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Now this story is a bit of mishmash of kinks and ideas. One I'm not quite sure how to talk about lol. It features a real trans pornstar and features all sorts of naughtiness that's both familiar and a bit different from my usual fare. So read at your own caution! Although I do rather like how this came out so I hope y'all give it a look even if you're hesitant based on the tags!

Oh and it was heavily inspired by/based on an image that you can find here!

Bianca was bored. So unimaginably, out of her mind, about to go crazy bored. None of her friends were available for brunch, her husband was away on yet another business trip, and her car was at the shop yet again. Which left her bumming around the house in her bathrobe trying to find someway to occupy herself that didn't feel agonizingly pointless. No small feat as she shuffled from room to room flipping through whatever books she found, checking random channels on the television, and otherwise trying to scrape together some semblance of a distraction. A week ago she would've solved her problem, or at least delayed it for a while, by tidying up the house and maybe rearranging the furniture. But for some reason she still didn't quite understand he'd hired a maid to come by every few days and clean the house instead. Which not only deprived her of something she actually enjoyed doing but it also meant she had to cover herself while puttering around their expansive home, just in case the made happened to be in whatever room she was wandering through. And it added a little bit more awkwardness to her life any time she walked into a room and found the maid hard at work polishing something expensive or wiping down a surface that was already clean. Usually she'd quietly slink away before being noticed but if she couldn't manage that another round of pointless small talk would ensue. At first those little bursts of interaction had livened up her day. Although quiet Jessy seemed nice and she had a charmingly husky voice that was quite enjoyable to listen to. As well as thick Mexican accent that, while not at all unique in and around Beverly Hills, was nonetheless pleasant to hear.

Of course nothing ruined a good, or at least mildly interesting, thing faster than repetition and after the same conversation had played out for the sixth time with an hour and a half she was actively avoiding them like she did her husband's business partners at a party. Even human interaction had managed to be yet another boring part of her boring day. The little flashes of excitement that came with walking into a room and spotting Jessy diligently cleaning became the only exciting facet of her aimless wandering through a large and empty house. So naturally that didn't last very long either. But as she was creeping through the office trying not to be noticed Bianca finally stumbled across something worth distracting herself with. Walking across the hardwood floor like a spy in a thriller she cast a sidelong glance at the maid and immediately came to a stop. Busily wiping down a glass table in the corner of the room Jessy was bent over almost ninety degrees to reveal a massive, jiggling ass that'd somehow gone unnoticed until that moment. Along with a pair of long, toned legs that stretched on for a good couple miles. Her pastel blue maid uniform was stretched so tightly across her round buttocks it looked ready to explode off her of her body. There was so little room for imagination Bianca could trace the exact outline of her panties with her eyes. Something she did several times in quick succession while admiring the contours of the biggest and softest looking cheeks she'd ever seen in her life. And while she was busy admiring the maid's fat ass Bianca had another epiphany: it'd been ten years since her last sexual encounter with anyone but her husband and ever longer since the last time she was with a woman. In no small part because Max was always shooting down the idea of a threesome any time she brought it up, claiming it just didn't interest him. Usually followed by another evening of sex in the missionary position with the lights off.

Which was hardly an excuse to cheat on him. “Who said anything about cheating?” She asked herself after that thought popped into her head, “I'm just looking. I'm sure Max does it all the time. Half of his business partners have daughters and most of them are even younger than I am. I'm sure he looks all the time!”

She continued to reassure herself in that way for another minute or two, all while staring at Jessy's ass with a lascivious gleam in her eyes. Bianca didn't even realize she was biting her lip and furtively pressing her thighs together until the woman she was ogling finally straightened and candy store that was her rump had been shut down. Because while it continued to be a an enormous and deliciously eye catching sight from which her attention couldn't fully escape the uniform she had on managed to do a much better job concealing things when she was standing upright. So much so she could almost figure out how she hadn't noticed her maid was rocking a butt one could bounce quarters off of. For a brief moment Bianca actually considered saying something to Jessy. Maybe draw her attention to a speck of nonexistent dust beneath the table that'd force her to bend over once again. Or even maybe even get her on her hands and knees. The prospect sent a little shiver down her spine and sent her dusky eyes wide but before she could indulge in her fantasy the maid turned around. Letting out a quiet gasp her whole body tensed up for a moment and she recoiled. A reaction that made her rather shapely and very perky breasts jiggling in the bra trying and failing to contain them. Although doing her best not to be outright creepy Bianca couldn't help but glance at Jessy's tits for a split second. Under the guise of looking at her face of course. And if her momentarily surprised companion noticed the less than innocent glance at her chest she didn't give any indication. Instead her rather plump lips curled into the same smile she always seemed to have whenever her employer was around and greeted her in the same way as every other time.

“Hello Mrs. Winters! Did you need to use the room?”

“Hmmm?” Despite knowing it would happen she wasn't at all prepared for a conversation, “Oh! No I-I was just passing through. Sorry if I scared you!”

“Oh it's okay! I just didn't hear you come in!”

They smiled at one another just long enough for the silence to get awkward, “Well I'll let you get back to work!” Bianca remarked, “Just let me know if you need any help moving something . . . or . . . you know . . . whatever . . .”

“I will, thank you!”

The two parted ways with Jessy continued to work her way through the office while Bianca sauntered down the hallway feeling more excited with every step. It was hard not to with a solution to her apathy cleaning a few rooms away. By the time she reached her bedroom she was wearing an ear to ear grin and the moment the door was shut behind her she slipped out of her fuzzy bathrobe and into something more provocative. But not so much that she couldn't make an excuse in the unlikely event her ensemble was called out by the woman she was planning to ogle. In her closet she found a plain white blouse and black pencil skirt to accompany it. Exactly the sort of thing she wore when she used to be a secretary at the law firm she'd worked at before meeting her husband. But unlike when she went to work Bianca left a couple buttons at the top undone and didn't bother with a bra or panties. Instead she turned to the floor to ceiling mirror in the closet and examined herself for a couple minutes. After tying her hair into a braid and admiring both her long, shapely legs and large, natural breasts she left the bedroom entirely and returned to wandering around the house. Only now her apparent meandering was simply a cover as she strolled through her home listening for the sounds of Jessy working. Something she probably could have done earlier to avoid the maid but was now exceedingly glad she hadn't thought of before. Finding her in guest bedroom Bianca was delighted to arrive just as her lovely companion dropped to her knees and bent down to look under the bed.

