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And here's the first Christmas story of the month. I gotta say, writing Mrs. Claus as a sex loving milf was a lot of fun. I genuinely don't know why she isn't more popular in both drawn and written smut. I'm glad I had the chance to rectify that a little lol

Christmas Eve had finally come to Bar Harbor and the residents of the sleepy Maine town were overjoyed by the chance to celebrate. Snow covered everything from the rooftops all the way down to fences lining the streets, further adding to its picturesque look. The multitude of twinkling lights decorating not only the homes but nearly every business made it near impossible for anyone to not find the spirit of the season. There was even a plethora of blue and gold lights put up for the handful of families celebrating Hanukkah as well. It was such an idyllic and fitting sight for the holidays it nearly bordered on saccharine. But most of the townsfolk were too busy enjoying themselves with their families, friends, coworkers, and anyone else that might join the festivities to care. Not that many of them would have even if they weren't distracted by seasonal merriment.

Yet no festive occasion would be complete without a Scrooge or Grinch to balance things out at least a little. For Bar Harbor that role fell, rather unintentionally, to Will Hartwell. Even without trying to hamper people's fun his total lack of Christmas spirit was a downer on pretty much everyone he happened across. Each year he would disappear more and more completely from the public eye as the holidays wore on. By the time the main events rolled around he was little more than a ghost occasionally glimpsed through the curtains of his small, one story home. After five years of that trend almost nobody made any effort to include him in their events, despite almost everyone knowing why the normally pleasant young man turned so withdrawn. Some of the neighbors still sent cards and most of his coworkers down at the bank tried to get him to join their office parties. They were all politely rejected and Will spent his time locked away from the world.

That particular night saw him in the living room nestled in his armchair facing the dying fire, an empty glass of whiskey resting nearby. The often neatly party black hair atop his head was left tousled and ragged around his face, matching the dark shadow of a beard across his wide jaw. The green silk pajamas his ex-wife gave him all those years ago because they matched his eyes sat half buttoned on his decidedly average frame. His naturally darker skin was starting to lighten from the lack of sunlight, though it could never turn quite as pale as his neighbors'. Nowhere in his house save the mantle showed any signs of Christmas decorations whatsoever. With a matching exterior his home was as much a dark spot in the town as he himself was. The three dust covered stockings hanging from nails above the fire were his only acknowledgement of the season. They were also the only thing he could look at as his eyes gradually drifted shut. He wanted to pour himself another drink and finish off the bottle he'd started the month out with but it was just too much effort to move his limbs. Sleep was calling to him and there was no reason to ignore it any longer. When he woke up it would be Christmas Day and he'd be one step closer to a new year. And eleven months without the holidays to worry about.

His eyes opened up an indeterminate amount of time later thanks to the loud pop of a wood log on the fire. Will jumped a little at the noise and squinted into the bright light, perplexed by it's existence. As he blinked away the grogginess and looked around his confusion multiplied so fast it was all he could feel. While still very much sitting in his living room it was like he'd been taken to an alternate reality where the person living in the house was an avid fan of decorating for Christmas. Themed cloth hung from almost every surface, an entire miniature town of snow covered houses sat on the window sill nearest him, wreaths hung from the walls, and lights decorated the exterior. In the corner behind him sat a magnificent pine reaching all the way to the ceiling and covered with all manner of ornaments, lights, popcorn strings, and just about anything else that might go on a Christmas tree. The more he looked around the less sense it all made to his sleep and booze addled brain. It was impossible. He had to be dreaming it all. Nobody could have possibly broken into his house to decorate it! Maybe he was dead and this was some bizarre, Krampus run hell for his personal torment. When he sat up to further survey the almost absurd levels of detail around him Will heard a faint jingling like sleigh bells to his side. He whipped his head toward the fire place and nearly jumped out of his skin.

