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Hey there, Geek Squad 😘 With May having 5 weeks I figured I’d do something a little “special”, though, as of me posting this I’m sure you’re all well aware 😆 What I’m referring to is the 3-Part Special Audios that’ll be going up this week that will be available to the various tiers, which I hope you all enjoy 🫶🏼

Outside of that, this month is gonna be full of sweet and spicy audios that range from a long-distance relationship to an assistant getting caught working late with his sexy superior. As usual, I try to do varied mix of scenarios but I’m quite proud of this month in particular, especially with the OC script since it’s quite a cute one ✨

But hey, I didn’t forget at all about the ramble and buttie audios which I’m just gonna tease might have to do with a cock sleeve, me spanking myself with a leather paddle, and perhaps using a remote controlled anal toy… just throwin’ that out there 🤭

And as always, I appreciate and thank you all for the encouragement and support you’ve given me here, for your feedback and comments, along with your participation in polls and sending your Questions for the podcast! I can’t do this without you so a big thanks to my Geek Squad 😇

- GG✨




we're gonna be fed this may, but i hope you're taking some good rest. we don't want another gentlesick again anytime soon!


The titles of these audios look soooo good! Especially looking forward to your original!

GentleGeek's Geek Squad

Oh gosh, "GentleSick strikes again" should be the title of the next check-in audio that I do when I'm feeling under the weather! 😆 But I'm actually doing well... somewhat haha. I'm not under the weather but I did have to go to the doctor to address a few long-lasting issues I've been fighting with since my last illness -- will go into it in my next check-in audio!

GentleGeek's Geek Squad

So happy to hear all the excitement over this month's offering! 😇 And speaking of the original script this month -- not to toot my own horn anything -- but I think it's gonna be quite the banger! I put a lot of work into the script 🥰