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As always those uninterested in stories about real people (or the highly unrealistic and pornographic versions of them) should look elsewhere! Anyone interested in a fun, erotic little romp should keep reading and hopefully enjoy!

A shy, almost self conscious smile spread across her face as Lily James slowly removed the silky robe she'd been given and stepped in front of the camera naked as the day she was born. She couldn't even really say why she was so nervous or why her heart was beating so fast. She'd done plenty of modeling over the years and while this was the first time she'd been naked for a shoot that hardly seemed like a good reason for her belly to be filled butterflies as she sat down on the comfy love seat and adopted the first pose she'd discussed with the photographer. It wasn't even the first time she'd been naked on camera! But as she looked past the rapidly clicking lens with a sultry smile and caught a glimpse of the woman operating it everything started to make sense. Being photographed and guided by someone so gorgeous she could, and probably should, be in front of the camera herself was nerve wracking in a way she hadn't full appreciated until it was time to start working. And of all the women Lily had worked with over the years Stella Romano was among the most gorgeous. She might even have been the most gorgeous. It was hard to think clearly as she tried to suppress the shiver attempting to run down her spine and focus instead on looking sultry. Of course no amount of willpower could keep her thoughts from dwelling on the dark haired, dark eyed, tan skinned goddess of an Italian beauty giving her warm smiles and encouraging words. The fact that both of them were alone in a cozy little studio out in the country didn't help her goosebumps go down, nor did the intensity of her companion's stares as she frequently lifted her head up from the camera as it sat on a tripod a short distance away. Had she known the thoughts running through Stella's head as she snapped picture after picture Lily probably would've fainted from a combination of embarrassment and delight.

Because if Lily was sporting a small crush on her photographer Stella was downright infatuated with the auburn haired beauty lounging in front of her. She'd all but jumped at the chance to do a photoshoot with her and had been genuinely weak at the knees when the subject of it being entirely in the nude was jokingly suggested only to be accepted by her beautiful subject. Now that both of them were alone and getting to work it was impossible to keep herself from admiring the woman stretched out in front of her in ways no professional photographer should be indulging. But how could she not as Lily adopted that sultry grin and her cute lips curled upwards and a flush crept across her striking cheekbones? How could she not drink in the sight of those large, expressive brown eyes staring past her beneath delicately plucked brows and framed by a curtain of wavy locks? How could anyone not admire the contours of her strong jawline and the way it accentuated the rest of her voluptuous body? The way her slender shoulders gave way to lithe arms and supple, curving waistline that widened into something absolutely breathtaking the instant one's eye traveled past her navel. The sheer beauty found in the contrast of her incredibly buxom and womanly hips and her small, natural breasts. The unabashed allure of an ass so soft and round yet somehow perky it could make any woman jealous and any man lose whatever nerve he might posses. A pair of long, wonderfully plump legs to match and perfectly solidify the pear shape of her silhouette and the curly thicket of neatly trimmed hair tucked between her thighs like a cherry sitting atop the most incredible sundae imaginable. By any sane metric Lily James was an incredible beauty and Stella felt uncharacteristically nervous taking pictures and video of such a beautiful subject, though she wasn't anywhere near as nervous as her companion.

Fortunately both of them were nothing if not professional and their mutual attraction remained in the background for the vast majority of the shoot. As did their jitters. Soon the two of them were back at an experience so familiar to both women it could've been any other shoot save for the little flashes of mutually unaware attraction each of them experienced. Little bits of advice were given on posing or angles and little snippets of conversation took place as Lily transitioned from pose to pose. Neither one ever forgot how appealing they found the other but setting aside those feelings was a lot easier at times and a natural sort of comfort built up in the gaps. In fact the longer they two remained together in that quiet little studio bathing in the warm autumn light the easier it was for them to relax and simply enjoy the serenity. In spite of that Stella almost constantly admired the absolutely gorgeous woman she was photographing, her dark eyes often roaming Lily's body with unrepentant delight whenever it was possible to steal a glance. She found herself particularly enamored with the mouth wateringly juicy curves of her companion's buttocks. As gorgeous as the rest of her body was there was something hypnotic about her ass that all but demanded attention any time it was visible. And thankfully many of the poses they'd discussed beforehand gave countless opportunities to admire the soft, succulent peach that was Ms. James' rump. Unfortunately the more chances she had to ogle the most beautiful woman she'd ever worked with and the most sumptuous ass she'd ever seen the harder it was for Stella to hide just how aroused she was. Or to keep all the perverted thoughts trying to occupy her mind at bay. She wanted nothing more than to step away from the camera, drop to her knees, and grab two big handfuls of her subject's ass. Followed by a passionate kiss that would leave them both utterly incapable of holding anything back. That urge was resisted over and over again as time wore on but whenever it managed to resurface she had to commit a lot more energy into holding back than before.

