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Fun fact: from what I read there are no actual names for the Seven Dwarves in the original fairytale. Just what Disney came up with and what  an even older play came up with. So for this story I, with the help of a friend who incidentally suggested the idea in the first place, picked a whole different crop of names for the Seven Dwarves. I've also described them much more in like with their Tolkien/D&D portrayal so keep that in mind when reading. I hope y'all enjoy!

Songbirds trilled their joyful melodies and the wind whistled a beautiful song through the trees. Golden shafts of light pierced the verdant canopy, the sun's  radiance beaming down on the humble little cottage nestled deep in the enchanted forest. Woodland creatures of every shape and size emerged from the undergrowth to scamper about the cabin and add their own cheerful songs to the medley. Rabbits bounded between the legs of the deer towering above them while squirrels climbed across the wooden frame around the flung open shutter as birds of every sort landed on the window sill. All the world seemed to rejoice as Snow White stirred from her slumber. Her brilliant sapphire eyes fluttered open and her beautifully crimson lips curled into a radiant smile. A warm flush crept into her alabaster cheeks followed soon after by a soft, giggle. She heard the jubilant music being played for her as it was every morning and thought about the wonderful day that awaited her. Already the warmth of the morning was filling her room while the songs of the forest beyond only grew more merry with every passing second. When she finally sat up and her face was bathed in the sun's light as she looked out of her window the music reached a crescendo. Smiling at all the magnificent creatures that'd come to greet her Snow White wasted no time rising from her bed to thank them.

Her soft blankets slipped off her body with a soft rustle as she rose completely naked from her bed only to climb back on it with her hands pressed against the window sill and her knees sinking into the mattress. She brushed the long, black tresses from her cute face and held out a hand. A nightingale landed on her outstretched finger almost immediately and she hummed a gentle tune for it. After a few seconds the bird started to sing along with Snow White. Soon the rest of the forest had joined her and the air was alive with the music of the morning. When her other hand extended a bluejay promptly took up roost on her fingers as the chorus swelled. The most radiant smile imaginable spread across her face and she slowly leaned further and further out the window. Before long nearly half of her body had emerged into the sun dappled forest. Her large, alabaster breasts were speckled with light shining through the trees and her large, rosy pink nipples had begun to stiffen after being separated from the warmth of her blanket. As her entire body began to sway in time with the music Snow White's bosom heaved with excitement. Humming louder and smiling wider she basked in the pleasure of the song and her utter contentment with the world in which she leaved. It was almost enough to make her forget about everything else and lose herself in the joy of a simple, summer morning. But of course she could never forget about the men in whose home she lived. If they weren't awake already they surely would be soon and she hated not being there to greet them first thing in the morning.

So it was with some regret that she finished her song, gave the birds on her hands a kiss, and waved goodbye to the rest of the animals outside her window. She'd see them all again soon but until then Snow White had seven often grumpy companions to look after. Stepping off her bed and towards her wardrobe she continued to hum and sway along with the music still filling her mind. Had anyone been watching through her opened window they would've have seen a beautifully fair skinned, undeniably buxom young woman still in the flower of her youth dancing in the center of a small but cozy bedroom she had all to herself. With the kind of wide, womanly hips that only seemed to grow with every year that passed and buttocks shaped like the most delicious and ripe peach imaginable she was a beauty unlike any other. Her long, soft legs appeared to stretch on forever while her slender arms waved like the branches of a tree caught in the wind. Although she still possessed some of the weight and softness born from a life lived in luxury and wealth it only added to her ethereal beauty, the thickness of her thighs and the subtle plumpness around her belly and chest giving off a certain innocence. One that was matched by her softly contoured features, a cute button nose and small ears often hidden behind her hair pairing beautifully with the wideness of her eyes and lips as full as they were luscious. But for all the childlike purity of her body there was no mistaking her for anything other than a woman. The dense yet softly curled thicket of hair between her legs spoke to that as sure as the size and shape of her ample and perfectly sculpted breasts.

Snow White threw open the doors to her wardrobe and smiled at the collection of dresses within. To some it might have seemed meager but to her each one was a symbol of the bond she shared with her companions. When she'd arrived four years ago she didn't have anything but the tattered clothes on her back and an empty stomach. But rather than send her away the kindly miners took her in, gave her warm food, and even fashioned half a dozen simple yet wonderful gowns for her to wear. All without asking for a thing in return. And every time she opened her wardrobe to get dressed she though about their kindness and tears of joy filled her eyes. Once they'd been wiped away she snatched up one at random and slipped it on. The worn and slightly frayed cloth stopped a few inches above her feet and flowed as freely as the wind through a meadow all the way up to her waist. Around her belly and chest it was a little bit more snug but no so much as to restrict her movement or prevent her from dancing the way she was prone to do. The sleeves had been trimmed many times over the years, the hem being pulled further and further back until most of her forearms lay bare so as to avoid dirtying it when she went flower picking or berry hunting. At first glance she looked like any other poor peasant woman but no one had ever looked more lovely in a roughspun blue dress made by untrained hands than Snow White.

While she was busy getting waking up and getting dressed the men she shared a home with were doing the same, albeit in a more gruff and matter of fact way. They climbed out of the bunks, hammocks, and nooks where they slept each night and collected the clothes that'd been neatly laid out for them by their charming companion. Although the entire cottage barely had three rooms worth of space and all their sleeping quarters were spread across the two not occupied by Snow White everything still managed to be remarkably neat and organized. All the furniture had been put back where it belonged with the dishes, plates, and utensils stacked nicely in an open cupboard. The table at the center of the building was covered by a nice, homespun cloth and there was even a vase with a single rose resting in the middle. Her talent for quickly, quietly, and efficiently cleaning up the messes so often made each night never failed to impress them. It was always the first thing the Dwarves talked about as they took their usual seats at the rectangular table. And like they had for more than a thousand mornings they left one spot open at the head of the table for the woman of the house, without whom they'd still be living in a grimy squalor barely fit for beggars and layabouts. But as was so often the case their discussion of how wonderful Snow White was quickly turned to finger pointing as they recalled the messes their wonderful companion had cleaned up the previous night. Or more importantly who had caused those messes to begin with. Things swiftly grew heated, fueled as they were by Dwarven pride and anger, with the only hope of a peaceful resolution appearing with all her innocent beauty just in the nick of time.