Looking every bit as spankable as before Jessy's ass wiggled and bounced back and forth as strained to find something worth cleaning under the bed. And because she was in an even more compromising position than the previous time Bianca had a veritable banquet of sights to enjoy as she watched from the doorway. Without even asking her brain reminded her of all the ridiculous porn scenes that'd started in this exact same way. In addition to the ones only tangentially related. Around the time she was thinking of a video where some woman had gotten herself stuck in a dryer and her step son had fucked her big, jiggling ass like there was no tomorrow Bianca had another epiphany. One that couldn't have been more obvious in hindsight. While she didn't want to cheat on her husband there was no reason she could flirt with and tempt Jessy a little. A bit of harmless flirting and risque antics wasn't cheating and it could even motivate her buxom companion into being a bit more provocative herself. As long as there wasn't any real physical contact the two of them could show off for one another and enjoy being stared at to their heart's content.  After all, who didn't love a little validation and showing off? With her not even remotely well thought out plan solidified Bianca stepped into the guest bedroom and softly cleared her throat. Yet again startled by her presence the maid scrambled to her feet and turned around with a surprised exhale.

“Mrs. Winters!” Jessy gasped, “D-did you need to use this room?”

“I just wanted to grab something out of the nightstand.” Bianca lied, “But I didn't want to get in your way.”

“Oh please, it's no trouble at all!”

Stepping aside and gesturing towards the nightstand Jessy smiled at her and she returned the smile as she walked by. Bending over as much as she could get away with Bianca slowly pulled open the top drawer and started rummaging through it. After a few seconds of mock searching she let out a little sigh and closer it again. Then she bent over a little more to search the middle drawer in much the same way, even muttering softly to herself when she stopped. All the while sticking her own rather tight, heart shaped ass out as far as she could. There was no way to tell for sure if Jessy was watching her without looking back but if her instincts were any indication the maid hadn't taken her eyes off the tight, firm butt being shown off to her. With a delighted grin she opened the last drawer, taking as long as possible to rummage through it. Once or twice she actually pulled something out to hold in her hand or beneath her arm to really sell the charade. Occasionally she wiggled her hips back and forth like she didn't even realize what she was doing despite being fully aware of how great her butt looked in that skirt and how obvious it was that she didn't have any underwear on. Or at the very least had slipped into a thong so she wouldn't have any visible lines. Either way the end result was, as she well knew, a damn fine booty worth ogling. Maybe not quite as much as Jessy's but she was proud of her ass nonetheless. And even prouder of her ingenuity when she finally stood up and turned away from the nightstand to see her maid hurriedly avert her eyes. Her strong, sultry features were visibly flushed and the hands clasped in front of her waist were nervously smoothing out the fabric of her uniform.

“My mistake, I guess it's not in here.” She stated, “Sorry.”

“Oh there's no need to apologize!” Jessy replied in a higher pitched voice, “It's your house after all!”

“Well even so I'll try to stay out of your way.”

For an all too brief moment disappointment flashed across her companion's face and Bianca had to fake a cough to cover the grin trying to spread across her own. She excused herself from the guest bedroom soon after and walked down the hall like a model strutting down the runway, acutely aware of how easy it would be for Jessy to watch her swaying hips every step of the way. Yet again she resisted the urge to look back and make sure her teasing had the desired effect. Mostly because she quite enjoyed the small amount of uncertainty that arrived when she finally rounded the corner and stopped to wipe away some of the fluids trickling down her thighs and take a deep breath. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been so excited! Hell it was hard to remember the last time she'd shown herself off to someone in such a blatantly sexual manner. The fact that it was a total stranger really made her feel like a slut, something her husband had never quite managed to accomplish. He certainly tried when they were making love but there was a big difference between calling her slut and making her feellike one. Simply by noticing and not saying anything, at first, Jessy was already doing a million times better than Max and there was a good chance she'd continue to inspire that feeling. Deliberately or otherwise. At least that's what Bianca hoped as she made her way through the house killing time until her audience in the perverted stage show she was indulging moved to another room. And as soon as she heard those telltale footsteps traipsing through the hallway Mrs. Winters didn't hesitate to follow. She thought about all the ways she could show herself off in literally every part of the house and nearly squealed in delight upon finding her companion in the kitchen.

Seemingly distracted by the plastic caddy full of cleaning supplies she'd left on the island Jessy didn't notice Bianca saunter into the room. When she turned towards the downright immaculate stove top with a sponge and some cleaner in her freshly gloved hands things couldn't have been more perfect if they'd been planned. Acting as casual as she could the overeager housewife walked through the kitchen and towards another part of the house without even looking in the direction of the maid. But she did glance at the windows she was passing by to see Jessy looking back in the reflection. More importantly to see the lustful gleam in her maid's eyes and the subtle way her lips parted and then curled upwards in a smile. Bianca continued to stroll out of the room and down the hallway, deliberately acting as aloof as she could to hide how much her legs were shaking. Not to mention how wet her pussy was getting. She dealt with both as best she could and returned to the kitchen soon after. Upon seeing Jessy working at the stove she pantomimed a little surprised start, knowing full well her companion could see her in the reflection of the window to her right. Even if she was currently pretending otherwise. Once her little bit of playacting was over she walked into the kitchen with the excuse of getting some water. At least that would be the excuse she gave if called out but she was beginning to suspect her mysterious partner had no intention of doing any such thing. Those suspicions were all but confirmed a moment later when, rather than walking around the island to avoid interrupting Jessy she sidled past her instead and, in the process, rubbed her crotch against the enormous ass she'd been admiring.

Because instead of pulling away and apologizing or even standing up straight to make a bit more room Jessy stayed exactly where she was. And since her round, plump buttocks were big enough to smother a decent sized animal Bianca was all but forced to press her body against her companion's booty. Which left her no other choice but to take as long as she could possibly justify sliding past and even going as far as thrusting her hips outwards ever so slightly against that fat ass like she was at a strip club getting a lap dance. The excuse she came up with in her head proved totally unneeded as Jessy continued to work, albeit at a far slower pace than before, and they gave zero any acknowledgment of the grinding that'd just taken place. Instead Bianca opened one of the massive fridge doors to look for a water bottle or a carton of juice. Despite finding both in spades she promptly closed the doors again and sighed in disappointment. When she turned around Jessy's eyes rather unsubtly darted back towards the stove she was cleaning and she swiped the sponge across the surface a bit faster. Pretending like she hadn't seen that unmissable reaction Mrs. Winters approached the cabinets on the other side of the sink that split the two of them up. Opening and closing each of them in turn and continuing to feign dissatisfaction as she did so Bianca made her way closer and closer to Jessy all the while never glancing in her direction or acknowledging her at all. Until she reached stove and decided she need to look in the cabinets above her companion's head. Before she could rise to the tips of her toes and begin searching the cupboard where they kept their spices the woman she was teasing caught her off guard by standing up and sliding out of the way.

“Oh it's all right!” Bianca cooed, “You can keep working. I just needed to grab something out of the cupboard really quick!”

“No it's okay! I don't want to get in your way!”

“Oh you're not, trust me!” She waved her hand in a playfully dismissive gesture and then nodded at the electric stove top, “Please, don't let me interrupt!”

