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Those of you uninterested in femboys/unambiguously gay sex may wanna give this a pass. Along with anyone not interested in furry content. But if all of that plus some fantasy jargon sounds like your cup of tea then look no further! This also won't be the only story I'm writing for the week . . .

Known for it's seafaring trade and lively atmosphere the port city of Sekishmir harbored not only boats but some of the richest and most influential merchants on the continent. Nobles and kings held no claim over the place, only coin or business earned moved the events forward. Six prominent families and organizations controlled the place much like the traditional monarchies and clergies further inland but each and every one of them would sell out their entire dynasty for a chance at more gold. Only those too powerful to cross or too meaningless to care about were safe with only one notable exception to break the mold. Feared despite his relatively low status, compared to the half a dozen that ran Sekishmir, by those above and below him the Rakshasa merchant Sehlukesi was the only extra planar denizen of the city. Anyone smart enough to know what he was knew why they should be wary of him and those that didn't were still canny enough to keep an eye on the seven foot, bipedal tiger dressed in fine silks as he passed them by on the street. Were that not enough the sight of him easily pulling a cart laden with goods that an entire team of horse would struggle with certainly put onlookers in a state of wary unease. No matter where he went or what he did Sehlukesi always looked immaculate, his brilliantly white fur and inky black stripes never showing an ounce of dirt or grime. The lavish and billowing tunics and breeches he always wore remained similarly unspoiled. Much like the golden cloak that was as much his trademark as his bestial features. Indeed it was only his dark leather riding boots that showed any sign of the roads he traveled, the underside of their pointed tips often splattered with exotic looking sands from lands even those in Sekishmir had never seen.

As he made his way from the ports into the markets with his strange smelling goods in tow Sehlukesi stopped only once to taunt a business rival hawking his wares just outside the main square, “Your ship ran afoul of pirates.” He said with a sharp toothed smile, “Perhaps your next captain will think better of trying to follow me through the Midnight Strait.”

Grinning wickedly at his rival's dumbstruck expression the Rakshasa continued his march into the center of the market. Pulling his cart to the very middle of the area he pushed it between the two stalls he'd bought a few months prior. The nervous looking vendors standing behind them started to unpack and lay out everything he'd brought them while he watched with an inscrutable stare. Once everything was laid out in the manner he liked and people started approaching Sehlukesi nodded at his underlines and walked off without another word. He knew exactly how much every item there would sell for and since they'd been given strict orders not to go a single copper bit under there was no need to remain and watch the banality that was the actual trading. He had something much more entertaining waiting for him at his home. Above the harbor on the hill overlooking Sekishmir were the most elegant and well guarded mansions of the city's merchant class. The only one left unguarded also happened to be the only one nobody in their right mind would ever think about robbing. Despite the knowledge that it was only occupied by a single person much of the year. In fact Sehlukesi's reputation did more than keeping simple burglars and thugs away. It also managed to scare off the more amorous visitors that might have stopped by to visit his 'wife' while he was traveling. 

More feminine than many of the women he was considered the peer of Irenia was almost as unique as his devilish husband but for almost entirely opposite reasons. As slender and lithe as an elf with golden tresses reaching past his waist his face was a remarkable blend of sultry and innocent. His almond shaped blue eyes and full, pouty lips paired nicely with his naturally tanned skin and utterly flawless complexion. Delicately plucked eyebrows were the only other sources of hair on his completely shaven body, which left his softly angled chin and jaw looking exactly as girlish as the rest of him. Of course the silver earrings, bangles around his wrists, and rings adorning his fingers certainly aided that aura quite a bit. It was only when one looked beyond his effeminate face that the realized the truth about his gender. Although it was an easy feat considering he rarely wore any sort of clothing regardless of who might be around. Although smooth and even a little muscular his chest was completely flat as befit a young man in remarkable fitness and while his hips were certainly wider than average and his buttocks definitely had a plumpness that many men lacked what sat between his legs confirmed his status as the prettiest male in all of Sekishmir. A few inches below his pierced navel sat a small, tanned cock hidden beneath his foreskin and resting atop an equally modest pair of balls. Only a few inches in length, even when hard, it was just as cute as the rest of him. Even in the eyes of those that might otherwise balk at such a thing.

Stretched comfortably across the pile of cushions he'd arranged on the balcony overlooking the road up to the house Irenia saw his husband approaching long before he actually reached their mansion. Delighted by his return for a myriad of reasons, none of which were love, he stood up and leaned over the railing to watch the Rakshasa he was bonded to approach. Immediately his smallish member started to perk up at the thought of what would happen upon Sehlukesi's arrival. It only grew harder when he made eye contact with his partner and was flashed a bestial grin. Brushing some of his flowing golden hair from his face he bit his lower lip and offered a sultry smile of his own. After a few more seconds Sehlukesi disappeared from view and Irenia was left looking out across Sekishmir while his man strutted through their house and up to the second floor. Once he heard the door open and the sound of deceptively heavy footsteps filling the other room he adopted the most seductive expression he could muster.

