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Fans of futa, prostate play, public sex, and slow mental degradation rejoice! I finally wrote a story with all of those elements. I know you've been waiting anxiously for it :P

Halloween had never been Betty's favorite holiday. She liked it well enough as a kid and certainly enjoyed seeing all the children's costumes when they knocking at her door. But as an adult it simply wasn't her 'thing'. Which made it all the more surprising when her boss invited her to a party out of the blue a week before October thirty first. Mrs. Thompson was apparently hosting some sort of ladies get together and against all sense Betty had made that list. Given her recent experiences with her boss she was understandably nervous about the proposition. She still knew better than to refuse it though. Mrs. Thompson might not have been the CEO but she was undeniably the head of Betty's world. Not going would almost certainly invite more problems than it would avoid. And part of her was at least a little curious about the goings on of a Halloween party.

When they day in question arrived Betty collected her costume and climbed into her car, double checking the straps keeping her wild cock in place before setting off. Even with her unfamiliarity she already knew her costume was going to be the most boring one there. It had taken a fair bit of searching but she'd managed to find a remarkably realistic version of a nun habit online. It cost a bit more than she wanted to spend but if her choices were split between that and the landslide of sexy outfits she could justify the cost. Parking as close to her boss' house as she could in case she needed to make a quick exit Betty gathered her things and stepped out. From the street she could hear the people inside laughing and talking, the music echoing from the open windows decidedly less spooky than she would have assumed. She shuffled up to the front door as casually as she could and hoped nobody would notice the way her leg didn't seem to bend right. Before she could knock on the polished wood it swung open and the grinning face of Mrs. Thompson greeted her. She was dressed in a remarkably skimpy Catholic school girl outfit, her strawberry blonde hair pulled into twin pigtails and her normally serious expression considerably lightened.

“It's about time! The girls said you weren't going to show!” She laughed, gesturing vaguely at several party goers with her hand, “Did you really not bring a costume?”

“N-no I have one.” Betty said, “I just didn't want to wear it while I was driving.”

“Whatever floats your boat. You'll change in the bathroom then! If anybody's making out in there just kick em out!”

“Okay . . .”

She found the restroom easy enough and thankfully it was free for the moment. Betty stepped inside and changed as quickly as she could. Her costume was heavy enough to serve as proper clothing by itself and long enough to cover everything except her hands and face so there was very little need for the clothing she'd come with. Stripping down to nothing but her plain bra and mostly useless panties she pulled on the outfit and looked at herself in the mirror. Were it not for the great big dick throbbing away at her thigh she could have very well been a real nun. After shoving her clothes into her purse where they wouldn't be lost Betty stepped out of the bathroom to find Mrs. Thompson waiting for her yet again. She squealed with uncharacteristic mirth upon seeing the unintentionally complimentary costume her subordinate had chosen.

“Oooh we're perfect together! Everybody's gonna think we coordinated this!”

“I can tell them we didn't if you—”

“No! Let them think that! It makes both of use look better! Come on, let's get some drinks!”

Betty allowed her strangely perky boss to slide an arm around her shoulders and steer her into the kitchen, timidly saying, “I can't, I'm driving . . .”

“Of course you are! Oh well, I'll have yours then!” Mrs. Thompson poured a liberal helping of wine into a glass, paused, then doubled the amount. She gulped most of it down in one move and several people around her cheered.

As novel as it was to see her boss cut loose Betty couldn't help but ask, “So what do we do now?”

“What do we do now?” Mrs. Thompson scoffed, “Now we enjoy the party! I know I am!”

“Oh . . .”

“You're just gonna stand around and pout all night aren't you?”

“I'm not pouting Mrs. Thompson. I just don't go to parties like this.”

“Come on then,” She said after quaffing the rest of her drink, “I thought you might be like this. I have something perfect in mind for you.”

Remembering the last time her boss had a plan involving her Betty swallowed nervously but didn't resist as she was led upstairs, “What is it?”