“Good morning!” Snow White exclaimed, her voice as sweet as honey and as warm as a roaring fire, “I hope you boys weren't arguing again!”

Although none of their surly, bearded faces really changed the entire atmosphere of the room did as soon as their radiant companion entered. Every single Dwarf looked to her with a twinkle in his eye and a sudden swelling of his chest. She'd only been their guest for a few months but in that time Snow White had become as important to the miners as their beards and pickaxes. Perhaps even more so, even if none of them would ever admit that to anyone but her. Their arguments were completely forgotten as she danced into their cramped little kitchen, her entire body swaying like a willow in the breeze as she effortlessly pranced between and around them. Affectionately trailing her hands across their shoulders as passed them she left a wake of ruddy faced, grinning Dwarves in her wake. They listened to the beautiful tune she was humming and watched as she prepared breakfast. Never once since she came to live with them had they asked her to do such a thing, nor any of the other chores she so happily did, but never would they dream of telling her stop. The smell alone of the mushrooms as she chopped them and the berries as she crushed them was enough to make them all drool. Watching her beautiful form cajole about the room with an expression of utter contentment across her face practically melted their stony hearts.

Once everything was added to the stew she'd began the night before and the delicious, bubbling mixture was brought  to a simmer it was finally time to eat. In near perfect unison the Dwarves pushed their chairs back and marched to the cupboard for their bowls. While she had in the past served them as they sat such a thing felt too indulgent even by Snow White's impossibly generous standards. Not wanting her to feel like a servant or anything similar they lined up beside the stew to serve themselves a helping. With a soft laugh their radiant companion stepped aside to allow them their little ritual, a faint sense of bemusement filling her. It was quickly replaced with gratitude when the first Dwarf in line filled his bowl and then handed to her instead. Despite doing so every morning regardless of what she cooked it never failed to make her heart swell and her smile deepen. She took the foot with a word of thanks and gave him a kiss on the nose for good measure. The rest of the Dwarves glowered at him, each and every one eager for their turn to the object of her affection. But they'd have to wait until it was their time on the schedule. So instead they occupied themselves with the peerless stew prepared for them. In a few short minutes everyone was seated at the table and a chorus of slurps, belches, satisfied moans, groans, and all manner of contented noises filled the cottage. Snow White herself was as quiet as mouse during it all with only the occasional giggle marking her presence among the lovable yet ill mannered Dwarves. She could still remember a time they were even more raucous and she couldn't help but feel a swell of affection towards them. Though it'd never been stated every one of them knew full well the subtle changes in their behavior had all come about out of respect and love for her.

Only when the bowls had been scraped clean, a second serving had been enjoyed, and the bowls once more emptied was breakfast over. Each of the Dwarves thanked Snow White in turn and departed for their daily routines. Many of them wouldn't see one another for the remainder of the daylight hours or perhaps even longer but she would be along to give them each their second meal in a little while. Until then they all had work to do. But not before they paused one by one to give her a kiss on the cheek on their way out the door. By the time all seven had gone she was blushing with utter contentment and looking at the neatly stacked bowls sitting beside the washing basin. She'd never once asked them to do that but it always filled her with a rush of warm affection towards them that they cared enough to even try. Rising from her seat and adding her own bowl to the pile Snow White began washing their dishes for the next day's meal. It didn't take long for her to begin humming a soft tune while she worked, the same one that the birds outside her windows had begun. Within a few minutes she was so absorbed in her work and the song she didn't hear one of her companions return. Though it was hardly uncommon for one of them to forget something and the presence of a Dwarf in cottage built by and filled with Dwarves hardly deserved the title of noteworthy. 

So when she noticed Sprig, named because he was the youngest and still very much growing his beard and his talents, climbing onto the counter beside her Snow White didn't bat an eye. Nor did she react when he reached into his pants and produced a large, half erect cock. When his strong yet tender hand moved to the back of her head she continued washing the bowls like she always did. The precum glazed head of his member pressed against her lips and she let them part and the entire shaft was soon gliding down her throat. It sank balls deep into her mouth with a single push and for a single moment Snow White gagged around the fat Dwarven shaft. But her well trained body soon recovered and the momentary pause in her chores was gone quick as a flash. Her companion let out a soft groan and tangled his fingers in her hair as both his prick and his balls tensed in pleasure. Though her head was turned towards Sprig as he buried his manhood in her gullet her eyes, one of them at least, remained looking down at the wash basin in which she was working. She wasn't going to let the bowls crust over, not when she still had so many other things to do that day. 

Snow White felt his manhood slowly retreat and the trail of precum it left as it dragged along her throat and back into her mouth was quite enjoyable. It certainly livened up the mundanity of her morning routine in a way nothing else could. Especially when Sprig paused to widen his stance and then thrust back into her with added vigor. His sack collided against her chin with a wet smack and beads of arousal started to form on her pussy. She paid them no mind as she continued to wash the bowls, even when little rivulets of warm juices started trickling down her legs. Already halfway through washing the bowls she wasn't going to be deterred by anything. Including the rapidly increasing pace of her Dwarven lover. Like every other Dwarf in the cottage he absolutely adored Snow White and in keeping with their surly mannerisms expressing that adoration with words was quite a difficult thing. It was far less of a challenge to demonstrate his affection in a more physical way. And since she loved all things sex steadily pumping his dick in and out of her throat made all the sense in the world. When her tongue started idly swirling around his shaft as it glided back and forth within her mouth he knew she was getting the message loud and clear. A couple of times her eyes even darted in his direction while she was working, their twinkling approval speaking volumes about how she really felt. It was almost enough to make him cum before she'd finished cleaning.

Thankfully no matter how good her mouth felt and how badly he wanted to empty his balls into her belly Sprig was nothing if not tenacious. He wasn't going to finish before she really had a chance to enjoy her first bout of sexual activity for the day. Which naturally meant gritting his teeth, tightening his hold on her head, and really going to down on her throat. Though he certainly wasn't going to go completely hog wild he certainly didn't shy away from veering in that direction, the furious wet smacks of his balls hitting her chin paired quite nicely with the gurgling of her spit and precum filled mouth. In the first couple of seconds Snow White was actually at a loss. Her hands stopped their washing and her mind focused solely on the wonderful cock hammering her throat. She managed to recover soon after but even returning to her chores couldn't fully mask the pleasurable sensation of having her face fucked good and hard so early in the day. Soon enough she was moaning and leaning into his thrusts with unmistakable urgency and her tongue hadn't once stopped moving since he'd began in earnest. 

