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Okay, the ball is rolling.  I've finally finished all of "Scene C".  I'm about two weeks behind where I wanted to be by now, but we're in adequate shape.  There are still a couple of fixes and tweaks to be done on one character here and there, but I plan on passing that down to another animator, who is currently still finishing his last round of fixes/tweaks on the other scenes.  Although "Scene D" is already complete, I'm going to take one last look over everything in it to make the minor fixes and additions that I'd previously put off.

"Scene F" now lies dead ahead.  In terms of pure runtime, Scene F is 37% of the episode.
Everything is blocked out for it, but it's going to require the most work in terms of character acting.  Fortunately, that scene involves a lot of the same characters as "C", so I've had a good amount of practice and have a good rhythm going for it.  Additionally, I expect to hear from the new animator that's going to be working with me on "F" within the coming week.  Scene "F" is the final hurdle for character animation.  I'm really not sure how long it'll take me, but I vastly underestimated the workload of "C" and I've been dreading "F" most of all.

In terms of music, the scoring for the episode's Opening and well as the Climax are now complete.  The episode is entirely scored up until the ending scenes, which are currently in progress.  I went the extra mile on the music, and a large amount of the Patreon funding is going to musicians.  I sincerely hope you enjoy what we've done with everything.

After I'm finished with "F" I'm hopefully going to be able to use additional funding to spruce up the sets even more when we get to the lighting/rendering stage, but I'm putting that off for now.  Once "F" is finished, we'll be in the home stretch, but "F" will prove to be quite the hurdle. 

That's all I have for now.  Thanks, as always, for your immense support.





Good luck on f


wait Im a little confused how many scene letter things are there?


I think it goes to z but its been a while since I’ve used blender for my animations


I also thought u said to g


What about g