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Well this took longer than I expected lol. I guess that's what happens when you delete the first draft and start over fresh after a couple days. Hopefully the end product is still worth reading! As always those uninterested in futa/trans characters should give this a pass!

“You want a picture of what?”

“Your penis. I need it to finish pledging at the Phi Kappa Beta sorority.”

“S-seriously? I thought that was just a stupid rumor someone started . . .”

“Apparently it's not.”

Cyrus slowly shook his head and stared at the bespectacled woman sitting beside him on the stone bench. They'd come there after finishing Philosophy 101 and while the conversation had started off simple enough it quickly took a left turn into insanity. Although he didn't know Amelia all that well he had come to like her during their handful of interactions. It was hard not to when she was such a bubbly source of energy, smiles, and general positivity. Her thick Irish accent and undeniable beauty certainly helped his fondness for her blossom. Even after being bold faced asked if she could see and subsequently take a picture of his genitals part of him was still preoccupied with her looks. There was little doubt in his mind that he'd say yes purely because of how cute she was. Despite her request and the whole practice behind it being completely insane to him. He tried his best to shake the more hormonal side of his thoughts away and thing about her bizarre antics rationally. Such a thing was all but a lost cause when she smiled that bright smile of hers and tilted her head to the side.

“I won't share it with anyone else if that's what you're worried about.” Amelia stated, “I'll show it to the president of the sorority and that's it!”

“That didn't even occur to me.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah . . .”

“Then what are you thinking about right now?”


“Of course!”

“I was wondering how you got assigned me, o-or however it works.”

Amelia laughed and leaned back for a moment, her eyes sparkling as she debated telling him the truth for all of a second, “Well if you must know . . . I picked you.”


“I was given a list of eligible guys and told I could pick one or let one be picked at random. When I saw your name I picked you.”

Cyrus' eyes widened and his heart raced as he stared at her for a moment, “W-why did you pick me?”

“I dunno . . .” Amelia shrugged, her freckled cheeks reddening slightly for the first time since they sat down, “You're cute and funny and I guess I kind of already wanted to see it.”

“You wanted to see my—really?”

“Don't act so surprised. I can't be the first girl that's been interested.”

“No but you're the first one that's been so up front!”

“Seriously? Americans are so uptight it's silly!”

“Yeah . . .” Cyrus chuckled and looked down at his sneakers for a second. Their conversation halted for a couple seconds as a group of students walked by. “So all you need is a quick picture right?”


“And nobody else but you and the president of the sorority will see it?”

“Not a soul!” She promised. Sensing his waning hesitation she decided to give him one last push in the form of some genuine reassurance, “I don't want you to feel like you have to do this for my sake. Trust me, there were a lot of guys on that list that wouldn't think twice about showing me their boys.”

“Well that's good.” He replied. A little flare of jealousy lit up his heart but it passed by faster than he could acknowledge it, “I'll do it.”


“Yeah . . . I mean what's the harm right? It's just a dumb college sorority thing. I had to do plenty of dumb shit when pledging to my frat.”

“I know, I've heard the rumors.” Amelia teased.

“Shut up.”

She grinned at him and he returned her smile as they looked at one another for a couple seconds. “So do you want to take off your trousers right here and now or should we go somewhere more private?”

“I uh I think somewhere private is better.” He laughed.

“Good call. Why don't we head to your dorm room then? My roommate's will be back soon.”

“All right. Let's get going I guess!”

They stood up and exchanged smiles with Amelia's being more reassuring while Cyrus' was more bashful. The pair walked back to his dorm room in near total silence and only when they were both inside and the door was shut did either of them relax. Despite her seemingly cavalier attitude she was just as nervous as he was. Sitting down on the bed and grinning at him she did her best to mask the slight flush creeping into her cheeks as plain old excitement. He saw right through her attempts but was far too distracted himself. Everything about what they were doing was weird and silly yet no part of him wanted to stop. If anything standing there in front of her with his hands resting on the zipper of his jeans just made his desire to show off increase.