Standing beside the mantle with a warm smile that was almost as disconcerting as her appearance was a silver haired woman. Aside from the color of her elegantly tied up bun she didn't look much older than Will. Her warm green eyes stared directly at him above a slightly upturned nose and full, bright crimson lips. The rest of her face was soft in an almost motherly way with just enough edge around the cheekbones and jaw to give her an exotic look despite the pale complexion of her skin. In her hands was a teacup full of something hot enough to waft up thick plumes of steam and a small saucer to rest it on. She was wearing a rather odd looking dress. Seeming both modern and old fashioned the sleek red fabric hugged her upper body, particularly her large and apparently unrestrained breasts, all the way up to the white trimmed neckline just above her collarbone. But everything below her wide, shapely hips was relatively free flowing all the way down to the furry white trim stopping at her ankles. A few inches of her forearm were left exposed and the sleeves were capped with that same soft looking material as the other locations. Her feet were covered in a plain looking pair of black loafers.

“What the hell is going on?” Will demanded, “Who are you? What are you doing in my house? Where did all this crap come from? What the hell is going on?!”

“Well in no particular order you can call me Mrs. Claus, I brought all these decorations with me, and I'm here to bring you Christmas cheer!”

“What the actual fuck!” He rose from his seat but tried to remain as far from this obviously crazy woman as possible, “Are you gonna murder me?”

“Of course not dear,” She laughed, “That wouldn't be very cheerful!”

Okay. You can take whatever you want! Just leave. I won't call the police!”

Quietly sipping her drink and watching him 'Mrs. Claus' continued to grin, “I'm not here for anything but you.”

“Oh my god!” Will moved behind his chair and shook his head, “You're gonna kill me for sure!”

“I should have expected this I suppose. We live in such cynical times,” She lamented. Setting down her cup and saucer on the mantle she clasped her hands behind her back and said, “Maybe this will prove my sincerity.”

Once more the sound of jingling sleigh bells filled the air and she disappeared in a whirlwind of snow that somehow left no remnants anywhere nearby, “Holy shit!”

“Does that at least prove I'm no run of the mill burglar or murderer?” Will shouted and threw himself to the floor as 'Mrs. Claus' reappeared beside him.

“I'm dreaming. I've got to be dreaming!”

“I hope not, that would make all of this much less fun!” Once more vanishing in a swirl of snowflakes and ringing bells she returned to her spot by the fire to drain her cup.

“Y-you can't be Mrs. Claus! That would mean . . . that would mean . . .”

“That my husband exists?”

“Yeah . . .”

“Well he does. And has for quite some time. Sorry to break the lie you've been thinking all the years!”

She didn't look remotely apologetic. Will slowly rose to his feet and watched her like a gazelle watches a nearby lion, “So you really Mrs. . .

“Claus dear. Wife of Santa. That's me!”

“I don't believe it. This makes no sense!”

“Why not? It made sense when you a child.”

“So did riding a bike without a helmet.”

She laughed softly at his remark. It was a sweet, comforting sound that actually put him at ease, “Well there are only so many ways I can say I'm real.”

“Yeah . . . all right . . . well . . . let's pretend I believe you.”

“That should be easy enough!”

“Yeah . . . how did you get in here?” He asked. With that same smile she nodded at the fireplace behind her, “I thought that was more in your husband's style?”

Mrs. Claus laughed then shrugged, “He's not the only one with magical powers dear. You saw that for yourself just now. I don't have as much cause to use mine!”

“Oh . . . that makes sense . . . I guess . . .” He was more reassured than anyone in his position should reasonably be yet still on edge.

“Great! This is all very simple. I'm glad you're starting to see that!”

“Sure . . . simple's definitely how I would describe this.”

“I agree.”

Will shook his head and tried to think rationally for a moment, “Okay, you said you were here to spread cheer or something? What does that mean? Is that what the decorations are for?”

“In a sense. I just like the atmosphere really. My real plan is to have sex with you.”

“Excuse me?”

“I'm here to brighten your mood by having sex with you!”

“What?! Y-your here to-we're gonna-aren't you married?!”

Once more Mrs. Claus laughed, “For over a thousand years in fact! We started adding a little spice to our relationship during the Middle Ages.”

“Wha . . . uhm . . . okay . . . so cheating is how you spice things up?”

“Of course not! It's only cheating if you lie about it. Mr. Claus knows I'm here. Just like I know where he is right now. And who he's with too!”

Will sputtered in indignation and looked around, half expecting jolly Saint Nick to appear in his living room as well, “T-that's . . . that's a lot of pressure Mrs. Claus!”

