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I smile as I look down at the envelope Sarah had left me. I had to get to work but I would spare whatever time I needed to read this. After having one of the best days of our relationship I was finally going to be able to find out the events that had triggered it all.

I couldn’t say why but the smell of another man’s cum on my wife had awakened the cuckold that had been within me all along. As I kissed her right here where I now stood and caught that faint salty funk on my tongue that I’d never tasted before but was nonetheless unmistakable I was driven to nearly the breaking point. Platypus nearly left my lips when that incredible kiss finally parted, but instead I kissed her again. The jealous sting on my pride hurt, but it hurt so fucking good.

Afterward Sarah took a much needed shower as I lay there fantasizing about whose cum I had just tasted in her mouth. After that last letter it was likely Richie’s as they seemed to hit it off well. As I thought about the young stud I began to wonder what Sarah’s pussy would have felt like after he’d had his way with it with his big cock five times in a row, the last time leaving his warm load behind. Imagined myself watching them together before swooping in to eat her out and have my turn to reclaim her. It was easily the hottest daydream I’d ever had.

When Sarah climbed into bed with me she noted my raging erection and giggled at it. This time, as we snuggled, she was sure not to brush against it or even move too quickly for the risk of the shifting covers setting me off. And then, cuddled together for over an hour, we talked and kissed and talked some more. We talked about everything. Well, everything except sex and Naughty November though they lingered behind every single word we spoke. We reminisced about our past, spoke of our present, and dreamt together about the future we would share. It was during this conversation that it is decided that I would push more aggressively to work less and attend to us more. Right there in bed I made the call and the way she looked at me as I laid it out to my boss in no uncertain terms made me feel like a super hero. While I was at it I pushed my luck and asked for the night of the 30th off so that I could be home at midnight of December 1st and for my boldness I got it. Sarah was overjoyed and so was I.

Somehow I did manage to get a few hours shuteye to recharge then what followed was the best fucking date night we’d ever had. I knew it was going to be different before we even left the house when Sarah emerged from the washroom in bolder makeup and a sexy little black dress with a high hemline to show her shapely legs, a delving neckline to reveal soft and ample cleavage, and a snug waist to accentuate her perfect hourglass. It was hardly scandalous or trashy, in fact it was classy as hell, but for Sarah it revealed far more flesh than she ever showed before. She gave me a twirl, allowing me the briefest of glimpses at her lacy black panties, then asked if she looked good. Good didn’t even come close to describing her radiance.

The evening was spent at a nice steak house where I wined and dined her as if I was courting her all over again. I felt like I was! With other men suddenly in her life I was yearning to prove to her like I had never had to before that I was still the best man for her. I always opened doors for her but last night I did it with extra panache. I also pulled out chairs, helped her with her shawl, and was generally the most gentlemanly I could be. She soaked every bit of it up with a great big smile.

In Sarah’s explorations without me I had realized just how much I had taken her for granted by assuming that she always be there for me and hold her own needs secondary to mine. What she wanted wasn’t unreasonable. They were good things, healthy things, natural things. All she wanted was more of my time and for us to start a family. I had been a fool to deny her. Her needs coming second was going to end once and for all. From that day forward I swore to myself to treat her like the queen she was and savor every minute we had together.

At the steak house we ate and drank and laughed until our sides hurt. And things were just getting warmed up. From there, on a whim, instead of grabbing a cab to head to the theater we followed the thumping beat of dance music and ended up at a club that was just down the street from the restaurant. Oh what fun we had!

Not at all our usual kind of place or usual kind of music we went in there as fish out of water and danced the night away. I was never much of a dancer and she was even worse yet we cut loose like a couple of happy maniacs. Knowing that all of the sexual tension we’d been building through the evening couldn’t find release in the normal way of a happily married couple we instead left it all out on the dance floor. It felt SO good to work up a sweat with her again.