The bowls and spoons were cleaned almost as an afterthought as her attention momentarily turned towards Sprig. But once he had her full focus he found himself wholly unable to stand up to it. She was simply too radiant and too lustful for him to continue. A climactic groan heralded his weakness as he pumped his cock into her throat a few more times before burying the whole thing inside her and letting his spunk explode into her belly. Had he been less focused on his shame he might have noticed the delighted twinkle in her eyes or felt the enthusiastic way she sucked his member while he drenched her stomach in cum. Her delight was made clear enough when he eventually pulled out and looked down at her to see a wide, slightly creamy smile spread across her face. She gave him an appreciative nod and he returned it with a bashful grin. A couple seconds later he climbed off the counter and departed.

After that Snow White traveled to the edge of the woods where a beautiful meadow of wildflowers stretched out as far as the eye could see. She was accompanied by Root, so named because of his gardening talent and because he was the only Dwarf able to grow their food. They walked their usual path into the heart of the field and she set about picking the loveliest flowers from the ones that'd been growing. Before long she was on her hands and knees gently digging up each plant so it could be brought back and put in their garden. While she was busy with that her companion took the opportunity to lift up her gown and reveal the wide, shapely ass sitting just beneath the fabric. With one hand rubbing the creamy folds of her pussy he used the other to free his cock from his breeches. A moment later it was sliding inside her cunt with a quick yet gentle thrust. She let out the smallest of moans as her inner walls were stretched by his member and a little shiver coursed through her when his hips collided with her buttocks. But otherwise Snow White gave no other indication anything untoward was happening at all until he slowly pulled back and she let out a quiet whimper. Her hands trembled for a moment, the pleasure of feeling her pussy stretching outwards as it tried to stay wrapped around his cock flickering through her. She managed to recover quickly enough and continue her work when Root thrusted back into her and immediately thereafter found a nice, smooth rhythm. 

His dick slid in and out of her at the kind of leisurely pace that wouldn't last for long but was thoroughly enjoyable while it did. More than familiar with what his companion enjoyed Root was all too happy to build into the frenetic, ball slapping frenzy that really made Snow White scream. It would gave both of them time to bask in the beauty of their shared moment. The cool breeze blowing through the field, the smell of thousands of flowers all around them, and the inherent pleasure of being joined in the most intimate way possible. Thanks to their position every time he thrusted forward his balls smacked against her clit in a particularly enjoyable way. This was always met with a reflexive tightening of her body and particularly her pussy, a fact that never failed to go unnoticed when he was pulling out again for another thrust. It formed a natural, unspoken encouragement for him to continue exactly as he had been and perhaps even hasten the frequency of his movements. Alongside the far more obvious encouragements that came from Snow White's frequent moans and the warm fluids dripping from her pussy with every passing second. Unsurprisingly Root was more than happy to oblige those urgings with a predictability and reliability that never failed to make her squirm. She could tell it was coming from the way his member swelled and his grip tightened and she even allowed herself a quick glance backwards to see the resolute look on his face.

Over the course of a minute he went from a steady, measured pushing to a feverish thrusting that bordered on the uncontrollable. His cock slammed in and out of her with a force that made her entire body lurch forward and then sink backwards. Although the latter was certainly a consequence of Snow White enjoying the good, honest fucking she was getting. Her hands continued their efforts to pick the flowers she'd come to harvest but more and more often they were forced to stop and brace against the earth instead. Her companion's turgid length absolutely hammered her pussy and the constant rush of pleasure coming from every thrust was swiftly growing too much to handle. Particularly in the wake of her early foreplay while washing the dishes. It wasn't long before she was moaning and panting like a wild animal as her bearded lover grunted in the same fashion. A small but wholly welcome and still deliciously potent orgasm washed over her less than thirty seconds before Root was stuffing his entire rod inside her pussy and dumping a warm fountain of cum deep into her sex. She could feel it splashing against her the entrance to her womb, some even managing to seep inside and once again she lamented that Humans and Dwarves couldn't have children. But that thought was gone just as quickly as it'd arrived, the pleasure of a pussy full of cum proving far more enjoyable to focus on. Along with the sensation of madly throbbing dick for the handful of seconds it remained inside her after he'd finished draining his balls. When he did pull out Root helpfully tugged her dress back over her quivering buttocks and the two of them finished their sojourn amicable discussions of plants and flowers in particular dominating their conversation.

When she returned to the cottage she found another of her short in stature tall in love companions waiting for her. Sitting with a bottle of dye was Bluebeard, named after the distinctive azure streak he liked to keep in his facial hair and his general fashion sense as a whole. The moment he saw her he climbed onto the table and sat at the edge like he always did when it was time to color his beard. Snow White smiled at him and retrieved the gloves she used for this very occasion. Once they were snugly wrapped around her hands she approached him with a basin of water and several rags. For a minute or so she worked on parting his beard and getting everything ready while he simply watched. But before long he'd grown bored with passivity. So in an effort to liven things up he reached down and tugged the front of her dress down. It took a bit of effort to do so but it was well worth the effort when her large, jiggling breasts suddenly sprang from their cloth prison in a mass of beautifully heaving flesh. Groping and fondling her tits while she continued to work Bluebeard soon grew tired of simply fondling her bosom. After pinching both her nipples and rolling them between his rough thumb and forefinger he released his grip long enough to pull his cock from his pants. Once it was free and throbbing against her chest he squeezed her breasts around his member tight enough to make Snow White's next breath arrive in a gasp. With little more than the tip visible between her ample bosoms and the rest warmly smothered by their softness his member was happily releasing dollops of precum across her skin well before he started moving.

