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I'm pretty much settled in my new apartment & have resumed physiotherapy, things are slowly returning to normal and so I'd like to (re)address what I touched on with my first post of the year! Here's a summary of this post:

2023 was a bit of a maturation year, and I decided that I needed to approach things differently and learn from all of my years as a NSFW artists so far, to have an healthier relationship with my work. The style I've worked out the past year will be the style I will build on going forward; due to some style creep (:P) I plan to start another round of simplification for HMGBAPS, but in the same style. It's about cutting out unnecessary rendering and work and focusing on a clear, interesting, and easy to read comic.

Comic schedule adaptation & healthier workflow

Following on this, there will be less comics overall and a healthier, more spread comic schedule. This will give me more time to work on each of them. The rule going forward will be one comic per weeks.

Side comics and additional content will be spread out between these updates whenever applicable.

 I will also now start building a SFW profile and publish the project I'd worked here and there for years in the background. It'll have no set schedule, and I will post it whenever it's done. If you like my stories, it's more content for you! If you're here to see Kitesona get dicked mercilessly (in a legal and consensuel way of course), you won't have less of that anyway, so please don't worry, I'm not quitting NSFW ! :)

The new schedule

Without further ados, the new comic timetable is as follow for a given month:

WEEK 2: Unsheltered
WEEK 4: Unsheltered

Side content:

Current side content includes:
- Lunar Towers will have at least one page a month till completion (it's not meant to be very long, about 8-15 pages for the "first run", then depending on how it worked, will have a sequel). Either way, once Lunar Towers end, it will be replaced by Wanderlust.
- The recently relaunched Legends Arceus: Strange Shores will take precedence over Travelogue till completion (it'll be 10 to 15 pages long)
- Pinups occasionally if I have a specific character I want to draw
- YCHs and diary pages whenever




Alan Ucan Rod

The most important thing is you feel great with your work, so, I'm looking forward what you'll build, I'm pretty sure it'll be awesome, plus, I love how HMGBAPS it's going, and I'm here because I like your work and how that particular history is going, good luck Kite!


Love yourself and your work will replicate it