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Alright so I know the Mega Suggestion Post was supposed to be for polls but nearly all of you suggested at least one idea that really grabbed me. So rather than sit around and hope they get picked I decided to write one of them up before we do any polls. This particular idea comes from the mind the TheDirtyMonkey and features an OC you're probably all familiar with by now lol. Oh and this isn't Halloween themed :P

The door to the second floor bathroom let out an echoing squeal as a young woman stepped inside and let it swing shut. Her glosys auburn hair was pulled into a tight ponytail save for two thick bangs that framed either side of her delicate face. Bright blue eyes sitting behind black, square glasses searched the seemingly empty room for any unwanted bystanders. She was dressed pale blue shirt covered her ample breasts , while still coming low enough to show off more than enough cleavage, with the sleeves cut just high enough to show a black stenciled triforce tattoo on her left arm. A pink polka dot skirt barely covered her soft thighs, the slightest gust of air lifting the flimsy fabric to reveal her striped blue and white panties. Open toed sandals of a similar color to her shirt adorned her feet and a small yellow backpack hung from her slender shoulders. The moment she was certain she was alone in the rarely used bathroom Sarah Sweet let out a relieved sigh and slid her backpack off her shoulders. She pulled her phone out of the frontmost pocket and checked the message she'd received a few minutes earlier. 

Unsurprisingly it was from her friend Stacy asking, “did u do it yet?”

Sarah quickly typed back, “im about to. hold ur horses.”

Thanks to a simple game of 'never have I ever' she'd found herself on the receiving end of a strange and slightly idiotic dare. Apparently she was the only one of her friends who'd never taken dirty selfies in the school bathroom. Even Aurora had done it! And of course as soon as she'd foolishly divulged that information Stacy had leapt upon it like a wild animal. Her petite Latina friend was nothing if not eager to expand other's horizons and she'd wasted no time daring her to rectify what was apparently a glaring hole in her life experienced. As foolish as it was Sarah was never one to turn down a dare from her friends. The moment she did it meant they wouldn't have to do the things she dared them to do. The best part of the whole thing was she didn't even have anyone to send the pictures to! Her friends had all done it for some guy, or in Aurora's case some girl. But a dare was a dare and Sarah had no intention of seeing her friend's gloating smile any time soon.

She slipped inside the closest stall, dropped her backpack on the tloor beside her, and plopped down onto the seat. Taking out her phone and turning on the camera she made a silly face into the front facing lens and snapped a quick picture. Laughing at the absurdity of what she was doing even as she did it Sarah lifted up her shirt  and tucked it under her chin. The camera clicked once more and a picture of her bountiful breasts barely being restrained by her white bra appeared on her phone. A small tingle of excitement flitted through her body and she promptly lifted her skirt up and folded into the waist of her panties. She took a quick picture of her clothed pussy and checked her meager work so far. For whatever reason her heart was starting to beat a little faster and her breathing quickened. Some very small, very irritating part of her was start to see why her friend's had been so adamant that she try it.

Sarah was just about to take another one showing off a bit more cleavage when the door squeaked open and the loud chattering of two girls filled the room. She tensed despite her relative safety and nearly dropped her phone as a result. After a few seconds of awkward fumbling she managed to hold it with a mildly steady grip while the two strangers talked away in front of the the sinks. Waiting for a few seconds in the hopes that they might leave Sarah's shoulders slumped when one of them broke away and walked into the stall beside her. She was just about to pull her top and skirt down and call it quits, reasoning that even pictures with no nudity still counted, a little voice in the back of her head told her to stop. It was the same voice that led astray so many other times and despite having ample reason not to trust it or her own adrenaline filled libido Sarah did as it asked and continued. The clicking of the camera would be inaudible over their inane conversation anyways.

Hooking a single finger into the front clasp of her bra she slowly pulled it down until the slightest edges of her round pink nipples were visible. She bit her lower lip and took a picture, making sure to get as much of her face and tits in it as possible. When nobody remarked on the obvious camera sounds she decided to go a little further. Sarah grabbed the top of her panties and gently lifted them up, the smooth fabric disappearing between the puffy outer lips of her pussy as she did. When it was little more than a thin cord barely concealing her aroused slit she snapped another photo. She could hear the conversation in the bathroom starting to die down but nobody had left yet. Had she been a little less turned on and delighted by the thrill Sarah might have stopped there. But she was determined to win the dare and get some fun out of it. She threw caution to the wind and with a lascivious smile yanked down her bra with enough force to make her massive breasts explode out in a landslide of bouncing, jiggling flesh. She grabbed her left nipple and pinched it until her body started to tremble before taking another picture of both her flushed face and naked tit.

Sarah immediately took a similar picture with her other breast, quietly fantasizing about who she'd be sending it to and the undoubtedly juicy cock pics they'd be sending back. When she was satisfied with both photos she promptly slid her arm beneath both tits to lift and squish them together. Holding the camera above her head and making the same face she saw most fashion models strike Sarah took a proper nude selfie. Some part of her brain knew she'd taken more than enough pictures to satisfy Stacy's dare but it was too thrilling for her to stop now. The girls were finished doing whatever they'd come in for and were filtering out of the bathroom one by one, leaving her to take as many pics as she wanted without concern. With that in mind Sarah promptly yanked her panties aside, glancing down at her slick pussy for a moment before taking a closeup shot of her aroused sex. The click of the camera echoed through 'empty' bathroom and she even let out a small giggle. Little did she know she was far from alone at the moment and the newcomer wasn't another spoiled college girl either.

