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And here we have the final story of this little collection. None of them were anywhere near as short as I imagined they'd be but at this point I can't even pretend that's unusual for me lol. Hopefully y'all enjoy!

As she stretched out across the thin blanket she'd been laying on for the better part of an hour Asami watched Korra slowly practice her waterbending techniques in the nearby river. What might've been a wholly uninteresting or even downright boring experience was made a thousand times more enjoyable by her companion's simple, yet thoroughly delicious choice to practice entirely naked. Admittedly it wasn't a choice she'd made entirely of her own accord but she could hardly claim coercion as she moved through her forms with one eye constantly watching her equally nude friend sunbathing a little more than ten feet away. Surrounded by a thicket of trees and isolated from what felt like the entire world because of it neither woman felt any shame revealing their bodies to the cool spring air and the warm rays of the sun. Nor did they feel any shame about revealing their bodies to one another. If anything having the excuse to do so was more than half the reason they'd even bothered. They spent so much time acting like they didn't want to tear one another's clothes off and simply go wild that they'd both developed a not so subtle love of teasing and being teased. So much so the game of being naked around one another but acting as if they didn't want to abandon whatever else they were doing for hours of sweaty, passionate fun had become a thrill all on it's own.

Within a minute of removing their clothes both women were sporting quiet, understated smiles. A few minutes after that goosebumps erupted across their bodies and refused to go away. Maybe five minutes after that little beads of arousal formed across the outermost folds of their sex. Throughout it all every breath they took arrived just a bit faster and was exhaled just a bit louder than normal. Neither of them really wanted to be the first to 'break' despite both of them very much wanting to do all the lewd, perverted things constantly flickering through their heads. But they were nothing if not stubborn and as long as refusing to give in continued to send little surges of adrenaline throughout their bodies any time they moved the temptation to keep playing their little game was much too great. Luckily that didn't mean they had to sit idly by and do nothing at all until one of their libidos got the best of them. Korra knew how much her partner adored her muscles and wasn't the least bit shy about showing them off as she practiced her techniques. In much the same vein Asama took full advantage of her companion's rather comical fixation on her ass by slowly rolling onto her stomach and showing off her plump yet toned curves in full. It was something of an unfair tactic and she knew it, though she had zero regrets employing it. Especially when she heard her friend emerge from the river a few seconds later and walk up the beach with clear excitement in every step.

“You just can't help yourself can you?” Asami asked.

“No.” Korra replied with a grin. “But I think I have something to even playing field this time.”

“Oh?” Lifting her head and looking back she watched her companion summon a pillar of water from the river, twisting and swirling it through the air for a moment before guiding it between her tanned, muscular legs and inside her trembling pussy. Her eyes widened and a smile lit up her pale features as she watched the liquid shift and mold into a beautifully phallic shape soon after. Complete with a pair of what could only be described as testicles Korra's massive, watery cock jutted out nearly a foot from her glistening body and although it didn't throb or move like a real shaft it's mere existence was enough to send shivers running down Asami's spine. “I always knew waterbenders were the biggest perverts in the world!”

“Just some of us!”

Watching the Avatar herself drop to her knees and grab hold of her watery cock with both hands sent a ripple of both arousal and amusement coursing through Asami. Without missing a beat she opened her legs, lifted her hips, and reached back to grab her ass. Locking eyes with her lover she slowly spread her trembling buttocks apart to reveal the tight, puffy little oval hidden between them, none too subtly offering herself to her companion in the most lascivious way possible. Korra barely even glanced at her partner's cutely plump sex, delectable as it might've been. Her eyes were glued to the soon to be stretched ring just waiting to feel the brunt of her new technique. The head of her faux cock pressed against her raven haired friend's opening and the sudden coolness of the water against her flesh actually sent a startled whimper spilling from her lips. Before she could do more than tense or resist the urge to shift away from the unexpectedly cold shaft about to violate her the woman wielding that cock slammed it balls deep inside her body. Holding nothing back she plunged every last inch into Asami's asshole, her hips colliding hard with her buttocks and slamming her down against the blanket she was suddenly clutching so tight. The wet smack of their bodies was quickly drowned out by the pleasured cry of the woman being impaled by a pillar of swirling, shifting, and amazingly chilly water pushing so incredible deep inside of her she half expected it to come exploding out of her mouth.

Stretching around the soft yet unyielding contours of such a strange member her trembling inner walls simultaneously tightened and relaxed around it, her rampant desire forcing her asshole to clamp while the temperature of the fluid demanded she pull away. Thankfully it was impossible to escape so long as her lover was pressing down atop her but even when she eventually retreated a short while later the toe curling sensation of her watery cock sliding free of her ass was such a thrilling experience Asami couldn't help but lift her hips into the air and gyrate against her lover's shaft like it was a real member ravishing her. Those instincts were more than rewarded when Korra's prick slammed back down inside her a split second later and she was pinned against the earth yet again. Her throaty scream echoed across the glade and into the wider world beyond but neither of them cared. The muscular beauty above her had already wrapped an around around her partner's throat to gently choke her in the crook of her elbow while the cross eyed woman being choked started to drool as a smile lit up her face. It was impossible to give a damn about anything else as she started pounding her tight little asshole with all the considerable strength she could muster, each and every thrust sending a shockwave of pleasure through her friend's body as surely as it sent a bolt of arousal through her own. And yet no matter how thrilling it was in the back of her mind Korra knew she could make it just a little bit better.

