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Hello, fellow translators,

If you joined the Translator++ server on Discord, you must have heard the announcement that Translator++ ver. 4.12.15 has a new feature, Translation Memory.

So we have created a cache system for Fairseq/CT2 translators (e.g. Sugoi Translator). Now I created a cache system for Translator++ to remember your previous translations so you don't have to translate the same sentence over and over in every project. In CAT applications the cache for translations is called Translation Memory.


As a CAT application, Translator++ feels incomplete without a translation memory feature. Actually, I have been thinking about making this feature  since the beginning of this year, but the emergence of Sugoi at the beginning of the year made the development trajectory of Translator++ a little different from what I had planned.

But somehow with a busy schedule I finally managed to implement the Translation Memory add-on before the year changed.

So, why is translation memory important?

Well, Because translation memory captures translations and stores them for future use, the translator can cut down the amount of time it would take them to complete a project. Particularly if the content involves many of the same phrases or sentences that are prevalent in most of typical games.

In short, you can re-use your translation from one game to another. Isn’t that great?

The new Memory tab will remind us of the past translation we create for the text.

Automatic organic translation memorization.

Translator++ will remember the organic translations we make!

Organic translations are translations entered manually. I don't use the term human translation, because a translation that is entered manually can be the result of copying and pasting from a machine translation… which is clearly not human.

Corrected machine translation is also considered organic, because there is human involvement which confirms that machine translation is acceptable. These organic translations are memorized automatically.

There is a new context menu (and shortcuts) as well which will allow us to manually batch memorize or remember the past translations.

Database for translation memory.

I chose to use MySQL/MariaDB as the standard database for translation memory in Translator++. Why MySQL, You might ask?

Because MySQL is arguably the easiest enterprise class database to setup. And you can go as low as you can and expand as advance as you can in MySQL.

With this you can also share a database with your team members for friends and share the same translation memory.

I hope that with this you will find a more enjoyable experience in producing quality translations using Translator++.

Translation Memory is a standard add-on that come bundled with Translator++ package starting at Ver. 4.12.15.

Happy translating,



Gerald Gantos

Hey, Don't know if anyone has reported this yet- but the v2 parser seems to be using the wrong character set to reinsert text for VX and VXace games. That means it's guaranteed to break scripts files right now, and likely to break some maps as well. I think it's trying to use UTF-8 BOM; that's not really supported in rpgmaker VX/ACE.