And as we danced…I caught looks coming our way. Coming her way. With her body and that little black dress my wife was drawing a lot of attention from the men around us. They circled like sharks. But a proud Papa Bear kept his Mama Bear close. Seeing those men looking at her, lusting after her, made me feel like the luckiest guy in the club. And the more they wanted, the more I did as well. For her part she saw none of it as she only had eyes for me.

By the time we got home in the wee hours of the morning I was head over heels infatuated like it was the rush of first love all over again, despite it being with the woman who had shared my bed for the past five plus years. I had made love to her countless times yet I felt like she was the rarest and most unattainable treasure in the world.

I begged, BEGGED, her to let me eat her out. I figured as long as I wasn’t getting off it wouldn’t break the pact. But she refused to give me even that much before December. Oh how she enjoyed holding that over me and watching me beg.

We cleaned up and went to bed in each other arms, tired and joyful. The evening had been as good as one could be without sex. And better even than most with it.

What a day! What a night! And now I finally could read what had set it all off.


Dear David,

Oh my love! That tense moment! That kiss! That snuggle! That day! That night! You were a gentleman at dinner and an animal on the dance floor and I loved every single second of it. The way you looked at me, held me, protected me…you really made me feel like something special last night. You can’t imagine how close I was to tapping out last night and letting you have me. Or maybe you can. Ohhhh, David. It was magical! Thank you.

I’ve kept you on tender hooks long enough. I am sure you are dying to know what I did yesterday before coming home. Well read on my handsome cuckold and all will be revealed.

Before you made me feel like your queen Old Man Brown made me his dirty slut. That morning he deep throated your pretty little wife’s pretty little mouth then bent her over, flipped up her skirt, fucked her married pussy and took her anal cherry in his back yard before forcing her to her knees to take his hot seed all over her pretty little face and in her open mouth. How’s that for straight to the point? Ha! Are you hard already baby? He he he! I hope so.

Yeah, that all really happened. Yeah, I gave my anal virginity to the friendly old man from down the block. I can’t believe it myself and I was there.

When I went out for a morning walk I had been hoping to bump into him in the hopes of sneaking in a quick challenge in the morning so that it left the rest of my day open to spend with you. My plan was a simple ‘I’ll show you mine if you show me yours’ sort of thing. I thought that charming a respected older man to expose himself to me would count as something new to check off for Naughty November. Well, things did not go to plan. LOL When I heard him puttering around in his backyard I knocked on his fence on the pretense of looking for Mrs. Brown who I know is involved in the big charity drive for her church. I told him we had some things to donate, which is true, but he told me that she was at the church doing some organizing and that I could find her there or come back later. With naughty intentions I then asked him what he was tinkering on and with naughtier intentions he invited me back to see.

I tried to play it smooth as I worked up to the indecent proposal but before I knew it he had flipped the script and taken control. The pervy old man told me that the ‘BBC’ only comes out when there’s something worth coming out for. When I asked what he meant he laughed and said that he knew what was going on with my recent flashing and that he’d been expecting me to come ‘sniffing around’ one of these days. He had me back on my heels. Who was this guy? Where was kindly old Mr. Brown? And he’d been expecting me!? Did he really think I was that desperate? THEN he said that I wasn’t the first wife to come knocking over the years after their white hubby ‘couldn’t get it done’ at home. He said that sooner or later we all get a craving for ‘dark meat’.

I was aghast! Stuttering and blushing like it was November 1st again I tried to explain about Naughty November and that you were ‘getting it done’ just fine but he wasn’t interested in hearing it and things were moving so fast. So fast that I got swept along. Don’t get the wrong idea. I was not innocent by any stretch. I was a willing participant at every step. But it just all happened so fast!

Right away he took a ‘boner pill’ and told me that it wouldn’t take long and that it was worth the wait. In the meantime he pushed me against the house and unbuttoned my blouse then started playing with my breasts and pussy right there in the backyard. Thank God he has high fences! Nobody could see us except for his pooch who watched us from the doghouse, which was weird in its own kind of way.