Though he'd noticed just about every time he'd seen her only as he was staring down at Amelia did his brain truly realize how attractive she found her. With freckles dotting nearly every inch of her beautiful round face and a pair of large green eyes that always seemed to be crinkled in a smile there was no doubt she was beautiful. Her cute little button nose and rather full lips gave her a more sultry appearance that both conflicted with and complimented the shock of curly orange hair she never seemed to tie up or do anything with. And while her face was unquestionably where most of his focus was the rest of her body deserved every bit of the same adoration. Short and plump in all the right places her small, almost nonexistent bust made what was already a fantastically large ass look even wider by comparison. In just about every way save her bust size she resembled a plus sized model and all that extra thickness around her thighs, midriff, and even her arms was just so damn appealing to him he was already hard before he'd even started unzipping his pants. She filled out her dark green sweater and jeans better than anyone he'd ever seen. Of course he couldn't exactly express any of that attraction while he was flashing her his dick. That would be the height of awkwardly poor timing.

“A-are you ready?” He finally asked.

“Yeah . . .”

“Shouldn't you take your phone out?”

Amelia started a little and nodded, pulling her phone from her purse with a laugh and saying, “You're right! Now I'm ready!”

“Okay . . .” He nodded.

“Okay , , ,”

Despite being certain this was what he wanted to do Cyrus again hesitated. Amelia watched him with a slowly growing smile, one of her eyebrows arched in an almost sardonic fashion. Something about seeing him look so bashful when he towered over and outweighed her by no small amount was simply adorable. Watching his broad face darken as his gorgeous African features contorted ever so slightly made for a much more amusing treat than she'd have guessed. While she might not have been incredibly familiar with him beyond friendly chats it was still endearingly comical to see his handsome face looking so humanly nervous. Instead of the sculpted, charismatic look he normally had. She watched his large hands shake ever so slightly as he tried to unzip his jeans and saw the way his biceps twitched beneath the plain white t shirt covered his beefy chest. Eventually she started to realize that for all his seeming eagerness there was little chance of him showing off his cock. Not without a little encouragement at least.

“Do it like we're on a game show!” She suggested.


“Do it like your cock is the fabulous prize contestants can win!” 

“I don't even—I'm just gonna pull my pants down!”

“You're no fun!”

Cyrus shook his head and laughed. A small portion of his nerves had been eased by her joking and it'd proven just enough to let him slide that zipper down and drop his pants. He probably didn't need to go that far but in the moment he wasn't really thinking about how silly it would be to stand there with his jeans around his ankles like a toddler. He hooked his thumbs into the waist band of his red boxer briefs, took a deep breath, and yanked those down too. Moving as quickly as he could before his nerves could set in he bent over and pushed his his undergarments down to the same position as his pants before straightening and giving Amelia an unobstructed view of what she was there to see. And though she'd definitely expected something appropriately large to match his frame Amelia did not think he would have a cock quite as thick and lovely as he did. Maybe seven or eight inches in length but as thick around as her index, middle, and ring fingers pressed together his shaft was magnificent. It immediately reminded her of the small but varied collection of dildos she possessed in a locked trunk beneath her bed. In fact his dick was easily bigger than some of her favorites, especially in the are of girth. His balls also managed to be even more plump and rounded than she thought. Each one looked big enough to dwarf her hand were she to hold one. Of course she was only supposed to be taking a picture . . .

“Wow . . .” Amelia murmured, “Thank you Cyrus . . .”

“Yeah . . .” He replied, nodding and staring up at the ceiling so he would get more aroused by looking at her face, “Did you take the picture yet?”

“Gimme a second.” She lifted her phone and waited for everything to come into focus. The lighting wasn't great but the overall shape and size of his member was nakedly evident so she snapped a quick picture. That probably should have been the end of it but as she stared at the image and the real thing softly twitching nearly within arms reach Amelia realized something. “Hang on, I think I need to get a bit closer.”

“Uhm, okay. W-why?”

“The lighting isn't very good . . .”

“Right . . . okay . . .”

He heard the bed she was sitting on creak ever so slightly as she moved off it and although he was staring fixedly at the ceiling it was impossible not to sense her presence drawing near him. If only his cock wasn't as excited as his heart by that prospect. While there was no doubt in his mind she understood why he seemed so aroused, or at the very least had a pretty good idea, he felt incredibly embarrassed all the same. Cyrus had no idea how blatantly she was ogling him nor did he see the lascivious smile spread across her face. There wasn't even the slightest inkling of a thought that she might want to do anything more. In his naive mind this was little more than a business transaction between acquaintances. One that was perhaps a few shades more silly and odd than a normal interaction.

