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Well this took longer than it should have lol. I meant to have this out much earlier but as always my ability to plan out my life is complete shit. Sorry about that y'all! You'll definitely get one more story for the month so don't worry about that! Oh and the usual warnings apply: if you don't like futa give this one a skip! Thanks as always for reading!

Blue Valley High was flushed with school spirit as the big Homecoming game drew ever closer. Even if the students had been able to ignore the reminders in the morning announcements, the decorations all over the halls, and signs on the lawns outside the cheerleaders made sure it stayed in their minds. By some quirk of fate, genetics, or simple madness nearly every member of the squad was a nearly identical blonde haired, blue eyed young woman of average height. All were exceptionally curvaceous and proportioned exactly like each other with wide shapely hips and a prominent, eye catching bust. Their long pale legs stretched on for miles and they made sure to show off every inch they could beneath the pleated skirts of their outfits. They patrolled the halls like school spirit police in their red and white uniforms as a constant reminder of Friday's big game. Only two members of the group stood out from the eerily peppy clone force: the head cheerleader and the newest member. 

Rebecca Lau had served as the head of the squad since freshman year, a feat that no other cheerleader had ever managed, and she did so with an unfailing, almost manic devotion to her craft. Like her peers she was dressed in a long sleeved cheerleader uniform emblazoned with BVH on the front but unlike the others her trimming was gold, at her own request, to denote her status. She kept her long black hair flowing freely around her soft, naturally tanned face whenever she wasn't actively working on routine and only the barest shadow of makeup dusted the underside of her eyes. As one of the only Asian students in the entire school she'd have stuck out based on those two facts alone, even before her incredibly diminutive size. Barely reaching five feet in a class full of giants her slender build made her the perfect candidate for the more acrobatic aspects of her extracurricular activity. She was never without at least one member of her squad in tow and during breaks the entire group would congregate around her to discuss whatever she felt like talking about. Even during the short walk from one class to the next she had a small gathering around her.

“Hey Becca did you hear about Debbie?” One of her entourage suddenly asked.

“About her and her boyfriend? Of course, how could I not?” Rebecca replied with a momentary frown, “I told her dating a football player would be nothing but headaches!”

“Yeah . . . I noticed she's been a little down lately!”

“Oh really?”


“Guess I'll just have to remind her which game is coming up!”

“Do you need any help?”

“No Crystal I got it!” Rebecca grinned, “But thanks sweetie. I'll be sure to call you next time.”

Crystal nodded eagerly and followed her captain into the classroom. Rebecca was the first one to take her seat for biology and the first one to get up when the bell finally rang fifty minutes later. Having memorized all her cheerleader's class schedules she immediately made a beeline for Mrs. Hopkin's English class. She caught Debbie barely two steps out the door. Her friend looked exceedingly glum and not the least bit like she was supposed to. With an unfaltering smile Rebecca stopped her in the hall, slid an arm around her shoulder, and steered her away from the cafeteria and somewhere more private.

“I'm sorry Rebecca,” Debbie sniffled, “I know I'm not supposed to be like this . . .”

“Don't worry about it Deb!” Rebecca answered, squeezing her shoulder and kissing her on the cheek, “I know exactly the kind of pick me up you need!”

“I don't think that'll help this—”

“Of course it will. It always does. Doesn't it?”

“Yeah . . .”

“Then why would this time be any different?”

“Because Drew and I never—”

“Don't say his name sweetie. I'm gonna make sure you forget all about him!”

Rebecca steered them to one of her favorite spots to cheer up, punish, or reward her cheerleaders: underneath the bleachers. It was perfectly secluded and while almost everybody in the school knew what they got up to underneath there they were never interrupted or reprimanded. Everyone knew not to cross Rebecca. Often times simply walking past the bleachers was enough to turn on both her and her companion, or companions in many cases, since they visited so often. Even Debbie couldn't help but shiver a little as they ducked into the darkened corridor beneath the metal and concrete seats. She followed Rebecca's lead as always and did her best not to think about her soon to be ex. When they were deep enough into their little hidey hole the cheer captain spun around and draped her arms over Debbie's shoulders. The buxom blonde woman smiled nervously and licked her lips as Rebecca leaned in close.

