation, so instead, she nudged his libido up a hair while shifting her arms. The movement and subtle accentuation of her breasts derailed the fear in Peter, while Emma worked to assuage May’s concerns.

“A criminal that has since been caught made an attempt on my life some weeks back. I was on my way to my car when Peter here noticed the car bomb and pulled me away just before it went off. Had he not, I would not be sitting before you,” Emma explained, noting that Peter hadn’t told May about his powers. Unsurprising, and something that could easily be incorporated into her plans.

By this point, in addition to her more careful reading and manipulation of Peter’s mind, Emma had a full and thorough read on May’s mind. The older woman had raised Peter from toddlerhood, and she had a strong maternal bond to him, one that bordered on an instinctual need to protect him. That would be useful in the future and corrupting and perverting it would be extremely entertaining, but for now, it was a roadblock, one that Emma needed to circumvent.

“Mrs. Parker, would you mind terribly having a seat on the couch?” Emma asked, gesturing to the couch on the left wall of the office. It was still in the room, but far enough away to give the illusion of privacy.

Emma barely needed to nudge May’s mind for her to acquiesce, and as the older woman made her way to the couch, Emma stood and walked around her desk, every movement oozing sex and femininity. She took a seat on the edge of her desk, facing Peter, who was watching her intently, his mind a jumbled mess of desire and curiosity.

“Do you know what you want to do after graduation?” Emma asked, a small smirk playing across her lips.

“I’ve been considering MIT, but…” Peter admitted. “I haven’t quite figured out how to afford it. I’ve looked at various scholarships, but even then it’d be hard. Aunt May and Uncle Ben already invested so much into me, and since Uncle Ben passed, things have been difficult.”

Emma was aware of this, she’d made sure to include the Parkers’ current financial state in the profile she’d had put together on him. Which made her current piece of leverage possible.

“Well, that won’t do for the young man I owe my life to,” Emma said, taking a tablet from her desk and making a show of tapping on it a few times. “You reside in the Wavecrest Point building, yes?”

Peter blinked, even as his eyes were drawn back to her breasts as her minutely exaggerated motions made them bounce, “Uh, yes?”

Emma nodded, made an emphatic tap, and set the tablet down, “Very well, your rent will no longer be an issue.”

“Uh, what?” Peter asked, even as May’s eyes widened. Emma made sure that she didn’t think of interrupting, but otherwise left her be for the moment. “I don’t…”

“It is quite simple, I have purchased your apartment building, and as such, I may choose how much to charge the renters. In gratitude, I am charging you ten dollars a month. This is irrespective of whether or not you choose to take the internship I am offering you,” Emma said, having formed a solid enough understanding of Peter’s character to know that simply having reminded him of the internship, he would feel obligated to accept.

She was proven correct a moment later when Peter said, “Thank you, Miss Frost. I’d be honored.

“Wonderful,” Emma said, pushing herself off the desk and banking his libido as high as she dared. “Allow me to offer you both a more tangible reward for saving me, and a...celebration of this new stage in your life.”

Emma had been with the occasional partner, and planned on training the virginal Peter in the best ways to please her. In the distant future, she may allow him the illusion of control, but for the time being she was going to have her fun overwhelming him. She stepped forward, cupping Peter's cheeks and gently pressing her lips to his. His mind was a riot of emotions and his body a ball of tightly controlled tension, but his lips were soft, and his breath held the scent of cinnamon.

When she pulled back, he was staring up at her with a mixture of lust, adoration, and awe, his eyes wide. From that one kiss, any thought of his aunt, the woman who was practically his mother, being in the same room had vanished. But Emma hadn’t forgotten. For May, Emma’s plans didn’t require her, but the thought of making her watch as her nephew was seduced was immensely entertaining.

So, Emma made a few edits and additions to May’s mind. Nothing major or drastic, a slight alteration to memories of Peter as he grew, an increase in appreciation for Emma’s sexuality, and, on a whim, an old regret of not having any children of her own, of Peter growing up an only child.

Emma had no interest in being a mother herself, not at this point in her life, but perhaps her time in Hellfire had made her more hedonistic than she’d realized. That seemed the most reasonable explanation for why she was feeling a surge of arousal and eagerness at getting Peter and May corrupted to the point where she would beg her son in all but blood and name to impregnate her, and he would do so gladly.

That was a fantasy for later, for the time being, Emma had a young man to begin molding into an obedient and well trained boytoy.

“Stand up,” Emma directed him, and the young man scrambled to obey, even without Emma affecting his mind any more than she already had. Taking off her white suit jacket, leaving her shoulders and upper torso bare, she said, “Well, start getting undressed.”

Directing an upwelling of arousal into May, Emma resisted the urge to smirk as Peter hurried to follow her command, the teen completely naked before Emma had even finished with her top. Chuckling at the young man standing at attention, in both senses of the phrase, she took another step away from her desk and pointed at it, “Sit on the edge, it will…”

Of course, Peter didn’t wait for an explanation, hopping onto the wooden piece of furniture that cost more than his apartment building had. Setting her top to the side, Emma crouched in front of Peter, not kneeling, he hadn’t earned that yet. Taking his erection in hand, Emma looked up at his face.

Peter, being a virgin, was liable to erupt at any moment, and Emma had a plan for how to make sure it suited her goals, “You know that you should always tell me the truth, Peter?”

“Yes, Miss Frost?” Peter asked, unsure where she was leading with the question, momentarily distracted from the soft hand stroking him.

“You have watched porn, haven’t you?”

“Um...yes? Miss Frost,” he half asked, half answered.

“Splendid,” Emma said, offering him a smile, one that was designed to go straight to his cock. “Cum on my breasts.”

She didn’t even need telepathy to ensure that he came at that time, her own skill in carnal activities more than sufficient.


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