“Why? I'm not asking you to be as good as my husband. Just that you have sex with me and enjoy yourself. I certainly will.”

“This is a little much to take in right now.”

“Of course it is. But I can make it easy.”


“Do you think I'm attractive?”

“Yes but-”

“Do you want to have sex?”

“Yes but-”

“Is there anyone else you could be having sex with right now?”

“No but-”

“Then the issue is moot!” She announced in a delighted tone.  

“I-I-I . . . I can't really argue with that.”

“So you'll accept my gift of holiday cheer?”

Will looked at the undeniably attractive woman all but throwing herself at him and said, “Yes. God help I'll accept.”

“Wonderful! You'll be feeling the holiday spirit in no time!”

“And a lot more I imagine.” He muttered.

“If you play your cards right!”

Slipping out of her loafers and sauntering towards him Mrs. Claus pushed Will back into his arm chair then stepped back. She stood in front of him, silhouetted by the fire, with a noticeably different kind of smile spread across her face. He watched her with growing confusion until she suddenly crossed her arms in front of her chest and grabbed two fistfuls of her dress around her hips. While shaking those same curves she pulled her dress up the surprisingly long legs revealed by the rising fabric and past her thighs. When it passed her waist Will inhaled softly at the unexpected sight of her already bare and aroused pussy. He stared at the natural layer of silver curly hairs around her puffy outer lips with enough intensity to completely miss the remainder of her dress pass up over her head. It only occurred to him how naked she was when her outfit was tossed into a heap at his feet and Mrs. Claus adopted a sultry pose before him. Now free to look at the whole of her body at once he was struck by how perky her wonderfully large breasts remained despite her presumed age. They showed a few of the small signs brought on by an advance in years but those supposed blemishes only enhanced her innate beauty in his eyes. Her large, pink nipples were already pert and ready to be played with, much like every other goosebump riddled inch of her mature, naturally plump body.

“Wow . . .”

“I get that a lot,” She teased, “But it's nice to hear all the same!”

Her eyes drifted down from his face towards the impossible to miss erection pushing up the fabric over his groin, “Oh yeah!” Will exclaimed upon realizing her obvious intent, “I should probably do something too . . .”

“Allow me.”

Mrs. Claus walked up to him in a confident strut and slid onto the chair. She straddled his knees while bending in low enough to push her juicy tits straight into his face. Will tried to maintain eye contact with her but the sight of such a lovely pair of breasts couldn't be ignored. After less than a second of looking he was finding them impossible to resist in almost every fashion. As her hands grasped his cock through the pajamas keeping it hidden he was grabbing two thick handfuls of her soft bosom. For a moment he simply groped and pawed at them like a nervous teenager. When she started rubbing his shaft through his clothes part of his brain snapped back to attention. Though still enamored with what he was doing Will managed to pull her tits a little closer to his face and wrap his lips around one of her swollen nipples. Mrs. Claus moaned approvingly and leaned in closer. His tongue swirling around her sensitive areola was more skilled than she expected. After every pass he would flick the tip of her nipple, then tenderly bite down on it with his teeth. Each time elicited an excited little shiver from her and another delighted whimper. Her other breast was given a similar, if slightly less arousing, treatment by his unexpectedly rough hands. Rolling her nipple between his thumb and forefinger and squeezing it hard enough to make a little milk dribble out Will was clearly no stranger to playing with a lovely pair of tits. Of course she certainly wasn't any stranger to a nice fat cock.

Not one to be outdone Mrs. Claus dipped a hand into the opening of his legging and wrapped her fingers around his dick for real. Immediately she noticed how thick around he was and how breathtakingly hard his member had grown. Stroking it's full length partially for him but mostly to see how big he was she was thrilled to learn he was unquestionably closer to 'pussy breaking' than some of her other lovers. She rubbed him a few more times just to feel his heat against her palm before pulling her hand free and simply yanking down his pants completely. Blocked as she was by his head and her own tits. Mrs. Claus didn't get to see his cock in it's glory but she could sure as hell feel it radiating warmth just beneath her pussy. She grasped it with both hands nad lifted it up to meet the sopping outer lips of her beyond excited pussy. As soon as it touched her damp and glistening folds a thick bead of precum emerged from the tip. Shivering a little at the feel of it she quickly smeared his fluids across her cunt, applying it's warmth as liberally as she could before it was all used up. Another dollop replaced the first soon after she was done and she let out a little laugh. Between her tits and his messy cock Will was obviously enjoying her holiday gift. And she'd barely even started!