As the seconds blended into minutes and she absolutely pounded her lover's well trained hole without mercy a niggling little reminder that she still had one last trick left to play remained. She tried to ignore it in favor or simply destroying Asami's greedy ass and leaving her a shuddering husk of her cocksure self for a good long while. She wanted to take advantage of her final trick at the very end of their lovemaking, just as both of them were about to collapse. Just as the pleasure was reaching nearly unbearable heights. But no matter how hard she tried to resist the temptation or how much she tried to ignore the last bit of knowledge she had her libido was slowly yet surely getting the best of her. Every time she looked down and saw her lover's ass jiggling beneath her, every time she felt her inner walls spasm around her watery cock, every time she pulled back and Asami pushed herself off the ground with a strangled moan her self control waned. At first she satiated her desire by thrusting harder and faster with every passing second, her muscles straining from the effort as she hammered her waterbended prick into her lover's ass with merciless fury. Such a tactic worked wonders for both of them at first but upon reaching the peak of her ferocity and ensuring everyone withing several miles could hear both the feverish slap of her hips against her partner's ass and her partner's barely stifled screams it only started to backfire. In the best way anything had ever backfired on a person. The more she dominated her partner the more she wanted to truly let loose and give her everything she had, to completely destroy any semblance of composure either of them had and ruin them for the rest of the day if not longer. And the longer she thought about it the harder it was to resist that desire.

What finally pushed her over the edge was a desperately frantic cry from the woman she was already trying so hard to ravish, “Harder!” Asami groaned, her voice deep and guttural as her eyes rolled back in her head and she gritted her teeth, “Give it to me! Give it all to me!”

Wholly unable to resist her lover's demand and beyond eager to finally unleash her full potential Korra relinquished her hold on Asami's throat for just long enough to finish the technique she'd learned and send them both into paroxysms of ecstasy. The already swirling water inside both of their trembling holes surged into a churning maelstrom of wild, unpredictable movement. What was once a quite smooth shape expanded outwards as water swelled and sloshed within both of them in an absolute fury of unpredictable, toe curling movement. It stretched both of them to their very limits and perhaps even a little beyond them while sending what felt like gallons of fluid surging through them to stimulate every sensitive place within. Faster than either of them could comprehend the entire world faded away into nothing, all the could feel was the unrestrained ferocity of the water raging inside their holes and the ecstasy that came with it. Within seconds both women were completely frozen in place, entirely unable to move as they were overwhelmed with pleasure. It was all Korra could do to keep herself from collapsing atop her lover and with nothing in the world stopping her from doing that very thing Asami slumped down against the blanket almost immediately. Although she couldn't bury her face in it with her lover's arm wrapped around her neck she could still hold on for dear life as ecstasy surged through every fiber of her being, surged through every fiber of both women. Building higher and higher like a flood swelling against a dam their bliss was utterly indescribable in every conceivable way. Little tremors began to tear through their bodies as pleasure continued to rise and their sorely ill prepared senses reacted in the only way that made sense. But what began as small, uncontrollable spasms slowly evolved into wild and almost violent convulsions unlike anything they'd ever displayed before.

Both of them tried to move in time with the roiling geyser ravishing their holes but there was no rhythm to the madness of the water inside them. There was no earthly way they could've matched it's sheer intensity, they couldn't even comprehend what they were truly feeling despite the jy crashing down upon them as they tried. It was all an unending blur of carnal satisfaction and undiluted arousal. A maelstrom even greater than the one raging inside Korra's pussy and Asami's asshole. Warmth cascaded out of both their cunts in sudden, messy bursts that didn't even have time to splatter across their thighs before being swept up in the storm causing them to erupt. Over and over again they unleashed their own messy torrents and every time they did it was added to the faux cock sending them careening down into what felt like pure insanity. The water already stretching them out so widely it felt like they might break at any moment continued to swell as more fluid was added, growing thicker and more creamy as their juices mixed with the mundane fluids already sending them to the heavens. How little they actually contributed hardly mattered, in the heat of the moment even a few droplets of pussy juice felt like a tidal wave and by the time both women were finished unleashing their own warmth the sheer size of the cock inside them was nothing short of exhausting. Korra finally collapsed against her lover with a final, shuddering gasp and what little breath was left in Asami's lungs rushed out as she was crushed beneath the weight of her companion. Both women continued to shake and convulse for minutes afterwards, the waterbending technique lasting far longer than either expected. So long in fact they were very nearly swept up in a second wind as it assaulted their minds and battered their sanity even more than they dreamed possible. Before they could be driven mad by it all the unknown duration finally ran it's course and what'd once been a churning maelstrom shifted into an inert cascade in a single heartbeat.

“How long . . . how long have you known about that?” Asami panted, wild shudders running through her body as water squirted from her nicely gaped asshole.

“A few days . . .” Korra shakily replied, a similar stream of fluid leaking from her pussy and eliciting all the same tremors.

“Why'd it take you so long to use it?”

“I didn't know it'd feel this good!”

“Well now that you do . . .”

“I'm gonna use it all the time!”

“Good . . .” Asami smiled for a moment, “Is there any way you can give it to me next time?”

“I thought I just gave it to you.” Korra smirked

Both of them chuckled and her companion wasted little time clarifying, “I want to be in charge next time . . . is that possible with this technique?”

“It is . . .”

“Good . . .”

“Yeah . . .”

A long silence filled the air as they two women laid on the shore gasping for air and trembling in the afterglow of their pleasure. “You can get off me any time . . .”

Laughing and rolling off her companion Korra stretched out beside her and stared up at the sky, “I'm ready whenever you are . . .”

“Good to know . . .”

“Do you need a minute?”

“At least . . .”

“Oh good . . . I was completely lying!”

More laughter filled the clearing and as they looked at one another the two couldn't help but sidle a bit closer. Their fingers locked together and a contented smile spread across their faces. No words were said for quite a long time. No words needed to be said, everything was as perfect as could be.


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