But in her distraction she failed to notice the subtly more provocative ways Lily was moving as time wore on. All the minute yet unmistakable changes to the poses they'd talked about that by themselves didn't seem particularly untoward but added up to quite a picture if viewed together. The first time she parted her legs just wide enough to reveal a glimpse of her soft, glistening vulva to the camera passed by without any sort of acknowledgment from Stella. Between shots as her companion was shifting around she'd seen more than a few unabashed glimpses of Lily's cute little pussy and while each and every one had been treasured they somewhat desensitized her at the same time. Some part of her brain noticed the amazingly erotic over the shoulder look her subject gave. Once she'd torn her gaze away from the wonderful sight of her ass glowing in the warm light. Like when she parted her legs ever so slightly to reveal the barest hint of her soft, glistening vulva. The way her companion's lips were parted and the way her eyes sparkled sent a little flutter through Stella's belly. But again it was easy enough to brush off as she snapped a flurry of pictures. It wasn't until Lily was sitting on the couch with her rump angled towards the camera and her chest turned away that something finally clicked. Not because of any sort of direct shift in her posing or really anything as deliberate as her other movements. It was the way her eyes lingered and her breath arrived in a little gasp that finally tipped her off. Because it was the exact same sort of reaction she'd gotten from damn near every lover she'd ever had in her long and stories sexual history. It was the sort of thing a woman did when she holding back her pleasure and the sort of thing Stella always reveled in breaking down one kiss at a time. Only she couldn't do that with the woman in front of her. As badly as she wanted to it wasn't an option. At least that's what the higher parts of her brain claimed while other parts of her anatomy, ones that were making very persuasive arguments, said otherwise.

As Lily struck a particularly seductive pose Stella couldn't help but chuckle in appreciation. Naturally her subject heard the laugh and a slight flush crept into her cheeks, “Do I look silly?” She asked as she stretched out a little further across the love seat and shifted her body to face the camera a bit more, “Is that better?”

“You look divine my dear.” Stella replied. She could feel her self control slipping away like water pouring down the drain “I've never had a model more beautiful than you.”

Her cheeks darkened even more as her face lit up in a bashful grin, “Then why are you laughing at me?”

“I wasn't laughing at you dear. I was marveling at your beauty.” She explained.

“Oh.” Lily's face turned a brilliance shade of crimson and she looked away for a moment as a bashful smile spread across her gorgeous features, “Thank you . . .”

“You're welcome . . .”

A weighty silence stretched out between them as Stella watched her breathtaking subject and Lily did her best not to give how away much she enjoyed that undivided attention. “I was also laughing at the idea my silly little brain came up with.” She said after a handful of seconds.

Feeling a rush of adrenaline at the prospect of staying a bit longer and doing a bit more with such an incredible woman Lily immediately asked, “What idea?”

“Oh you don't want to hear about it!” Stella replied as she made one last effort to reign in her libido and act like a professional.

“If it's something for the shoot I very much want to hear about it!”

Stella's cheeks darkened and her face slowly lit up in a wild grin as she allowed temptation to get the better of her. Stepping away from the camera and disappearing into the living room of her cottage and then the bedroom she returned a couple minutes later holding something behind her back. “Since our shoot is almost over . . . I thought of a way we could spice up the final part . . . if you're comfortable with such things of course!”