“This is a lot better,” Amelia commented as she knelt so close to him she could smell the precum beading on the head of his dick. The scent of his natural musk clouded her nostrils and sent a shiver down her spine. “Hmmmmm.”

“What is it?”

“Well the lighting is all right but now the angle isn't so great . . .”

“Oh . . . should I sit down or something?”

“No that wouldn't help . . . do you . . . do you think . . . maybe I could . . . move it?”

Amelia feigned the same nervous embarrassment currently possessing her companion even though she felt nothing but eagerness at the prospect. When Cyrus finally fixed her with an incredulous look her expression was suitably bashful, “You want to . . . to move my cock around?”

“I-if you don't mind! I completely understand if you don't want me to touch you I just don't think—”

“No i-it's fine!”


“Yeah. I mean you've gotta get a good picture right?”


Holding her phone in her now trembling right hand Amelia slowly reached out with her left. She felt Cyrus' gaze burning a hole into her head but rather than be nervous or put off by it the fact that he was watching only heightened her anticipation. It also allowed her to put the four years of acting classes she'd taken in high school to good use. Putting on an expression like she was enormously timid and uncertain about what she was doing her fingers slowly wrapped around the underside of his shaft. Or more accurately they closed around as much of his girth as they could. Both of them tensed as she touched him and the sudden throbbing that marked that first contact was met with an unavoidable quiver from Amelia. Thankfully he was too busy sucking in a sharp breath to notice her response or the momentary flash of lust that spread across her face. After a second or two of holding his shaft under the guise of steeling herself, when in actuality she was just resisting the urge to slide his dick into her mouth, she started to lift his prick from the pendulous position it'd been occupying. Her digits gave him a soft squeeze, one he took to be reassuring but was in actually just a reflexive desire to remind herself of how thick and hard he was. Amelia continued to lift up his member until it was nearly perpendicular to the rest of his body and only when she stopped did he speak.

“Is that better?”


“Oh good . . .”

Although she didn't mean to Amelia let her facade slip just a little bit as she bit her lower lip and stared with wide eyes at the cock throbbing gently against her hand. She didn't bother to mask her interest as she shifted to side to take a nice profile shot of his member with her phone. There was absolutely no reason to actually snap a second image but it seemed like such a waste to not document the glory that was his member. Cyrus certainly wasn't complaining. It'd been a good six months since anyone touched his cock and even longer since someone as beautiful as her did it. The attention felt both nice and a little embarrassing although that second emotion was beginning to fade as he noticed the delight on his companion's face. There was no pretending she wasn't enjoying this and something about the fact that a woman as beautiful as her was actively taking pleasure in touching and seeing his cock made him all kinds of happy. Of course there was no reason to expect anything more to happen. She just had to take a picture it wasn't like—

“I can't do this anymore.” Amelia stated, putting down her phone but pointedly keeping her fingers wrapped around his dick.

“W-what do you mean.”

Looking up at him with the sort of smile that every man wanted to see from a gorgeous woman currently holding his cock she replied, “I haven't been entirely honest with you Cyrus . . . that first picture was totally fine . . . I just wanted an excuse to touch your cock . . . hell I wanted an excuse to do a whole lot more than touch it!”

As she spoke her other hand moved to his shaft to squeeze and cradle it in the same manner as the first, “Oh . . .” He said in a nervous voice, “I see . . .”

“Do you want me to stop?”


“Do you want me to stop?” She asked in a low, husky voice, “Because I will if you say yes. But if the answer's no . . .”

Hearing those words and the promise they all but outright stated made his entire body tense. There was nothing in the world he wanted more in that moment than to experience whatever else she had in mind for him and his cock, “I don't want you to stop . . .”

“Then I won't . . .”