They looked at one another for a few seconds and Jessy nodded, her lips curling into a rather unsubtle grin as she resumed cleaning. Bianca waited just long enough for her sudden urge to shiver went away before inching as close as she could to her companion and reaching up towards the cabinet. Forced to stand on the tips of her toes just to reach the handle she managed to pull one of the doors open with no small amount of bouncing. She could feel her breasts jiggling like crazy beneath her blouse and knew as surely as she knew her own name Jessy was watching them. There was no way she couldn't tell they were uncovered and it was easy to assume she could see her round pink nipples pressing against the fabric of her shirt every time she pushed forward. But of course Bianca acted like she had no idea how obvious she was being as she all but hopped up and down trying to get something from the highest spot in the cupboard. And the longer she tried to grab it the more she leaned forward. Never quite enough to press her body against Jessy's but absolutely enough to bring her perky tits within a few inches of her companion's face. There was literally nothing stopping either of them from leaning forward and making contact with one another. Either by squishing her bust against a total stranger's face or by that same total stranger leaning forward to bury her face between a pair of magnificent, if Bianca was anyone to judge, breasts. But neither of them did and by the time she managed to get the tips of her fingers around a jar of cumin Mrs. Winters had practically created a whole new stain for her maid to clean up. One she probably would've licked off the tiles if not off her trembling thighs directly.

“There we go!” She exclaimed in a high pitched voice, her face exceedingly flushed as all manner of indecent thoughts filled her head, “Sorry if I got in the way!”

“You didn't!” Jessy assured her with an equally breathy tone. “Did you need anything else from up there?”

Noting the hint of excitement in her companion's voice Bianca was sorely tempted to say yes. But she eventually shook her head and simply replied, “Not right now. I'll let you get back to work!”


Purposefully backing away for a few steps so she could admire her buxom maid a little longer Bianca noticed the furtive way Jessy had moved her hands in front of her groin like the previous time. Except this time she was hiding her nether region behind the bottle of chemicals and a pair of thick rubber gloves. An action that was impossible to misconstrue and one that sent all manner of naughty thoughts through Mrs. Winter's head. Once again they parted ways with Bianca doing everything in her power to hide how wet she the whole thing was making her while Jessy did whatever the hell she did. It was actually rather difficult to think about that as the lady of the house put all her effort into walking in a straight line while clutching the cumin like a drowning person held on to a life raft. Just like before she made her way around the house without any real purpose aside from wasting as much time as she could until Jessy moved rooms. But it didn't take anywhere near as long for the woman of her desires to stop what she was doing and relocate. Or for Bianca to follow her into library the way an eager puppy might follow it's master or a horny kid might follow their partner around at a party. All but throwing the spice she was carrying away she strolled with an entirely false air of confidence into the modestly sized but immaculately laid out library. Her eyes roamed the towering bookshelves all around her and the two or three ladders that slid across them to allow access to the highest areas. And she quickly noticed Jessy standing beside one of them wiping down the shelf at chest level with a feather duster. And doing it as slowly as any human could possibly do such a mundane task. Bianca approached like she didn't care someone else was in the room and her companion gave off the same aura.

Their charade continued to play out as she wandered around the library idly pulling books from shelves and putting them back after randomly flipping through them. Jessy remained almost exactly where she was, occasionally leaning over to dust a nearby shelf or push a book into place. But when she knelt down to clean off the bottom most reaches of the bookcase Bianca made her move. After a moment or two of ogling her maid's round ass stretching out the fabric of her uniform. Because of course the way she'd positioned herself all but demanded attention to the plump, spankable booty 'hiding' beneath her clothes. Suitably motivated to up the ante a little bit she approached her kneeling companion and stepped on the ladder beside her without a word. Pausing to scan the shelves above her in yet another bout of silly and likely unnecessary justification she lifted her bare foot from the first to the second step while tapping a finger on her chin. Soon she was standing entirely on the ladder with her ass pushed out as she bent over Jessy's head to look at a nearby shelf. There was no doubt in her mind the woman below her was staring straight up at the barely hidden tits swaying so closer to her face. Or if she was a little more discerning then she was undoubtedly admiring the pert contours of Bianca's ass as it slowly moved from side to side in a way that couldn't be explained as anything but seductive. And in the event that her maid was just as horny as her she'd be ogling both in equal measure while fantasizing about burying her face between them. Because that's exactly what Mrs. Winters was fantasizing about as she lifted her right foot a couple steps higher. The hem of her skirt crinkled upwards along her thigh and in as subtle a move as possible she revealed the third and final spot she wanted Jessy's face.

Deliberately spreading her legs as wide as she could get away with and turning towards her companion in the most blunt and direct manner yet Bianca stared fixedly at the bookshelf she was leaning towards with a knowing grin. Her skirt slid higher and higher up her thighs to allow the natural afternoon light spilling in from the windows around them to reveal her cute little pussy in all it's sopping wet glory. All pretense of subtlety and restraint was gone as she unabashedly flashed Jessy her trembling cunt like she was a pornstar posing for a shoot. Her soft, creamy vulva was absolutely dripping with arousal by that point and her slightly oversized labia visibly quivered with every droplet to form across their pink folds and eventually fall away. Without so much as a single ounce of attention her clit had already swollen to a visible roundness at the crest of her slit and the streaks of arousal drying on her thighs reflected the light like streamers at a party. And the moment it was all revealed in full Jessy gasped. There was a soft clatter as the feather duster dropped from her fingers and a much more prominent inhale soon after as Bianca kept her legs spread apart and her whole body perched in an admittedly awkward position just to make sure her companion saw everything. Her heart was beating like never before and her mind was racing with all the possibility that came from revealing herself in such an unambiguous fashion. What would she do if Jessy decided she wanted a taste. Could she live with herself if she cheated on Max, with a woman no less? Did she even really care at that point? After so long denying her exhibitionism fetish finally getting to indulge again couldn't have been more arousing.

It wouldn't take more than a lick or two to send her over the edge. Hell if her mostly silent companion leaned in a little closer and breathed heavily enough there was a good chance Bianca would fall right off the stepladder in a fit or orgasmic delight. And the longer the two of them remained there the more her anticipation continued to grow. She knew Jessy could see every sumptuous fold and delicate curve of her pussy, knew she could smell the sweet aroma clouding the air, and knew all of those things were undoubtedly clouding her thoughts. In no small part because she found herself under their sway as well and it was getting harder and harder to resist. Although they couldn't have been in that position longer than a minute, and in all likelihood it'd been even less time than that, it felt like an eternity. She wanted to look down at Jessy so badly it was consuming what little thoughts remained in her head. But there was no doubt in her mind: if she made eye contact with the woman currently kneeling on the floor of her husband's library staring at her naked pussy she'd lose whatever self control she'd clung to. Her willpower very nearly failed soon after the urge to look down took hold when she heard the impossible to misconstrue sound of smacking lips followed by yet another breathy exhale. When it happened again she was forced to stifle a moan, not only because the mental image of Jessy staring up at her cunt with a wide eyed and open mouthed lust was impossibly arousing but because she felt the faintest gust of a hot breath against her thighs. Not nearly close enough to sent her into fits of ecstasy like she wanted but absolutely enough to prove her companion had leaned in closer. Paired with the continued smacking of her plump, sensual lips and she was so frustratingly close to getting her sex licked by another woman it was insane. All she had to do was stay right where she was and it'd happen.

