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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/njkdq833kehhcp9v3xn66/The-Walking-Dead-S02E13-Beside-The-Dying-Fire-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=fmw5a19t0jqu0llqf27durp7e&st=1ppnzoxs&dl=0

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Patrick - Excelsior

That's 2 seasons done. Very impressive Shan. I feel bad for the Hershel family, Lost 2 members of family and their house. All Rick's crew lost was Andria, meh. 😂 It seems to depend on the show/movie franchise. Some go with you have to be bitten, some go with a scratch will do, and some have it everyone that dies becomes one.

Dally Boi

I understand Rick and the way he was talking towards the end there. Of course it was very much like Shane and he was doing too much, but the group was really pushing him, with Laurie flip flopping on him and him having to talk about how he killed Shane, and infront of his son nonetheless. carol and maggie also pushed him by trying to say they are better on their own. Daryl and Hershel r real ones though for trusting Rick. Interesting how Beth survived out of all the other characters but I’m not complaining I’m a fan of her character at this point in the show mostly cause right now I feel for her. I hope you are continuing this amazing show:) also I like how u don’t skip the walking dead intro but you skipped the stranger things intro to get into the good stuff as you put it😂 in my mind it’s you holding off as long as possible before having to see zombies lmao


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. HA! ...Yeeeeaah... You wanna get away from the walkers ...Throw some bish at them that you don't like and then make your exit ...Preferably while shuffling away backwards doing finger guns ...That is how Andrea should've met her end ...I know you're joking Froots ...But remember Otis? ..That's basically how Shane got away ...Minus the finger guns 2. Ok maybe it's just me ...But I feel like Rick and Carl could've waited a little longer inside that barn ...They coulda made lots of noise while safely being on the 2nd floor of the barn and lead that entire horde inside the barn and then set them ALL. on fire instead of a small group of them ...And then climb out the side window the same way Glenn got in a couple of episodes ago ...Their problem could've been solved right then and there 3. Welp.. Looks like Beth is single again ...added later... Aaaand there goes her mum (I'm assuming) ...Poor girl is losing a lot of people 4. Dammit Carol ...Why did you have to warn Andrea about the walker that was right behind her!? 5. HA! Rick had the right idea... Yeah just forget about Andrea ...Leave her behind 6. Aaaaand luckily for Carol... Turns out Daryl was just enjoying the view for a moment and heard her scream for help ...Kinda weird that he was just sitting there on his bike ...But sure ...Daryl to the rescue! 7. Lori is threatening to get out of the car and walk back while T-Dog doesn't want to turn around ...I'm not gonna lie ...If I was T-Dog I'd wish her good luck and leave her on the side of the road ...Stupid ideas get you killed in this world and getting out and walking back and potentially running into that horde is just about the dumbest idea I've heard of today 8. Normally when dealing with zombie lore ...The rule is you have to either get bitten to get turned into one or some of the zombie's blood needs to mix with yours so you'll get infected ...Rick's group was basically living on the belief that getting bitten was THE. way to turn into a walker ...Remember that they apparently grew up in a world where zombies weren't a thing until this outbreak started ...They "knew" you had to get bitten to turn into a walker ...Sadly with a bit of your foreknowledge having seen some scenes of a future episode a few years ago and some common sense you had already figured out that you DIDN'T need to get bitten ...But yeah... THAT. was the secret that Rick found out about at the end of Season 1 ...Everyone is infected ...You die... You turn. 9. Lori's reaction wasn't about her getting mad at Rick for killing Shane ...While you were speaking Rick told Lori that Carl was the one who put Shane down after he turned... Their son... Who DESPITE. the kind of man Shane was ...Looked up to Shane ...Carl putting Shane down was another nail in the kid's remaining "semi-normal" kid life... An on-going topic that Rick and Lori had been talking about throughout the season... Carl's youthful innocence ...THAT. is the reason Lori got mad at Rick ...There's no way she'd get mad at Rick for killing Shane out of SELF. DEFENSE. ...Cause that just wouldn't make any damn sense and it would make her a HORRIBLE. character who manipulated her husband to turn on his best friend only for her to play the hypocrite card after he dealt with the problem 10. The katana wielding badass has arrived ...And from what I can remember having overheard a long time ago cause I never read any of it ...Her first appearance in the comics basically looked identical ...Followed by 2 chained walkers whose jaws and arms had been cut off 11. Yeah I'm not clear as to why everyone is hating on Rick for killing Shane ...Shane was messed up.. He killed Otis (they know this by now) ...He led that kid away from the shed and then killed him (they know this too) ....And then he tried to kill Rick and Rick acted in self-defense ....Rick did what he had to do ...I mean... Aside from the whole Shane thing ...Dude could've told the group about the whole being infected situation ...But they CAN'T blame him for killing Shane ...That's STUPID. 12. I don't know Froots ...The group is acting like a bunch of idiots and Rick is putting them into place ...I don't think he's acting like Shane.. Shane was a wuss with a big mouth ...Rick is acting like a leader ....Maybe he came off a bit rude ...But... Sometimes you have to raise your voice ...As their leader he's just looking out for their best interest