He sure wasn’t wrong about that pill of his not taking long to work as before I knew it I could feel his erection growing against me. And what an erection! When he finally pulled it out I knew what I was in store for but still it left me speechless. The old man was about as thick as Mr. Purple but he was loooong! My goodness! He had to be ten inches or so with big bulging veins all up and down it. And I’d never seen a real black one before. It was such a lovely shade of brown. I giggled when I saw that his thick pubic hair was as white as the hair he had left on his bald head. I confess David that after being groped and played with and after seeing his big long cock and feeling it in my hand I was SO horny, and I knew you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it when I got home. And so I let things happen.

He got me on my knees, grabbed my hair and pushed his penis into my mouth. Unlike with you or Richard or Richie he challenged me to take him deeper and deeper. To my surprise and his delight I was able to take him quite deep! I choked and gagged here and there but as long as I was ready for it I was finding I could really take a lot. Way more than I ever thought I could. Heck, I think I might even be able to get ALL of you in my mouth. I can’t wait to try!

Oh my goodness, the things he said to me David. He called me a desperate slut and a cheating whore and way, way worse. I won’t even say what said about you. He used the N word and said all kinds of things I can’t repeat even now. He really made me feel like the slut that he was calling me. I’d felt naughty before but never as dirty, and it felt kind of exciting. Aren’t I terrible?

He then got me to my feet and bent me over against the wall to take me from behind. Well, you know how much I like it from behind. Those super long strokes in and out of my pussy had me quivering in no time flat. So deep! He said that my white pussy was so tight and wet and that he could tell that I needed a proper fucking. I came so good for him baby. It was SO hard not to cry out and call attention to us from any neighbors that might be in earshot. Then he surprised me by spitting on my butt hole and putting his tip against it. To his credit he gave me a chance to refuse him but I was too caught up at that point to slow things down. I had MEANT for my first anal with a real man to be a separate challenge, with James perhaps as his size isn’t intimidating, or to leave it for you but, as mentioned, I just let things happen. It’s hard in the heat of the moment to control things.

I can report that while I had to adjust to the feeling quickly I do indeed enjoy anal sex. He felt incredible! Again, those loooong deep strokes seemed to go on forever. I could feel him so far inside of me. I’m not sure I could ever orgasm from anal alone but good golly it does feel great. And he was clearly loving it as well! Ha ha ha! He groaned about how tight I was then just a minute later grunted that he was about to cum. He pushed me back on my knees and ordered me to look up at him with my mouth open and tongue out. I did as he said and was rewarded with a great big facial and a bunch of jizz milked onto my tongue. Right there under the open sky I was dripping in his mess and swallowing it down. It was all so nasty and filthy and amazing! AH! Once his load was blown he turned back into the friendly old chap that we all know and love.

And that’s where this spicy story turns a bit sour I’m afraid. Sorry baby, I know this isn’t the fantasy you want to hear but I’m just telling you what happened. I promised you the truth and I will always give it to you.

He helped get me to my feet and clean myself off. As he did so I could tell something had changed. I could see guilt in his dark brown eyes. God David, it all happened so fast…I didn’t even think about Mrs. Brown! It was clear in the way he was talking that he and his wife weren’t ‘cool’ like Tonia and James. I felt terrible! Without planning to I had just become the ‘other woman’. He told me that they’d been through some hard times before but that it been over 15 years since he fooled around on her and that he promised her that he wasn’t ever going to do it again. He said that I was so pretty and young that once I started coming onto him he felt the old sexual ego fire up again like it hadn’t in a long time. Full of regret he made me promise not to say anything. I swore myself to secrecy and so did he. And you have to as well David. The last thing I want is their broken marriage on my conscience.

