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The script is now complete.  I'm still a little anxious about a couple of lines in particular on one particular character, but that will be recorded very last, after everyone else.  As of now, the script is solid, everything is there, and it's time to collect everyone's lines.

This episode is so, so long, and so much happens in it, but overall, I think it's a very funny, dramatic, and action packed episode all rolled into one.  After talking it over with several people, I have decided that splitting it into two parts is not the way to go.  I'm going to have to release this in one long episode that could very well end up being 30-40 minutes long.  I won't know for sure until I've collected everything.  So far, though, everyone I've shown the script to has really enjoyed it.  This episode is waay less sad and dramatic than the last, but still has all the stakes and pushes the plot forward in just the right ways.

I have already collected all the lines of one character, and three more will get theirs done by next week.  Two people that I really wanted to get the voices of for this episode have both agreed to voice in it and are excited to be a part of this.  The one role that I didn't know who to cast as, I have now figured out who I want for it, and I will be reaching out to that person as soon as I get one of the key characters recorded.  In total, I need to collect ten sets of lines, and I currently have one out of ten.  Everything is looking pretty solid at this point, and I just need to make sure I can make time for everyone.

In the past weeks I have made a huge amount of progress putting assets together and hiring out to get everything I needed.  I have a lot to show you all and it's probably going to be drip fed through these Patreon posts.  I'm currently working on completing the rig setups of four different characters, which are all about 80% done, as well as one big map asset that's going to take a little longer.  From this point forward, I know what has to be done.  I will be continuing to finalize all the assets and collecting the lines.  As soon as that's done, we'll put the lines together and animate.  In many ways, this one will be a lot simpler to animate than the last episode, but there is SO MUCH.  I really hope it all pays off.
