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Here's some more lovely, futanari goodness for those of you who enjoy that sort of thing. Enjoy!

As the theater lights dimmed and the previews started to play Betty took a deep breath. She hadn't been out to see a movie since her special circumstance and it was the first time since that morning she felt even remotely confident in trying. She'd cum twice before leaving the house to prepare. When added to the extra quickie in the bathroom after buying her ticket she was the most prepared she could possibly be. Her cock might be perking up already but she could probably ignore it. And if she couldn't there wouldn't be nearly as much embarrassment as usual. Only two other people were present in the theater besides her, both of them thankfully electing to sit several rows down from her seat in the back. They were clearly on a date and she could only hope they'd be distracted enough with one another to not notice her. In the likely event something did happen. Betty kept reassuring herself that nothing would though. How could it? She was seeing a comedy and those weren't exactly known for their steamy sex scenes or nudity!

Not thirty minutes into the film the protagonist was at a party full of half naked, college age women all making out and groping each other in ways rarely seen outside of porn. Brief flashes of breasts and butts coupled with the liberal display of stomach and legs made for quite the appealing background cornucopia for whatever was going on in the plot. Unfortunately for Betty that was all her brain could possibly focus on. She probably would've been turned on by the sight of a single nipple or the barest hint of an ass. Having so many on display like it was nothing almost felt deliberate. Barely a few seconds into the scene and the ribbons tying her cock to her thigh were about to snap. A minute in and they'd already given way. The ankle length black dress she'd elected to go out in did an admirable job of hiding her enjoyment of the scene. Up to a point. It didn't take long for her well endowed shaft to begin pushing the fabric higher and higher until she was sporting quite a prominent tent. With the sporting a slowly spreading stain from the precum pumping out of her balls every few seconds. Soon it was all but impossible to look at the screen without her bulge taking up some part of her vision. Not to mention the insane amount of hormones surging through her body and the adrenaline pounding in her skull. 

Had the theater been even a little more full she probably would have called the night a wash and rushed home to take care of herself. Maybe even called one of the many people who seemed to enjoy playing with her cock for some extra relief. Since she was almost totally alone and the only people preventing complete solitude seemed to engrossed in the movie to care Betty gave in to her baser urges. She was doing it so often they were starting to turn into her normal urges. Pulling her dress up with both hands and wrapping them around her cock she let out an immediate sigh of relief. Just feeling something against her swollen member was an incredible balm. So much of one she barely registered the extra rush of precum until it had reached her hands. She started a little at the warm, sticky feeling on her fingers but otherwise ignored it. Things were gonna get a lot messier soon enough. After sliding a little lower in her seat to halfheartedly try and hide what she was doing her hands started their trip up to the head of her prick. They moved a bit faster than normal, the thrill of her choice in location and timing proving greater than she expected. As her fingers reached the top one continued higher to rub across the jizz smeared tip while the other darted back down even faster than before. Betty tried to keep her eyes on the continuing scene of debauchery and nudity on the screen but it was increasingly difficult to enjoy both the visual and physical stimulation she craved. 

Once her hand had collected a nice, healthy coating of precum she brought her sticky fingers down past her tensing sack and towards her asshole. Though certainly not as skilled as the many other woman who'd taken an interest in her back door all their efforts had not gone to waste either. Following a bit more wriggling to get herself in place Betty was able to slide two fingers inside her hole almost up to the knuckle. The moment the entered her whole body tensed and she let out her first audible gasp. The movie covered most of it but it was unlikely she could rely on that forever. Yet even with that thought in mind her fingers started pumping in and out of her butt at the same frequency her other hand was gliding along her dick. She bit her lip to stop some of the more powerful moans from escaping and tilted her head back. Pleasure started to flood through her body like it always did, with an added undercurrent of nervousness that made her heart beat just a hair under too fast to be healthy. Her focus on the movie was waning more than ever and it only continued to fade with every trip her hand made along her cock and every thrust of her fingers into her asshole.

There was a brief stutter in her rhythm when the scene finally changed to something a little less salacious but Betty quickly adjusted. It was already easy enough to ignore the sounds in favor of her own heartbeat and once she closed her eyes the visuals vanished as well. With clumsy, sweeping gestures she pushed the arm rests of her seat up and sank so low in her chair a hypothetical person behind her wouldn't have been able to see her head.The would have certainly seen her continuously twitching cock though. In fact anyone in the theater could see it with the way her hips were thrusting upwards and her hand was flying along its length. In a quieter movie she would have been discovered for sure. Hell, a single usher happening to check in at that moment would've gotten an eyeful of her swollen dick. Those very real concerns bounced around Betty's skull alongside the baser fantasies and brief flashes of the nudity she'd been treated to. What she wouldn't give to bury her cock in something warm and wet right now! Perhaps with someone else doing the same to her. It was the only way she could get off in any meaningful way apparently. All those little flings and submissive encounters had pretty much ruined the concept of masturbation completely. Yet her fingers refused to leave her cock or slip free of her butt. 

During a particularly delicious tremor, at the height of her pleasure, that Betty was unwittingly granted her wish. Her bare ass had just touched the felt covered seat and her hand was at the base of her dick. A beautifully warm, wonderfully wet something closed around her tip. For an all too brief moment she assumed it was merely a continuation of her overactive imagination. Some sort of lust induced hallucination of the kind that often plagued her dreams and left her waking up in a puddle of her own cum. But then the feeling started to move down. She tensed in shock and opened her eyes to find the wavy blonde hair and smiling face of the girl sitting several rows down from her. The woman's eyes were closed and she was in the process of tucking her hair behind her head while Betty watched with utter disbelief. The moment she was finished the stranger grabbed the base of her dick with both hands and locked in place while she continued to push lower. Gasping from both pleasure and confusion it was all Betty could do not to immediately cum or reflexively pull away. Keeping true to her nature and personality she opted fro neither and merely watched as her cock was deepthroated with a level of skill that was fast turning into normal in her weird little world. That didn't make it feel any less amazing however. Especially not with the woman's tongue endlessly swirling around her member to lick what felt like each centimeter so thoroughly she was trying to scrub Betty clean.