“Am I being punished?” She asked, “Or just cheered up?”

“Both.” Rebecca replied with a wild smile, “But I'm going to punish you first. After that . . . we can have some real fun. How does that sound?”


“Good. Get on your knees.”

When the end of lunch bell rang forty minutes later Rebecca was the first to emerge from beneath the bleachers, coolly brushing her hair back and straightening her uniform as she did. Debbie emerged a few moments later hobbling out on unstable legs with a dazed grin plastered on her sticky face. She didn't even try to wipe away the mascara running down her cheeks or fix the lipstick smeared around her mouth. It took all of her concentration simply to remain upright in the wake of her cheer captain's skilled punishments and reward. Rebecca looked back at her with a questioning smile and an arched eyebrow. Debbie returned her look with a small nod and a coquettish lip bite. Who needed the headache of a boyfriend when all the satisfaction she needed was almost literally one word away?

As Rebecca walked towards the library to spend her free period studying and perhaps planning a special routine for the big game she noticed another of her cheerleaders sitting on the bleachers opposite where she'd just emerged. The newest member of the squad and a transfer student to boot Tabitha Amjad was the second and only other girl on the squad not to look like she wandered out of a cloning facility. A head taller than her fellow seniors, and almost comically taller than Rebecca herself, she was built more like a swimmer than a stereotypical cheerleader. Every inch of her supple, cocoa skin was finely muscled. Her short black hair was always secured with bobby pins to the side of her head while eyebrows had been plucked to a perfect slender curve. Her face was deceptively soft compared to the rest of her toned body and two round, brown eyes set above a small nose and full lips gave her an almost otherworldly beauty. She looked up from her book a few moments after Rebecca spotted her and waved enthusiastically at the tiny cheerleader.

Rebecca returned her enthusiastic gesture with gusto and immediately made a beeline for her. She'd had her eye on the Middle Eastern beauty since the day Tabitha joined the squad. After months of laying the foundation and building up to it she was so close she could almost taste it. Which naturally made her want it even more. But Tabitha had always stymied that last step, deliberately or unwittingly. The last time they'd parted ways after a particularly passionate makeout session Rebecca was left so pent up she'd fucked half the squad just to find some release. Now on the eve of the Homecoming game her libido was acting up once more. If Tabitha still wasn't ready she just might have to call an emergency meeting and finally have that orgy the girls had been suggesting. But hopefully it wouldn't come to that just yet.

“Hey Tabby!”

“Hey you!” Tabitha's smile widened even more and she closed her book with a snap, “Where've you been?”

“Oh I was just putting Debbie through the motions. You know how it is.”

“Because of that thing with her boyfriend right? How's she doing?”

“A lot better now. How are you?”

“A lot better now that you're here.”

Rebecca smiled and the faintest hint of a blush crept into her cheeks, “You're so corny.”

“Yeah . . . but you love it.”

“Of course.”

Rebecca sat down next to her companion and Tabitha immediately slid in close, covering her smaller friend's hand with her own. Both women locked eyes and something passed between them. Rebecca slowly inhaled as her mouth opened while Tabitha licked her lips and smiled. Both of them were free for almost an hour and with that much leisure time it would've impossible for them to end up anywhere else. But as they leaned in for the first of many kisses Tabitha stopped short and rested her forehead against Rebecca's. She let out a small chuckle locked eyes with her would be lover.

“I have a surprise for you . . .”

“Another gift? Tabby you're spoiling me!”

“Yeah . . . but it's not the kind of gift you're thinking of.”

“Really? Then what is it?”

“This . . .” Tabitha brushed Rebecca's hair aside and moved in until her lips were almost touching her ear, “I'm ready.”

Rebecca froze mid quip, her heart leaping into her throat and butterflies filling her stomach. She felt simultaneously lightheaded and like every inch of her body was vibrating at the same time, “You are?”