Lily was about to ask what her photographer meant and then Stella revealed what she'd collected from her bedroom: an eight inch long, rather thick, and dark purple vibrator. Complete with the little bunny eared attachment to stimulate the clit and a knobbly, bulbous midsection meant to allow the whole thing to grind in a circular movement. The sight was so unexpected and so shocking she actually clapped both hands over her mouth and gasped the moment she saw the dildo. Her wide eyes darted from the sex toy to Stella's lascivious expression as if waiting for the punch line to some joke she didn't fully understand. After a few moments she realized her companion was serious and a whole laundry list of conflicting thoughts and emotions welled up inside her. Many were telling her to get up and leave right away, to collect her things and never look back. The rest were not only entertaining the idea of using a giant vibrator during a shoot but actually getting off on the thought. Especially if it meant showing off in front of Stella. Her thoughts remained conflicted for a painfully long time. More than enough time to send a pang of fear through the woman standing in front of her. Realizing how far over the line she'd stepped and how wildly unprofessional her behavior was Ms. Romano's expression quickly melted into a look of shame and embarrassment. Entirely unaware of what Lily was thinking and how much of her thoughts were dedicated to going through with it she assumed her subject's hesitation was the result of her being too shocked and disgusted to respond. And it wouldn't be very long before that changed. So rather than waiting there like an idiot sporting a large sex toy she slowly lowered her arm and glanced down at the vibrator. Swallowing a couple times in quick succession she looked back at her companion and apologized in an uncharacteristically quiet voice.

“I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. I shouldn't have even brought it up! Sometimes I do that sort of filming and photography with other models but that's no excuse to make you uncomfortable with something you don't even—”

“I'll do it.” Lily interrupted.

“—want to do!” Suddenly processing what she'd just heard Stella took a moment to gather her thoughts and make sure she'd heard her model correctly, “You'll do it?'


“You'll use the vibrator on camera?”

“Yes.” She said with a slight quaver in her voice.

“Are you sure? You don't have to and I don't want you to feel like you're obligated to just because I suggested it.”

“I'm sure. I want to use it . . .”

Lily stood up and slowly approached Stella with the same nervous smile she'd been wearing at the start of their shoot. Without breaking eye contact she reached down and took the vibrator from her much taller companion's hand and returned to the couch while her photographer could only respond with a dazed, “Okay . . .”

Lily sat back down on the couch not like a model ready to continue a shoot but a teenager nervously waiting for instructions from someone else, “Should I keep going with the poses we talked about?” She asked.

“Do whatever feels natural.” Stella advised, “Whatever happens you'll look incredible.”

“Thanks . . .” She let out a quiet laugh and turned on the vibrator without really thinking about what it might have been set to before. It buzzed to life with a strength and ferocity that made her arms shake and before she knew what she was doing she'd dropped it in surprise, “Oh my God!”

“Sorry!” Her photographer exclaimed, rushing up from behind the camera to pick up the toy and shut it off, “I forgot to lower the settings from the last time I used it—I-I mean from the last time it was used by another model.”

Both of them blushed hard enough to outshine the sun as Lily felt a surge of arousal course through her while Stella felt only embarrassment, “That's okay . . .”

“There . . .” Her companion replied, “Now it should be a little more manageable. Oh and if you want you can also make it gyrate if you press this button . . . And these ones control the speed of it too . . . I'll make sure those are set to the lower end as well . . .”

“Thank you.” She said in a high pitched voice, taking the dildo back with a brilliantly nervous grin plastered across her face. It was hard to remember the last time she'd been so turned on! Part of her was almost guilty about the wet spot she was leaving on the couch as she sat there but it was hard to think about much of anything as Stella returned to the camera. “Are you ready?” Lily asked with a nervous excitement, “I don't want to start too soon!”

“I'm ready . . . Work your magic whenever you're ready . . .”

Slowly nodding and looking down at the dildo as if to reassure herself Lily smiled at the camera and the woman behind it, “We're not sharing this part with anyone else right?” She asked as she pulled her feet onto the couch and shyly opened her legs while hiding her sex with her hands and the dildo, “It's just for us right?”

Stella's grin widened considerably at her use of the word 'us' and she didn't hesitate to nod and quickly say, “Of course. No one else gets too see this unless you want them to.”