Since he couldn't really thrust without disturbing her efforts Bluebeard instead focused on sliding her tits up and down his length. If he moved gently enough Snow White could continue applying the dye in an even manner down the center of his facial hair. The studious look on her face as she worked the fluid into his hairs was comically offset by both her heaving, naked breasts and the cock throbbing busily between them. As well as the slight blush gradually creeping into her features. Because while it might not have been the most stimulating experience for her there was still more than enough to enjoy about having her bosom used in such a fashion. The potent smell of precum and musk wafting from his cock did a fantastic job of masking the less than enjoyable odor of the dye itself and it'd be a lie to pretend there wasn't pleasure to be found in the simple, rhythmic motions of his hands. The calloused touch of his fingers against her soft chest was particularly enjoyable, even if she never let any of that distract her from her main focus. It was only when he started moving a little faster to hasten his impending climax than any sort of challenge presented itself. But Snow White was nothing if not talented and even when her tits were smacking wetly against his hips and the powerful smell of cum had completely filled her nostrils she continued her work. It was nearly done anyways and from the look and feel of her companion so was he.

Almost as if he'd been holding back for her sake the moment Snow White had finished applying the dye and pulled her hands away Bluebeard went absolutely wild. His hips started thrusting and his grip on her milky breasts tightened almost to the point of discomfort. But he knew just how far to push things and the resulting force against her chest instead sent ripples of pleasure through her body at an alarming rate. She slowly rose to her feet and he did the same, standing on the edge of the table fucking her tits in earnest for the minute or so he was able to. While he was busily enjoying the softest parts of her body she removed her gloves, put the cork back in the dye bottle, and moved both out of the way as Bluebeard finally reached climax. Thrusting between her breasts a few more times he let out a long groan and came to an abrupt stop just as warm spunk erupted from within her cleavage. Streaking through the air like a shooting star it splashed across the underside of her chin and even managed to sprinkle her smiling lips in a light drizzle. Jet after gooey jet emerged from his dick to coat her soft skin until it was dripping down her neck to pool against her bosom. Or disappear between them and drip down even further towards her gown. Holding himself between her tits for a few seconds Bluebeard slowly pulled out and sat back down with a sigh while Snow White licked her lips clean. She blew him a tender kissed and stepped aside so he could return to the floor and go about his day with a clear head.

Once that task was finished and she'd cleaned herself off she prepared a nice meal for the two companions of hers that were down in the mines working that day. Some fresh bread, dried berries, a little dollop of butter, and a bottle of mead for each would do the trick wonderfully. It took about an hour to reach the mines and when she arrived Tin, named for his ability to find the ores his namesake was extracted from as though it called out to him, already outside. He sprang to his feet upon seeing her and rushed over to take some of the rather heavy items she was carrying. Snow White thanked him with a smile and watched in delight as he rushed off to give half to his fellow Dwarf. While he was gone she looked around the austere and well maintained exterior of the mine, her attention eventually drawn to a large cart full of ore sitting at the end of the tracks. Recognizing some of the rocks and metals she started sorting through them with an idle curiosity as her friends ate. Or rather as one of them ate while the other returned to the entrance for something more enjoyable than food.

Spotting his companion bent over the cart examining the ore Tin approached and lifted up her skirt. He  rolled the fabric over her waist and slid his rough hand between her thighs. Snow White let out a little moan as two calloused fingers rubbed against the soft outer folds of her pussy while an equally coarse thumb slowly teased her asshole. The latter pushed inside her soon after while the other two continued to sliding back and forth across her increasingly wet lip. Every time the drifted high enough to brush against her clit a sudden shiver would dance up her spine and every time they drifted low enough to glide across the entrance to her slit she let out a pent up breath. Back and forth they went while his thumb slowly wriggled against her tightly puckered ring. Since he'd already pleasured himself a short while before she'd arrived Tin was only interested in giving his alabaster lover a little taste of pleasure she'd given all of them so many times. And thanks to his familiarity with her body it didn't take long for long, creamy strands of arousal to start seeping from her pussy as the walls of her ass tightened considerably around his thumb. Her fluids dripped down his strong, often bulging forearm as the mere act of rubbing her cunt was enough to make Snow White stiffen. More than once she was forced to drop the ore she was holding and clutch the edges of the mine cart for a moment. When she eventually started asking her companion about the various metals she'd been admiring her voice was delightfully high pitched and she sounded constantly out of breath.

Despite being unable to see into the cart from where he was standing Tin answered her questions with ease, all the while his fingers continued their teasing movements across Snow White's increasingly sodden pussy. He'd already pushed the entirety of his thumb inside her ass and had started pushing against the thin wall separating it from her slit. He knew it would drive her wild and sure enough in the middle of one of her questions she had to stop herself to abruptly suck in a breath. Knowing he had her right where he wanted her the amorous Dwarf plunged two fingers into her pussy before she could recover. A surge of pleasure rushed through her body and a torrent of warm, sweet smelling juices gushed out of her in response to that sudden penetration. And for some that small but undeniable orgasm was probably enough. Snow White would certainly have been content with the toe curling pleasure that'd wracked her for a few seconds. But luckily it was far from enough for Tin. He was gonna give her something a lot more memorable than a handful of seconds and damp thighs. With that in mind he wasted no time moving all three digits at the same time, the two in her cunt pushing in and out while the one in her asshole rubbed skillfully against the spots touched by it's fellows. What had been a simple, highly enjoyable burst of satisfaction was instantly turned into a prolonged and simply wonderful saga of bliss that both of them were delighted to be a part of. 

Even if she insisted on continuing her questions to the best of her ability. Although she struggled with every word as the seconds passed and her ecstasy continued to climb Snow White was adamant in her goals. Almost as adamant as Tin. His middle and ring fingers slowly curled and stretched out inside her, their languid pace and the almost unconcerned nature of their movements wholly at odds with the pleasure it was causing her. He moved his thumb in a similar, albeit more aggressive manner and the constant back and forth between them was simply perfect. Within a few minutes she'd left a substantial puddle on the rock between her feet and streams of warm fluids were cascading down her legs. Every inch of her body was subtly trembling and her voice quavered so hard she could barely get a sentence out between moans. And still her companion persisted to Snow White's complete delight. When the moment finally came it arrived almost as innocuously as things had begun. Fluids squirted from her slit as her back arched and her eyes clouded over, a climactic moan bursting from her lips as surely as warm arousal gushed out of her cunt. Her body tightened around his fingers as she doused both of them in the evidence of her pleasure, Tin's fingers constantly moving throughout her orgasm. Both guiding and coaxing her he continued his ministrations through the entirety of her climax and only pulled his hand away when it looked like she might faint. He remained for a short while to make sure she was all right, only departing when she gave him a weary smile and told him not to fret over her. But even then he still glanced back at her as he departed for his section of the mines.

