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have a little Joss moodboard X) Rose with a sharpie, and a closeup of rose!

plans tldr: next up a short kinky comic.

Hi, I'm still alive! it's been a rough week of trying to do work and failing XD I've finished up these two drawings to atleast do something!

I was planning to do a quick comic first to get started out. then had to scrap that work because I think having a snake in your underwear counts as beastiality, and is against the rules.

So instead I am starting on another idea, a kinky one about bodily fluids, probably too kinky for a lot of you. so I want to keep it short! I have finished the writing for it, but then ran against another wall, I bystepped some vital production steps, uprooted my regular way of scheduling things, and because of that I got stuck in artblock. 

so now a re-attempt with a proper schedule, I hope to have atleast one or two pages done by friday. (they are small pages)

I haven't figured out how I want to release it yet, because it definately needs it's content warnings. but I think I want to post a collection of what i've finished each week on fridays!





Xean Drury

Has there ever been a 'Spoiler' that has not been clicked on? I think not. It'll be fine :Þ

Marek Nowak

Just change the snake into a fantasy tentacle