Lily surprised bth of them with the huskiness of her voice and how authoritative she sounded in just one syllable. All of that was immediately undone and promptly forgotten as she moved her hands and showed the camera an unobstructed view of her plump, glistening pussy. Just a few shades darker than the rest of her body and every bit as gorgeous the outer lips of her vulva were already glistening with arousal and opened like the petals of a flower. Rivulets of clear, undoubtedly sweet tasting fluids trickled down her warm pink inner fold while the ever so slightly swollen bud at the crest of her sex trembled with anticipation. When paired with her blushing face and all the other remarkable qualities Lily had to show the sight of her quivering sex left Stella absolutely speechless. Despite the pretense of what they were doing she couldn't help but lift her head away from the camera and stare with open mouthed incredulity at what she was seeing. Naturally her companion noticed this and turned an even darker shade of red. The smile spreading across her face was nothing short of radiant and despite how embarrassed she was the look on her photographer's face overshadowed any nervousness she might've been feeling. At least enough to let her scoot forward a couple inches so she was practically hanging off the front of the couch when she finally pushed the vibrator against her sodden pussy. With a somewhat clumsily move she sput it around in her hands so the extra appendage was pressed against her clit, a soft moan spilling from her lips as it made contact, and the head was snugly against her nervously contracting entrance. Another whimper escaped her lips as she pushed it against her sex just enough to send a little ripple of pleasure through her body. Along with a rush of self doubt. What if she made a weird face while she was pleasuring herself? What if she made a weird sound? What if she—

“It's okay . . .” Stella reassured her, “Just do what comes naturally . . . you'll look amazing no matter what you do . . .”

“Okay . . .” Lily said, smiling at the comforting words but finding herself unable to look at the person saying them to her, “Okay . . .”

With a nervous swallow and a quiet laugh she set aside her trepidation just long enough to slide the tip of Stella's vibrator inside her pussy. She heard a soft gasp from behind the camera but it was instantly masked by her own whimper as a surge of pleasure radiated outwards from her sex. While nowhere even close to orgasmic the sensation of penetrating herself while being recorded and as another woman watched was an experience she'd never engaged in before. Not to mention one she'd never imagined herself engaging in before! What might have been an otherwise mundane act was elevated significantly and those factors only continued to play a hand in her arousal as she pushed the toy a little deeper into her pussy and heard the wet schlick of her own folds parting. Her eyes glanced down at the vibrator for a moment before rising to look at the camera and make sure everything was still okay. Stella nodded eagerly and she smiled back. The sound of the shutter clicking was almost entirely drowned out by the wild beating of her own heart and yet she couldn't help but focus on it as she timidly moved it another inch or so deeper. Lily was so focused on the camera and how she looked she, somewhat comically, didn't give any thought to all the minute ways her body reacted. Like the curling of her toes against the couch cushions or the soft jiggle of her breasts as her breathing quickened. She did her best to keep her face from looking overly silly, instead trying to adopt a sexy look as more and more of the vibrator filled her up. That plan hit a small snag about three quarters of the way down when she encountered the bulbous section that allowed the toy to gyrate as well as vibrate. Although it wasn't impossibly bigger than the rest of the dildo it was a not insignificant increase. One she was determined to overcome but also one she didn't really think about as she steadied herself and cast a quick look at the camera.

As soon as she pushed the spherical section inside her pussy and felt the way it stretched out her mostly inexperienced inner walls an unexpected burst of pleasure lit up her senses. Without even thinking she closed her eyes and let her head fall back as a far more throaty moan burst from her throat. Stella took a flurry of pictures and shivered in delight at the spectacle, eagerly capturing every second she could in the brief moment before Lily regained her composure. Because after a few seconds she managed to get control of herself once more and she promptly returned to the beautifully nervous, doe eyed fawn that she'd been since the vibrator was introduced. The remainder of the vibrator glided into her sex without much difficulty and when only the base and all it's buttons was left protruding from her wonderfully filled sex did she think about changing positions. Keeping one hand against the toy so it wouldn't fall out, or be pushed out by her frantically contracting slit, Lily climbed onto the couch and turned away from the camera to show off both her ass and the toy hanging from her pussy. Once more she tilted her head backwards as she lifted one knee up to plant a foot on the cushion while the other remained pressed against a separate part of the couch to support her. With her right hand she took hold of the sex toy and started pulling it back out of her pussy while the other slowly stroked her thigh. Eventually it would come to clutch the back of the sofa but only after Stella decided to remove her camera from the tripod it'd been resting atop and go handheld. Entirely unable to help herself she had to get as close as she could to the amazing woman in front of her. Luckily she had the foresight to at least bring along her camera as an excuse to do so. And when Lily felt her companion's presence and glanced down to see her kneeling in front of the couch she couldn't help but shiver.

