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Alright.  We're in pretty okay shape.

I am still working on that same animated sequence for the final character.  It has proven very challenging, but at this point, I have more or less gotten a handle on it now.  It's now in a state where things are more done than not.  I believe I can finish it in about one more week if I keep going at a good pace.

The person I've hired to handle snow effects has now completed all snow for Scene C.  I currently have him handling all water effects for all scenes that involve water.  Afterwords, he'll be moving on to the snow in Scene F.  This person has done incredible work so far, and I can easily see him doing 3D Effects work for all future episodes.  I feel like Scene F is going to prove just as much a challenge for him as it was for me.

Another person I've hired to do environment work on Scene B had originally hit a sort of hiccup, but after some directing on my part, is now moving in the right direction and achieving results that I'm happy with.

I don't have much to say right now, as I'm focused entirely on this final character work and not much else.  Now that there's so much done, I'm getting pretty close to being able to actually render out some actual frames for the episode, but I need to finish my current task first and foremost.  Thank you for your understanding.  Here are the current "Very Best" Patrons:


Benny Yau

Charles Hoskins


Ryan Fleck

Royce Aguila

Gonzalo Malaga Cardoza

Dreux Ferrano Jr.

David Keyworth

Syrus Coy
