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Apothecary Diaries (16&17), Ghost Stories DUB (15&16), Tsukimichi Moonlit Isekai 2 (7), Metallic Rouge (7), Shangri-La (19), Ishura (8).


Anime Tonight Patreon 2/21/2024 - UPDATED


A Certain Someone

Dear King of Lightning and everyone, I have followed you (KOL) since the Bleach manga reviews. To be more specific, the first video I watched was your review on Bleach chapter 471. At first, when I played the video, I turned the computer off after five seconds, mostly because the intro music was scary to me back then. I was 11 years old at the time. The next day, I watched it by skipping the intro. There wasn't anything noteworthy that made you stand out at that time. It was just you laughing at a manga chapter that my childhood brain couldn't fully comprehend other than the enjoyment of seeing characters clashing swords and things blowing up. But seeing that video made me re-read that chapter (and then the manga itself from scratch) to understand your opinions on it. After watching more of your content, there is one thing I learned: You are just a simple guy who speaks about things you like and dislike. From childhood till now, I don't have any life goals or careers like my friends had. Everyone around me kept telling me to think about my future and what I want to be. A doctor? Engineer? Entrepreneur? It sounds like a stereotype, but it became a stereotype for a reason. I was crushed by their expectations as I never had those kinds of capabilities, never had the confidence either. In the present, I am lost, so I deeply admire you for living a simple life, talking about what you love, whether it's One Piece, Bleach, Toriko, Magi or anything else. This admiration and respect is the only feeling I am sure of besides my love for my parents and the relatives who still try to talk to me. Because even now, I am not sure if my future is bright and I have a chance like they always said to me. I am not sure if what I am doing at this moment is right. I am not sure that every word that I type in this message is right either. I just want to send this message because I don't want things to end in such a bad note when all of my goodbyes are painful enough. On the 17th of February, I was justifiably banned because of what I said during the anime stream. It was a joke that went too far and I apologize for that. At first, the ban hurt but as days went by, it helped me understood the reason why all of those goodbyes hurt, what went wrong. I pushed them away with my words, my refusal to hold them closely, the hesitation that caused me to miss so many opportunities, and the everyday self-hatred that drove me to do even worse things to myself, causing me to lose everyone's respect, both the server, my family and friends. There are no excuses to justify what I had done to them and to you all. There is not enough "sorry" or compensation to make up for the people I have hurt over the course of my life. My growing despair that I willingly accept, and the decisions I made led me here. What I want to say in the end and forever is thank you. Thank you, King of Lightning, for teaching me to live happily, even though it is a life far simpler and smaller. Thank you to the people on discord for interacting with such a pathetic human being such as me. Through you guys, I was able to not feel alone. Right now, I can't say that I'm fine or not, I don't know if I feel any different. Just that I finally see a new step in my miserable life and I'll walk without hesitation this time. It may be ridiculous of me to type all of this over a ban, but it helped reach this realization, and brought forth a way to save myself. Thank you for saving me I will always love you all. - PH MAN


This is Dratmar, accept my friend request on Discord please.


Even though it appears amusing upon a first glance, I would please implore you to not make light of the message above. It’s more serious than you may have believed it to be.

Revan Kusanagi

I'm warning everyone that reads this. Don't be a tactless cunt when reading the large message above. Be respectful.


Kingu, watch the Spy x Family Code White Movie. Easily the best part of the series. If it is available in cinema go for it, WORTH IT. Even tho it is Original content it was all around FIRE. Deserves the big numbers it got.

Alba Zawa

Tsukimichi 52:35 Ghost stories 1:31:50 SLF 2:56:55 Back from the cut 3:41:37 Ishura 4:00:46 Metallic 4:37:57 Apothecary 5:19:15