Sliding his cock along her soft pussy lips one last time she brought it against her waiting entrance and let it sit there steadily pulsing until he looked up from her tits, “I hope you enjoy your first present!” She remarked.

“My fir-ohhhhhh damn!”

Like it wasn't anything worth noting at all Mrs. Claus sat on his cock, her warm folds enveloping his shaft inch by inch until she was sitting comfortably on his lap. He had no idea how much of an act it was, the only clue being the wild manner in which her cunt was squeezing his shaft. Other than that she barely showed how turned on she was by his dick or the many subtle vibrations flickering through her body at finally having him inside her. A little orgasm even washed over her a moment or two after she reached the base and she still managed to hide it. If only to keep the in control, motherly illusion she was cultivating. He was far too overcome bu that surge of pleasure that came with breaking a years long streak of celibacy. He grabbed her waist with both hands and held on for dear life, little spasmodic thrusts accompanying his own pleasure. Mrs. Claus leaned forward to clench the back side of the arm chair as her hips started rising once more. She made sure to press her swaying tits against his face and Will didn't miss the chance to savor their warmth and softness as she did so. He continued weakly thrusting upwards while she slid off his prick. Part of him was trying to keep as much of his cock as possible inside her while the other was attempting to give her some of the pleasure he didn't know she was feeling.

At the apex of her motions, when only the tip of his shaft was left inside her, Mrs. Claus moved back down faster than before. Her hips collided with his and a wet slap echoed out from their union. She bounced back up almost immediately, a rhythm quickly forming after a few more passes along his length. She maintained her facade for another minute or so, smiling tenderly down at him while he panted and groaned in response. But with his lovely cock driving in and out of her hole and the near constant pleasure that resulted from such an occurrence she was unable to remain composed for much longer than that. A crimson flush crept over her cheeks and her mouth gradually opened from a long, silent moan as her enjoyment continued to rise. The frequent trickle of juices from her pussy was more of a giveaway than anything but it was hard to notice with the look coming over her face. No matter how slow she wanted to take it there was no stopping the constant increase in her movements with every passing minute. Soon the noisy slaps of their colliding flesh arrived at a constant yet growing pace. His cock vanished into then emerged from her pussy faster and faster while he was left to savor the feelings and wonder what he could have done to be so lucky. And she was free to think the same about her consistently good choice in men while her cunt was stretched beautifully by his member. At some point she noticed his hands trying to creep lower down her body, their tentative grasp shifting ever closer to her rounded, heart shaped ass. Knowing what he wanted and wanting more than that Mrs. Claus covered one of them with her own hand and grinned at him.

She brought his hand down against one of her plump cheeks with enough force to result in a sharp smack and said, “Don't hesitate to get handsy dear!” Just to emphasize her meaning she then slid his fingers between her buttocks.

Unable to miss what she was looking for Will promptly brought both hands against her ass, the second arriving with a loud spank just as vigorous as the first. Mrs. Claus resumed her steady movements along his dick while he reached between her ass cheeks to find the tight little hole hidden within. When his fingers first brushed against her puckered soon to be entrance she shuddered and grinded against him extra hard for a moment. He picked up on her enthusiasm and slowly pushed the tip of his index finger inside her. She swallowed it up eagerly and clamped down around the intruding digit like it was another cock. His own throbbed mightily at the thought of just how perverted she really was. A few seconds later he started pushing his finger in deeper, marveling at how comfortably it slid all the way up to the knuckle without stopping. And all the while Mrs. Claus was panting and writhing more enthusiastically with ever centimeter. Will smiled up at her from beneath the landslide of jiggling flesh his face was buried in. It was hard not to wonder just how much she really enjoyed anal. Not to mention what he could get away with after she'd so obviously pushed him to that point. Doing his best to keep her buttocks spread apart with his remaining digits he brought his other pointer finger to bear, pushing it against her stuffed hole with a little more confidence than before. In response Mrs. Claus moaned louder than ever. Realizing she really was as kinky as she seemed he buried a second finger inside her ass just as deep as the first.