Delighted to no end that he was just as eager as her Amelia didn't waste any time leaning forward. Her lips met the head of his cock in a tender kiss. The precum that'd been oozing out of his shaft was immediately smeared across her mouth like lip balm and she paused just long enough to let him see the little addition he'd already made. As expected his cock throbbed heartily at the sight. Giggling at that response she opened her mouth with a wet smack and slowly engulfed his member. Torn between the desire to show off just how good she was at sucking cock and the desire to take it slow and let him learn that in the best possible way Amelia paused with her lips barely past the tip of his prick. She managed to pass off her indecision by running her tongue across what little of it had entered her body and lapping up the bitter precum that was steadily pumping out. Like any sane human being Cyrus neither minded nor even noticed this stalling tactic. Instead he was entirely overcome by the pleasure of the moment and the pleasure of witnessing her giving him a blowjob. He didn't even think about what her plans were until she'd suddenly made up her mind.

In a move that wouldn't surprise anyone who truly knew her Amelia decided to go big with. There was no sense in spending months honing her already god given oral talents if she wasn't gonna relish in them. The only warning her partner had before his entire dick was swallowed up in an instant was a look that could've meant a thousand different things. Before his brain could even remotely parse what she might have been saying Amelia had slammed her head forward like she was trying to headbutt his stomach. Every solitary centimeter of his shaft flew into her mouth and throat at such a speed it was almost like a magic trick. A fantastically sloppy gurgle accompanied her movement and it filled their little room an instant before his astonished yet thoroughly pleasured groan. Following hot on the heals of both was a wet, impossibly lewd moan from Amelia herself.

“Holy shit!” Cyrus gasped as his hands jumped right to where they belonged: on either side of Amelia's head, “Holy shit!”

Unable to talk but very much able to appreciate the wild pulsing of his dick as it strained against her throat and sent precum flooding into her belly she offered the only response she could, “Mmmmmm!”

She kept her lips pressed snugly against the base of his cock for as long as she possibly could. Although he couldn't see the way her throat bulged he could certainly feel the incredibly tightness that came along with it. In addition to the way her eyes slowly rolled back in her head. When she started to gag, spit erupting from her mouth as her whole body shivered, Cyrus tried to move Amelia backwards out of genuine concern. His efforts were met with a wet slurping as she hurriedly shook her head and kept herself rooted in place. Deepthroating his massive dick was exactly the sort of thing that got her so hot and bothered she didn't need any foreplay. Plus it was just really fun to feel his member throbbing like crazy inside her gullet. Because no matter how concerned he might have been there was no pretending at least some part of him didn't enjoy the sight of a beautiful woman quite literally choking on his prick. Few men could claim they didn't enjoy such an ego booting experience and he was without a doubt in the majority on this one. Not that his expression demonstrated any of that. A mixture of concern and uncertainty he watched her writhing beneath him for what felt like hours before she finally slid backwards.

Making sure to retreat as noisily as possible her lips glided back down his cock like it was the most enjoyable experience in the world. Inch after inch appeared from her throat absolutely coated in saliva with long strands of it dripping off and soiling her already stained sweatshirt. All the precum he'd been eagerly leaving in her mouth was beginning to seep out as well. Though she didn't often state it there were few things more arousing for Amelia than a truly sloppy blowjob. Seeing a cock absolutely drenched in spit, precum, and sometimes a nice flavored lube always gave her the oddest sense of satisfaction. Partly because she pretty much only went after well endowed guys so she knew how much of a challenge it was to get them that messy. But also because it meant there wouldn't be any issues at all when it came time for them to fuck her stupid. That aspect alone was often enough to make her squirm even without the other factor. As was the case this time around as she reached the head of his dick and paused to stare up at him with a remarkably innocent expression. A look that almost seemed to challenge the idea that not fifteen seconds earlier she'd gulped down his dick without the slightest bit of difficulty. 

Her hands slid up her bare thighs while she held his gaze until he couldn't meet her intensity for another moment. Though she did cheat the odds into her favor a tad by cupping his balls with one hand and massaging them in a way that all but forced him to tilt his head back and groan. When she softly closed her digits around the base of his member and started stroking everything that wasn't inside her mouth he felt his knees literally buckle. It was unlikely he'd be able to last much longer and if he continued to look at her unbelievably cute face that already short timer would get even shorter. Around the time she was sliding the first few inches of his dick inside her mouth again Cyrus was all but certain he'd be cumming before they could get anywhere else. Luckily for him Amelia was aware of his limited endurance. At least as much as she could be without literally knowing his thoughts. After spending a considerable portion of her life around cocks she knew all the signs and she knew exactly how to handle one that was about to ruin their fun.

