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Hey everyone!

Apologies for the delay in updates, but I come bearing good news! I've been hard at work on 'The Mythseeker' project—dabbling in art, fleshing out the world, weaving stories, and more! It won't be long before I dive into the main series, and I couldn't be more thrilled to share it with all of you.

Patrons, rejoice! You'll be getting exclusive access to some of this work in the meantime. Enjoy 22 character icons! While these character images may eventually make their way into the public eye, it might be a few months down the road.

As for now, I'll keep the identities of these characters under wraps. And guess what? There's still a ton more characters in the pipeline! These portrait icons are just a sneak peek—later on, I'll unveil the full images. So far, I've fully fleshed out and drafted over 40 characters, complete with full-body illustrations!

If you're curious or have any questions about a particular character, don't hesitate to hit me up! I'd love to hear your thoughts and favorites so far. Let's get hyped!



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