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HxH Ep 55

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Julio Castillo

What's brilliant about Hisoka's play here is not that he's so much smarter than the boss or everyone else in the Troupe... is the fact that his scheme was specifically designed to fool People who are incredibly smart... like Chrollo. Chrollo fell to Hisoka's deception precisely because he's so intelligent, if he had not interpreted the false prophecy correctly Hisoka's plan would have fallen apart and he most likely would've been killed by the Troupe for selling their secrets. Also, Hisoka used his second ability called Texture Surprise to change the Fortune, not Bungee Gum. Finally... i don't know the context... but i will say that the Youtube Comment who corrected you about Kurapika's eyes probably wasn't entirely wrong. if i had to guess... he/she probably meant to say that Kurapika's eyes turning red doesn't give him a literal power boost, it does have an effect on his Nen of course as the episode itself explains... but it's not that he gains more Aura than he normally has, he simply changes his affinity from Cojuration to Specialization, which in turn allows him to be more creative with his powers but nothing more. I could be wrong about that dude tho, like i said... i don't know the context.


Honestly, earlier when you mentioned the "REALIZE REAL LIES!" thing and Asu gave the tiniest laugh, and then you said "You chose to be my friend. No take-backs" I thought to myself " That's such a Gon and Killua convo" so the fact that you guys pretty much said that later is especially funny to me asdfghj

Joel Sasmad

I know I said something similar here in Patreon. There was a point before the Uvogin fight where Alicia claimed Kurapika was "relying too much on his eyes" despite the fact that the show had not yet established any of his abilities being tied to them yet. She kinda just assumed that they made him stronger.