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Aiden looked at the lamp in amazement. He was in the middle of strange new shop filled with ancient artifacts. He just waiting for his brother and didn't want stay outside, so he when he saw wierd signboard of shop "Mysterious Artifacts" he decided to entered. Strong smell of spices tickled his noise. It reminded him cheap soudth Asian street food, that he hated and his travel to asian bazar at those world competitions that he lose so many times.

His hand touched metal lamp and suddenly everything became white. He stood on middle of nowhere without any object.

"Finally, Master is here" dark female voice appeared near him. Aiden stared in shock at the source of the voice. It was young, attractive, dark skinned woman, dressed only in Arabic belly dance style veils and silky golden chain around her slim neck. She looked at herself and said.

"You imagine me like in Arabian Slutty Tales? Oh, why I am not surprised" she looked at Aiden disappointed. "Anyway you are mine, my new Master, are you pleased? My name is Anita. Now, master will tell your wish!"

"What the hell?!" shouted Aiden. "Who are you, where I am, what..." but before he could say something else, Anita replied him, looking very bored and repeating herself.

"Master, I didn't want to repeat everything, I really hate this part. You know who I am, just look at me, it's how you imagine me... Oh, again a sexy belly dancer and big breast?" She groaned.

"You are genie! Wait... so this means..."

"Yes, just say your wish and I will back you in real world and become normal again, pervent!" said annoyed Anita.

"You cannot talk to me that way" answered Aiden, "I am you're Master, haha, you know what... make me rich."

Anita thought about something for moment and started speak,

"Hmm, seriously master? You so stupid like everyone, this is so fucking typical... Maybe you'll come up with something smarter?" she laughed, looking at Aiden.

"Oh shut the fuck up, woman." Replied Aiden. "Ok. Let's get serious, you are right. I don't wanna have only money, it's really too boring... hm. Then how about giving me some super skill or talent, so I will become ultimate athlete and champion?"

"Oh that would be interesting. Ok, let's make a wish, master!" Anita replied him cheerfully. "So let see it now. What sports are you playing?"

"All of them, I want have mastery in everything. I wish, be best athlete in the world. That is my final word."

"Hm... Yes master, sure." Anita pointed her finger at him and everything disappeared.


Aiden slowly regained his vision. It was now not the antique shop, hot air was striking in his face and dry dust filled his nose. It seemed he stood in outside. Looking around, he found himself standing outside of one small village building, which seemed like some African small-sized house.

Suddenly he felt a strange sensation on his back while he turn his head, something moved and touched his skin tickling him. He pulled his hand back to find that it was now some long hair tied in a ponytail.

"Nini jamani..." (What the hell...) a strange accent came out from his lips.

Aiden now suddenly noticed a strange new feeling in his chest. It was like something was attached on his chest and covered with tight material. He slowly, nervously looked down. Instead of a flat masculine chest, now there was two soft hills, covered with sports bra. Aiden opened his mouth in surprise. His gaze moved to his hands, which were not the same muscular athletic ones and most important they were black. All his skin now was dark colored.

"No, No, This can't be happening, that bitch, what did she do to me? What the fuck did she did to me! " thought Aiden, now Amina Mwangi, 18 years old young african woman. She frozen staring at her hands, so didn't noticed big guy coming to her, but feeling strong hand squeezing her soft ass, she snapped out of shock and slapped the big guy who was assaulting her.

"Halo mtoto wa kike, mikono yako ina nini? Wanakosa mipira yangu?" (Hey baby girl, what wrong with your hands? They missing my balls?)

Amina staggered forward with shock, not believing her ears and feeling. Her ass jiggled when she moved, and she felt strangely helpless. She was at the height of 152cm instead 183 cm of old her old male body and now she had to look up that saw big guy's eyes.

He looked at her seriously then suddenly grinned

"Pole sana baby, ila bora ubadilishe nguo, hautaenda kwenye mashindano, nataka mke wangu azae watoto, na asishiriki mashindano ya kijinga." (Sorry baby, but you better change your clothes, you won't go to the competition, I want my wife to give birth to children, and not take part in stupid competitions)

The brute easily lifted Amina up with his big hands and walked into nearby small wooden house. Amina felt her heart beating fast and couldn't say anything. Only when she found herself lying on hard mat made of straw and fabric, feeling unpleasant touch on her breast and lips kissing her mouth, she tried speak.

"Whwphphh..." only strange sounds were coming from her because her mouth was filled with stranger's tongue. She got everything she wished for. She now have complete mastery of all kinds of sports, but now it was really not important, because she didn't have any possibility to use these sports. She was poor girl living in a small village, whose dream was becoming popular athlete. But she was only daughter of very poor local family without money even for shoes. Best whom she could be in the near future would be good wife and a mother.



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