Her lips vanished from his dick with a pop and she said, “Lie down on the bed!”


“Lie down on the bed!”

Though her hands continued to jerk him off and cradle his balls for a couple of seconds when it became clear he wasn't quite lucid enough to understand her she quickly moved the to his well muscled stomach instead. Giving him a gentle but encouraging push Amelia stood up just as Cyrus was sitting down. Finally realizing what she wanted from him and beyond eager to enjoy it he removed his shoes and pants as quickly as he could. All while watching her lifting up her sweater and unfastening her plain white bra. As it fell away he marveled at the freckle covered delight that was her small breasts and delightfully plump belly. Her large pink nipples had already stiffened from all the fun and the sat like two thick dollops of icing atop the appealingly oval contours of her tits. He was so enamored with them that he didn't really pay attention to the rest of her body as she slipped out of her own jeans and, soon after, her panties. Of course as she stood there naked in front of him there was no way he couldn't admire the sight of her entire body laid bare. 

Just as there was no way he couldn't make the discovery that many others had made. Rather than an appropriately thick and sopping wet pussy tucked between her alabaster thighs Amelia instead had an notably small cock. Though fully erect it wasn't more than a couple inches in length with precum oozing from the uncircumcised tip. Both her suitably petite balls and the pale, freckle covered skin all around her groin were completely devoid of hair, which only made the unexpected sight of her member that much more obvious. Unable to help himself Cyrus stared in utter disbelief at what he was seeing, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. Tellingly his cock hadn't softened one iota upon learning she was trans, although his brain was still reeling a fair bit.

“You're . . . you're . . .

“Trans? Yes, I though you knew?” Amelia asked.

“No . . .”


“Uh uh . . .”

“Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I would've mentioned it if I'd known you didn't know!” Blushing a deep crimson she looked down at her body for a moment, “I-if you want to stop now I understand. I know not everyone is—”

“I don't want to stop.” Cyrus immediately stated, his eagerness wildly evident.

“You don't?”


“Okay . . .” She grinned at him for a moment and glanced down at his cock, “If you want I can face away from you. Some guys prefer that so they don't have to—”

“Hell no! I wanna see your face!”

Feeling a sudden warmth spreading through her belly Amelia blushed harder than ever and smiled at him, “Okay . . .”

For once in his life Cyrus correctly read the tone of a woman's words and immediately reclined on the bed as she approached. He watched as she threw a leg over his waist to straddle his groin, her beautifully thick body hovering just a few inches above his own. But rather that immediately shoving his cock into her ass and riding him until they passed out, a thought that absolutely occurred to Amelia, she decided to give him a little reward. A small token of her appreciation. Leaning over his broad, hunky body she slid her arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a kiss. One that was equal parts passionate lust and tender affection. Just about every guy she'd hooked up with since going to college had been in some way put off by her being trans. And maybe Cyrus was as well but the fact that he hadn't made her feel bad about it was worth celebrating all on it's own. Her tongue slipped into his mouth and she leaned hard as their kiss stretched on for longer and longer. 

At some point her ass came to rest against his swollen and throbbing prick while at the same time pressing her own small member against his belly in a way that impossible not to notice. Yet Cyrus wasn't put off by that sensation. If anything there was something quite appealing about it. He'd never been with a trans girl before but he'd certainly fantasized about it on occasion. And he'd watched more than enough porn featuring women like Amelia to know he was into it. Suddenly finding himself in that kind of scenario was all at once incredibly delightful and more than a little intimidating. Glad he wasn't really the one in charge he nonetheless slowly grinded his dick against her body, it's thick length rubbing against her asshole and sending shiver to the tips of her fingers and toes. Their kissing was cut short rather abruptly when Amelia was forced to pull back and moan. Her fat, jiggling ass pressed down even harder against his shaft and she even did a little grinding of her own. He responded by grabbing her waist with his big, strong hands and pulling her harder against him. She reacted by softly moaning his name and pressing her own hands against his chest.

He wasn't even inside her yet and she was already trembling like she was about to cum! It was such an unusual circumstance Amelia couldn't help but speak up, “Thank you . . .” She murmured as her movement slowed and she stared directly at him, “Thank you for not . . . for not making me feel . . . for not being . . .”