“Yeah . . . I thought about it for a while and I—” 

The rest of her revelations were lost as Rebecca swooped in for a kiss, her tongue dancing gleefully about in Tabitha's mouth. After a moment of coping with the shock and sudden rush of pleasure she reciprocated with even more enthusiasm. Everything Rebecca was feeling was echoing through Tabitha's body twofold. She'd never been able to get it all out but she was more certain than ever that Rebecca was the one she wanted to lose her virginity with. Or at least whatever passed for that kind of thing when one is a lesbian. It didn't really matter what they did or how they did it, so long as they were together. Tabitha almost couldn't contain her excitement at the notion of finally seeing her companion naked and she knew Rebecca was just as excited too. They continued to kiss for a few more seconds before they both pulled back at the same time and stood up. Rebecca grabbed Tabitha's hand and led her away from the bleachers so quickly she barely had time to grab her backpack.

“Where are we going Becca?”

“Somewhere private! I don't want anyone knowing what we're up to!”

“Why not under the bleachers? Seems like nobody would—”

“No! I know somewhere even better!”


Rebecca simply smiled back at her companion and moved even faster. They entered the school and practically sprinted down the hall towards a spot she'd picked out the moment she knew she wanted to be with Tabitha. They arrived at the spot in question after a few minutes, stopping in front of the door to look at each other with wide, breathless grins. Tabitha looked at Rebecca's adorably flushed and excited face for a few moments before turning to look at the place she'd be having her first time.

“Isn't this Mrs. Wrigby's classroom?”


“Why did you bring us here? Are you trying to get caught?”

“Mrs. Wrigby doesn't have a class right now. And she ALWAYS takes an extra long lunch. We'll be perfectly alone!”

Tabitha looked into shadowy room and bit her lip, “Okay, but we're locking the door too.”

“I can live with that!”

They stepped inside, Tabitha pulling down the blinds and turning the lock while Rebecca sauntered towards one of the large tables on the far wall. She leaned against it with her hands gripping the edge and her perky breasts pushed outwards and waited for her companion to join her. When she was satisfied they were as safe as they could be she turned around to drink in the enticing sight waiting nearby. Rebecca giggled as Tabitha tried and failed to look calm while at the same time rushing forward with the exuberance of a child at Christmas. As soon as they were within arms reach of one another both girls embraced with all their passion. Their lips met and neither of them held back in the slightest. Gentle whimpers and much louder sounds of smacking lips filled the dark and empty classroom in seconds. And while their mouths were occupied their hands were free to explore each other in ways they could only do when alone. At Tabitha's insistence.

Rebecca's slid down her larger girlfriend's back to find her incredibly toned and shapely ass, lifting the skirt hiding it from view and greedily sliding beneath the fabric to feel it for real. Like they always did her fingers probed as deep as they could reach but unlike before they weren't met with even the slightest bit of resistance.For her part Tabitha was considerably more interested in what her lover had to offer around the front, her own fingers slipping beneath the waist of her uniform and drifting all the way up her pleasantly smooth belly. The moment she found the underside of Rebecca's breasts her overexcited hands lunged upwards to feel her pert and sensitive nipples. Mutual gasps of adoration and excitement momentarily ended their kiss as the two of them found what they were looking for. Rebecca gently rubbed the tips of her skilled digits against the outermost edges of her friend's wet slip at the same time Tabitha started to pinch and play with her nipples.

The pair of them remained like that for nearly a full minute, their bodies intertwined and their inhibitions steadily lowering with every passing second. Eventually an idea flitted through Rebecca's mind and with a small grin she paused in her efforts. Tabitha didn't realize what was happening until her lover's grip tightened and she found herself spinning in place. All of a sudden her ass was pressed against the desk and Rebecca's hands were on her stomach gently guiding her back. Their lips parted and she smiled up at her as she allowed herself to be splayed across the polished wood. Her legs opened nice and wide while her ankles coiled around her waist and none too subtly pulled her in. She reached out with both hands and Rebecca helpfully leaned forward so Tabitha could cup her face. One tenderly slid around her neck in a weak bid to pull her down for another kiss while the other stroked her cheek. She resisted her dark skinned paramour's efforts but she did turn her head just enough to slide her thumb between her lips and start sucking. Letting out the most adorable gasp Tabitha's eyes widened and she froze for a moment. Luckily for her Rebecca wasn't the least bit surprised by her reaction and after a few seconds she released her thumb with a pop to speak.

“I think this might work a little better if we were a little more naked.”

“Yeah . . .”