So of course her dormant and flagging conscience made it's annoying presence known by compelling her to suddenly snap her thighs closed so forcefully a wet slap filled the silent library. Before she knew what she was doing Bianca had let out a slightly embarrassed whimper and descended the stepladder in a flurry of slightly ungainly movements. For the first time since entering the room she looked down at Jessy and saw the arousal that'd been etched across her strong, womanly features fading away. In it's place was a distinct look of surprise and a slightly less obvious flash of concern. It was readily apparent she didn't expect this sudden turn of events and the way she immediately straightened and opened her mouth the instant Bianca was on even footing was proof enough of that. But after a few tense moments where the two simply stared at one another in silence Jessy didn't say a word. Her breath came out in a shaky gasp and she looked Mrs. Winters up and down for a moment, as if unsure she was really in front of her. And while her momentary bout of regret was already beginning to fade so too was the courage that'd let Bianca climb the stepladder in the first place. A not insignificant part of her mind was telling her to keep things going, to do literally anything that might show she wasn't done yet. Yet all her body could do was stand there like a deer in the headlights even as little trickles of arousal seeped down her inner thighs and dripped onto the wooden floor. Her eyes locked with Jessy's and something unspoken passed between the two women. Mrs. Winters turned away and hurried out of the room after flashing a faint grin while her companion remained in the library, no doubt confused and aroused by whatever had just happened.

Wandering through the house was quickly proving beyond her capabilities and the moment she stepped out of view of the woman she was flirting with a ragged breath exploded from her lips. Pressing her thighs together and leaning hard against the wall Bianca was about ready to explode. The urge to rush into her bedroom, find her strongest vibrator, and loudly go to town on herself was overwhelming. She could even leave the door open a crack so Jessy could watch without any issues. Part of her had always wanted to be spied on while jilling off and although a maid wasn't anywhere near as hot as a rebellious step child or the naive son of a close friend spying on her it was still a million times more arousing than fucking herself alone for the hundredth time since Max went on his trip. Hell maybe she could invite Jessy into the room to watch up close and personal. Masturbating in front of another woman wasn't really cheating was it? She'd already shown off her naked and extremely wet pussy, what harm could there be in showing off good her pussy looked with a big, fat dildo shoved deep inside? It wasn't like they'd be interacting sexually in any way and her husband couldn't possibly think otherwise. Especially not if she explained it to him. Hell he'd probably get so worked up by the idea of his slutty Spanish whore pleasuring herself in front of a total stranger he'd fuck her stupid right in the entryway! Or wherever she was telling him this story. That was the fantasy her libido conjured up and the tenuous at best excuse her brain latched on to as she found herself seriously considering it. Even if she didn't leave the door open there was no reason she could be nice and loud while Jessy listened outside the door and, hopefully, played with herself as well.

“Ohhhhh God!” Bianca whispered to herself, “I've gotta do something! I'm gonna go crazy if I don't! I wasn't made to be teased like this!”

With one hand against the wall and the other pressed between her legs in a desperate attempt to satisfy her unfaithful urges she made her way down the hall and towards the master bedroom as quickly as she could. She could only hope Jessy would follow the little trail of arousal left along the floor and join her before any semblance of rationality could come back. Practically falling into the room after pushing the door open like a SWAT team breaching a perimeter Bianca staggered over to her bed and collapsed on the fluffy and wildly expensive sheets face first. After a moment she rolled over and wriggled her way towards the center of the king sized mattress. The very moment she was spread eagle in the middle of a massive expanse of comfortable bedding and as alone as she could be she started unbuttoning the front of her blouse. Between her fumbling fingers and the overwhelming urge to get to the good part what would've been a simple task took way longer than it should've. Long enough in fact for her to be cut off by the sound of confident footsteps walking down the hall. Knowing there was only one person those heavy footfalls could belong to Bianca sat up a second or two before Jessy stopped in the doorway. Still holding the feather duster in her hand and looking positively radiant as her rich brown skin flushed a deep crimson she slowly licked her lips and looked around the room she'd already cleaned. Her hands pressed against the frame on either side of her as she leaned in to continue examining the bedroom and pointedly not looking at the horny woman sprawled on the bed. After a painfully long time her eyes at long last met Mrs. Winters' and another unspoken exchange happened between them.

Once it was over she cleared her throat and said, “I forgot to clean something in here Mrs. Winters.” in a beautifully seductive and husky voice, “If you don't mind . . .”

“Not at all!” She replied without even thinking, her voice practically squeaking with every word out of her lips, “What . . . uhm . . . what did you need to clean?”

Jessy looked around the room for a half second and then quickly said, “I meant to dust the side of this dresser . . . it's very dirty . . .”

“Of course . . .”

Bianca made no effort at all to suppress the shiver that rushed through her body upon hearing her maid say 'dirty' in that husky voice of hers. Nor did she even remotely hide her excitement as she watched Jessy enter the room and step towards the dresser that ran parallel to the bed she was stretched across in a seductive pose. But it wasn't until her companion knelt down under the pretense of dusting for almost certainly nonexistent dirt that things really took a turn. Purposefully keeping her body pointed at Mrs. Winters despite it being wildly unhelpful for what she was trying to accomplish Jessy casually opened her legs in a deliciously seductive manner. And thanks to the sunlight pouring in from the windows and a rather fortuitous placement of furniture Bianca had a first class view up the skirt of her companion's maid uniform. Her initial delight at finding a distinct lack of panties was undercut and overwhelmed by an infinitely more surprising discovery. Because instead of a fat little pussy waiting to be licked and all but dripping with arousal she found herself almost literally staring down the barrel of a madly twitching penis and two smooth, hairless balls. A whole lot bigger than Bianca expected, although she obviously didn't expect anything like that to begin with, Jessy's cock was instantly mouth watering. Both it and her sack were a good bit darker than the rest of her skin with the head of her prick already oozing white globs of precum onto her uniform and the rest of her loins visibly tightening as she exposed more and more of herself. Within a few seconds the edges of her skirt had slid high enough to turn her outfit into a blouse and the unobstructed view of what her companion was packing couldn't go unremarked upon for a second longer.

“Oh my God!” Bianca gasped, one hand flying up to her mouth while the other instinctively jumped to the hem of her skirt. Whether to pull it further down or hike it up even she couldn't say.

“What's wrong?” Jessy asked in a voice as innocent as could be while her cock was throbbing away in plain sight. “Is everything all right?”

Looking from the wholly unexpected sight of a dark, perfectly sized shaft and nicely pendulous sack between her companion's precum glazed thighs to her dusky face like she couldn't believe what she was seeing, because she very well couldn't, Mrs. Winters slowly nodded, “Yes . . . everything's . . . perfect!”