Around the time feeling was returning to her legs and she could move of her own volition Snow White decided to take a short trip through the mines and say hello to another of her companions. Like always Sling, named for pulley system he'd created and used to mine on the sides of sheer walls, was deep below the earth and it took a good bit of wandering to come across him. As soon as she did he quickly pulled himself up to greet her and express his gratitude for the food. She gave him a kiss as a reward for his manners and once he was done blushing he invited her to join him on the pulley. While she was always a little nervous to be up so high with only darkness all around her she knew better than anyone except Sling himself how well built his contraption was. So after getting all the necessary harnesses and straps fastened around her waist and shoulders she moved to sit on his lap. Except that instead of finding a comfortably firm pair of trouser clad thighs her damp and barely clothed buttocks came to rest against the large and throbbing length of his cock. Snow White paid this development little heed though and the pair of them were lowered down to the pocket her friend had been mining before she arrived. Upon reaching it and coming to a stop she leaned in to admire the gems and streaks of ore visible in the stone while he set about lifting up her dress to get at the only prize more valuable than gemstones. The smell of her arousal was enticing enough on it's own but the feel of her warm posterior against his naked cock, even covered by a dress, was far too much to handle.

In short order he'd pulled her pesky clothing out of the way and Snow White was sitting with her bare ass pressed against his swollen, throbbing member. When he handed her a small pick to retrieve one of the sapphires glittering in the wall she leaned forward to start the process and Sling happily pushed his dick inside her asshole. It slid in without any trouble at all despite it's size faster than she could react he was gently thrusting into her warm hole. Using the pulley system to their advantage he guided her against the cliff face and shifted slightly so she wasn't so much sitting on his prick as positioned in front of it. His hands pressed against the small of her back and he gave a gentle but firm push. Most of his manhood slid out of her only for the momentum to shift and send it flying right back inside with much more force. Snow White gasped at the impact and braced herself a split second after it'd occurred. Sling repeated the motion again and she was slightly more prepared, although the impact still sent a wonderfully potent burst of pleasure through her body all the same. After two or three more passes that sent his cock gliding deep into her ass she managed to resume her efforts to retrieve the gemstone all while her partner eagerly smacked against her constantly jiggling ass. The echo of each impact filled the chasm they were suspended over and vastly overshadowed the soft clink of her pick against the stone. So much so it was only the continued visual reminder of what she was doing in the torchlight that kept her from completely falling into the carnal pleasures around her.

Minutes passed by with only the steadily increasing thrusts to mark the passage of time. Along with the now steady drip of fluids trickling from her pussy. Although their impact against the ground somewhere far below could only barely be heard in the utter silence that followed his thrusts and the interruption of her mining they were like thunder. Especially when Sling started moving fast and hard enough to force her into stopping altogether in the moments after the collision. Attempting to mine a sapphire when everything suddenly tightened and her asshole was wracked with pleasure proved impossible. She did manage to make short bursts of progress every time he was pulling back despite the satisfaction of his member scraping against her inner walls in the process.

Little by little the gem was dislodged from the rock while her companion enjoyed her body to it's fullest. When it finally popped out and she caught it just before a fat cock plunged into her ass Snow White's joy was two fold. With a shaky hand she dropped it into the bucket suspended nearby and fully braced herself against the wall. She probably could've started on another gem but instead she chose to simply bask in the fun of a good, honest fucking. Unsurprisingly Sling was more than happy to give it to her. More time passed as he reached the peak of what he was capable of in that situation. He couldn't go nearly as hard as he might normally have but that didn't stop him from nearly turning her inside out every time he pulled back. Nor did it prevent him from eventually flying in one final time and unleashing a toe curling wave of spunk deep into her bowels. Both of them filled the chasm with the sounds of their pleasure as he drenched her hole in fresh semen while she sprayed the wall before her and the ground far below in a nice misting of pussy juice. They shared their bliss for thirty wonderful seconds and when he pulled his cock free cum instantly joined the steady drip of bodily fluids falling to the earth beneath them. She let his seed drain out of her for a while, basking in the feel of it drip from her ravished ass, and he tucked his member back into his breeches. Once the bulk of his cum had oozed from her hole she gave him a farewell kiss and pulled herself back towards the surface, though she didn't fix her dress until after she was back on solid ground.

The next leg of her travels took her to the small brewing shack only a short distance from the cottage itself. Inside she found Grog, named for his talent for brewing all manner of alcoholic beverages from seemingly impossible items, hard at work on a still. Upon hearing her enter he wriggled out from beneath the casks he was working and Snow White promptly replaced him beneath the framework. As someone much taller and far more slender it was easy for her to slide under it and finish the repairs he'd started. Especially with much of the groundwork already being finished. It also provided him the chance to relax and relieve some of the stresses that'd built up during the taxing process. Namely by pushing up the hem of Snow White's dress to reveal her plump, sodden pussy. With her legs already spread open quite wide and her glistening pink folds on fully display it was easy enough for him to yank down his trousers and bury his cock inside her warm slit. Holding on tight to her waist so she wouldn't move around to much he shoved his full length inside her with a single thrust and wasted no time pumping in and out with quite a lot of gusto. As one of the strongest Dwarves it was easy for him to both keep her quite steady and simultaneously fuck her silly at the same time. Almost instantly soft moans could be heard from beneath the brewing stand while a warm trickle of fresh juices seeped out of her pussy at the same time.

Of course no matter how wildly the fucked her tight little cunt there was still the matter of fixing the still to consider, something both of them took quite seriously. Despite all the bouncing and pleasure wracked whimpers Snow White didn't stop in her efforts for one second. Nor did she let her own whimpers get in the way when it came time to ask a question or ask for a specific tool. And to his credit Grog was more than happy to help her out. The fact that his thrusting never slowed even when he was sliding a tool under the sill to her or carrying on a conversation about the part she was fixing was simply an added bonus. Time flowed as easily as their conversation or the fluids from her pussy and the only real indication of how long they'd been there, aside from the steadily widening puddle on the floor, was the gradually rising pitch of their voices. Although hers was considerably more noticeable than his there was no pretending Grog wasn't feeling the effects of the prolonged and uninterrupted bliss that was fucking her. There was no way he could manage it for much longer, it was already quite impressive that he'd lasted as long as he had. None of the Dwarves could ever handle her undivided attention for long. When he started to feel those familiar shivers that preceded the end of his endurance he did his best to make that as clear as possible without interrupting her work.