Rebecca slid the straps of her uniform down her shoulders and pulled her arms through. With nothing else to support it the top of her uniform slipped down her perky breasts with only the slightest bit of effort. Tabitha propped herself up on one elbow to admire her companion's perfectly round tits. Her nipples were only a few shades darker than the rest of her lightly tanned skin and just  a little bit too big for the rest of her chest. Of course that only made her love them more. Sitting up as best she could Tabitha followed Rebecca's lead and wriggled free of her own confining outfit. Her much larger breasts emerged with a bit more difficulty, a great deal of tugging and pulling required before they finally popped free. Rebecca smiled at watched them jiggle in abject delight, licking her lips and staring like a starving person beholding a particularly delicious meal. If nothing else all the cheerleaders had amazing tits but Tabitha's were the best by a long shot. Likely owing to how perfectly small and oval shaped her dark brown nipples were and the small sprinkling of beauty marks that dotted them.

As much as she wanted to stop and play with Tabitha's tits for a while, she always made the cutest faces when her nipples were stimulated, Rebecca was far too horny to ruin the momentum now. She knelt down pushed her lover's skirt up to reveal the built in panties that hid the real object of her desire. A noticeable stain had already spread across it and the faintest edges of her stark white underwear could be seen on either side of it. Though she knew how embarrassed Tabitha likely was by being in that position the distinct lack of protest was as good as encouragement for Rebecca. Without saying a word she slid two fingers beneath the dual lined fabric hiding her pussy and gently pulled it aside to reveal the beautifully glistening slit beneath. Tabitha whimpered at her companion's touch but didn't speak for fear of letting her nerves get the best of her. She felt the cloth vanish from her suddenly naked sex and Rebecca's warm exhalations hit like a gentle breeze. Fresh fluids seeped out from between her plump lips and despite Rebecca's lack of follow up her moist outer lips slowly parted to reveal the delectable pink flesh beneath. 

Watching as Tabitha's cunt seemingly opened to greet her Rebecca was torn between the urge to bury her face in those beautiful folds or shove something considerably harder inside them instead. The latter quickly won as it always did and she rose to her feet in preparation. She fumbled with her own uniform for a moment which gave Tabitha enough time to lift her head and look on with barely contained glee. She'd fantasized about what Rebecca's pussy looked like more times than she could count and she was beyond eager to see how accurate her  notions had been. But as the concealing cloth was pulled away her eyes were treated not to the sight of a perfectly trimmed mound of pubic hair atop a cute little pussy but rather a completely shaven penis complete with large, smooth balls. Her girthy seven inches were already hard and throbbing eagerly while her sack tightened and relaxed before her eyes. She managed to keep her composure for all of a second before her surprise won out.

“Ohmygod!” Tabitha gasped, recoiling from Rebecca's cock before she could stop herself, “What is that?!”

“My dick?” Rebecca answered with a bemused look, “Didn't you know I had one?”


“Oh . . . I guess that makes sense. I'm just used to people knowing I have one!”

“Well I didn't know . . .”

“Sorry to spring it on you like that! Is it going to be a problem?”

Tabitha's eyes bounced back and forth from Rebecca's questioning expression to her large, pulsing shaft for several seconds, “No . . . no  i-it's not a problem. I just have to . . . mentally adjust I guess.”

“Take your time,” Rebecca laughed, “While you do that I'll do this!”

Her hands flew to Tabitha's exposed breasts and grabbed as much as she could. Her fingers squeezed her dark nipples, holding one in place while the other started pinching and squeezing. A moment later she wrapped her lips around the first and started sucking with all her might. Tabitha immediately started to quiver from the rush of pleasure. Any protests she might have feebly offered fell away and she grabbed the back of Rebecca's head. A moment later she felt her lover's cock brush against her slightly damp groin and an even stronger tremor flitted down her spine. Really it didn't matter what was between Rebecca's legs so long as it was part of her. But if she had little to no experience with women and their various parts Tabitha had negative experience with a penis. And judging by what she'd seen throbbing between her paramour's legs Rebecca was armed with the whole package. She was more than a little eager to see it for herself but definitely intimidated by the prospect. Luckily her higher brain functions weren't calling the shots anymore and her body took charge.