After a perfectly brief moment of staring at one another both women started moving at the exact same time. Jessy sprang to her feet and tossed aside her feather duster while Bianca hurriedly slid to the edge of the bed and finished unbuttoning her blouse. The moment her big, natural tits were free she looked back to her companion with an eager smile. Strutting forward with all the confidence of a woman who knew she was gorgeous and knew she was about to get her dick wet she slowly rolled up the hem of her uniform until it was resting somewhere above her navel and every inch of skin between it and her shoes was left totally bare. Which naturally encouraged Mrs. Winters to look directly at the stiff, bouncing cock she'd soon be enjoying. Hard enough to point almost directly at her and aroused enough to leak a steady stream of precum it bobbed merrily back and forth with every step in an almost hypnotic rhythm that sent her whole body shivering. As much as she didn't want to cheat on her husband it was hard to deny the allure of the woman approaching her. Hell it wasn't hard to deny, it was flat out impossible as the musky smell of fresh cum and a prick that needed to be sucked filled her nostrils. A needy moan burst from her lips and she slid off the bed entirely before Jessy could reach her. Sinking to her knees and eagerly licking her lips Bianca all but opened her mouth wide as her partner came to a stop, her turgid length twitching mere inches from her mouth. But instead of just stuffing it into her throat and going crazy she bent over and, with a soft laugh, tugged her blouse backwards to reveal both her dainty shoulders and even more of her soft, round tits. When she stood up again her shaft nearly slapped her soon to be lover's face and she moaned once again.

Grabbing the base of her dick with one hand while reaching out and placing a hand atop Bianca's head Jessy bit her lip and cooed, “You wanna suck my cock rich girl?”

“Yes!” She replied, her tongue extending from her mouth to almost brush against the precum dripping tip, “Yes!”

“What would your husband have to say about that?”

“I don't care! Ohhhh God I don't care!”

Jessy laughed and teasingly pushed her hips forward until the swollen head of her prick brushed against her partner's outstretched tongue. The instant it made contact and she tasted the bitter, wonderful flavor of someone else's cum, not that she even knew what her husband's tasted like, any hesitation of guilt she might've felt was gone. Arousal flooded her body and a violent shiver marked it's spread as her face blushed a deep crimson while her eyes practically glazed over. Moving her tongue as fast as she could across the maid's throbbing tip Bianca wanted nothing more than to swallow the entire thing up in one sudden movement. To suck every last drop of cum out of those soft looking balls and then beg to be fucked on her marital bed like the cheap whore she was. But rather than immediately give in to those wild urges and take over the pleasure she realized this was a perfect opportunity to indulge something she'd been craving for years. Pretty much since she met and fell in love with her husband. Although she continued to slobber over and feverishly lick all the tasty precum from the head of Jessy's cock Bianca didn't go any further. In fact she slowly started holding back even more as her companion started to moan and curse. She wanted to coax her swarthy Mexican lover into taking advantage of their suddenly reversed power dynamic. To encourage her to simply let loose, go wild, and fuck her however she felt best. Her half lidded and barely cognizant eyes tried to express that desire in much the same way as her continuously retreating tongue and constant, breathy whimpers. And it seemed to be working as little by little Jessy's hips inched forward while the rest of her body tensed and ever thicker globules of salty precum beaded on the head of her cock. But she never quite took charge like Bianca wanted and after a minute of wetly teasing the most delicious prick she'd ever enjoyed it became clear why. Despite how turned on she was and despite how much she probably wanted to give in her maid was still hesitant to actually do so.

“Don't hold back!” She finally gasped, “Don't be afraid to fuck me like the dirty slut I am!”

“You want me to fuck you like a dirty slut huh?” Her lover asked while her body language not so subtly changed, “I guess your husband doesn't realize how much of a whore you are huh?”

“I always wanted my husband to fuck my throat . . .” Bianca moaned, “But he was always too afraid of hurting me . . . he could never use my face like a cheap cock sleeve . . .”

“That won't be a problem for me . . .” Jessy replied as she slid her feet a little further apart and grabbed her partner's head with both hands, “I just hope you're ready for it rich girl . . . because I don't have any problems getting rough . . .”

“Prove it!”

Offering a smile that couldn't have been more sexy Jessy let out a lascivious giggle and licked her lips as her feet stopped sliding, her knees bent forward, and her body hunched over. Before another word could be spoken or another thought could be had she thrusted forward with all her might. Bianca's eyes flew open and her whole body stiffened as, in the blink of an eye, her throat was filled with Jessy's cock and her nose was pressed tightly against the soft, tanned flesh of her maid's waist. Wholly taken aback by the force and speed at which she'd been penetrated her body and mind swiftly realized how totally unprepared they were for what her companion had in store for her. Her entire body was wracked by convulsions as her long neglected gag reflex was sent into overdrive. An explosion of spit and stomach bile sprayed from the depths of her throat to splatter messily across Jessy's body while the muscles in her neck seized up and her back violently arched as far as it could go. The sudden and all encompassing instinct to pull away seized her rational mind and it was only the presence of both her maid's hands on her head that kept her from doing so. Although that did little to stop the barrage of sputtering gags that soon followed as she nearly puked all over the cock that'd been so brutally shoved into her gullet. The constant and wild twitching of that same dick against the madly contracting walls of her throat didn't help matters either. Rather it didn't help her, because if the pleasured moans spilling from her partner's unobstructed mouth were any indication she appreciated them quite a lot.

“Uh oh!” She panted as her hips grinded against Bianca's face and she pushed her cock a little deeper into her throat, “I guess your husband really hasn't trained your slutty little throat! Looks like I'll have to do that for him too!”

Entirely focused on not throwing up her companion simply sputtered and retched as saliva and stomach bile spewed out of her throat in increasingly viscous quantities. She barely even heard Jessy's giggle or whatever deliciously insulting thing she said before she started pulling back. But it was impossible to miss the wet and incredibly lewd sounds of her throat being evacuated of both cock and spittle. It filled the bedroom and sent shivers of humiliated arousal reverberating through her body. Her aching pussy unleashed a torrent of arousal all over the floor between her thighs as the simple pleasure of having her throat violated in such an uncompromising fashion was enough to give her an orgasm. Although it was hardly the mind shattering, body consuming release she wanted the sudden barrage of ecstasy still left her in a state of dazed bliss as Jessy's prick almost completely pulled out. In the all too brief moment of respite she enjoyed where the head of that turgid length was resting against her bottom lip and air could flow freely into her gasping lungs Bianca moaned. It was a deep, almost guttural sound marked by all the slimy fluids coating her esophagus. A second later it was cut short as her partner slammed her entire cock right back inside her mouth without any restraint at all. In it's place an amazingly sloppy gurgle exploded from the depths of her body. Even with her mouth opened as wide as it could be Jessy's dick left almost no room for air to escape and what little did manage to break free was accompanied by all manner of sticky fluids that further coated the shaft once again retreating from her lips. Yet in the time it took her companion to pull back and slam forward once more Bianca could feel her gag reflex start to remember all the training she'd given it in high school and college.