A loud groan announced his intentions as surely as the sudden ferocity of this thrusts. He absolutely pounded her cunt for perhaps a minute while she shivered and writhed beneath the contraption she was fixing. Just when it felt as though he was gonna drive her crazy with the force and speed of his movements he slammed his shaft inside her one last time. She managed a pleasured moan in the split second before his cum flooded her pussy and exploded into her womb like a surging river. The warmth of his seed filled her body and sent goosebumps all across her skin as her toes curled back against her feet and she allowed herself a moment to simply revel in the feeling of his jizz. And the pleasure that came from each pulse of his manhood as it unleashed that hot spunk inside her. Once he'd finished drenching her cunt in his seed he gradually retreated to let her finish her work in relative peace, their conversation continuing right where it had left off. Maybe two minutes after he was finished Snow White concluded her work too. Grog helped her slide back out from beneath the still and she thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. As cum bubbled out of her pussy and soaked into the wood beneath her feet she sampled the latest batch of mead with him before departing to clean herself in a nearby creek. Although she loved the feeling of their cum she hated being sticky and filthy when there was still work to do.

Snow White's final stop was to the site of an excavation being spearheaded by Dig, named because he was the softest touch of the group and the only Dwarf who didn't prefer being below ground. For weeks he'd been digging out clay and other minerals found in the nutrient rich soil and so far his efforts had been less than successful in most areas. So she'd come to cheer him up and encourage him on his endeavors. She arrived to find him at the center of the multi tiered hole he'd been working on. He welcomed her as warmly as all the rest and she climbed down to give him a reassuring kiss. The two of them promptly climbed back out to collect some water from the well next to the site and talk of his plans for expansion. They chatted until their throats grew parched again and Snow White offered to draw more water from the well. Dig happily took her up on that offer, deciding to wet his whistle in a much different fashion. Since his hands weren't exactly clean after all the work he'd done he quickly wiped them off on his pants before lifting up her dress while touching the relatively unsoiled fabric as little as possible. The moment her voluptuous ass was revealed to him he grabbed her plump cheeks and spread them open, revealing both her tight little asshole and her still sopping wet pussy. 

His eyes sparkled in delight as he buried his face between her buttocks and shoved his tongue first into her deliciously tight ass. Snow White moaned at the sudden, unexpected penetration. Purposefully not looking back when she felt his hands on her body she'd assumed his fingers or cock would be leading the charge into her quivering holes. Getting to enjoy a nice, writhing tongue instead was exactly the sort of treat she wanted. Entirely of their own accord her feet slid apart while her thighs instinctively clamped together. A moment later she was pushing her hips backwards to coax his tongue even deeper into her asshole. The way it swirled around her inner walls and stretched her tight ring was simply divine. She gripped the rope she was holding so tightly her knuckles cracked, any attempt to lift up water from the well faltering in the wake of her sudden pleasure. Snow White did manage to resume her task after a few seconds but only because Dig suddenly pulled back. In the brief moment after his tongue had left her asshole but before it found a new home in her pussy she managed to hoist the bucket a few feet higher. But then she felt his rather talented appendage slide into her highly aroused pussy and nearly undid all the work she'd put in. A delighted gasp burst from her lips and she nearly let go of the rope entirely to grab the edge of the well. She just barely managed to keep herself from doing so but at the cost of being wholly unprepared for his assault on all her most sensitive areas.

Another, passionate cry burst from her lips as Dig pushed so hard against her body she was all but slammed against the side of the well. Suddenly squeezed between an amorous Dwarf and an unyielding stone wall Snow White could do nothing but weakly pull on the rope she was clutching. It was the only action that made sense in her increasingly hazy mind. The feeling of a tongue so effortlessly pushing and prodding against her inner walls was quickly eroding everything else. In no time at all he was eagerly gulping down the sweet smelling and even sweeter tasting juices seeping out of her pussy, every little movement causing more to leak out like water from the cracks of an overloaded dam. And with the pleasure continuing to rise it wouldn't be long before he'd have all he could ever drink. Neither of them could wait for that utterly delightful moment.

Undoubtedly thanks to all her earlier exertions Snow White and Dig weren't waiting too long for the big, messy climax they both knew was coming. Barely three minutes after he'd started and she was bent over the well staring down into the blackness with a completely lack of comprehension. Her fingers had finally relinquished their hold on the rope as her hands braced against the stone. A flood of creamy juices exploded out of her as she suddenly tensed. Her eyes closed and her mouth fell open as the squirted a hot torrent of fluids into her companion's mouth. Her pleasure arrived in such a quantity Dig had no hopes of drinking it all. He couldn't even manage to consume half of it as her arousal cascaded down his beard and drenched his clothes. Of course that didn't stop him from eagerly gulping down every last drop he could get into his mouth as the heady smell of sex filled the air around them. Snow White's continued moans and undeniably passionate yet wholly uncoordinated efforts to grind against him often hindered his efforts but resulted in quite a spectacular display of ecstasy so it hardly mattered in the end. He'd already satiated his thirst and everything else was little more than a lewd indulgence on his part. Or at least it would have been were he not so enamored with making her feel good, like all of his kin. It was the reason why he'd picked such a roundabout way to quench his needs and why he continued to work her pussy for several minutes after she'd climaxed. Just in case another was around the corner. Only when she gently pushed him away did he finally stop. The two shared a soft kiss and she staggered back to the cottage for a personal time.