“Wait . . . I wanna see it up close,” She murmured, weakly pushing Rebecca off her nipple before she changed her mind, “I-is that okay?”

“Of course! Should I get on the table or do you wanna come down here?”

“I-I'll come down . . .”

Feeling more certain, and foolish, than ever Tabitha slid off the desk as Rebecca stepped back. She stared with open mouthed awe at her petite friend's not so petite dick. It throbbed and twitched before her eyes like it hand a mind of its own. A little bead of creamy white precum clung to the tip, slowly growing with every throb until it threatened to fall off. Just before it could she reached out and tentatively grabbed the base. Tabitha lifted her lover's cock until it was pointing straight up. It pulsed even harder at her touch and she looked up with wide, innocent eyes at Rebecca. Her companion smiled and bit her lip, delighted by the fascination and awe spread across her face. The cum spreading across her tip finally swelled enough to roll down the underside of her prick and land on Tabitha's quivering fingers. The sudden and unexpected sensation elicited an immediate gasp from the inexperienced senior and she almost pulled back without realizing it.

But with her hormones still firmly in control she instead reached up with her other hand to grab Rebecca's shaft a little higher. She gave it a tender squeeze to see what might happen and was rewarded with a throb hard enough to make her knees weak. Had she not already been on the floor she would have sank to it almost immediately. Unable to stop herself Tabitha's grip tightened again and Rebecca shivered. More precum emerged from her tip and two soft moans filled the classroom. She slowly leaned towards the shaft throbbing between her fingers, unsure of what to do next. Her mouth opened out of a small desire to taste the cum on her fingers and a larger urge to slide the whole thing in her mouth. But she stopped just short of following through on either and simply licked her lips with uncertain arousal. Mimicking the motions she'd seen in the handful of videos she'd watched that actually involved such a thing Tabitha awkwardly started to stroke Rebecca's shaft in the vain hope that she was doing something right. Her cheeks darkened with embarrassment and she tried to look like she had any idea how to properly do it. Yet despite her nerves and the slightly mortifying nature of the entire thing she still couldn't take her eyes off the lovely cock. At least not until Rebecca spoke.

“Why don't we move on to the main event?” She suggested, “I think you'll like that a lot better!”

“Thank you,” Tabitha smiled, “I had no idea what I was doing!”

“I couldn't tell.”

“Yeah right!”

Tabitha hopped back up on the table and nervously opened her legs. Rebecca wasted no time moving between them and pressing the swollen head of her cock against her virginal hole. An immediate rush of anticipation, fear, uncertainty, and pleasure filled her body and she looked up at her partner with an unconvincing smile. Rebecca nodded and leaned in close, her arm sliding around Tabitha's shoulders and pulling her up into a soft, reassuring kiss. After a few moments her nerves faded and she returned the loving gesture as best she could. When Rebecca pulled away Tabitha felt just a touch more at ease and confident in her choices. As her partner's hand drifted down her body to stop at her waist she quickly covered it with her own and squeezed just enough to let her know she was ready. Rebecca nodded and looked down at her dick. She started pushing as slowly and deliberately as she could while Tabitha tried and failed to keep her breathing steady. Despite her nerves her body had been waiting for this almost as long as she'd known Rebecca. Bit by bit the head of her shaft managed to find purchase and slowly find it's way into her pussy.

As the smallest amount pushed its way into her slit Tabitha couldn't help but grit her teeth and close her eyes. Up until that point nothing larger than her index finger had even been inside her pussy and now she looking at not only an unexpected cock but one nearly double the width and girth of that same finger. The pain she'd always heard about arrived immediately but with it came an almost equal amount of welling pleasure. She was so happy to finally take that last step with Rebecca a little discomfort was an easy price to pay. Her mind focused only on the positive, the thousand little ways their bodies moved and connected with one another with every inch that slipped inside. It was strangely intoxicating and whenever she could muster the strength Tabitha would look up at Rebecca to watch her face scrunch up or relax in time with their movements. She was so focused on it all she didn't even realize how much of her companion's cock had slipped inside until she felt her pendulous sack momentarily brush against her skin. The instant her mind connected two and two her body tensed and sucked the remaining few inches inside. Suddenly filled to the brim with Rebecca's dick and all that that meant Tabitha offered up a small whimper as the pleasure surged through her.