“Welcome home husband.” Irenia said, looking back at him from over his shoulder while keeping his pert ass pointed squarely in his direction, “You've been away quite some time.”

“I trust you didn't spend all my money while I was gone.”

“Only what you gave me.” he replied with a coquettish smile, “And maybe a little extra . . .”

“Is that so?” Reaching his dainty little 'wife' he rested a paw on his soft buttock. Giving it a  nice squeeze for a moment he pulled away and brought it down with a weighty smack.

Irenia jumped at the sudden spank despite fully expecting it. His cock bounced a little from the force of the impact and the rest of his body trembled at the pleasure, “Oh no, you're going to punish me now?”

“Yes I am.” He replied, spanking Irenia again just as hard on his other buttock, “Perhaps next time you'll think before you spend my money.”

“Please husband!” The unmistakably eager young man cooed, “Don't be angry at me!” He whimpered as his words were met with another swat, this time coming in at an angle that made both cheeks merrily bounce for a moment, “Ohhhhhh!”

The third time he brought his paw down was the hardest yet and Irenia cried out loud enough for his voice to echo across the area. But rather than pulling away for another spank Sehlukesi slid his furred fingers between his lover's buttocks. Pushing the middle digit out while the remaining pushed apart those soft, quivering cheeks he pushed to tip of one claw against the tight little asshole just waiting for his attention. He teasingly scraped and rubbed it against Irenia's soft flesh, delighting in the way he trembled and gasped at the sensation. Both of them knew he wasn't going to cause any harm but the knowledge that he so easily could added a very palpable thrill that fucking on the balcony had long ago lost. Especially when he pushed his sharp talon inside his toy's hole and slowly dragged it across his inner walls. In a heartbeat Irenia was gasping for air and hard enough to make his meager little cock ache with anticipation. Beads of precum formed at the tip of his shaft and dripped down to the polished stone before the railing he was leaning on in long, clear strands. Within seconds both of them could smell the arousal hanging thick in the air and it nearly impossible for Sehlukesi to ignore the odor as it wafted past his nose.

“How long has it been?” He asked, leaning over Irenia and whispering into his ear as his claw repeated the slow, scraping motion once more.

“Too long!” Irenia replied, “Too long!”


Baring his teeth in a smile that terrified all but his 'wife' Sehlukesi pushed his finger inside Irenia's ass without any warning at all. It slid inside so fast the eager young man barely had time to react before pleasure was flooding him in cascading waves. True to his word and their agreement Irenia never allowed anyone else to use his body the way his husband did. On occasion he'd made his way down to the brothel and enjoyed being the dominant for a while but nobody was allowed his ass except Sehlukesi. And it showed with every contraction and quiver that spread through him after that first penetration. His husband's fingers were certainly large enough to give his hole a nice stretching but the real pleasure lay in both how long they were and the extra length added by his talons. By the time he was buried knuckle deep in his 'wife' Sehlukesi was so deep his claw could scrape against parts that few others could ever reach. Areas so sensitive just the slightest bit of prodding sent Irenia into fits of squirming ecstasy severe enough for him to risk injuring himself. Were it not for his husband's strong hand gripping his sounders and keeping him rooted in place. And just like usual being toyed with and held like the tiny little thing he was just turned Irenia on even more. He may not have had anything in common with his mate and theirs might have been a marriage of convenience and little else but when it came to sex neither could deny the inherent fun of their coupling. Sehlukesi knew his body as well as he knew the oceans and it showed either every subtle movement. Like when he momentarily retracted his claw to start pushing a second finger against the already overstuffed hole tightening around the first digit. The first time such a thing happened Irenia had balked at the notion of taking such a large amount into his ass. Now, after years of experience with both his hands and his cock the slutty young man felt only delight.