“Don't stop now!” She encouraged. “That feels amazing!”

“S-so do you!” He grunted.

Mrs. Claus smiled at his compliment and squished her breasts against his face with a little more gusto as a reward. She continued to ride his twitching prick as fast as she could while being mindful of his hands on and in her ass. Trying to ignore his own waning endurance Will focused on the thrill of literally playing with his partner's ass. He wriggled his fingers around inside her like he would a pussy and despite the angle not being ideal it still made her whole body shake. When his fingers started to cramp from the effort he paused to recover and feel the way her pussy was gripping his dick. It was almost enough to make him cum on the spot. But after so many years without sex he was still a little nervous about finishing too early. His mind focused on whatever it could to keep him from popping off right away while he slowly pulled his fingers in opposite directions. As her asshole stretched Mrs. Claus started to quiver and buck like she was having a seizure. Rarely did she get the pleasure, outside of the North Pole anyways, of having her butt gaped and widened that way. It was a refreshing twist to an already lovely bit of sex and it only grew more so the wider her hole was pulled. And thanks to her many years of training plus the generally relaxed attitude she carried in no time at all he was stretching her butt wide enough to stuff his whole cock in just with two fingers. She shuddered to think what he'd be able to do with more. Shuddered with anticipation. Part of her wanted to stop riding him entirely so he could really work on opening her up like a present. Knowing her asshole was being bared like it was and feeling the gentle air currents flow past a part of her that should never be that exposed was impossibly arousing. So much so she failed to keep her gyrations in check and Will's poor willpower took it's final, fatal hit.

“I'm cumming!” He cried out.

“Fuck yes!” Mrs. Claus moaned.

His fingers regrettably slipped from her ass and it slowly closed once more but it was hard for her to care all that much about it. She rode him as hard and fast as possible until his madly throbbing dick finally stopped twitching and his whole body tensed up. Slamming herself down to the base of hiss prick she held her breath while the fireworks commenced. A copious and toe curling flood of semen spurted from his newly twitching dick almost directly into her womb. The first load felt like the amount most men would produce in their entire climax. It swirled within her like a wonderful little maelstrom of pleasure, seemingly filling her hole to the brim in the blink of an eye. If the second was diminished compared to that it was in such a minor way she scarcely noticed. It joined the already flowing river inside her and gushed into the remainder of her pussy. Her constantly contracting walls and the thickness of his cock ensured much of it remained inside where it belonged. What did manage to seep out was all but squirted free thanks to the constant movements of both their bodies. Those warm fluids joined the already copious amount of her own juices cascading over his body to make the whole thing just the perfect level of messy for her tastes. He continued to pump cum inside her pussy for ten wonderful second during which Mrs. Claus was hit by a flurry of small, quivering orgasms that left her momentarily speechless. Not to mention a little cock crazed. Once his prick was finally done throbbing she was almost overjoyed to find it still reasonably hard despite the exertion. Her ever tight and quivering pussy continued to squeeze him as if to test the chances of another session.

“Oh my God . . .” Will gasped, clearly overcome by his pleasure.

“My sentiments exactly!” She murmured, pulling him into a quick kiss while his dick was still stuffed warmly inside her, “Do you want to keep going?”

“Absolutely!” He immediately answered, “I've never been this hard in my life!”

“I don't believe that for a second!”

As she spoke Mrs. Claus lifted herself off his cock, shivering at the way his swollen head scraped against her inner walls and its receding girth allowed more jizz than ever to flood her pussy. She paused a moment before his tip emerged completely to look down at the mess formed by their connected bodies. Particularly the yummy looking sheen coating his prick. If she hadn't already decided where to go next she probably would have slid to her knees and sucked every last drop of cum and pussy juice from his shaft until he went cross eyed. But his dick was already bound for somewhere just as fun. She rose those last few centimeters and watched that meaty pole flop out of her cunt amidst a gushing stream of jizz and her own arousal. Mrs. Claus snatched it back up a split second later and angled him towards her second hole, his tip pushing wetly against her ass faster than he could understand what was happening. Will didn't properly clue into how lucky he was until his member was buried halfway inside her ass and showing no signs of slowing. It was even tighter than her pussy and thanks to all the juices covering his tool there was nothing but smooth, shivering pleasure to be had while she gradually sank down to the base. All the jizz leaking from her pussy blocked most of his view but there was still more than enough to enjoy with the tightness of her asshole and the eager trembling of her body that it didn't matter much.