She spent the remainder of her time relaxing and taking care of a few small tasks. Then, at the end of the day when all the chores had been finished and the mining was done, Snow White and her incorrigible lovers reunited at home, stripped naked, and walked down to the river to bathe and relax in the warm spring water. Or at least that was their stated intention. What the Dwarves inevitably ended up doing instead was standing naked in waist deep eddies while their unearthly beautiful companion washed away the labors of the day. Completely unashamed to stand before them naked as the day she was born Snow White had even less qualms about bathing in front of her lovers. Indeed there was even something thrilling about the way they all watched her as she scooped water into a bucket and poured it over herself. Feeling their gaze roaming her body and knowing what it would lead to, as well as what it had already caused, was quite enjoyable for her. The longer they remained in the river lit by the orange glow of a setting sun the more excited everyone got for their return to the cottage and the final part of their daily ablutions. But before they could enjoy that they first had to finish cleaning themselves, which meant that no matter how much they wanted to sit idly by and watch her hands glide across her supple body and bear witness to the rivulets of water trickling down her contours the Dwarves still had to bathe themselves at some point. This moment inevitably arrived when Snow White had finished and, in a fit of coyness very much unlike her usual characteristics, she suddenly sank down into the depths of the river. 

Disappearing beneath the crystal clear surface for a moment she emerged with a smile soon after. But rather than rising back to her feet she stopped with little more than her head and shoulders revealed to them. The Dwarves watched her for several seconds waiting to see if she'd rise and continue to wash herself. When her only response was a wide smile nearly all of them sighed and snatched up the soap they'd brought with them. Suddenly it was Snow White's turn to ogle them as they set about scrubbing the dirt from their wide, muscular bodies. Although she didn't show it quite as openly her thoughts were just as lascivious as there's had been. Perhaps even more so. Every time one of them turned around and she caught a glimpse of his hairy posterior a little shiver danced up her spine and when they eventually turned back towards her and she spotted their half erect members that shiver was upgraded to a breathy smile. Her eyes feasted on each of them in turn during the five or so minutes it took everyone to wash themselves off. 

Having long ago mastered the hasty yet efficient cleaning of their bodies the Seven Dwarves didn't waste a single moment. Not when there was infinitely more enjoyable things to do with their time. And they very moment they were finished and had tossed all the soap into the bucket they'd brought with them Snow White stood up. All eyes turned back towards her and the voluptuous curves they admired so much as she walked out of the river and back towards the cottage. Her companions quickly fell in line behind her, each and every one of them craning their necks to watch her wide, shapely buttocks bounce and sway as she navigated the path back home. They never could tell how much of her movements were genuine and how much were a show and they never really cared enough to ask. Just as she never had any interest getting dressed after cleaning herself. It would've been a waste of time, energy, and clothes anyways.

After a few minutes they could see their home through the towering trees and the moment it came into view Snow White let out a laugh. Taking them all but surprise she burst into a run, darting between the trunks and over the gnarled roots faster than any of the Dwarves expected. In a flash of pale skin and ebony hair she'd vanished into the cottage while her companions were left staring in bewilderment at the peculiar reaction. Wondering just what could have gotten into her they rushed towards the cabin and burst into the main room, all of them stopping dead in the doorway and practically climbing atop each other to see inside. Because what they found there was perhaps the most enticing sight any of them had ever seen. Stretched out across the table with her legs spread so wide she was nearly doing a split, her glistening pussy on full display as she sat propped up on one elbow, was Snow White. She bit her lower lip and grinned at them. The utter shock and amazement on their face was enough to cause new beads of arousal to form across her puffy folds. When she reached down with her free hand to spread apart those same lips to reveal the creamy pink depths of the flower it was met with seven wide eyed stares and seven jaws nearly hitting the floor, They watched her slowly lay back and bring her free hand up to cup one of her large, soft breasts as her head came to rest against the table. For a split second everyone was frozen in place. Then the moment passed and they poured into the room akin a perverted swarm of locusts.

Those lucky enough to reach her first scrambled onto the table as Snow White laid back and let them use her body to their heart's content. A cock was stuffed into her throat faster than she could blink and a another slid into her pussy a split second later. Still having one more place with which to welcome them she rolled onto her side to allow a third shaft entry into her quivering asshole soon after. The rest of the Dwarves gathered around her and watched, eager for their turn at the beautiful, flawless woman they adored so much. Several minutes passed before one of them noticed her hand simply resting against one of their kin, wholly unoccupied. The other was busy clutching the edge of the table as all three holes were busily and enthusiastically fucked but there was clearly still one place left to enjoy. It didn't go underutilized for long though as one of them practically leapt onto the table to grab her wrist and bring her hand against his shaft. Once Snow White felt his turgid length against her skin she wrapped her fingers around him and started stroking as fast as her position would allow. She even let out a delighted moan upon being well and truly surrounded in a way only her wonderful Dwarven lovers could accommodate. She honestly couldn't imagine being with only one of them when it came time for things to really get naughty. As far as she was concerned everything up until that point had been foreplay and this was the big even. The main course. And what a main course it was!

Furniture was knocked aside and the once clean room was thrown into complete disarray as everyone did their best to pleasure her as much as possible. After everything she did for them each day it was the least they could do and the Dwarves took to the task like it was their personal mission in life. They used every single thing they learned about both human women and Snow White in particular to make her squirm, moan, scream, and shake from their efforts. At times it was almost like they were reading her mind, not five seconds after an urge popped into her head it was satisfied. Be it a long, gentle thrust into her throat, a madcap bout of ball slapping force hammering her pussy, or simply just a calloused hand groping one of her breasts. Again and again they demonstrated their love and lust for her in ways words could never express and she was as grateful as a mortal woman could be. Though she was rarely able to express that gratitude while gargling Dwarven cock or sucking Dwarven balls. But even without saying it aloud they felt her appreciation in all the subtle ways she responded to their efforts. This was often little more than pushing back against their shafts or wriggling in a way that sent pleasurable echoes through everyone currently on to table. Occasionally she was given a more active chance my lavishing kissing upon whichever dick happened to be closest to her lips. Usually accompanied by a flurry of moans and the kind of whimpering eagerness that made her such an utter joy to witness in action.

