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Richard G

I'm also tired of the "terrible school bullies & useless teachers" trope, but I watched "Weak Hero Class 1". So far, this set-up doesn't seem anywhere near as good as that show, but maybe I'll give it a chance.


I haven't watched the Glory either so this feels like watching it for the first time with a mate, it's great xD The only thing I don't want to see is her taking her revenge on the kids 'cause at the end of the day, they didn't ask to have a shitty mom you know. I would turn the kids against their parents actually, raise them to be better people who despise their parents (and if she's their teacher she should have time to do so but like...knowing how she is right now, probably not gonna happen xD) What drives me crazy about Korean society is that they'll force someone like Hyunjin to go on hiatus for bullying rumours years later-'because they take bullying very seriously'- when his classmate and him were just being dickheads to each other as kids but will turn a blind eye to stuff that's actually currently happening to some students in schools. It's like as soon as you're in the public eye you need to be irreprochable but anyone else has free rain to be a pos. Everything has to have a polished and beautiful appearance for the world but as soon as you dig deeper you uncover all the ugliness beneath and the hypocrisy drives me crazy.