“You'll see!”

Walking down the hall and into a spacious master bedroom Betty realized what the surprise was a moment after Mrs. Thompson pushed her onto the neatly made bed. Landed hard on her stomach the surprised young woman barely had time to gasp. With the same strength as before her boss pulled Betty's ass into the air and lifted the hem of her nun costume. She giggled in delight upon seeing her massive prick twitching  as it jutted out from her useless panties. Mrs. Thompson licked her lips and yanked the underwear aside, deliberately leaving her prey's cock restrained. For the moment. Betty tried to push herself off the bed and protest what was about to happen but she shoved back down the instant she tried. In the next moment her thoughts were quickly taken elsewhere as a pair of soft hands cupped her buttocks. Her cheeks were spread like curtains primed for a grand reveal while increasingly eager breaths buffeted her ass. Mrs. Thompson's intentions were near identical to their first go around, albeit with a considerable amount of giddiness lighting up her features. 

The very instant Betty's tight little backdoor was fully exposed two eager lips were pressed against it faster than she could react. A wet, wriggling tongue followed suit barely a second later. It swirled around her hole in long, smooth motions that slowly grew faster with every passing second. She pulled back just enough for the sound of her enthusiastic rimjob to reach Betty's ears, the messy noises instantly making her moan in equal parts pleasure and embarrassment. Not wanting to reveal how much she actually enjoyed someone licking her down there, completely unaware of the constant dribble of precum oozing from her tied down cock, she buried her face in the nearest pillow. Mrs. Thompson was too absorbed to notice her employee's reaction though she wouldn't have cared much either way. Her only desire was to lather Betty's tasty little asshole in as much spit as possible. She needed to be good and lubricated for the special toy bought just for her. The only time she paused in her licking and kissing frenzy was to momentarily look back at the wide open door upon hearing a small murmur. Just like she'd hoped one of her more adventurous and intoxicated guests was standing there watching the goings on with wide, eager eyes. Mrs. Thompson pressed a finger to her spit covered lips and the woman nodded..

When she dove back in for a second helping Betty let out a cry audible even through the muffling pillow. Instead of simply caressing her hole Mrs. Thompson had finally taken the next step. Her tongue slid almost effortlessly into her ass to writhe against the deepest points it could reach. The more tightly her inner walls gripped the intruder the harder she pushed back against them. A toe curling interplay between her body's natural instincts and Mrs. Thompson's knowledgeable talents quickly formed, waves of cresting echoing out from her hole at every slightest movement. All the stimulation to her backdoor had the added effect of making her cock ache so painfully it nearly started to overwhelm the pleasure. The soft ribbons keeping it in place might as well have been barbed wire for how tightly they constrained her ever twitching dick. Her normally pendulous sack was tightly coiled against her body, constantly pumping out a stream of pent up precum. Much of Betty's thighs and costume were absolutely drenched and the viscous juices were swiftly beginning to soak the bedspread beneath it. If her boss continued on for much longer there was no doubt she'd cum and completely ruin her outfit, the bedsheets, and large portion of the carpet as well. She had no idea that was little more than an afterthought to her lascivious master. 

More people continued to make their way upstairs for varying reasons, many of them stopping in the doorway to watch Betty getting her ass eaten out. Mrs. Thompson made sure to angle herself so they had the best view, to an extent. An audience was a very sexy bonus and not her main source of fun. It wouldn't matter much once she moved on to phase two. Which as luck would have it was far too enticing to keep secret any longer. Closing out her foreplay with a burst of power and speed that lifted Betty off the bed for a split second Mrs. Thompson finally pulled back. She smacked both of her subordinate's buttocks, leaving perfect red imprints on her pale flesh, before hurriedly rushing towards her dressed. The special prostate massager was in the top drawer where she'd left it and Mrs. Thompson was back at Betty's ass within a few seconds. She winked at the onlookers and showed them the specialized little device in her hand. It looked like an exceptionally narrow dildo curved into the shape of a horseshoe. One end had the switch and battery ports while the other was rounded off in a large oval about as big around  as two of her fingers. The rest was barely the width of her pinky. 

