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Confessions and nudity leads one thing to another, our characters pick off from where we left. Sharing love and discovery...

This is PART TWO (2) of TWO (2)

TAGS: Shower, Gentle Touching, Kissing, Jerking Off, Oral, Slow Penetration, Loving Sex.

Summary: We had a long and - truthfully - horrible day. Lots of things we learnt that we didn't need to. But at the end of it all, we're together now. We left off with you - the clumsy slave known as Fig, after the fruit - getting your first shower and a proper clean from me, your new Master. Abandoning our roles and titles, we are just two people who have loved each other for a long time. And we express that in a primal way in the bathroom.

Listener’s referred to as: Fig. No gender specific names associated.

Listener’s genitals referred to as: Nothing, no specifics given.

DISCLAIMER: All characters depicted in this audio are over the age of 18. This content is only to be consumed by those who are over the age of 18. Everything in this audio is either my own voice recordings, mixes of sounds I have made or effects I have paid for. No people or animals were harmed in the making of this content. This audio is meant for personal use only. Please do not copy, plagiarise or reuse unless given explicit consent to do so. Any similarities to characters either fictional or real is entirely coincidental, my characters are my own.


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