“You're welcome.” He replied, mercifully sparing her the embarrassment of finishing her thought.

Amelia nodded and swallowed past the small lump in her throat. “Good. Now that we've got that out of the way . . . let's fuck!”

It was Cyrus' turn to nod, a genuine laugh bursting from his lips. It was quickly silenced as he watched and felt her rise up above him and reach back to grab his cock. Once it was lifted upright and poised directly below her ass she lowered herself back down at a pace that just screamed she wanted to be going faster but couldn't. Fortunately that frustration was abated rather quickly as creamy, spit soaked head of his dick slid between her buttocks and pressed against her tight little ring. Amelia paused for a fraction of a second to adjust herself and let out a little moan. Once her knees were resting comfortably against the bed on either side of him she could more comfortably move backwards. A long, measured breath spilled from her mouth as she paradoxically pushed her body outwards like she was trying to prevent him from entering. 

For a split second her body refused to yield and everything seemed to come to a standstill. But then years of training kicked in and her cock hungry asshole parted for him. Both of them groaned in unison as his shaft glided into her, the leisurely pace matching perfect with both the size of his member and the eagerness of her body. She got to feel each centimeter stretch out her ass and throb madly against her inner walls just as he got to feel those same walls clamping down around him tighter than any pussy ever had. It was a beautifully symbiotic experience that left both of the panting and shaking before she'd even reached the halfway mark. By the time she was nearing that threshold her stomach muscles were tensing and her legs were shaking like crazy. All she wanted to do was slump forward and just sit there with that lovely cock of his inside her. While it'd hadn't been very long since she last pleasured herself in such a manner it'd been a hot minute since that pleasuring was done with something other than a dildo. She felt his hands slid past her waist to find her buttocks and give them a nice, hard squeeze. Pulling them apart and squishing them back together as he kneaded her soft, bouncing flesh she couldn't help but shudder.

Not even his impressively large hands could fully encompass the sheer size of her fat ass. Something both of them enjoyed quite a lot and something that spurred her to continue sliding down his cock until he was as deep as he could possibly be. As it turned out that was pretty damn deep! Upon reaching the base of his cock and pausing to savor the feeling Amelia had to suck in a ragged breath to combat the dizziness she was feeling. Her head was spinning and her whole body was shivering, not just from being so deliciously full but also from being stuffed up by the first guy in years that seemed to enjoy the fact that she was trans. Nothing else could explain the absolutely wild twitching of his cock and the steady stream of precum being dumped into the deepest reaches of her asshole. She was so enthralled by the entire experience she didn't even realize how much of her own sticky arousal she was leaving on his nearly washboard abs. Cyrus did though and every little twitch of her adorably small cock was met with a vastly more vigorous pulse from his own. His eyes alternated between watching her diminutive shaft leaking precum all over his stomach to her enthralling face as it ran the gamut of pleasured expressions.

“That feels amazing,” He said without even thinking, “I-I mean you feeling amazing!”

“So do you . . .” Amelia giggled, “But we're not done yet handsome.”

“I know . . .”

The uncharacteristically rakish smile that lit up his face along with the sudden throbbing of his cock was nothing short of wonderful for Amelia. Without a second thought she started to slide right back up his dick at a considerably faster pace. Now that she was confident she could take every inch of him without any trouble it was time to really make use of that ability. To push both of them to the limits and then maybe go a little bit further just to be safe. In order to do that she needed to rise all the way to the very tip of his cock before slamming herself back down hard enough to make the flimsy bed spring beneath the mattress groan. And it wasn't the only one. As Cyrus let out a noise that few men had ever uttered without someone else atop them she immediately started moving right back up his length. Her ass wasn't even finished jiggling from the impact of that first movement and she was already halfway up his dick. When she returned to the base Amelia did so faster and with even more eagerness. Just about every inch of her body jiggled like made from that second impact and this time her partner was cognizant enough to enjoy the sight of her plumpness rippling above him.

“Oh my God!” He groaned.