A fresh trickle of arousal seeped from her pussy while her plump, round ass cheeks trembled at the intense pleasure of having someone kneeling mere inches away from her slit while she teased it with a vibrator. It was near impossible not to let out another moan as she clumsily reached for the button to activate the vibration at the lowest setting. And of course the moment it was switched on there was no way she could keep herself from gasping in delight. While no stranger to masturbation or vibrators the aforementioned twin specters of pleasuring herself in front of another woman who was also recording the whole thing made even the gentlest buzzing feel impossibly strong. All of her toes instantly curled against the balls of her feet while the muscles in her legs tensed and her hips instinctively thrusted forward. Suddenly she was holding onto the wooden frame of the sofa for dear life as she withdrew the dildo inch by agonizingly pleasurable inch until it was almost completely free of her pussy. She had no idea how wet and gooey the toy looked emerging from her sex but if Stella's wild shudder was any indication it was quite the sight. Not that Lily could really think about that sort of thing as she started the laborious process of returning the toy to the depths of her pussy and once again feeling the intense pleasure that came with it being embedded in her sex. The vibrations felt incredible against her inner walls and with every returning inch she lost herself a little more in the rising ecstasy. By the time it was buried as deep as she could move it long strands of arousal were running down her thighs and Stella had moved in so close her camera was in danger of being splashed with flecks of pussy juice. Which she didn't have the slightest problem with of course. In much the same way she wasn't the least bit bothered when Lily suddenly and wordlessly changed positions again.

Barely conscious of herself or her actions Lily could only be sure of one thing: there was no way in hell she could stay upright for a moment longer. The sheer amount of effort required was simply impossible for her to maintain. So without a thought she let herself fall forward onto the couch. But rather than just collapsing onto her stomach in a heap she managed to keep just enough self control to instead fall onto her hands and knees. Or rather one hand and both knees as the other remained between her spread open thighs to operate the dildo that was responsible for her pleasure. And while it buckled and threatened to give out almost constantly her arm managed to keep her propped up no matter how many times she pumped the dildo in and out of her pussy. Nor how hard her back arched and sent her voluptuous, near perfect ass jiggling from the force of her contractions. Although it did add a wonderful undercurrent of eroticism to an already incredibly erotic sight as her willpower almost visibly drained away from her as surely as pussy juice leaked from her sex. The constant trembling of her other hand and it's inability to get a proper hold on the toy she was using had much the same effect and it was that, as well as her soft, bouncing buttocks, that Stella focused on. There was something deeply arousing about the way Lily's fingers trembled and strained to grip the reason for their waning control. Especially as she endeavored to move the entire vibrator at a steadily increasing rate and the pleasure flooding her sense continued to grow faster than she could handle. All the passionate moans and breathy gasps spilling from her lips were like a wonderful song filling the air and the increasingly sloppy sounds of her wet pussy getting penetrated added a lovely backing melody. But when Lily suddenly activated the gyration feature it all went from fantastic to astounding in the blink of an eye.

