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What a humbling night I’d had! A night where I learned that there was a price to be paid for the heady highs of being a cuckold. It was easy when it was between me and my intimate partner while my blood was up. But then there was the rest of the world and the rest of the time. I learned that to be the husband of a hotwife you sometimes had to man up and face the consequences.

It all started early in the night when I got a call from a number I didn’t recognize. Answering it there comes a voice that was vaguely familiar. Only a split second before he said who he was I realized that it was James, Tonia’s husband. In a flash all I could see is my wife sitting around the poker table with the other women in various states of undress watching him pleasure himself as part of his losing bet. In his hand, Sarah’s eyes watching intently, he stroked his dick. She’d described it as ‘around 5 inches or so and skinnier than yours’. And as he spoke, try as I might, that scene was all I could think about.

He had called me in order to make sure that everything was on the up and up with Sarah screwing around with him and his wife. He said that it wasn’t that he didn’t trust her just that wanted to make double sure, man to man. He said that he didn’t want a ‘big bastard’ like me coming at him in a fit of jealousy. My cheeks burned as I spoke with him. My words were difficult to come by. Though some part of me knew stuff like this was inevitable suddenly having to confront the effects of my adventurous wife’s actions left me reeling. This guy that I barely knew was asking me permission to have sex with my wife! A month ago I would have found him and torn his head from his shoulders. Tonight…I swallowed the jagged pill of jealousy and meekly told him that Sarah was free to do as she wished. He was happy, needless to say, and told me that they were all hoping that I’d join them soon. It was a very surreal call.

Only after we hang up, with my cheeks still warm, did that familiar cuckold thrill hit me as I wondered what she was doing with him.

A couple of hours later came another call, this one from my old buddy Bradley. The number had barely come up on the screen when my imagination took flight again. ‘His was quite short, no longer than James, but probably as thick as Richard if not a bit more…It was kind fat and stubby looking with a humongous mushroom head. And the wildest thing to me, it had a slight curve to the right.’ It hit me then that I would never be able to see, hear or think about these men Sarah had been with without their manhoods popping into focus so that I could compare them to mine. Fuck! A heartbeat later all I could see is my friend pounding into my bound wife’s pussy and making her cum for him on our bed with his fat, curved cock. Fuuuuck!

I seriously considered refusing the call and blocking the number, but knowing I would not be able to run from it forever I bite the bullet and answer the call. It was humiliating! From the very first word I could hear a new cockiness in his gruff tone. He knew that I knew and he was reveling in it. He never brought up what happened directly as we chatted about the usual stuff, but it was all there in his attitude and tone of voice. In his eyes he’d gone up a peg and I’d gone down one. He was the bull and I was the cuckold. And in his gloating tone you would have thought that he was God’s sexual gift to women. He hadn’t a clue just how low of an opinion Sarah had of him and his lack of stamina and technique. But what could I say? He actually had fucked my wife to orgasm with his thicker cock. For that one night, he really was my bull.

I left that call feeling humbled and not knowing what the future held for our friendship. Though again, as the minutes passed, I found my desire for Sarah peaking once more. It always came back to Sarah and the wild lust I had for her. This shit was one hell of a ride!

My final humiliation came just minutes ago when Old Man Brown, dog in tow, walked up on me after I had just parked and was getting out of my truck to head into the house. I suspect he’d been walking up and down our block waiting for me. As a retiree I guess he had nothing better to do with his time. When I turned around and suddenly found myself face to face with him, boom! The picture painted by Sarah’s words snap into focus in my mind, ‘…about as thick as Mr. Purple…ten inches or so with big bulging veins all up and down it.’ I could not only see his long, black monster but my pale six incher along side it. I then saw it drilling into my wife’s pussy and previously virgin asshole. ‘Yours will never touch me in the places that his did.’

With me off guard and stuttering like an idiot he got right to the point. He had dropped by to ensure that I never tempted him with my Sarah’s tight little ‘honey-hole’ again. He told me that he knew it was me who sent her and that he’d met other husbands like me before. He told me in no uncertain terms that those years were behind him that he wasn’t about to risk his happy golden years for some ‘white motherfucker’s’ fetish. Once I could talk again I told him that it was a one time thing and that Sarah had no intention on seeking him out again. He laughed and said, ‘She’s tasted the dark meat now, might not be as easy as you think. She’s been ruined for boys like you. You just keep your bitch on a leash and outta my yard.’. To add emphasis he jingled the leash in his hand as if she were no more to him than the canine at his heel. As I stood there speechless he glanced down to my crotch, scoffed, then took a step back and gave me that amiable old man smile I was accustomed to. With that he bid me a good morning before heading off home.


