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Hey friends, just wanted to let you know how it's going. I usually try to space out any finished paintings I'm going to post, but in the case of Rogue I'm doing all the work on a schedule. Lineart and flat colors for all of the pages first and then I'll go back and do the rendering and backgrounds and dialogue, etc. So the first two pages of Rogue's misadventure will be posted near the end of the month, when I'll be finishing up all of them, or as many as I can get done. Right now it's projected to be 7 or 8 pages total.

Have no fear! Rogue's giant blueberry tits and ass will be here! Also, I'm working on getting a new shop setup for my art packs and comics that so many of you have very kindly purchased on Gumroad in the past before they banned NSFW sales. Anybody have any experience with itch.io? I know it's mostly geared toward games, but they also have a category for comics (SFW and NSFW) and it seems like the best option at the moment. I'll make a post here as well as on DA when I have something ready to launch.




Itch.io sounds like a good idea.


Itch.io would be good, I recently got another thing off there and it was nice. Also good LORD look at Rogue. The tears in her suit are hypnotizing