Activating the second aspect of her vibrator on a whim she was instantly and completely overwhelmed by the sensations that accompanied the sudden movement. Feeling the toy buzzing against all the most sensitive spots within her pussy had been one thing but getting to experience that same kind of pleasure as it churned up her sex was something else entirely. Moving with an incredible amount fo force for the lowest setting Stella's dildo swirled around inside Lily's cunt in a slow yet powerful clockwise motion that sent a barrage of ecstasy to the very tips of her toes. Yet again she threw her head back and gasped in utter delight as the fluids seeping from her sex grew thicker and more gooey from the motion of the toy inside her. Violently arching up and down as the whims of her instincts all but completely took over she rocked back and forth without any real thought to what might be happening nearby or who might be zooming in on her sloppy little pussy at that very moment. As a result she very nearly slammed her bare slit against the lens of her companion's camera during the initial frenzy. Luckily for both of them Stella's instincts were on point and she started to retreat almost immediately, although a decent chunk of her libido wished she hadn't. But as she mounted the couch and took up a new position that showed off everything from Lily's sopping wet vulva to her enormously, jiggling ass, even giving the barest glimspes of the pink little ring hidden between her buttocks, it was hard to complain. At times she was even able to glimpse her petite breasts swaying back and forth above the couch. When her lovely subject began to push the toy in and out in small, spasmodic motions that further stirred up all the most sensitive spots inside her there was no denying she was in the best possible spot to capture every last movement. Before long she was even pushing in and pulling back in sync with her companion's lusty motions to make sure she didn't miss a single thing.

For somewhere in the ballpark of five minutes the two of them remained in those positions, with Lily constantly fucking herself at as frantic a rate as she could while Stella did everything in her power to capture every slightest twitch or shudder. Neither of them thought to move and neither of them could have if they wanted to. It was a perfect ebb and flow that left them utterly intoxicated by the erotic and utterly lewd nature of what they were doing. Only one thing could break the spell and deliver a little dose of reality to the two of them and it arrived after what felt like hours of breathless exuberance from both women. Crying out louder than ever as a tsunami of arousal finally crested inside her Lily wanted to warn her companion about what would happen next. She wanted to explain the messy and over the top way she climaxed before it actually occurred. But instead of all that she simply cried out Stella's name in a long, quavering squeal that did nothing but make her photographer's panties a lot more wet than they already were. It was too late to stop herself and she didn't have the willpower to try. Instead she buried the dildo inside her cunt and let the ecstasy crash down on her like ocean waves against the rocks. Her eyes closed and her mouth hung open in a silent scream while a torrent of warm, clear fluids sprayed from her trembling cunt. At the exact same time her companion moved in to really capture the beauty of her subject's climax. The result was a sudden downpour of pungent fluids squirting all over her lens and splashed across the couch, much of Lily's body, and even Stella's awestruck face. Knowing full well she should pull away the photographer couldn't help but remain while another, slightly smaller jet of pussy juice gushed from her partner's slit. It too splashed all over both women and further soaked their already damp surroundings while every inch of Ms. James' body shivered uncontrollably. Twice more she unleashed those potent and impossibly arousing fonts but her photographer had finally elected to pull away by the time the fourth and final spray was being discharged all over the place. Although it was done with some degree of hesitation.

Feeling completely drained and sexually fulfilled, for the moment at least, Lily collapsed onto the wet couch in a heap of trembling limbs. The dildo inside her was quickly forced out by the wild tightening of her pussy and it's own movements. Before it could roll off the couch and become a nuisance Stella snatched the toy up and turned off both settings, all while resisting the urge to lick the sticky phallus clean. She set it back down on the couch and watched her companion for a few seconds, admiring just how beautiful she looked in a post orgasm afterglow. Not to mention how spectacular her ass looked as it trembled and jiggled from her frequent spasms and shiver. But with pussy juice dripping off of her camera and even more slowly soaking into her couch she knew it was time to do some cleaning before anything else. After collecting a few towels from her bathroom and linen closet she went about laying them across the numerous wet spots on the sofa as well as soaking up the juices that'd trickled onto the floor. She cleaned off her camera and even took a minute to wipe down her companion's quivering legs while moving them out of the way. Lily tried to apologize for the mess and express her gratitude but only succeeded in moaning as her vocal chords continue to disregard her brain. Thankfully she would find her voice quickly enough.

Holding her freshly wiped down camera in one hand while furtively tugging at the neck of her not quite loose enough blouse Stella grinned at her incomparably gorgeous and out of breath companion, “Do you want to keep going?” She asked, kneeling down beside Lily to exchange radiant grins, “Or should we maybe take a little break to . . . gather your strength?”

“Let's keep going . . .” Lilly whispered as she lifted her head to smile at the beautiful, perverted woman in front of her, “I'm not even close to finished!”


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