A second finger joined the first with almost no ceremony at all. Sehlukesi simply pushed it into his 'wife's' asshole like it was nothing. Irenia bit his lip to keep from moaning so loud his voice gave out again and both claws slowly extended inside his body. Now with twice as many options and the capability to enjoy every single one of the Sehlukesi started playing with his companion in earnest. He started off simple, both fingers curling in a come hither motion and dragging the edges of his talons against Irenia's inner walls. After a few seconds he added to that a small thrusting motion that saw his hand pumping back and forth just enough for it to slide an inch or so in and out each time. That lasted for nearly half a minute of sheer delight before Irenia felt his husband do what he always did when he was getting aroused. Withdrawing his fingers about halfway he repeated the come hither motion and gradually spread apart his digits at the same time. Both stretching and stimulating Irenia's asshole in a way that threatened to push him right over the edge he enjoyed that tried and true method for well over a minute. His claws dragged along whole new stretches of his lover's tight hole while his strong fingers kept him suitably spread open just long enough for his body to grow used to the sensation. Then he stretched him a little wide and moved his talons a little harder. When Irenia grew used to that and his cock was now dripping a constant flow of precum Sehlukesi finally pulled his hand away entirely and said exactly what his lewd companion wanted to hear.

“You're ready. Turn around.”

Overjoyed at the implication those words held Irenia spun on his heels and lifted his feet off the ground in an instant. With his pert ass resting against the railing he wrapped his legs around Sehlukesi's waist and pulled him closer. Or rather his husband stepped closer. At the same time his hand slipped into his breeches to free the massive, tapered red cock that'd brought Irenia to orgasm so many times over the years. Just under a foot long and as wide around as Irenia's clenched fist at it's base the tip was barely as big as his pinky finger. But aside from that massive and pleasing disparity in sizes it was also covered in strange, barb like protrusions that felt more amazing than any other cock he'd experienced in his life. Often the anticipation caused by memories of his first times with Sehlukesi's unique manhood was enough to make Irenia cum without so much as touching his body. But he was going to enjoy much more than simple recollections as his husband's shaft drifted forward. He grabbed his 'wife's' hips and held him in place, knowing full well what would happen when he thrusted. The very moment he was certain Irenia wouldn't squirm his way right off the balcony Sehlukesi rammed his entire dick inside him like it was nothing. All eleven inches or so slammed into the tight hole that'd ravished time and time again while both of them savored it in their own way. For one it took the form of a simple but appreciative groan at the unfailing tightness and warmth of a nice, sultry ass to enjoy. For the other is was a piercing scream that filled the air and sent any loose objects nearby rattling for a moment. A jet of cum exploded out of Irenia's cock as he violently and furiously climaxed all over himself. More runny and definitely more thick than his usual orgasm the kind of release brought on by his husband's feline shaft was always unique among the many flavors of release he enjoyed. Streaks of his own jizz coated Irenia's supple, golden tanned skin in the blink of an eye. Many of them reached as high up as his orgasmically twisted expression and his soft chest and pert nipples were thoroughly drenched in everything that didn't. 

His dick twitched and throbbed uncontrollably for several seconds after his climax was over and only little pulses of cum were still emerging. It was given a momentary resurgence when Sehlukesi started pulling out and his barbed dick dragged along those overly sensitive inner walls. Lacking any reason to hold back and more than eager to make up for lost time he immediately settled into his characteristically powerful rhythm. The one that never failed to make his partner shake and writhe as if he were being tortured while simultaneously putting a look of pure ecstasy upon his face. Part of that was just the nature of his cock and how inevitable Irenia's first orgasm was whenever they had sex. But much of it was owed to the simple yet massively arousing transgressive nature of their union. The people of Sekishmir were about as open minded as they could be and even many of them balked at the notion of a human mating with a Rakshasa. The fact that he'd done it so many times he was an expert on the same level as many renowned researches never failed to fill Irenia with pleasure just from the simple act of it alone. It was why he'd taken to having sex with Sehlukesi on the balcony for all to watch. Knowing their were turning their noses up at it while at the same time jealously wishing they could do the same, with either of them, made him feel like some sort of queen. More so than all the money and jewelry lavished upon him as part of the marriage he'd entered into so long ago. Already he was beginning to feel the beginnings of another climax stirring within him as surely as his husband's cock stirred up his slutty, perpetually hungry for dick mind and body.

They fucked on the balcony for quite some time. Long enough in fact for Irenia to cum again and further drench himself in his own fluids. People in houses nearby started to watch with varying degrees of subtlety as he was mercilessly pounded into a mewling, worthless mass of a human. But a much as Sehlukesi enjoyed showing off his dominance in any way he could the presence of other beings, especially mortals, when he was attempting to relax never failed to irk him. So after giving them a window into the kind of pleasure they'd never be able to give or receive for another few minutes he unceremoniously lifted his 'wife' off the railing and carried him inside, without removing his cock of course, where they might finish their fun in privacy. Or at least as much privacy as could be had with Irenia screaming like he was being murdered after every single thrust. After laying him across their bed he resumed the unrelenting, almost brutal pace he'd been operating at before. Over the years he'd been able to increase both the speed and force of his thrusts thanks to the potent magical nature of his seed and Irenia's endless consuming of it. Otherwise he'd almost certainly be killing his gasping companion at the rate he was going. Instead it was just on the right side of too much for the feminine young man and he was left utterly wracked with pleasure the entire time. Even more time passed as their bedroom was filled with the sounds and smells of their nearly unrestrained sex. Not long after the two of them fully sank into the miasma of ecstasy and lust that fueled their reunions Sehlukesi uttered the four words his 'wife' couldn't wait to hear.