Soon after spit began to dribble down the inches as of yet unclaimed by the woman's mouth. Thick strands of it cascaded over her balls and even dripped far enough to reach the fingers momentarily paused inside her ass. Her eager little hole tensed at the added lubrication and tried to suck it in deeper while her dick continued to quiver wildly inside the woman's throat. Unable to focus on both things at once an finding the position just a bit too awkward Betty pulled her hand free and let her sack fall to it's proper place against the seat. It was rather quickly scooped back up by her mysterious lover to be groped and fondled with an amazing sense of care. When her strange lover finally reached the base of her cock she paused for a few seconds to let the tightness of her throat and the enormous amount of satisfaction hitting Betty sink in. She pulled away just as it was beginning to become too much for her to handle, the enormous amount of pressure on her sensitive head threatening to make her at long last cry out loud enough for others to hear. The woman traveled all the way up to that same receptive tip and gave it the same consideration. Precum freely flowed out of her and into the stranger's mouth to be licked up and deposited in her stomach with the rest.

With that little opening flourish out of the way her blonde lover was free to enjoy Betty's dick at whatever pace she wanted. Which amazingly turned out to be as fast and hard as her body could possibly go. Seemingly without any reservations she set off at a pace that would rival most women's best and only increased it as time wore on. Her head was a blur as it glided up and down the massive, glistening dick available to her. Betty watched, utterly transfixes, as golden locks flew everywhere and ecstasy filled her body to the very tips of her fingers and toes. Whatever it was that attracted people to her dick apparently only pulled in those with the kind of experience that made her look like a an uneducated virgin. The amount of gurgling and slurping resonating from her mouth was just enough to fill Betty's ears and somehow still too little to be heard by the young man she'd abandoned for an anonymous blowjob. No matter how much her neck bulged outwards or her head tilted at odd angles she never seemed to slow down. If anything the frequent challenges imposed by such a weighty dick only made her want it more and more. It also made Betty whimper so much she had to cover her mouth with both hands to hide her enormous pleasure from the only other person present. But such a feat was growing more impossible with every minute that marched on and every messy pass her partner made along her shaft. Everything finally came to a head somewhere around the midpoint of the ninety minute movie both of them were tacitly ignoring.

“I'm cumming!” She squeaked in a voice so quiet even her partner had a little trouble hearing it.

Thankfully the wild pulsing of her cock and spasmodic tensing of her muscles was a much easier clue to decipher. The blonde haired woman continued bouncing up and down her pole at the same speed she was going while her tongue moved faster than ever. Particularly around the tip whenever she pulled back. At the apex of one such movement that Betty finally released her load. An undiminished and quite voluminous amount of cum exploded into the stranger's mouth where it was swallowed just as quickly as it appeared. A quiet little moan erupted from her stuffed lips and the sound was almost lost amidst the rest of the noise. But Betty just barely managed to hear it through her own pleasure and the moment she looked down to see her companion's slender throat bobbing with every load she swallowed it took all her willpower not to simply faint from the enormity of it all. So much jizz poured out of her she might have been worried about her new friend drowning in it were she capable of having such selfless thoughts. In the heat of the moment the only thing she could really think about was just how badly she'd needed a proper release. And how wonderful it felt to have a mouth wrapped around any part of her dick.

Her cock probably would've gone soft after her final load oozed into her lover's mouth and was eagerly gulped down like a delicious treat. But evidently the young woman wasn't satisfied with just one go around. Nobody ever was it seemed. Neither her lips or her hands moved a single inch away from Betty's cock. And after a few seconds spent presumbaly waiting to see if there'd be any more spunk to enjoy she picked up where she'd left off as if nothing happy. Betty whimpered and grabbed the stranger's head, unsure whether she was going to encourage or stop the renewed efforts. Her prick was so unbelievably sensitive after all her orgasms it was almost starting to hurt. She was certainly beginning to feel lightheaded and a little dizzy from it all. Though apparently not enough as her hands started guiding the young woman all the way down to the base of her dick before she could get a proper handle on the situation. Her member swelled and almost instantly returned to its usual girth and rigidity by the time her blonde friend had reached the tip once more. As she wondered just what on earth her life had become Betty fell back into the pleasure that had taken over her reality. With glassy eyes she turned her attention back to the movie as if getting a sloppy blowjob was perfectly normal.

She watched the rest of the movie with a stranger's lips wrapped around her cock. At least three more climaxes just as strong as the first passed in that ninety minute window. By the end of it Betty was so exhausted she was about ready to fall asleep. Her mysterious companion didn't seem to have any stamina issues whatsoever. Even after the credits started to roll she continued sucking and fondling without a care. It was only once the lights had turned back on and her date was standing up that she finally pulled away, ducking behind the seats beside her so the confused man she'd come with didn't catch on. He glanced around the theater one more time and left with a shrug while Betty was left along with her talented new friend. She slid her dick back into her panties as best she was able and tried to stand up. The young woman's hand on her thigh stopped her efforts mid motion. Suddenly her vision was filled with the smiling, freckled countenance of her lover. 

“Thanks for that!” She said in a cheerful tone, “You saved me the effort of sneaking outta here!”

“Y-you're welcome.” Betty murmured. “I don't think I caught your name . . .”

“Nope! And I didn't catch yours!” The woman stood up after a noisy swallow and walked away like nothing strange had happened, “See you around!”

“Uhm . . . okay?”


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