Little by little the heaves and convulsions wracking her body as Jessy mercilessly fucked her faced gave way to more natural movements. It took minutes of nearly unending cocksucking much of which was spent fighting her instincts and spewing thick globules of saliva and stomach bile all over the dick violating her throat. True to her word Bianca's companion didn't hold back anything and the rougher her movements got the more impossible it seemed that her body was adjusting. But despite the myriad of sputtering gurgles and loud retching that exploded from her lips she could feel the edges rounding off and the more violent of her reactions simmering down. Spit continued to spray out of her mouth just about every time her partner's dick was slammed forward but there was less and less bile being dredged up from the depths of her thankfully empty belly. Tears occasionally trickled from the corners of her eyes but the tracks left across her face were slowly drying, much like the flecks of spittle that'd sprayed across her face and Jessy's body. Soon her back was arching in pleasure as the eroticism of being so thoroughly abused by a total stranger managed to overcome the immediate focus of not puking all over both of them. Her mind could more fully absorb just how wet and aroused her pussy was not mention bask in the small but no less wonderful orgasms that continued to flood her senses as she was knelt on the carpet getting fucked like a cheap whore.

She was able to properly enjoy the degradation of her partner's throbbing dick slamming in and out of her mouth while her chin was battered by a pair of sloppy, dripping balls. But perhaps most arousing of all she was finally able to stare up at the woman responsible for her pleasure with a smoldering look that could've melted a glacier. It didn't take long for Jessy to spot that stare and it took even less time for her to respond with a loud moan. Her nails scraped against Bianca's scalp as thrusted forward like a woman possessed and uttered a string of half formed curses and barely coherent insults while the entire house echoed with the sound of Mrs. Winters' throat being fucked like never before. The loud, wet, and impossibly vulgar cacophony soon drowned out just about everything else as her face was treated with downright contempt by the throbbing brown cock she'd so happily invited into her throat. Whatever moans and slurps she might've added to the equation were like whispers in a downtown club and somehow that fact only further served to reinforce the position she was in. To illustrate exactly what she was good for and why she should be used in such a vulgar and unrelenting fashion. Because of that it was downright fitting that the only thin to properly drown out the licentious noises of a woman being facefucked was the woman doing the fucking crying out at the top of her lungs.

“Ohhhh fuck!” Jessy gasped, her ecstasy punctuated by the sound of her balls slapping against Bianca's face, “Ohhhhhhhhhhh fuck I'm gonna cum!”

Unable to speak with a dick ferociously slamming into her throat Mrs. Winters could only offer a wet, gurgling moan in response. Along with yet another violent shudder as the prospect of gulping down her partner's jizz penetrated her foggy brain. Her body continued to squirm and tremble in anticipation as every frantic thrust and loud moan from her companion brought both of them closer to the big finale, or rather what she hoped would be the first of several big finales! And the more frantically Jessy violated her face the more convinced Bianca was that she'd be rewarded with a belly full of spunk any moment now. Which only made her surprise all more complete when, at the last possible second, her buxom lover suddenly pulled out. Groaning like a wild animal and gripping her cock with one hand Jessy held her companion's hair tight as she forced her head backwards an instant before the first thick explosion of cum erupted from her tip. Barely able to keep up with what was happening Bianca simply moaned in delight as fresh jizz splashed across her face. Her eyes quickly shut as another jet sprayed across her upturned features to land against her eyelids and pool on her cheeks. An intense, overwhelming feeling of sluttiness filled her as countless loads were dumped on her face one after another all while Jessy let out a string of satisfied moans and debasing insults that further reinforced how much of a dirty slut she really was. By the time she was finished Bianca was literally drenched with cum with creamy strands falling from her face to slowly roll down the rest of her body at a constant rate. The smell was even more intoxicating than the feeling.

Each breath arrived as a ragged gasp as she knelt there in a puddle of her own arousal with a stranger's jizz coating her face in the bedroom she shared with her husband. Never in her entire life had Bianca felt like a bigger whore. And that included the multiple times she'd let her boyfriend's buddies fuck her while her boyfriend watched and jerked off. As soon as she had enough awareness to do so she started licking up all the spunk she could reach, wholly unconcerned with how ridiculous she must've looked frantically licking at her own face like a dog. But she couldn't have looked as ridiculous as she assumed because less than twenty seconds after she started Jessy knelt down beside her and joined in the fun, her tongue gliding across Mrs. Winter's face to clean up the jizz she'd left everywhere. Once more taken aback by this turn of events Bianca leaned in to every stroke of her lover's tongue and opened her eyes the very moment they were cleaned of any spunk. She stared with an intense, burning passion at the woman responsible for her sexual reawakening and her expression was mirrored on her amazingly lewd partner. Standing up again as her own spunk glistened on her lips she let out a soft giggle and took hold of her cock yet again. Although not quite as hard as it once was it hadn't gone completely limp yet and she wasted no time using that to her advantage by idly smacking her slick length against Bianca's cheek and lips. Thoroughly enjoying the feeling of humiliation and degradation such a simple act provided she stopped cleaning the jizz off her face and instead basked in the pleasure of being cock slapped for the first time in years.

“What else is your husband afraid to do?” Jessy asked in an even more sultry voice than normal.

Smiling up at her with spunk dripping from her chin and a wild in her eyes Bianca seductively replied, “Everything . . .”

And that's exactly what they did over the two or three hours Bianca was able to stay lucid before Jessy quite literally fucked her unconscious. They started off slow, both of them removing every article of clothing left on their bodies and climbing naked onto the bed. Wasting no time at all Mrs. Winters lifted her ass into the air and pressed her face down in the pillow, both hands spreading apart her buttocks as she offered her tightly puckered hole to the maid. Jessy similarly didn't hesitate for a second to bury her face between those perky round cheeks and bury her tongue inside her companion's quivering little ring like it was the most delicious treat imaginable. She worked that tight hole for what seemed like days on end in a constant frenzy of movement that sent waves of pleasure through Bianca's body and stretched her soon to be fucked asshole until it was finally ready for the cock she so desperately wanted. Quite literally mounting her slutty fucktoy Jessy buried her shaft inside Mrs. Winters ass and started thrusting away. Her balls smacked wetly against her pussy and both of their fat, jiggling asses bounced like crazy from the force of her movements all while Bianca squealed into the pillow so loudly her ecstasy was audible regardless. Pain and pleasure swirled through her body  in a wonderful mixture with one never being able to beat out the other one due in no small part to her utter lack of experience with anal sex. A handful of fingers over many years and one experience with anal beads did not a proper slut make and she was learning that with every furious thrust of her lover's cock. But no matter how much her aching hole twinged Jessy's balls smacking against her naked and wantonly aroused cunt never failed to send a mad shiver down her spine. Eventually that sensation, along with being sodomized of course, proved enough to send her careening into an orgasm that would soak both of them in hot torrents of pussy juice.