Now here I sat in my kitchen, my head still spinning from that emasculating night, staring at Sarah’s latest letter as echoing in my ears were my Mr. Brown’s words of warning. ‘She’s been ruined for boys like you.’ Ruined?


Dear David,

Hello my handsome, perfect man. I hope your night went smoothly and you weren’t too distracted thinking about anything. He he he!

Do you remember what yesterday was? Hm? I bet you do. That’s right. It’s been two weeks since that charity strip show and there was another last night. I’m glad that you’re paying attention.

This time Tonia and I dragged Maria and Casey along and we had just as much fun as the first time. More so! This time we really cut loose with the whooping and yelling and carrying on. Me, Tonia and Maria were a bunch of wild girls! Ha ha ha! The show itself wasn’t any better, it was nearly identical to the last one, but we had an absolute blast ogling all of the pretty men and screaming like smitten teenyboppers. Casey on the other hand was HILARIOUS as she kept sitting there with her arms crossed saying things to the dancers like like, ‘meh, I’ve seen better’ and ‘is that all you got?’. Ha ha ha! She was a savage. It was so fun.

This time however there was one BIG difference. With a few drinks in them by the end of the evening Tonia, Maria, and Casey all chipped in to start bidding on the lederhosen guy’s private show. You know, the REALLY big guy. I laughed along and even threw in a few bucks, not knowing that they were bidding on MY behalf the whole time! And we won! When we were called up to follow the performer into the back rooms I was confused when I stood up and everybody else started getting ready to leave.

Blushing and sputtering as I do I tried to pull them along with me but Tonia said, ‘Oh no, he’s all yours.’. Little did I know that the three of them had hatched this scheme before we even showed up at the venue. Casey said that it was a special gift from them to me for my Naughty November almost being over. With the whole room watching and the dancer waiting I couldn’t just stand there, so off I went to the giggles of my sneaky girlfriends. The stinkers! As I went I thought that, on the bright side, a private show from a male stripper would definitely count as my challenge for the day complete.

To the cheers and hoots of all the ladies I followed the guy back behind the curtains. It was all so strange. The moment we got back there everyone had dropped their stage personas and suddenly it was all business. With nobody to accompany us the dancer brought to one of the karaoke rooms that they used for private shows on these nights. I was a bit intimidated to go in with this naked stranger with the humongous ding-dong but I followed along anyway.

Once inside he turned to me and introduced himself as Maximilian. Unlike his goofy character he was really chill and had this cool Austrian accent. It was so hard talking to him like a normal person with his dick hanging out! Ha ha ha! With his laid back professionalism he told me that I had nothing to worry about and that he’d done this all a hundred times before. Knowing that I was in the hands of a professional set my mind at ease.

Once we were both comfortable he asked me what I wanted. I asked him what the options were. He laughed and told me that for someone as hot as me the sky was the limit as long as I able to keep a secret, but that I needed to decide quick as he had another show later that night. When I asked him he meant he laughed again and said that he could dance for me again but that I had him for a half an hour in any way I wanted him. We talked in circles like this for a little before he finally just came out and told me directly that the performers generally had sex with the women back here! It was something of an open secret among the regulars. But, he said, that I had to ask him in plain language so there were no accusations of funny business later. He did however kindly jest the he recommended the ‘suck and fuck’ combo deal. That made me laugh.

A little tipsy, a lot horny, super curious, and admittedly a little bit scared I told him that I would take one suck and fuck please.

All business again we set to it with the time we had left. Before we started he handed me this little sampler tube of lubricant and suggested that I start warming my pussy up if we were going to do this in a reasonable amount of time. Slipping out of my panties and skirt I sat down, squirted it on my hand and started to rub myself. He was already pumped up from the performance and had only softened a little in the meantime so he was near full size when he stepped in so I could give him the ‘suck’.


David, he was HUGE! Gigantic! Enormous! The words fail me. Length, girth, balls, you name it, he dwarfed them all. And so HEAVY! Up close it was so much more impressive than even during the show. He was a foot long, I swear. Twice as long as you for sure. And dear Lord, he was as thick my forearm. I actually put my arm along side it to compare and it was bigger! AH! I didn’t even know men could get this big!