Mrs. Thompson slid the oval end into her mouth and soaked it good, removing after a few seconds and bringing it against her lover's asshole. Betty, still holding her breath after her boss' first departure, gasped in surprise as the cool metal object touched her gooey hole.  She tried to tighten her body against it, to push back and stop whatever Mrs. Thompson had in store. If her mind had been even remotely in control she might have succeeded. But it was her overactive dick that called the shots by that point. Her boss barely had to apply any pressure and the massager disappeared into her ass like it belonged there. Squirming and whimpering as it pushed all the way to her swollen and hypersensitive prostate Betty couldn't stop herself from marveling at the sheer perfection of the item. It reached just deep enough to rest solidly against her new g-spot and the rest was so small she barely noticed it compared to large head. Her cock strained even harder against the ribbons tying it down as her body tensed in preparation. The well worn fabric was finally starting to give way against the relentless motions of her prick.

When it was switched on a split second later so many things happened at once only Mrs. Thompson could keep track of them all. Betty's dick tore through it's bonds and swelled so much it actually grew another few centimeters. A flurried mixture of groans, screams and panting erupted from her mouth like a bast was giving birth. And every solitary muscle in her body contracted at the same time. If her eyes hadn't already been closed her vision would've failed entirely as a wave of pleasure the likes of which she'd never fathomed came crashing down. It was like her first prostate milking but doubled. Unable to remain upright under the constant rush of ecstasy Betty swiftly collapsed to the bed. Her cock was left jutting out from between her splayed while jizz continued to erupt from it. A fountain of cum exploded out of her cock in one mighty jet, splashing all across her ruined clothes and drenching the area around it.  A considerable amount covered Mrs. Thompson herself and her expression only grew more manic as a result. After the initial spray the flow rather amusingly returned to a dribble once more. It was still more than twice the thickness and size as what she'd been producing during the rimjob yet nowhere near as messy as what her climax had created. It gradually tapered off to the usual level her  body produced even while the vibrator continued buzzing against her prostate. 

Betty knew if it stayed there after her minuscule refractory period she would start cumming again. And there was a very real possibility her boss fully intended to milk her until she passed out, died, or had nothing left. After living with her cock for as long as she had it was clear which of the three were more likely. Amazingly Mrs. Thompson elected to switch the toy off a few seconds later. She made sure to leave it firmly embedded in her employee's ass however. Her voice was filled with the kind of glee usually reserved for the best occasions in a person's life.

“Oh my!” Mrs. Thompson chuckled, pulling back to look at the results of her efforts, “She's made quite the mess hasn't she?”

Something about her boss' tone and phrasing gave Betty pause. With the last of her waning strength she rolled onto her side and looked in the direction of Mrs. Thompson. Instantly she felt her heard plummet and her stomach flip as she saw the gaggle of drink holding women standing in the open doorway gawking at her. All of them were clearly turned on and one or two had even started rubbing themselves through their costume. None were even the least bit embarrassed by what they'd just seen. Which didn't really matter much since Betty had enough for everyone. The rosy flush in her face drained away and she went as white as the cum still dripping from her dick. Her eyes darted from Mrs. Thompson to the crowd of people, uncertainty almost locking her in place. Though her legs reflexively closed to try and hide her shame they only succeeded in drawing attention to her cock as it twitched in front of her clenched thighs. Like always her member showed  none of her restraint or hesitation. If anything having an audience was only turning it on more. Her cock almost hurt it was throbbing so hard. Every fiber of her being wanted simply to leap of the bed, throttle her boss, and run crying from the room before she could be used again. Yet somehow, the only thing to move aside from her dick was her lips.

“Do you have more plans Mrs. Thompson?”


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