He wasn’t the only one feeling guilty over their spouse either. As I walked home with my pussy and my bum feeling so dang good it struck me that we only ever get to experience a first time once in our lives. And I’d just shared my first anal with an acquaintance from down the street. Sure I’d done it with Mr. Purple already but a toy doesn’t count, not really. I wish I would have let the man I love have my ass first. All these years we could have done it and I was too repressed to even consider something so lewd. We can have all the anal we want now but it’ll never be the first time. And it would have been nice to feel yours inside of me before I felt one that was so much longer. Yours will never touch me in the places that his did. Though you’re certainly welcome to try! He he he! (Sorry! I really am terrible.) I’m sure I’m making a mountain of a molehill though. I mean you’d had women before me and that was fine. How is this any different? It isn’t. But still, it’s not what I would have chosen if I had it to do again.

Lessons were learned yesterday. Sometimes sex isn’t just sex, not for me at least. I’ll be more careful going forward. In the mood I was in I was SO happy and thankful to see you when I got home yesterday. In your arms you made me feel right again.

Okay, enough of the bad vibes. We’ve still got a few days to go and I’ve still got a couple wild oats left to sow before the end. Yesterday might not have been ideal but I still enjoyed it greatly. For an old fella Mr. Brown and his ‘BBC’ can still hang with the young bucks! Ha ha ha! Whoo! And as another married man took me I had this strangely positive feeling wash over me. A feeling of sexiness and pride at being yours even as he ravished me. Like I was representing you or something. Like ‘you can borrow my body but you can only dream of having a wife as good as David’s’. I’m not describing it well at all, but I don’t really understand it myself. Also, afterward I got this dirty little feeling that as he had cuckolded you I had cuckolded Mrs. Brown. It made me feel so desirable that I caused a man do that despite the risks. I think I understand the ego trip that people feel when in an affair now. I never understood it before. Don’t worry, I didn’t like it THAT much. LOL

Hey! I know this is getting long, but before I let you go something dawned on me yesterday as we were dancing. You told me that you’d had three partners before meeting me. He he he! Well I’ve now had you, Richard, Casey, Bradley, Richie, and now Mr. Brown. The score is now 4-6! Ha ha ha ha! Can you believe that? In just a month I’m now more experienced than you are! Craaaazy.

Finally, I’m not sure if you realized it or not, but you would have been tasting some of Old Man Brown’s semen in my kiss yesterday! I can see your face now! Ewwww! HA HA HA! Sorry, not sorry. He he he!

As you read this I am right now out on my latest adventure. But that’s a story for another day. Have a good night at work, cuck!

Always learning,




Welp. This chapter leaves me unsure of what to feel. I love the David and Sarah scenes so much. But now that she has more experience than David, I wonder where that leaves us? Will she continue to sleep with more people? Or will she stick with those she already did? And where does this leave David? I wonder if he might receive a similar challenge, now that his wife can’t seem to go a day or two without getting fucked. Maybe she would be interested in seeing what it’s like in David’s shoes? Could be fun. But I guess that just depends on Sarah and how she feels about it, or if she even wants to experience what David has this past month. Seeing as how explorative she has become, it feels like she might be into something like it? Potential sequel??👀 idk but this is such a fun story


And where does this story leave me? LOL I don't even know who this is going to appeal to. I'm just following the characters as they go. I've got a baaaad feeling this story isn't going to go over very well when it's out in book form. Definitely not the usual cuck/hotwife fare. Thank goodness a few of you seem to like it at least. 😄

Michael Dierks

Wild times in the neighborhood. Maybe Mr. Brown should exercise some restraint, given what he professes to value so much. Besides, Sarah said she gets the ego rush of cheating, but not enough to do it YET ... Wait, did she say yet, or not? I guess we'll find out next month when the letters stop. Sarah would not do that. No?


Thankfully, she didn’t say “yet”. Instead she said “I didn’t like it THAT much,” which is good. It was in relation to her understanding why cheaters cheat, so I think this is a good sign of things to come