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Wow what a sad day, can't believe it's over. This ended way better than we could have imagined. Thank you Sushi Squad for watching with us!



The way I just open Patreon immediately clicked on you guys and went to the Hunter hunter collection out of just straight reflex😭😭😭 just upload random HxH Youtube reactions i’ll watch😭

Thomas Juino

Imagine if Chimera Ants are liteeraly Ants in this other world !!! What kind of monster could you find there ??


I'm very happy if you enjoyed this story. I also enjoyed the story along with your reactions. I'm reading about the continuation of the arc in the manga. There are a lot of characters, so I wish they would make it into an animation and make it easier to understand. I will continue to enjoy your journey. Please don't overdo it.


Openings/endings? is it still happening?