She could only giggle at his outburst and continued riding him at a steadily rising crescendo. It was hardly the first time she'd heard that while bouncing up and down on a man's cock. Hell it wasn't even the first time she'd heard that said by a hunky, dark skinned man with hands that could smother her tits with room to spare. But it was the first time she'd heard it and knew that it was being said without qualification or hesitation. That his arousal and enjoyment wasn't tempered by the fact that she was trans or anything of the sort. And knowing that made it a hundred times better. She moved a little faster up and down his shaft without even realizing it as her own lust and happiness gradually took over any other thoughts or desire she might've had. Within a minute or so she was flying up and down his cock with her ass slamming down against his waist in an echoing smack. If there was anyone in the hallway near the dorm room they could almost certainly hear each wet impact as her body collided with his like a meteor striking the planet. 

Over and over again she brought herself down against his cock while the pleasure both of them felt continued to mount. Her enthusiastic moans and protracted gasps soon joined the echoing cacophony as all that carnal satisfaction began to wash over her in earnest. Soon enough she was experiencing the first, shuddering pangs of an orgasm as everything else gradually slipped into the background. The idea that her partner might be nearing a release of his own was entirely lost on Amelia. She didn't even think about anything like that as waves of pleasure started to fill her body. In all the buildup of asking to seek his cock and then slobbering all over it she was so poised and ready for a release the rest of the world simply didn't matter. At least until Cyrus reached the point of no return and out of some last ditch effort to warn his partner he announced that fact in the quickest way he could.

“Amelia!” He gasped, no longer able to hold himself back.

“Oh God yes!” She replied in a breathy voice dripping with arousal, Oh God cum inside me baby!”

Needing no further encouragement and wholly unable to do anything but Cyrus drove his cock as deep as it could go inside her ass, threw his head back, and grunted like a wild animal. Cum erupted from the head of his wildly twitching shaft to gush even deeper into her body. It splashed across her inner walls and sent little explosions of pleasure throughout her body. For an all too brief moment Amelia actually saws stars as she felt his warm, gooey seed soak the sensitive contours of her asshole. She grinded against him with more enthusiasm than ever as her body tightened. Although her hips couldn't move nearly as fast as they wanted to the motivation of milking every last drop of spunk she could from his balls encouraged her to gyrate with all the gusto she could muster. Which, as Cyrus quickly learned, was quite a lot. Her plump, jiggling body was almost hypnotic in it's movements as she bounced and squirmed atop him like a pornstar putting on a show. Except unlike that example there was nothing but genuine passion behind her movements, as demonstrated by the fact that her partner didn't even see what she was doing.

He certainly felt it though and along with those movements and the wildly quivering of her hole he drained a frankly astonishing amount of cum inside her withing the span of about twenty seconds. Load after load burst into her ass to join the flood seemingly being pumped right into her belly. Every new jet was met with a little shiver and an increased tempo from her while he could only lay there and be sucked dry. It was an experience so far beyond what he was used to with other women it practically rendered him deaf, dumb, and blind. About the only thing his mind could focus on was the feeling of her body atop and around him. The way she moved and the way her inner walls massaged his cock, their gooey lengths squeezing him so tight it was nearly uncomfortable. By the time that flow of wonderful, toe curling jizz started to lessen Amelia felt for all the world like she was in an especially lewd hentai. Her belly wasn't actually inflated from the sheer amount of semen he'd dumped inside her but it might as well have been for all her frazzled senses were telling her. She half expected to look pregnant when she finally dragged her eyes away from the ceiling to look down at him. But instead of that surprise she was given another, slightly smaller one.

“Oh my God . . .” She moaned upon seeing her cum pooling all over his stomach, “You made me cum . . .”

“Is that rare?” He asked in a breathless, slightly vacant voice.

“Yeah . . . I never cum like that when I have sex . . .”

“Awesome . . .”

“Definitely . . .” 

She stared at the mess she'd left and savored the mess that was her stirred up asshole, astonished that she'd actually produced any real fluids. Even more astonishing was the fact that she hadn't noticed. But neither fact was interesting enough to keep her from slumping forward to land against his chest in a sweaty heap. The moment she was laying against his broad chest his arms instinctively closed around her. Doing the same she snuggled in nice and close while his softening dick gradually slipped out of her well fucked hole. When it finally emerged it did so with a comical pop that caused both of them to laugh. Cum soon started to ooze from her slightly gaped ass and as it dripped down her balls to join the puddles she'd left all over his lower half the two of them shivered. Neither of them spoke for nearly a minute as they savored the afterglow and basked in the unexpected comfort that was being in each other's arms.