Rebecca gasped and gritted her teeth as Tabitha's pussy clamped down around her. She'd been banking on her earlier session with Debbie giving her a little more stamina but her lover's impossibly tight hole was quickly shattering that notion. She could barely start moving without her knees buckling and her entire body tensing with waves of pleasure. Nearly all traces of pain had disappeared, leaving Tabitha with nothing but the unexpected and amazing feeling of fullness Rebecca's cock brought her. Each time it twitched in response to her own pulsing slit a surge of toe curling sensations would echo through her body. It created a wonderful little cause and effect that kept both of them moaning and barely able to think for several minutes without even needing to thrust. But naturally that didn't stop Rebecca from trying. Her hips may not have been moving quickly but they were still moving all the same. Centimeter by centimeter she pulled back while her shaft strained against Tabitha's silky inner walls. In the end she didn't get more than a quarter of the way out before it proved too much to handle and she couldn't stop herself from thrusting back in.

Tabitha let out a surprisingly loud moan as Rebecca's prick re entered her sex and her balls smacked wetly against her firm buttocks. Her entire body stiffened and both girls trembled harder than ever at the rush of ecstasy filling them. Both of them knew they wouldn't be able to savor everything as much as they'd like but they'd be damned if they weren't going to try. Rebecca quickly started pulling back once more while Tabitha's arms slid up the desk to grab the firm wood on either side of her head and brace for the inevitable bliss. The second time around her shaft managed to make it a hair past halfway when her body decided it couldn't handle any further. She pushed back in with just as much force as before and Tabitha was left to writhe and tremble in the wake of it. Rebecca looked down at her dusky girlfriend with nothing short of amazement, the sight of her muscular body quivering on the end of her prick proving almost as arousing as actually being inside her. She was accustomed to fucking her partners as fast and hard as she liked it was taking all of her control not to start moving with the same frenzied passion with which she'd fucked Debbie's face. And since she was so focused on that one bit of restraint she almost completely failed to notice how badly her cock was aching until it was almost too late.

“Would you be mad if I said I was about to cum?” Rebecca said in a strained voice.

“Of course not, just don't do it inside. Not this time. When I get some birth control you can do as much as you—”

“Stop talking,” Rebecca panted, “I can't control myself if you're saying things like that!” 

“Good to know,” Tabitha giggled, “Now hurry up and cum for me!”

Rebecca nodded and closed her eyes as her hips continued their rhythmic motions. Little by little she picked up the pace, silently hoping her partner wouldn't find the increase to uncomfortable as her own pleasure began to mount. Fortunately Tabitha didn't feel anything but delight at the constant thrusting of her lover's cock and the slowly building speed just made it better. Part of her wished she could feel Rebecca's cum inside her but her pragmatic side just couldn't allow it. But when she was on the pill they were gonna be fucking like rabbits and there was no way in hell she wasn't getting to feel it swirling around within her then! Until she had the pleasure she'd merely have to be content with the sight of her beautiful girlfriend exploding all over her stomach and tits. Or at least that's what Rebecca's plan seemed to be as she moaned and suddenly pulled her cock free. It slid out with a wet squish and drops of pussy juice and cum flew all across the room as she started stroking it above Tabitha's prone form. 

Just as awestruck but the peculiar and arousing sight as before Tabitha watched her wildly jerk off for a few seconds before Rebecca's entire body went rigid and her shaft suddenly swelled. Eager to feel what it was like in some way she sat up just enough to reach out with both hands and grab the end while the first streak erupted out. It landed squarely on her well muscled stomach and trickled down her abs as Rebecca moaned even louder. Tabitha quickly offered up a pleasured whimper of her own at the wonderful erotic sensation of being coated in lady spunk. Not to mention the feel of her partner's dick pulsing against her fingers. She angled the next load a little higher and splashed across her bare tits, the thick streams landing on both nipples and clinging to the beautiful olive skin around them. Before the third spurt could arrive Tabitha started stroking and squeezing to the best of her ability, amazed and delighted by the power she seemed to have over her companion. Within a few seconds her chest, stomach, and even the top of her pussy had been doused in a healthy smattering of cum. She continued playing with Rebecca's dick well after she finished draining her balls and only let go when her own body could now longer remain in that awkward position.

