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Man I'm writing a lot of Harry Potter smut lately huh? Not that I have any problems with that, I just didn't really think about how much it was until I looked through my collection of stories. If this keeps up that might end up being my 'brand' lol.

After months of asking Harry finally managed to convince Hermione to go on a date with him. They both decided independently to keep their trip to Hogsmeade a secret from Ron. At least until there was something to tell. He hoped that time would come after they became a proper couple while she assumed it would arrive sometime after their first and only date. But regardless of what either one thought when the day in question arrived she was waiting for him in the Great Hall half an hour before lunch. The conversation all the way down to the village was light and decidedly platonic. In more ways than one it felt like they were simply spending time together as friends. Like they had on countless other occasions. Only after they'd left Hogwarts behind and entered the Three Broomsticks. Though more empty than either of them had ever seen it the pub was still filled with enough witches, wizards, and other magical folk to require a raised voice when talking. After a bit of searching Harry was able to find a small booth tucked away from the bulk of the other patrons. Hermione put in an order of butterbeers and sat down opposite him, quickly looking out the window at the rain slicked road they'd just been walking.

“Should we order something to eat as well?” He asked.

“Sure, we probably won't be back in time for lunch will we?” She questioned.

“I hope not. It won't be much of a date if that's the case.”

“That's true. So what did you have in mind for this date besides butterbeer?”

“I dunno, I've never really done this sort of thing before.”

“You didn't go out on many dates with Cho?”

“No I did . . . but even I know you don't do the same things with different girls if you want to have a good date.”

“Good point,” Hermione laughed. She gave him a thoughtful look and then added, “But you never know. What did you and Cho do for fun?”

“You mean besides kissing? Well once we . . .”

She listened intently to him talk about his short time dating Cho Chang despite knowing just about everything he was going to say. Some of the stories sounded quite fun and would absolutely make for enjoyable dates. Others were wildly uninteresting or the opposite of how she liked to spend her free time. But no matter how interesting or unappealing the ideas were it couldn't change the simple fact that she just couldn't imagine herself doing any of it with Harry. The rational, analytical part of her mind claimed it was because of their existing friendship and all the hang ups that came with such things. In the more base, emotional parts she was unconsciously imagining herself in place of him for every story he told. Particularly the ones that resulted in romantic moments with his girlfriend. Most of those thoughts went wholly unexamined by the rest of her and the few that were focused on she promptly made excuses for: she was only trying to picture what he was telling her, since it was from his perspective that's how she imagined it, why would she put herself in Cho's place when she wasn't sure about dating Harry, and a host of other flimsy justifications to perpetuate the lie she wasn't aware of yet.

“Before we order any food I'd like to use the bathroom,” She said at the first lull in the conversation, “Be right back!”


Harry smiled as she walked off and drummed his fingers on the table. His thoughts on the date so far were interrupted by the approach of a hooded figure from the other side of the pub. Looking up just as she revealed her face his jaw nearly hit the table. Of all the people and creatures he'd seen in Hogsmeade Harry never imagined he'd encounter a Veela. Her supernaturally pale complexion all but glowed with magical energy and flowing golden hair framed her delicate features. Crystal blue eyes stared unblinkingly down at him while her pouty red lips curled into a smile. The slightest flush had crept over her otherwise white skin and it gave her slightly upturned nose an even cuter look than it already possessed. Despite the rest of her body, with the exception of her slender hands, being covered by a thick black robe it was easy to tell she was just as curvaceous and womanly as the ones he'd seen at the Quidditch World Cup.

“Hello.” She greeted in a musical voice.

“H-Hello . . .” he stammered back.

“What's your name?”


“It's a pleasure to meet you Harry. And what's the name of that enchanting young woman you arrived with?”

“Her name's Hermione.”

“I see. A lovely name for a lovely creature. I'd like to spend some time with her before you both leave.”

“I-I thought Veela were only interested in men?” Harry said.

“No darling, men just want simply want to think that and we allow them. My interests aren't so limited.”

“That makes sense . . .”