“Oh that feels heavenly!” Mrs. Claus remarked, her hands gripping his shoulders while she shifted atop his dick, “Now that we've gotten acquainted in every way we can, I want you to completely let loose. Don't even think about holding back. Just fuck me!”

Will nodded and grabbed her hips, already gearing up to fulfill her command. And his every slightest urge. With that first run out of the way there was nothing to hold him back from doing exactly as she said. They fucked well through the night and into the early hours of Christmas morning, Mrs. Claus' bottomless appetite for sex perfectly matching by Will's years long dry spell. Even when he was recuperating from unloading yet another barrage of cum into one of her holes they found a way to keep their escapades going. Sometimes that meant her sliding off his soft dick to suck both it and his sticky balls back into a rideable state. Other times the moment she was free he buried several fingers into whichever hole hadn't seen any attention recently to start fingering with all his might. More often than not they would find themselves sprawled on the floor in front of the fire as their vigorous movements sent them right off the chair they were using. Usually that meant Mrs. Claus would find her way on top for some wild and totally unrestrained grinding atop his lovely cock. But when she would inevitably start to cum from her own passionate movements Will would seize the chance to turn the tables and lay her against the warm hearth. Often while she was still in the throes of her ecstasy he would start pounding her ass and pussy as hard as his hips would allow. Occasionally he'd even push her into a mating press so he could slam down like a jackhammer to prolong her climax another few seconds. Then he'd finish the frenzy by dumping a fresh wave of spunk into her already overflowing body or, depending on what half formed words she moaned out, across her pale stomach and tits instead.

That fun, if predictable, pattern carried them through more orgasms than they could count. Towards the end Mrs. Claus's massive, heaving tits were caked in several layers of jizz and her belly, slit, and asshole were filled with nearly twice that amount. Her juices were dripping from Will's lower body and steadily soaking into any carpet, chair, or rug they fucked on. He might not have noticed how much cum he was pumping into her but he sure as hell noticed the amount of sticky, sweet smelling juices she was leaking onto his cock. In much the same way she had no inkling how messily her pussy was dripping everywhere but was almost hyper aware of the sheer volume of spunk inside her at any given time. Outside of the few orgies she'd participated in and the one gangbang that had been an anniversary present some hundred years back Mrs. Claus couldn't recall the last time she'd been so flooded by jizz that wasn't her husband's. That alone was enough to keep her eternally perched on the edge of an orgasm even without the constant pounding her holes were being treated to. With the added bonus of a nice hard dick gliding in and out of her pussy, ass, or mouth at any given moment it was a wonder she hadn't turned into a cum drunk, babbling moron yet. But she was certainly getting close. Every minute that ticked by without any significant reprieve was inching her a little closer to that wonderful state of sex addled bliss she sought.

Sadly her near superhuman lover was at his limit and fading fast. Releasing a final, shuddering moan he collapsed beside her, fresh semen oozing from her pussy as his parting gift, “I'm . . . I'm done . . . I can't . . . I can't . . .” Will panted.

Affectionately rubbing his chest as she sat up to look over herself Mrs. Claus quietly replied, “That was perfect dear. You were fantastic. Enjoy your rest . . .”

Dawn arrived under a canopy of grey clouds and freshly falling snow. Will opened his eyes to the familiar sight of his bedroom ceiling and almost no recollection of when he'd left the living room. He could remember what happened after the first time he fell asleep. Or more accurately the elaborate and rather peculiar sex dream he'd experienced after falling asleep. But anything after that felt like a blurry haze. He climbed out of bed to find another oddity: he was completely naked. The pajamas he was wearing from the night before were sitting on top of his laundry. Deciding not to read any further into that he grabbed a fresh pair of boxers, a nice thick robe, and some slippers. There really wasn't any reason to put on airs when he was going to spend the whole day drinking alone. A quick look around him confirmed that his previous night's bottle hadn't made it to the bedroom with him. He stopped by the kitchen to grab a fresh glass and walked into the living room expecting to see it in the same forlorn state he'd left it. Instead it looked exactly like his dream down to the smallest detail and lit up with a multicolored glow.