As she fell back against the desk and savored the sticky mess that was the front of her body Rebecca slumped into a nearby seat and whistled, “That was everything I could have dreamed!”

“Yeah it was amazing.”

“To say the least!”

After a few seconds of recuperation Rebecca stood up and Tabitha looked at her with a slightly concerned expression, “What?” Rebecca asked.

“Is it . . . is it true you do this with all the others too? Everyone in the school talks about it like you do but I never believed it.”

“Until now right?”

“Yeah . . . I mean I had no idea you had a . . . you know. But I always heard the rumors about you doing it with the other cheerleaders. It kinda explains why you're so good at it.”

“This is a pretty well kept secret. Somehow.” Rebecca laughed, looking down at her cock before it disappeared beneath her uniform, “The other stuff not so much.”

“So it's true then?”

“Of course,” Rebecca said with a cheerful smile, “How do you think I keep them all so perky?”

“I thought you were like really strict or something.”

“I am. But I always make sure they're rewarded well.”

Tabitha's cheeks darkened a little as she thought about it for a moment, “Wait, don't most of the girls have boyfriends?”


“Then how does that work?”

“I let them watch.” Rebecca tucked her hair behind her ears and grinned at her, “You'd be amazed how many of the girls didn't know what good sex was like until I showed them.”

“And the guys are okay with that?”

“Sure. The ones that aren't don't stick around long anyways.”

“Wow . . . and none of the teachers care that you do this sort of thing?”

“Mrs. Wrigby is the only one who knows. And lets just say we have an understanding.”

Tabitha gasped and covered her mouth with one hand, “You don't—”

“Oh I certainly do.”

“That's . . . that's . . . I can't believe it.” Tabitha leaned back against the table and stared at Rebecca in shock, “I guess that means I'm just another member of the squad to you?” She didn't even hide the crestfallen look spreading across her face.

“Of course not!” 

Rebecca stepped towards her companion, resting her hands on her knees and slowly opening her legs so she could step in nice and close. Her hands slid around Tabitha's waist and she leaned in for a teasing kiss. The moment their lips collided her tongue slipped into her less experienced partner's mouth. She was delighted to feel Tabitha timidly return the gesture with a small shiver. Her hands slid around Rebecca's shoulders and ever so gently pulled her a little deeper into the kiss. They remained locked in their passionate embrace for almost a full minute before Rebecca finally broke away, licking her lips and smiling in unfettered delight.

“I may fuck all the girls on the squa but they're all the same. You're different. I like that. And you.” Rebecca explained.

“Thanks,” Tabitha said with an embarrassed smile, “I like you too . . .”

“Plus none of them were virgins. Well one or two of them had never taken it in the ass before.”

“Ewwww! You put it in their butts?”

“I put it wherever I want! Have you seen how good their asses look in our uniforms? How could I not?!”

“Well you won't be doing that with me!”

“Oh no?”

Tabitha looked away to keep from smiling as Rebecca moved in close and playfully kissed her neck, “No! I don't care what you say!”



“Yeah . . . it gives me something to work for.” Rebecca nibbled on her lover's earlobe and pressed her bulging cock against her barely clothed slit. “I love a good challenge!”

“It's never gonna happen.”

“I know.”

“I'm serious!”

“I believe you.” Rebecca slid her hands up Tabitha's waist to grab her lump ass and give it a squeeze, “How about we talk about it after another go?”

“I might be up for that . . . how often do you go twice in a row with the others?”

“Almost never. They don't need nearly as much 'discipline' as you do.”

“Mmmmm well in that case . . .” Tabitha slid a little further onto the desk and opened her legs so wide she was almost doing the splits, “Do your worst captain!”

Rebecca shuddered at the enticing sight before her and said, “You're gonna do well around here sweetie!”



Love it! She's everything I ever dreamed of and more!


Awesome, I'm always happy to hear that! I was worried I might have been taking a few too many liberties lol


Thank you, I like to think I can do sweet pretty well by this point. I'd call it a skill if I wasn't just kinda throwing shit at the wall until it sticks!