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Hi all, it's been a while since I released a map pack, but today we have the second map pack to be released: a village pack.

This pack includes 5 village maps, with hopefully a decent amount of variety in theme and room to expand to make them unique to your own game. I will briefly cover each map:

Elsum - This map is a standard village map with a built-in farm area, graveyard, shopping area, standard or poor housing area, and mansion. Due to how much it includes, it would be a great map to modify depending on the story you want to tell with it.

Bayrun - This map is a standard village map with a water feature alongside its shopping area. It is much more compact than Elsum and would make a great side-plot area or just stopping point on the hero's journey.

Flowerhollow - This map is a tent village in the deep forest. Maybe you could have it be a hidden forest village that the player can find while exploring a forest. It also has a river leading into a small lake in it, so it could possibly be accessed via water vehicle or swimming.

Nithah - This is a desert/wasteland village set on a small thriving oasis. It includes housing, a shopping area, a small fort, and a mysterious obelisk. Maybe you could use it as some kind of military outpost, or an archaeology site studying the mysteries of the desert.

Verence - This is a port village set on the water with three docks for water vehicles. It has housing and shopping, as well as a few larger buildings for customs or shipbuilding, whatever your game needs. It has a change in elevation between the docks and the village housing area. It might be a good place to unlock access to the boat or the ship.

You can see a video walkthrough of each map on my YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyePihUfc8U

Which map is your favorite? Will you use any (modified or not) in your game?

Happy RPG Making!


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