Because of this it came as no surprise to anyone when she started to climax. After all the build up and bursts of passion throughout the day finally being able to let loose and bask in her unapologetic bliss was simply perfect. Waves of ecstasy crashed down on her, filliing up every nook and cranny of her body as surely as they were filled by thick, pulsing cocks. Juices sprayed from her pussy and spit drooled from her lips as the rest of the world simply blinked out of existence. Her eyes rolled back in her head and refused to return in the wake of the unbridled carnal satisfaction that'd sent them om their trip. And as always did the sight of her convulsing, ecstasy laden body shaking like it did coupled with the smells of arousal hanging thick in the air pushed the first batch of Dwarven lovers to their limit as well. Groaning almost loud enough to mask her pleasured cries they shoved their cocks inside her and let loose a messy spray of creamy white affection. Only the fellow being massaged by her fingers failed to drench her holes in a torrent of hot spunk and he was the first one to claim her pussy when his fellows had retreated. The three waiting on the sidelines happily took up the task of extending her orgasm for as long as they could, their dicks plunging into her so fast it was almost as if there'd been no transition at all.

Hours passed in blissful, orgasmic pleasure as Snow White was fucked over and over again in every way possible. Her gorgeous alabaster form was guided into every position they could think of as her mouth, pussy, and ass were repeatedly stuffed with fat Dwarven cocks. Sometimes her eager lovers didn't even wait for their fellows to pull out before sliding their members into whichever hole they desired in that moment. An explosion of pleasure always ripped through her whenever she felt a second cock push into her holes as their eagerness never failed to elicit the kind of explosive reaction they'd come to know and love from her. Watching her eyes sparkle like a sea of stars in the night sky and she gagged on two dicks buried in her throat was incredible. Feeling the juices gush from her pussy as it was stretched by a pair of shafts big enough to split a lesser woman in half by themselves was unbelievable. And savoring the sensation of her asshole clamping down around the cocks eagerly pounding it hard enough to utterly ravish her once tight ring was better than anything else they'd experienced in their long lives. Like every other evening Snow White climaxed more times than she could count as each of the Seven Dwarves fucked her silly and basted her innards with a seemingly endless flow of warm, toe curling spunk. Nobody kept track of who'd gone where or how many times they'd cum. All that mattered was celebrating the life they'd built and showing the beautiful, moaning creature on the table just what she really meant to them.

Even when some of their number started collapsing from exhaustion those remaining continued thrusting with all their might. Just as Snow White continued doing everything in her power to pleasure them as well. Though she didn't always have the opportunity any time she could wrap her fingers around their dicks and stroke their wet, throbbing members she did. Just as any time they could mount her belly, slide their pricks between her tits, and thrust away until their cum was splattered across her face and neck they did. It was a constant ebb and flow of the most wonderful kind and the slowly diminishing number of partners did very little to affect that pleasure. For a time. At first there were always enough cocks to go around and Snow White never had to want for a dick in every hole and maybe even a couple extra to admire or fondle. Eventually the extra shafts were no longer available to her and while she certainly missed having something hard and pulsing to grope while her throat, asshole, and cunt were being soundly fucked it wasn't the end of the world. But then a not so subtle line was crossed around the time she was gulping down her tenth load of warm Dwarven jizz. With her eyes closed and her cum filled mouth open she waited for another to take up the spot. Her remaining holes were still very much filled and she could feel the Dwarf beneath her suckling at her breasts while the other happily spanked her ass. Yet there seemed to be nobody left to give her mouth, face, and throat the same kind of treatment.

She opened her eyes to find no trace of another partner and a quick look around the room reinforced this as surely as it reinforced the mess they'd made during their wild night of passion. All of her once eager and insatiable companions were sprawled across the cottage half asleep or already deep in slumber. Their snores and contented sighs filled the air and warmed Snow White's heart. With some difficulty she managed to sit up and smile at each of them in turn. Although there was no way they could know she was looking at them many of her surly companions still smiled ever so slightly when her gaze fell upon them. Those subtle grins even remained when she slid from the table and quietly snuck out of the house. As cum dripped from her ravished holes and sloshed noisily around inside her belly she made her way back to the river for another bath. No matter ho much as she hated washing away all their warm, tasty seed there was no way she could drink all down. She'd tried that after the first night they'd all demonstrated their affection for her and it'd left poor Snow White just as lethargic and sluggish as the rest of them. Albeit it will a stomach full of wonderful reminders of the fun they'd had. Of course that didn't mean she couldn't stop and indulge herself a little on the way there. Namely by pausing every so often to slide her hand between her thighs and scoop out some of the jizz constantly leaking from her asshole and pussy. Once or twice she even did it with both hands just so she could throw her head back and gulp down their cum with total abandon.

But regardless of how many times she stopped there was always more jizz oozing out of her and eventually she found her way to the river. After pausing one more time to slurp up spunk in a most unladylike fashion she stepped into the cooling water to clean herself off. It took considerably longer than the first time but was well worth the effort when she emerged refreshed and satisfied in a way only a massive bout of fucking could ever lead to. Humming a peaceful tune she returned to the cottage with many of the night time dwelling creatures of the forest in tow. She found all the Dwarves exactly where they'd been left, much like the soiled furniture, and the generally disorganized cabin they all called home. For a lesser woman the prospect of cleaning up all this mess might have been daunting or even outright impossible. For Snow White it was simply the last part of her daily routine. Starting first with her companions she gently roused each of them from sleep and guided them into their bunks, hammocks, and nooks while they grumbled and muttered incoherently. When they were all tucked in and snoring happily she turned her sights towards the rest of the cottage. Cleaning up all the sweat and spunk left from their exertions had become so routine she didn't even have to think about it. The chairs and table were moved as needed and in no time at all the room was returned to the same state it'd been in when she first instigated their nightly lovemaking. Only once everything was back to normal did she begin to feel the flickers of exhaustion creeping into her body. Approaching her door on tiptoes Snow White stopped and turned towards the rest of the cottage and whispered a soft farewell.

“Goodnight Dig! Goodnight Bluebeard! Goodnight Tin! Goodnight Grog! Goodnight Sling! Goodnight Sprig! And goodnight Root!” She murmured, blowing each of them a kiss, “I'll see you in the morning!” And with that she slipped into her room and the warm bed waiting for her within, dreams of doing it all again tomorrow filling her mind.


Sophia Dearden

This was an exceptionally good story. I enjoyed it from start to finish and you really mixed the lewdness and the fairytale aspect well.


I'm glad to hear it, that sort of thing can be super incongruous and there were times I wondered if I'd screw up the transitions.