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I went in a slightly different direction with this story and ended up producing something a lot more intimate and romantic than the rest of the mini stories. Hopefully y'all enjoy the change up!

Under the guise of discussing important political matters away from dissenting voices and prying eyes Midna and Princess Zelda had retired to the latter's quarters. Although most of their subjects were more than happy to believe the lie a scattered few had their suspicions about the two. But even among the wildest theories and speculations none could've predicted the truth of the matter even if they'd guessed for a hundred years. How could they when they two women kept their budding romance so secret even their closest friends and confidants had no idea? The thought of them engaging in any sort of sexual or romantic relationship was absurd. Which would've made the truth of it all the more stunning had any of their nobles and courtiers been able to spy on the pair during their 'negotiations'. Because the moment that bedroom door was shut and locked any hint of the outwardly stoic facade the both of them had adopted was gone. Whatever garments they happened to be wearing fell away too, though in a far more literal sense. Zelda would saunter towards her bed and reach beneath the myriad of pillows to retrieve one of many specially commissioned items purchased through a number of agents and smuggled into her castle without anyone the wiser. Once all the straps were in place and the fake manhood was standing proudly upright Midna would approach, her thighs already glistening with arousal and her sex all but burning for the touch of her companion's member. The Princess of Hyrule would sit down on the bed and lean back with a smile as she offered up her turgid shaft while the Princess of Twilight would let out a soft moan and happily mount her lover without delay.

The sodden lips of her womanhood had no trouble parting for the rather sizeable contours of the cock entering her and in a single smooth motion she'd slide all the way down to the base. A pair of soft, dexterous hands would slide across her waist to grab her buttocks and squeeze them hard enough to elicit a gasp while the lips she knew as well as her own would close around one of her sensitive areola and begin suckling with amazing skill and even more amazing gusto. Almost immediately her back would arch as pleasure washed over her mind and body and the long, often unbearable anticipation leading up to that moment was at long last satisfied. Her hips started to gyrate entirely of their own accord while the woma beneath her offered up a series of small, well timed thrusts to accompany her reflexive moments. The sweet aroma of pure arousal filled the bedroom within seconds as Midna's arousal soaked the member she was resting atop and trickled down onto the bed sheets soon afterwards. That delicious scent was made all the more enticing as Zelda's juices quickly joined the bouquet, her own pleasure quickly overcoming her senses as she too basked in the quiet intimacy of their time together. Neither could ever steal more than a few hours with one another before duty called them away once more and after several years of being denied anything more they'd learned to take full advantage of every second they had alone, regardless of how far apart they were or how infrequently they arrived in the pair's hectic lives.

Which was undoubtedly why Zelda could never remain in that first position for long. All the untamed desire running rampant in her body simply wouldn't allow it. In the blink of an eye Midna would be on her back with the woman she loved smiling down at her, golden blonde tresses hanging down around her face like beams of light piercing a cloudy sky. The Princess of Twilight couldn't help but reach out to cup her lover's beautiful features and pull her into a long, deep kiss from which neither of them could or wanted to escape. Their tongues would meet between their mouths and coil around each other in a long, sensual ballet while tender moans and soft gasps filled the bedroom. Zelda's hips would inevitably begin to move as she felt the toy strapped around her waist shift and shudder thanks to the contractions of her lover's sex. But no matter how hard she tried to begin at a slow, gentle rhythm there was no way she could refrain from pulling away as fast as her trembling body would allow only to send her hips crashing down against Midna's with an echoing smack. Of course the gorgeous Twili woman beneath her had no qualms with her lack of restraint and quickly wrapped her legs around her waist as a passionate, gasping whimper escaped her lips. Another thrust would send her back arching upwards as high as it could move while pleasure coursed through both of their systems. All too quickly they'd lose themselves in the passion of their reunion as the Princess of Hyrule moved at an ever increasing speed, each an every thrust arriving just a little bit faster and a little bit harder than the previous until she reached her peak.

Once there she maintained her pace for a remarkably long time, long enough in fact to send her lover's eyes rolling back in her head and force her to break the kiss they'd been sharing as the rising tide of pleasure grew too consuming for her to handle. Midna's panting ecstasy filled the royal bedchambers soon after as her mouth was freed and her body writhed against the sheets. Her joy was often punctuated by the wet smack of her lover's body against her own as watching the woman she adored tremble and convulse beneath her invariable sent Zelda into something of a frenzy. But rather than trying to move her hips faster or thrust with greater force she invariably began to gyrate at the end of each thrust, her movements sending the rigid length strapped to her body against every sensitive spot within her partner's sex with near perfect accuracy. Putting to full and wonderful use her intimate knowledge of Midna's body she practically assaulted her sanity with a series of motions that always sent her spiraling down into a churning sea of ecstasy long before she had a chance to react. Long before she had a chance to prepare herself for the pleasure. Her moans would rise sharply in pitch and volume until dying completely as the mere act of drawing breath to cry out proved too much for her to accomplish. And for several wonderful seconds she would freeze in place, her eyes shut tight and her mouth hanging open as the love of her life continually battered any and all control she had left until there was nothing but pure bliss.

Soon after the enormous tidal wave of pleasure rising up within her would come crashing down and any semblance of composure she had left was washed away. Midna's body would erupt into shudders and convulsions so violent it would've been worrying under any circumstance. Every muscle would spasm independently of the rest while a deluge of warm, sticky fluids gushed from her sex to soak into the bed or splatter across both her own and her lover's body. And she would always, without fail, bury her face in the crook of Zelda's shoulder as her legs crossed behind her waist and her arms wrapped around her shoulders. In response the Princess of Hyrule planted soft kisses all along her partner's skin while gradually slowing her movements to avoid overwhelming her. Though she could never bring herself to fully stop as wild shivers ran through her own form and long, red tracks were carved along her back by her love's nails. It was simply impossible to completely stop under such conditions and she made very little effort to resist the urge, instead focusing on guiding Midna's wild climax and ensuring it lasted for as long possible. Neither had any concept of time when they were hidden away together and for all they knew her first climax of the evening could've lasted hours or even days. As long as they weren't disturbed by any of their subjects it hardly mattered. As long as they were together, sharing in that beautiful moment it hardly mattered. All either of them wanted was to be with one another, to feel and savor every last sensation of the other's body and how it affected their own. Which was surely how Midna found the energy to pull away from her love and quietly beg her to continue. It was certainly how Zelda had the wherewithal to smile and promise she'd never stop despite being so close to her own orgasm. And it was certainly how the two of them could continue on like that well into the night and even through the morning. There really wasn't any other choice.


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