Needless to say I wasn’t deep throating THAT monster. I could barely even fit him in my mouth! I did the best I could though, mostly just sucking and licking his big knob as I stroked him with both hands. When he did get to full arousal I was having serious second thoughts. Would this thing even fit into a human vagina!? Ha ha ha! Yeah, I actually thought that. But then I remembered that it was designed to allow a whole baby pass through so it could handle a mere penis, no matter the dimensions. And with all the rubbing and sucking and fingering my body was aching to at least give it a try!

I laid back in the curved booth and spread my legs for him and sort of squeaked ‘be gentle!’.

And he was, at first. He put on this crazy big condom then rubbed his huge thing against my slit, clubbing against my clit every so often, then he put his tip against my wet, slippery entrance and started to penetrate. He took it slow and had me breath in a special way to relax. Slowly, little by little, he pushed manhood inside. I could not believe my eyes when his knob disappeared inside of me. He fit!

David, again I know this isn’t part of your whole cuckold thing, but…I hated it! I absolutely hated it!

Oh God. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise baby, but there is such a thing as too big!

His big penis ached as it stretched me so wide. He stretched me out so much I felt like I was going to be torn in two. And then once I got warmed up and we really got going he started going so deep that he was hitting my cervix! I did not like that. Not one little bit. It hurt! He was hurting me! Crazy fast he did make me orgasm really, really, REALLY super hard but even that was too much. I was so stretched out I couldn’t bear down on him like I like and he kept banging away and hitting my limit. And just how it happened, it was like he didn’t bring me climax but he FORCED me into one then another then another right on top of each other. I couldn’t even enjoy one before the next had me quivering and whimpering in this strange sort of ecstatic agony. They were so powerful that I wasn’t enjoying them, I was enduring them. He wasn’t making love to me, he was violating me. I had no control yet I couldn’t stop cumming in this strange place for this strange man. It was a nightmare! I WANTED MY PAPA BEAR!

When I could finally tell him to stop he pulled out right away. God! It was terrible. I felt as hollow as that Thanksgiving turkey. I was so overwhelmed that I cried a little. He gave me a little comfort then told me that I wasn’t the first not to like it. He then left me to get dressed. And that was it. With a sore coochie I got a cab home, got into bed and hugged your pillow all night long. Pitiful, I know, but it really helped.

I’m okay now. Looking back at it I was really happy that I tried it. I learned something about myself and experienced something I never would have before. And I am actually quite touched about the girls giving me that gift for my Naughty November too. But I’m not doing that again. Not even if you ask me. I’m sorry, David. I hope I didn’t spoil your fantasy. But I just don’t think I’m built for those really big ones.

Okay, enough of that. It was another less than ideal ending but I’m committed to see this through. I’ve got some really fun stuff planned for my final few days. It’s going to be great. And then we FINALLY get December 1st together! AAAAHHH!!! I didn’t think it would ever get here! With every lover I’m with I just want you more and more and more! I’m so excited!!! I can’t wait for you to have the new me! EEEEE!!!


Sorer but wiser,



She cried? She cried!? She fucking cried!? Setting down the letter I don’t even need to think about it. I get my ass up out of the chair then drive straight down to the daycare. In my work clothes and with iron resolve in my eyes I get some scared looks from the kids in the playground as I stride for my wife who was down on one knee helping one of the little ones with a shoe.

“Sarah.” Tonia says to call attention to me.

My gorgeous wife stands up and turns my way just as I am arriving. “Oh! David! What are you…?” Wrapping my arms around her I pull her into a tight, all-encompassing hug. “Ohhh David!”

“I love you too.” I whisper before planting a hard kiss on her sweet, full lips.

Around us the children all squealed and giggled and cheered at the gaudy show of affection.

Nov. 28th



Well, with every passing day I have more and more hope for them. And with every passing day, I grow more and more worried that David is not going to be able to satisfy Sarah anymore. And not even to mention that some of their relationships have been permanently changed. It’s…Yeah. Adding people they both knew and were friends with (particularly Bradly) was probably not the best idea… regardless of how shit he was in bed. Co-workers, I could understand. Richard I can absolutely understand🤭 But yeah

Michael Dierks

Well. Let's just say that Sarah had all these experiences before meeting David, and that she still met and fell in love with David. The experiences don't change that she can love David. The new thing in the relationship is David's kink, which is getting explored to the max, something that he .. well, both of them, will need to deal with. But they seem strong, and they both have new ideas of what they like/want. There may be different guys, but Sarah can still want David. 💕


But do we know that’s what they want? I am not sure about that, given how many times David has been close to calling it all off. Or Sarah. If they did, I totally missed it