Squirting for the first time since her wedding night Bianca absolutely drenched herself, Jessy, and a huge swathe of the bed behind them as she came harder enough to temporarily lose her vision. Not at all helped, or perhaps exclusively helped, by her partner's continued thrusting as she failed to slow her movements even a little bit for the entire duration of her climax. Resulting in an incredible amount of toe curling, eye rolling, body shaking ecstasy that just seemed to stretch on and on forever without any sign of an ending. Things only started to simmer down when Jessy's cock was pulled from her nicely gaped asshole but the respite was short lived when her tongue replaced it. Barely five seconds after that and long before Bianca had finished spraying thick jets of arousal all over the ruined bedspread a pair of fingers joined in the fine. They slid in on either side of her asshole and slowly began to pull away from one another while her maid's tongue continued to lick the precum and spit lathered walls of her rectum. In the delirious haze of pleasure that was her reality an experience like having her asshole quite literally pulled open only made sense to Mrs. Winters. In fact it was such a wonderful addition to everything else she was feeling her mind didn't even notice the twinges of pain that naturally came with having her once virginal hole turned into a yawning void. Hell she barely had the wherewithal to react when two more fingers were added to the fun and Jessy's tongue retreated entirely. Aside from louder and more piercing screams there wasn't much more she could do anyways. Except maybe thank God that she'd taken the time to share all the things she wanted her husband to do to her while she and Jessy were getting undressed. Because just as the discomfort of being pulled open like a stubborn bag of potato chips was begging to enter her consciousness her companion stopped and flipped her over onto her back instead.

As the last, little spurts of her orgasm leaked from her pussy Jessy climbed off the bed and hurried into the closet where Bianca's small assortment of dildos had been hidden. She returned with the shoebox they were stashed in and dumped them onto the bed between them. The biggest vibrator available, one that still wasn't as big as the cock that'd been violating her throat a few minutes earlier, was stuffed in Mrs. Winters' gaping asshole and turned on while the second largest was pushed into her mouth and worked not unlike the dick she'd been sucking earlier. Moaning around the silicon phallus she sucked it off with all the passion she could muster, lathering it in spit and once again pushing her gag reflex even further away from relevance. Once it'd been nicely coated in saliva Jessy flipped it around so her lover was holding the base between her teeth and then squatted over Bianca's face. One hand spread apart her enormous ass cheeks while the other furiously stroked her cock as she lowered herself onto the dildo Mrs. Winders was so kindly holding for her. And she made sure to take her time sliding down that nice, thick toy so her companion had more than enough time to admire the gigantic buttocks gradually being lowered towards her face. Entirely unable to help herself Bianca reached up to grab a handful of those fat cheeks and finally feel them against her hands. Jessy moaned and responded by sliding her dick between her partner's soft, jiggling tits and giving her yet another experience she'd always wanted to enjoy with her husband. All while pinching and teasing her sensitive nipples in a fantastically skillful manner. And by the time her greedy asshole had swallowed up nearly every inch of the dildo Bianca was holding for her she dismounted her rich fuck doll's face and instead moved between her tightly clenched thighs. She spread them as surely as she spread her pussy lips before slamming the entirety of her cock inside her gooey cunt.

Her legs were quickly lifted off the bed and pushed forward until her knees were pressed tight against her tits and her blushing face was framed by her ankles and her companion was squatting over her with a sultry grin. One of her hands slid around Bianca's throat while the other reached back to shove the vibrator a little further inside her asshole before she started thrusting. Barely able to breath and more aroused than ever by that simple fact Mrs. Winters let out a strangled moan as she was fucked yet again by the single best worker her husband had ever hired. Pleasure cascaded through her senses with every thrust and the harder her lover slammed down the more violently her whole body shivered. Had the bed she was pressed against been anything other than memory foam the force of those movements would've certainly sent both of them bouncing up and down like crazy. But since it wasn't she remained locked in place while her cunt was turned inside out and her asshole was stimulated by a five inches of madly buzzing cock that both of them could enjoy. It could've only been better if there was a real dick stuffed into her butt and maybe another one inside her throat for good measure. Of course that might've limited Jessy's ability to choke her and, as she was quickly learning, a hand around her throat somehow made everything even better. Constantly being on the edge of suffocation without ever actually running out of air was strangely reminiscent of the one and only time she'd tried ecstasy. Undoubtedly because of how skilled her partner apparently was in all aspects of sex and how eagerly she'd taken to all the deeply perverted things Bianca had wanted to do. She really didn't have any qualms with a single thing on her companion's list, including giving her a massive creampie. That part she took to with a gusto that sent shivers down her lover's spine. Load after hot, sticky load was pumped into the deepest past of her cunt and every new spurt was just another reminder of how slutty she really was.

And the moment she was finished pumping Bianca's womb full of fresh jizz Jessy pulled out and threw her legs over her fucktoy's slack jawed face. Removing the dildo from her ass and pressing her sloppy hole against Mrs. Winters' mouth she buried her own face in the pussy she'd just vacated to lick the creampie out of it like there was no greater purpose in life. While simultaneously pumping the vibrator left in her asshole in and out at a frantic rate. Initially overwhelmed by the stimulation and entirely too dazed to even think about what she was doing Bianca could only moan and weakly lap at her lover's quivering ring while pleasure flooded her system so soon after the incredible delight of getting a good, honest cumshot from a total stranger. Add to that the continued stimulation to her ass and it was getting harder and harder for her to remember her own name, let alone all the things she'd told Jessy about at the start of their madcap descent into perversion. Of course it didn't take long for her latent slut to take over and send her tongue plunging into the gooey asshole being offered to her. In fact as soon as she tasted the sumptuous flavor that was her companion's ass there was no stopping her. Sliding both arms around Jessy's waist she pulled her down against her face until she was smothered not only by her tight ring but also the fat, bouncing cheeks that'd started this whole affair in the first place. Before long she was eagerly motorboating those enormous cheeks while sloppily tonguing another woman's asshole in such a frenzy her lover was actually taken aback. Forced to stop licking the cum from Bianca's pussy as a moan exploded from her lips Jessy actually lifted her head to grin back at the woman hungrily eating her out. Then she started bouncing up and down against her partner's face like she was actively trying to smother her with the dumptruck she called an ass. Which only added more fuel to the raging fires in their lewdly writhing bodies.