“What the hell?” More and more uncertain of his sanity with every step Will approached his arm chair. He looked down at the drained bottle of whiskey sitting on the floor where it'd been left in his dreams. Left by . . . Mrs. Claus . . . “No fucking way!”

He blinked several times and looked around the room as if expecting it to suddenly revert back to normal. All the decorations stayed as they were and his was alone with his confusion and a crackling fire. Upon his third look at the winter wonderland that used to be his living room he noticed the small collection of presents sitting under the tree. All three of them were wrapped in the same shimmering red paper with white ribbons tied around them. Each one had a little note tucked beneath the bow. Finally growing curious enough to see what had been left for him Will moved to the base of his lavishly decorated Christmas tree, knelt down, and picked up the first present. It was much heavier than he expected and barely shifted inside the box. As he was slowly coming to expect the note on the box was from 'Mrs. Claus'. It read simply 'Enjoy your Christmas dear, I know I enjoyed our Christmas Eve!' with a red lipstick kiss beneath the elegantly written letters. He blushed with mild embarrassment as more of his brain was forced to admit the truth of the night before.

After setting aside the card and pulling off the bow as neatly as he could Will slowly pulled apart the wrapping paper. There was no way of knowing if it was special but one didn't often receive hand wrapped gifts from Santa Claus' wife! Once the box was safely revealed he promptly opened it to find a hard cover copy of his favorite book 'The Picture of Dorian Gray'. Somehow his momentary lover had known his own copy had been left on a plane when he was visiting his daughter. Underneath it was another, much thicker book detailing the history of the Roman Empire. It rounded out the bulk of the present and looked to be a thousand pages or more. He set the books aside with a smile and grabbed the next, noticeably smaller, present. It's contents rattled around far more than the books when he retrieved it. Going through the same process as before Will opened the second box to find a small but rather comprehensive collection of key chains modeled after the ones used in the first Kingdom Hearts video game, his favorite series to revisit over the years. He pulled them out one by one to examine each in turn before carefully setting them aside. It was hard to remember the last time he'd been in such a pleasant mood. 

“What's in te last one?” He asked aloud.

By far the smallest box yet it didn't look big enough to hold much of anything except maybe a cliché greeting card. The final present was disassembled and opened to reveal perhaps the best and most embarrassing gift yet. Instead of trinkets from his past or some prescient gift for his future the little cardboard box was stuffed bottom to top with Polaroids of Mrs. Claus. Only they weren't the kind of pictures one left lying out in the open. The very first one, presumably the most tame, showed her sitting legs open in his armchair wearing a silky red negligee she hadn't possessed the previous night. With the complete absence of panties the puffy slit he'd spent god only knows how long fucking was on full, unabashed display. Most of her ample breasts were laid bare as well and a knowing smile was spread across her sultry face. After blinking several dozen times to make sure he really really wasn't dreaming Will slid the first picture away to look at the second. Now Mrs. Clause was kneeling on the same chair, one hand cupping a tit and the other half covering and half spreading open her pussy. Will stared at that one even longer than the first. It was only the now permanent sense of curiosity compelling him to look further. Picture after picture flipped by each one a little more provocative than the last until he was watching Mrs. Claus finger and play with herself like she was working for a porn mag. She'd devised a very clear progression and increase in lewdness all the way up to the last few where she apparently came. At least that's what he hoped the copious amounts of juices squirting out of her were. In the ones directly afterwards she was collapses against the chair like a marionette with it's strings cut. The final one showed her sitting comfortable in her own mess with a strangely sweet, innocent look that clashed wonderfully with her sticky, disheveled appearance.

On the back of that last Polaroid was another hand written note, “Thanks for making my Christmas Eve memorable Will, here's a few things to remember me by! See you soon, Mrs. Claus.”

“See you soon . . .” He slowly repeated, “Am I Mrs. Claus' mistress?”


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