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and I'm back in business, it should be a straight shot to the finish line from here on out! no other projects inbetween this and finishing the comic, over 10 pages more to go though!

next week I got regular schedule, new page on tuesday! have a good weekend!

you can also find the comic over here for easier reading : Drive Link 




Nobody does wholesome horny like you, bun! Side note: Does anyone know if there’s a good way to view all comics in a collection on one scrolling page, or with an easy “next” button? It’d be nice to be able to read through the whole story nice and smooth. :)


I have a drive link under the post, but also theres a few posts tagged with google drive, they hold all my work where its easily scrollable


I don't know why, but for some reason the concept of someone who wants to join in but is too shy to get the words out to anyone other than their direct partner is super extra hot. The additional second-hand embarrassment of hearing someone else tell the group what you just told them just adds a whole new level of teasing to the situation and it just amplifies everything so much