“I'm glad you think so. Now why don't you purchase a room from Madame Rosmerta. I'd like some privacy with your lovely friend.”

“S-sure . . .” He started to do as she was asked but paused in a momentary burst of clarity, “What about me”

“You can listen,” She cooed, trailing her finger along his jaw and biting her lip, “Perhaps if you rent two rooms I can visit you after I'm finished . . .”

Not needing any more incentive than that Harry stood up and eagerly pushed his way past the men gathered behind the Veela. He paid for two rooms as fast as he could and returned to the table a few minutes later. All the men vying for her control had dispersed and she was sitting calmly in his seat. At some point Hermione had come back as well and she was staring awestruck at the Veela with same look he had. They were chatting affably despite her reaction and their new friend looked positively delighted. Upon seeing him holding a pair of keys her face turned positively radiant. She gracefully rose from her seat and lifted Hermione out of hers with a simple look.

“Thank you,” She cooed, taking the kiss from him and planting a swift kiss upon his lips in return, “Let's see our accomodations!”

Like ducklings following their mama Harry and Hermione fell in line behind the mysterious Veela despite the apparent insanity of the whole situation. They were led upstairs where, with a wave of her hand, their companion opened the first door and smiled back at him. He dutifully walked inside and plopped down on the bed for want of something better to do. He heard it lock behind him, silently wondering if he was locked in or other people were locked out. Alone with the object of her affection the Veela took her by the hand and brought her into the second room. Sealing the door in the same way as before the ethereally gorgeous woman turned towards her soon to be lover. Already sitting on the bed and looking more nervous than she ever had in her life Hermione watched her turn and wordlessly disrobe as if it were nothing. An audible gasp escaped her lips.

As expected the Veela was absolutely stunning from head to toe. Her body was wide and buxom in all the right places while still being slender enough to accentuate her curves. She looked uncannily like the Muggle swimsuit models Hermione occasionally ogled while on holiday with her parents. Particularly in her ample breasts and plump bubble but. There wasn't a scrap of hair above her soft looking pussy and it was near impossible not to stare at the enticing outer lips. The juices already starting to form on them actually made her mouth water. Without thinking about Hermione found herself rising to her feet and undressed as well. Part of it was motivated by her own desires and the remainder was aided by the unearthly beauty of the woman she was staring at. She felt a little self conscious baring her smaller bust and less wide hips, especially when it came time to reveal the tuft of curly brown hair sitting unshaven atop her slit. Though undeniably beautiful in her own right, the natural slenderness of her body still giving way to many soft curves and contours that could make a person weak at the knees, it was hard to feel prideful when standing before what seemed like the pinnacle of womanhood. Even her own juicy ass and slightly oversized pink nipples felt unremarkable. Luckily her partner didn't think so.

“You're beautiful,” She cooed, “Simply beautiful.”

“T-thank you . . . you're very pretty too!” Hermione answered, feeling immediately stupid for so vastly understating it.

“Thank you, My name is Antonia, in case you wanted something to call out.”

“Mine's Hermione.”

“I know, I've been hoping to meet you like this for some time.”

“Y-you have?”

“Of course. Do you think I'm the only one to notice the way you look at other women? I'm surprised you'd even go out on a date with a man.”

“But I-I'm not—”

“Don't worry, I'm not going to make you say it. But I will make you realize it by the time I'm finished,” Antonia promised, “So just enjoy being with me today. If you still want to protest afterwards, I won't stop you.”

“All right. I-I can do that.” She stammered.

“Good, then what are we waiting for?”

