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Part 1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kaeru-chan-98460319

Part 3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kaeru-chan-3-98763628


"Nice girl." Said Mr. Jones. "Oh, why are you trembling like crazy? Stop it and sit down already." He patted her ass lightly and 'Joe' can't ignore that his ass swayed slightly when his Mr. Jones's hand patted it, it was quite humiliating, Kaeru was sweating heavily from stress.

"Aa, y-yes Mr Jones! A-am sorry! Me sh-shuuld be sit." she gulped heavily turned her gaze away quickly in shame, while her body trembled even more. Other girls with smile served other bosses and half of them were already sitting under tables and looking at their bosses with smile, stroking their legs and feet with soft massage. Mary also stayed happily near her boss with a big smile, gently touching his cheek and massaging his shoulders. Her gaze suddenly focused on 'Joe', staring directly into 'her' and frowning angrily for her inaction, forcing him to follow suit with shame.

'Joe' was looking around and everyone was busy pleasuring their boss. It's too bizarre. It looks like the porn show to 'him'. Her hand began trembling with fear. "...yeenie? ...can yuu see me?" 'Joe' mumbled quietly hoping for reply but none came, it really freaked her out. 'He' hesitantly moved slowly away, avoiding men and eyes of the coworker girls, not wanting anything to do with all this insanity and just run out of here. Mr. Jones said in irritated tone while looking how Kaeru is attempting to run "What do you allow yourself?! Who gave you the right to leave?! Stop that!", but Kaeru ignored him completely and sprinted out of this room as fast as she can in her high heels shoes, very embarrassed with shame and barely keeping any balance in them.

A few minutes later, Kaeru found herself back in that small temple on the mountain behind work place, to figure out everything and call the genie. "Yeenie! Yuu here?" she yelled once outside the shrine "Me wan ask yuu, dat no what me want! No good. Me wan change wish, me...", 'Joe' sighed helplessly and calmed her heart a little before continuing "...wish dis."

A faint echo of her voice calling was coming back to her ears, Kaeru only even more realized at this moment how she now sounds - she really have a very cute voice like some anime school girl, sounding like with the really heavy accent. Cold wind chilled her naked body as Kaeru realized how weird she must look in hight heels, only dressed in those with long hair tied into pony-tail. She still with difficult tried to balance in them and nearly fall down many times.

"Hello Kaeru, why you so mad to me? Was my magic no good?" Kaeru quickly jumped a bit upon hearing a calm familiar voice of the genie, glancing around for his location. He already appeared in his usual weird and mysterious way and the genie calmly observed her, slightly smiling. "That is strange, how my master become suddenly such cute lovely woman?"

"W-Wu-Wud?!" 'Joe' pointed at herself, jumping and almost losing balance again, which really surprised the genie. "Y-Y-Yu did dat to me, yeenie! G-Go change back!" She said demandingly.

"No, no," Genie raised his hand, "I wouldn't have even thought of turning you into female. It was your own decision." He grinned for himself and 'Joe' with her cute naive voice gave an enraged reply: "Nooo, nooo! Yu changed me, ah kno dat, me want turn back."

Genie laughed a little. "Nope. Never. Besides, it's your fault, remember. You wished to see "sexy nudes babes at your working place". That was quite a daring wish, it really did change your working place drastically. " He placed one finger on chin, and gave her a very interesting stare. "And actually, now you ARE a sexy nude babe at your working place, it's not my fault."

'Joe's' eye narrowed with anger and she started waving her arms, saying angrily in Chinese "赶紧换吧! 你这个愚蠢的精灵!" (Turn me back quick! You stupid genie!) Kaeru didn't expect that she can speak Chinese now and only when she notice it, she quickly stared in shock. "我说..." (I said...) she whispered, looking down at her chest again, which rose and dropped rapidly during her rapid breaths. She now had to concentrate to pronounce in English "Me, said me no want nudes babes! M-Me wanna wear clothes! Pants! Me-Me a man."

"Ah..." Genie tilted his head while smiling. "Sorry, but you aren't man anymore. Your body is female body. And about clothing..." he chuckled, glancing at Kaeru's nakedness. "It's a funny thing, it doesn't exist here at all. It's not a part of this place's reality."

"W-Waaah!?" 'Joe' was starting to panic again and she was getting dizzy with all of these insane things. "No clothes? Me can't be nude! In office... " she remembered that there all women are nude, except the men "...All man are no nude?"

"Correct. I can see that you figured it out. You are really a smart young woman." Genie praised her and continued explaining: "You were born and raised in a normal society with clothing. So, for you, nudity is not a normal thing and is a bit awkward, but it is a natural part of the reality here, where all women are naturally nude. You can say thanks for it to your former wish." Kaeru blinked few times with confusion, processing what he just said and the genie added with a smile: "Oh, by the way...


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