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Tanjiro's Rizz is infitnite!




Among the 4 arcs so far, I think 2nd arc (Mugen Train arc) is the most emotional arc.

Mason D

I agree as an arc. As much as the creative minds behind the anime medium do probably the best at keeping emotions through week long gaps, it's hard to beat having the ups and downs of a complete arc shown in one sitting. It's also why I am glad they do the ~40min eps during the beginning and end of arcs so that you get a good transition. The only ep I think matches with it is the last of Swordsmith. Like Mugen they just get the timings for everything perfect. I also think that he should watch the last 2/3rds (or 1/2) of Entertainment in one go, even if he releases it in separate posts, since it really feels like a movie after "it" starts.

Jhulian R

Thank you guys, that was pretty insightful 🤔 Maybe I should go for the movie then