“Wow . . .” Cyrus eventually remarked, his hands idly stroking her naked back as he marveled at what'd just happened, “That's was kind of . . . amazing . . . wasn't it?”

“Without question.” She replied. Sitting up and smiling at him Amelia bit her lower lip for a moment and then added, “You've got a nice cock . . .”

“T-thank you!”

After a few seconds of exchanging sultry glances she bent down and kissed him again. When she pulled back and returned her head to his broad chest he couldn't help but ask, “The . . . uh . . . the sex wasn't part of it right?”

“Wasn't part of what?”

“The stuff you had to do to finish pledging?”

Amelia chuckled and slowly sat upright again, “Not even a little bit. That was all me.”

“Good.” Cyrus said with relief evident on his face, “Good . . .”

“Honestly I'm a little offended you even had to ask!”

“I didn't mean to imply anything I was just worried that you weren't really enjoying—”

“I'm teasing you cutie.” She said, putting a finger over his lips and smiling at him, “Don't worry about it. I'd be thinking the same thing in your situation.”

“You would?”

“Of course! You just had sex with a beautiful Irish lass who's way out of your league! What else could you be thinking?”

Cyrus laughed and shook his head at her self aggrandizing. Maybe it was because they'd just had sex or maybe he was just a sucker for freckle faced, orange haired women but Amelia seemed more charming than ever to him. So much so he threw caution to the wind without even thinking, “Could we maybe do this again? And have dinner beforehand?”

“Like a date?” Amelia leaned back and pressed her fat, jiggling ass against his cock for a moment, “I'd love to.”


“Without question.” She bent down for yet another kiss but rather than straightening when their lips parted she kept her face a few inches from his as she asked, “Is there enough left in the tank for another go?”

“Uhm . . . I-I think . . .”


“Well . . . could you maybe . . . uhm . . . could we maybe do it . . . doggystyle this time?”

Gasping and covering her mouth as though his suggestion was scandalous Amelia couldn't keep up the facade long enough to let him think he'd offended her, “Absolutely.”

She climbed off his rapidly hardening member and moved onto her hands and knees. Her plump, freshly fucked ass was on full display alongside her small cock and equally petite balls. The whole sight made Cyrus' head spin, “Wow . . .”

“You already said that,” She teased, looking back at him with the most provocative eyes he'd ever seen, “Now hurry up with that big dick of yours!”


Another intense, passionate, and wholly satisfying sexual experience took up the remainder of their afternoon. With the setting sun bathing them in a warm glow Amelia and Cyrus parted ways. The latter was headed for his next class, woefully unprepared for the test he'd meant to study for, while the former was going back to her sorority to show off her accomplishment. And to do a little bragging about the handsome new man she'd started dating. Although she hadn't planned on sleeping or going out with him the fact that she did had benefits even beyond the obvious. Now none of the other pledges could pick him either. She had Cyrus and all his lovely parts completely to herself. It was a privilege she planned one exercising to the fullest as often as humanly possible. But as she returned to the sorority Amelia realized she'd forgotten to exchange phone numbers with him.

“Damn!” She swore midway through pulling out her phone to check the time.

“Couldn't get it huh?” The president asked as she walked up behind Amelia, “That's all right, we'll pick out another guy tomorrow.”

“Oh I got the picture. I got a whole lot more than just a picture.”

“You slept with Cyrus King?”


Although she knew she wasn't supposed to Amelia reveled in the jealousy evident in her companion's voice and body language, “Well! You don't mess around do you?”

“No I don't. Once I got the picture I realized his cock was just a bit too lovely to go unremarked upon.”

The president laughed and nodded approvingly, “I know what you mean. My boyfriend and I met under similar circumstances.”

“Is that right?”

“Mmhmmm! Why don't I tell you about it inside?”

“That'd be lovely.” Amelia stepped aside to the let the president pass and the two of them moved into the sorority wearing nearly identical grins. Something told her she was gonna fit right in.


Sophia Dearden

This was a fun romp of a story. I adore plus-sized women and transgirls and this story really delivered on both. As well as delivering on your typical brilliant writing.


As always your compliments and encouragement flatter me to the point of discomfort lol