“I'm going to cum!” He growled in a deceptively calm voice.

“Finally!” Irenia gasped. Delighted for so many reasons by that statement he ignored the most convenient course of action and said, “Do it inside my ass!”

“As you wish!”

Baring his teeth in a ferocious snarl Sehlukesi slammed his cock into Irenia as hard as he possibly could without harming his 'wife'. He pounded away like a battering ram for what seemed like minutes while his lover squealed in delight. Finally, after only a few seconds of ferocity, he shoved the entire length of his thick, barbed shaft inside the hole that'd experienced it more than any other. A mighty snarl escaped his mouth while Irenia let out a climactic moan. His supple back arched and his eyes shut tight so he could enjoy the rush of cum filling up his innards with as little interruption as possible. The first, powerful jet to explode inside him was thicker and more plentiful than he expected. It both caught him off guard and made him tremble so hard a little spurt of cum squirted out of his own cock at the same time. The ensuing eruptions were met with similar reactions even as the surprise was replaced with utter delight at having so much spunk gushing into him. While he might not have been an expert Irenia knew the amount filling him up would've taken a dozen humans, elves, dwarves, or half orcs to accomplish. Even then it still would've lacked the magical quality that made his whole body tingle like he was set aflame. Since it was spread out across nearly twice the time it would've taken a mortal to deliver their own seed he was able to enjoy it longer too! Much in the same way he could enjoy rubbing his hands across his stomach as it sprayed across his inner walls. Although it was only enough to make his belly swell ever so slightly that extra bit on top of what he was already experiencing just by having his husband's cock inside him was the perfect end to their first, messy reunion. Now he was just excited for what would come afterwards.

Sehlukesi slowly withdrew his massive, bestial cock from Irenia's asshole, his trembling 'wife' smiling as his hole gaped in the open air, “You didn't lie with anyone else while you were away.”

“No I didn't.” Sehlukesi replied, “I trust you're pleased with that?”

“Very much so!” Irenia stumbled away from his husband, one hand covering his ravished ass while the other brushed aside his hair. He collected a large goblet about as big around as a dinner plate and as deep as a basin from a nearby table and set it on the floor beneath him, “I'm surprised you could control yourself.”

“It wasn't very difficult. As famous as Khindala might be for it's sights only a few actually caught my eye.”


Squatting over the goblet and pulling his buttocks apart Irenia pushed out as much of Sehlukesi's cum as he could, thick jets of it squirting out of his ravished asshole to fill the receptacle below. The indecent sound of his asshole being evacuated filled the room but his husband paid it no mind, even going as far as pulling up his breeches while he unfastened his cloak. Irenia looked down at the steadily filling cup as his face turned red from the exertion and the soft pink walls of his hole started to emerge from his stretched opening. When he paused for a moment to catch his breath everything returned to normal and only a few droplets of jizz dribbled out. Once he resumed his efforts Irenia's cute little hole inverted completely as the last stands of gooey cum that could be expelled were sprayed into the goblet for his consumption. After pausing to make sure there was nothing left he pushed his asshole back inside and stood up, lifting the goblet with both hands as he did so. Sitting down on the bed he shared with his husband the young man lifted the cup up to his lips and tipped his head back as magical seed poured down his throat. Gulping it down like it was the last meal he'd ever eat Irenia drained the entire goblet within seconds and ran his fingers along the interior to collect what was left over.

“I have little interest in paying for sex.” Sehlukesi remarked.

“Except with me.” Irenia joked.

“There are always exceptions.”

“Of course there are.” He said with cum dripping down his lips and a wide smile spread across his cherubic features. “I don't suppose you have any more for me?” 

“I'd forgotten how insatiable you are.”

“I'm hurt! How could you forget such a thing!”

“I must be getting old.” Sehlukesi remarked, sauntering towards Irenia and pulling down his breeches, “This time we'll cut out the middle man.”

“You read my mind husband!” Irenia cooed. Rolling onto his back and letting his head hang off the side of the bed he added, “Do hurry though. I'm expecting a delivery soon!”

“Of course you are.” He remarked, shoving his entire cock into his companion's throat like it was nothing, “What would you do without more jewelry?”


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