Moving as though it were the most simple thing in the world Antonia sauntered up to her and leaned in for a kiss. Hermione's eyes went wide in surprise despite knowing it was going to happen while her hands raised in an almost defensive manner. She halfheartedly leaned away out of pure instinct but was promptly stopped by a pair of soft hands upon her lower back and buttocks. With nowhere else to go and no other recourse she let herself fall into the first kiss of her life. Lacking any frame of reference it was hard to tell how much of it was the Veela and how much was the quality of the kiss. But regardless it was still amazing enough to make her head spin and her knees tremble. After a few seconds her arms simply went limp and she shut her eyes tight to savor every last second of what she was feeling. She timidly started to push back against those soft, sweet tasting lips soon after and was rewarded when they slowly parted. An equally toe curling tongue emerged and quietly slipped into her mouth faster than she could react. Her own weakly responded in kind despite her natural trepidation. Her head was spinning faster than ever and somehow her arms had wound up around Antonia's shoulders. Had she been aware of it Hermione probably would have avoided scraping her nails along that luminescent skin as hard as she did. Fortunately the enthusiasm was exactly what her companion was looking for. Their kiss ended shortly after with the Veela staring deep into her eyes and flashing a delighted smile.

“Lie down,” She whispered, “I want that virginity of yours gone.”

Hermione's heart just about skipped right out of her chest at those words. So many conflicting emotions welled up inside her all at once. They were all eventually overruled by the shiver that coursed down her spine and the little trickle of fluids seeping down her thigh. Somewhere in the back of her mind she felt bad for doing what she was doing and completely abandoning Harry in the process. She continued to feel it even as her back came to rest against the surprisingly soft sheets. Still more than a little nervous her knees remained locked together and her thighs were tightly clenched despite neither fully hiding the damp outer folds of her pussy from view. Using one elbow to prop herself up Hermione stared at the gorgeous Veela she was about to lose her cherry to mount the bed. A hundred different thoughts flew through her head in rapid succession while another tremble wracked her naked form. Goosebumps spread across her skin and the smallest of whimpers, half excitement and half fear, slipped out of her mouth. The last time she thought about her friend and date was the moment before Antonia's hands touched her knees for the first time. As soon as those unbelievably soft fingers touched her skin the only thing on her mind was exactly the same urge her partner was feeling.

Her legs were parted with a slow yet firm movement and her body laid completely bare faster than she could really handle. Falling back against the bed with a gasp Hermione covered her face with both hands and quivered like mad. Antonia laughed and slid back, one hand resting against her lover's thigh while the tenderly spread the lips of her pussy. The sudden burst of pleasure that surged through her body upon feeling another woman touch her pussy for the first time was indescribable. Hermione gasped louder than she meant to and her excitement was heard not only by Harry but more than a few people downstairs as well. Knowing her pretty pink slit was being stared at made her so nervous and excited she was almost relieved when her white haired companion leaned. Of course when a tongue brushed against her quivering sex the sensations she was feeling a moment ago seemed like a joke in comparison. As though it were nothing at all Antonia ran her tongue up and down the length of her lover's slit in long, smooth strokes that were perfectly paced to make them both trembled in abject delight. The little flourish at the peak when she would lightly flick Hermione's clit was an especially pleasurable addition.

In the other room Harry listened to his date's breathless moans, his mind concocting all sorts of image to accompany them. Being utterly inexperienced with sex he couldn't quite imagine what she was experiencing or even what could make her react so enthusiastically. It'd only been a few minutes and already she seemed at the tipping point. And absent the Veela's influence he couldn't help but feel a small amount of shame mixed with the arousal. Giving up his date to someone else, a stranger no less, had seemed like the most sensible idea in the world. Now listening to her having the time of his life made him question that decision. Of course part of him was glad to know she was enjoying herself, another was thrilled to hear such indecent sounds come from her, and yet another was excited at the prospect of enjoying something similar afterwards. But that niggling little pocket of regret and jealousy simply didn't go away. Not even after his hand found it's way to his cock and started stroking in time with the gasping from the other room. He closed his eyes and listened harder than ever, trying in vain to push away the negative feelings and simply focus on the sounds of his friend and possible girlfriend having the time of her life.

Something big was welling u inside Hermione and she was actually a little fearful of how strong it was already becoming. Pretty much every rational thought or fear she'd been experiencing was gone and in their place was a burning desire for Antonia to never, ever stop what she was doing. At some point during what easily could have been the last hour she'd slipped a single finger inside her brown haired lover's cunt and the moment she felt that digit inside her she knew she was in trouble. She couldn't begin to fathom what was truly waiting for her until her Veela lover suddenly pulled away. The disappearance of that amazing tongue and equally perfect finger didn't go unnoticed despite her clouded senses. There just wasn't a single thing she could do about it. Even when she felt the bed shifting and one of her legs being lifted into the air there was little Hermione could accomplish, unless her goal was to moan and gasp. Summoning the last vestiges of her willpower she managed to lift her head for a few moments just as Antonia was moving between her thighs. Wondering what could possibly be happening she watched her upraised leg come to rest against her lover's chest and an impish smile spread across her features. 