After that it was so laughably easy for them to change positions, indulge knew kinks, and even try out every toy in Bianca's collection nothing short of a full scale apocalypse could've stopped them. Time simply flew by as Jessy all but categorically indulged every last one of her companion's fetishes while often adding in a few new ones she knew her fucktoy would enjoy. Like bringing her naked, sweat and pussy juice covered body out to the balcony overlooking the hills, bending her over the railing, then fucking her pussy until she squirted again. Or stuffing three fingers inside that same cunt and fingering her until she went cross eyed. A particular highlight for Bianca was when she woke from one of many post orgasm fugue states to find herself lying on the floor of the shower with her companion standing above her sporting a grin that sent shivers down her spine. Knowing what was about to happen well before anything could even occur she opened her mouth and started rubbing her cunt. A heart beat later Jessy grabbed her cock and aimed it directly at Mrs. Winters' face as a golden stream of piss erupted from the head. Slightly clogged by all the cum she'd released since the last time she relieved herself it split into two streams that rather comically splashed against the wall on either side of her head instead of directly in her face like she wanted. But the issue sorted itself out quickly enough and soon she was happily gulping down her lover's urine in big, steamy mouthfuls. All while rubbing her clit so fast and so hard if she'd been even slightly less wet it could've started a fire. Delighted and totally taken aback by the size of Jessy's bladder Bianca couldn't keep up with the sheer amount of pee cascading into her mouth and before long it was streaming down her chest to coat her perverted body in yet another layer of filth.

Even when the flow started to lessen her companion made sure to step forward so every last drop landed exactly where it was supposed to. By the end her cock was literally resting against her slutty partner's lips as she drank down the last drops of piss. Of course they were far from done engaging in the debauchery that'd sat in the back of Bianca's head for years. Not two seconds after she'd finished Jessy stepped away and grabbed her lover's ankles. She flipped her ass over elbow as gently as possible and smiled at her from between her opened and trembling thighs. It took Mrs. Winters a second or two to realize what she was supposed to do but as soon as she nodded her mistress nodded back and stood up to play her part. Namely by sliding balls deep inside her asshole and teasingly rubbing her pussy for a couple seconds. Bianca moaned at the stimulation but her mind was elsewhere, focusing on the task of overcoming yet another natural function. Although it proved a lot harder than stifling her gag reflex in the end she managed to push aside whatever mental and physical blocks were in place and send yet another golden stream of urine splashing across her face. This time from her own bladder. Sadly she wasn't anywhere near as full as her partner and the pleasure only lasted a fraction of the time but that hardly stopped her from opening her mouth wide and filling her throat with as much hot, incredibly odd yet highly erotic piss and gulping it down as fast as she could. And despite Jessy's small but frequent thrusts making the task a good bit harder she nonetheless savored each and everyone. Because of all the things she'd enjoyed in her life pissing on her own face while getting fucked in the ass ranked high among the most perverted. A fact that both turned her on and inspired her to try and go further since she wasn't likely to have this opportunity again.

Once they were done relieving themselves the two enjoyed a long, sexy shower together full of plenty more naughtiness. Bianca's favorite moment being when Jessy shoved the mercifully small shower head inside her pussy while the water was still running. While it didn't last long the experience had left her gasping and barely able to walk almost instantly. So naturally she was carried back to the bedroom where the fun could continue for a little while longer. In spite of how limp and ineffective her legs had proven to be upon exiting Mrs. Winters had enjoyed a momentary burst of energy after a nice, steamy in every sense of the word shower. One that did not last long as she was mercilessly fucked by what might as well have been a sex robot. But she couldn't even take the time to admire the seemingly endless amount of cum and endurance her companion had because her own was fading at such a rapid pace it was downright frightening. Apparently having all her kinks and fetishes indulged in a single afternoon was a lot more draining than she expected. It was around the fourth or fifth time Jessy had dumped another load of cum inside her that she came to that realization. Or at least whatever passed for coming to a realization when she was a brain dead, cock addled bimbo of her former self. To her credit even with that limiting her mind and body at an ever increasing rate she managed to participate in every last thing that was thrown at her to some degree. Instances where her wrists were pinned against the bed while Jessy fucked her pussy or when she was being smothered by her lover's fat ass afforded little chance to do anything but she nonetheless tried her best to engage with all of it. But after cumming for the umpteenth time from a vibrator in her pussy and a cock in her asshole it was time to finally accept the darkness creeping into her vision.

The last thing she consciously felt as she slumped against the bed was her companion's jizz coating the walls of her ass and the throbbing cock delivering it all slowly pulling out, “Don't stop . . .” Bianca whimpered, “Don't stop . . . I just need . . . to rest . . . my . . . eyes . . . please . . . keep . . . fucking . . . me . . .”

Jessy offered a sultry laugh and quietly replied, “Enjoy your rest Mrs. Winters.” as she slid off the bed and sauntered naked through the house.

Entering the kitchen to collect her cell phone she hit a few shortcuts and held it up to her ear. After ringing for a few seconds a weary voice on the other end said, “This is Maximilian Winters.”

“Hello Mr. Winters! It's Jessy.”

“Jessy!” He said with a noticeably more cheerful tone, “Wow! I didn't think I'd hear back from you so soon!”

“I like to work fast and efficiently.” She laughed.

“Then . . . it's done? You did everything she wanted to do?”

“Everything I could do by myself. You're wife is one crazy chick Mr. Winters.”

“I know.” Max replied in a voice thick with affection, “I don't know how she ended up with a boring guy like me!”

“Don't sell yourself short sweetie. Most husbands wouldn't even know what their wives want, let alone care enough to hire someone to indulge them when they can't!?'

“You think so?”


“That makes me feel a little better . . .”

“I'm glad.” Jessy leaned against the island and looked in the direction of the bedroom, “You still want to tell her the truth yourself right?”

“Yes. I think she deserves to hear it from me. And if I know Bianca she won't be able to keep what she thinks she's done a secret for very long.”

“You've thought of everything huh?”

“I tried to. Part of me wasn't sure this whole thing would work at all. Tell me, did she end up seducing you or did you have to seduce her?”

“A little bit of both actually. Like I said, your wife is a crazy chick!”

“Yeah she is . . . do you mind sticking around for the rest of the day? I should be home later tonight and I . . . well . . . it's sort of embarrassing . . .”

“You wanna catch us in the act don't you?”

There was a long pause followed by a slightly embarrassed laugh, “Kind of yeah . . .”

Jessy giggled and bit her lower lip, “Maybe you're not so boring after all Mr. Winters.”

“I hope not. I have to go now, thank you so much for doing this for me Mrs. Dubai. I really can't say how grateful I am.”

“You're welcome.” She replied, “And after what your wife and I did I should be thanking you for introducing us!”

“Well then you're welcome too!” He chuckled. “I'll see you in a few hours.”

“See you soon!” Ending the call with a swipe of her finger Jessy set her phone down and idly drummed her fingers on the island for a moment while smiling in the direction of the bedroom and the woman slumped naked on the bed within in, “I can't wait to see where this goes!” She thought, “But until then I think I'll take Bianca up on her last request . . .”



Realized that I never got around to reading this, I really like the way it turned out! The twist was great too, definitely wasn't expecting it but I like it a lot.


Well I appreciate you taking the time to come back and say that! And I'm glad it subverted your expectations to some degree! I doubt I'll ever be avant-garde but I'll always be happy to know I surprised someone in a good way!

Jimmy TwoTries

Definitely a fun twist on top of a wife getting absolutely ravaged!


Thank you! I thought it would be fun to have a gangbang cheating story that actually played around a little with expectations. Not a huge amount but at least enough to be slightly different from my usual fare.