She slumped back against the bed before the big moment could arrive but not being able to see it did little to diminish the effect. As soon as those wet, warm lips touched her own she realized what was happening. Pleasure cascaded over her body in a sudden, powerful wave in the blink of an eye. Though she'd come across that position in some of the books she'd bought from a seedy Muggle shop she couldn't imagine how good it would feel to have another woman's pussy touching her own. When Antonia started grinding against her with careful, rhythmic motions she had to reevaluate what good really was. Thankfully her inexperience didn't quite stop her from returning the movements as soon as she could gather her bearings. They just weren't as skillful or practiced as her partner's. Her realm was more comfortably located in a wildness that approached frenetic. The wet, sticky mess that was her cunt practically overflowed in arousal and it was met with a similar rush of fluids from the Veela poised to send her right over the edge. Whatever it was that'd been building inside her seemed to multiply faster than she could react. By the time her lungs were finished released a moan several more were struggling to escape in the wake of so many bursts of ecstasy. And naturally Antonia continued moving at an ever increasing pace through it all. Her own face was a mask of pleasure not quite as overwhelmed as Hermione's but still more than reflective of the satisfaction both of them felt. Whether by magic or good old fashioned experience she seemed to be more aware of her lover's rising bliss better than she was. So much so her hips reached the peak of their gyrations a split second before Hermione exclaimed her first coherent word in twenty minutes.

“Antonia!” She squealed.

Having no real concept of what an orgasm was like the resulting waves of pleasure crashing over her were as shocking as they were wonderful. She was completely at the mercy of both the woman responsible and her own tumultuous ecstasy. Feeling Antonia's pussy furiously rubbing against her own in the midst of it was like heaven on earth. More than ever her hips bucked and gyrated like crazy while her partner somehow managed to not only keep pace but increase the tempo with every second her climax continued. More than once her voice failed her and the corners of her vision went dark, particularly during some of the more powerful surges that rose up. Juices gushed out of hers and Antonia's cunts by the goblet full, their sticky mixture streaking across her fair skin or the even more pale flesh of the Veela rubbing against her. Sometimes their clits would brush together amid their passionate movements and each time that wonderful occurrence took place she screamed in a voice almost not her own. It was a cry of sheer, uncomplicated bliss of a kind she didn't know could be possible. For more than a full, uninterrupted minute her world consisted entirely of the pleasure hitting what felt like every nerve, sense, and fiber of her body all at once. Towards the end it grew so powerful she actually lost all control over her muscles. They certainly continued to spasm and shake even though her entire body fell limp against the bed. Only the movements of Antonia's hips and Hermione's driving need to feel that wonderful cunt pressed against her own kept her twitching even remotely controlled.

Eventually the bulk of her ecstasy faded into the more intelligible realms of breathtaking and Hermione could form rational thoughts again. At least that might have been possible if her eyes didn't immediately flutter shut and her consciousness hadn't started to fade the moment Antonia's pulled away. Suddenly with nothing to keep her tethered to reality it was intensely difficult to stay awake for another moment. She managed to fight the urge to sleep for all of ten seconds before exhaustion took hold. Her Veela lover was delighted by the response, if a little disappointed. She suddenly remembered an equally sumptuous young man no doubt waiting eagerly in the next room. One that could help with her needs rather nicely while Hermione recuperated. 

Preoccupied as he was Harry didn't hear a key slide into the lock on his door until it was too late. His eyes flew open and he looked at the figure standing in the entryway with wide eyes. Antonia eyed the cock still in his hand with lust as naked as her sweaty body, “You started without me? Well then, I'll have to catch up . . .”


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