Tyrese instantly perked up as soon as he heard the telltale sound of a phone camera going off. He looked over to see a pair of sandal clad feet barely touching the ground while stifled laughter came from the stall. Pushing his mop back in the bucket and walking over to the stall he peered through the small crack in the door to see Sarah spreading her pussy wide open and taking a gleeful picture. Immediately his better judgement vanished and something primal took over his body. He had just enough wits about him to keep a flimsy excuse at the ready before shoving the door open with one massive hand. Her phone hit the floot with an echoing clatter as Sarah froze mid pose and looked at the towering, dark skinned janitor suddenly standing before her. He was almost tall enough to see over the stall and wide enough to barely fit inside it. His broad face had a look she'd seen many times in her young life and even before he spoke she knew what was going to happen. She made one weak attempt to cover her naked body regardless.

“Taking pictures in the bathroom is against school rules.” He boomed.

“I-I know . . . I'm sorry sir! I just—” 

“Need to be taught a lesson!”

Before Sarah could say a word he unzipped the front of his beige jumpsuit and pulled out a cock nearly as long as her forearm and just as girthy. His sack was appropriately huge and looked like it was ready to burst with unused cum. He lumbered forward, his cock and balls swaying like the pendulum of a grandfather clock, and wrapped his hands around her slender waist. With an effortless tug he yanked her off the toilet and onto the floor. One massive paw rested on her shoulder and partially grabbed her neck while the other gripped her ponytail hard enough to make her wince. He forced her head against his twitching member and Sarah whimpered. The smell of musk and cum was overwhelming and his dick was big enough to smother most of her face when she was pressed up against it. Her already aroused body shivered in delight at the sudden turn of events even while her mind raced with a  million different, conflicting thoughts. Eventually her instincts kicked in and she did exactly as she was expected, seeing no other way out of the situation. A large part of her didn't even really want one!

“Okay . . .” She said with a meek smile, “But then I'm off the hook right?”

“We'll see how sincere you are first!”

Taking hold of his prick with both hands Sarah brought the dripping head to her lips and gave it a dainty little kiss. Tyrese's grasp on her hair slackened a bit and she smiled up at him with two innocent blue eyes. Her lips parted a little to take the barest tip of his cock into her mouth. A glob of precum poured onto her tongue and she swallowed it as quickly as she could. Pushing herself a little further onto his dick Sarah started licking and caressing every inch of him that she could with her tongue. For a moment it looked as though her intimidating partner was satisfied but then his hands abruptly appeared on either side of her face. Her eyes widened in surprise a moment before his grip tightened and all eleven inches of his cock was forced down her throat in one solid thrust. At the same time his hips pushed forward his hands pulled her against him and his dick plunged into her body like a battering ram.

Sarah skipped right past gagging and went straight into choking, her cheeks flushing and her throat wildly contracting around the monstrous prick suddenly blocking off her airways. She could feel the outside of her throat bulging outward from the sheer size of his member and every throb only stretched it a little more. Spit trickled out of the corners of her mouth while hands uselessly pushed and scratched against his pants. Even she wasn't sure if she wanted him to pull back or keep her speared on his cock like a fleshy toy but it was clear from his expression that he was finally enjoying himself. As her body continued to writhe and convulse Sarah could feel a steady trickle of juices pour from her pussy. She knew it was only a matter of time before he shoved his dick inside her other holes, probably even all of them, and the notion of getting wrecked by such an impressive black dick was a thousand times more thrilling than the pictures. 

Tyrese started to pull her off his cock, savoring every contraction of her tight little face as he did, when he spotted her phone lying discarded by the growing puddle between her legs. With a bit of dexterity he scooped it up and grinned as he noticed the camera function still on. Looking down at Sarah with an ever widening smirk his hands left her head, after forcing her back to the base of his prick of course, and took a picture of her new position Sarah realized what he was doing a split second later and looked up just in time to see him take another. A burst of shame, humiliation, and arousal filled her body. There was no way he was going to stop and there was no way she was going to try and make him stop. At least not until she had a few extra pics for herself . . .

“I think you need a little something extra!” Tyrese commented.

Without another word he yanked his cock from her throat so fast and so abruptly Sarah was too busy retching to even take a breath. Cum and spit gushed out of her mouth as her throat struggled to return to anything approaching a normal size and her gag reflex went into overdrive. She had no idea what he was referring to but unless it was two more black guys to stuff all her holes she didn't really care. Or at least that's what she thought until she saw him suddenly return with a big whiteboard marker. Not even bothering to question why he had such a thing handy Sarah looked up at him in confusion and badly concealed lust. Holding the marker between his pearly white teeth Tyrese shoved his glistening cock back down her throat like it always belonged there. Somehow the second time was even more of a shock than the first and her body quivered harder than ever. The handful of breaths she'd managed to take hadn't been enough to keep her head from spinning and suddenly having a throatful of cock was more than her mind could handle.

She watched with wide, uncomprehending eyes as he popped the lid off the marker and started writing something across her forehead. Had she been a touch more lucid she might have felt the word “SLUT” in block capital letters appear on her pale skin. But with everything else that was going on she wouldn't have even noticed it had it not been happening right in front of her eyes. His dick gave an appreciative throb at the new addition to her blushing, cock filled face. Tyrese nodded in approval and tucked the marker in his back pocket while grabbing her phone. His hands momentarily returned to either side of her head for a few rough, wild thrusts to make sure she looked as sloppy as possible. He didn't pull his dick more than a few inches out of her mouth but that didn't stop him from slamming it back in hard enough to bounce her head back and make her gag once more. When he was satisfied her uncontrollable spasms and loud gurgles created a suitably embarrassing picture he brought her phone to bear once more.

“Say cheese slut!”

Unable to think straight and more than a little cock drunk Sarah's mind heard his words and her body responded of it's own accord. Raising both hands up beside her face she extended her pointer and middle fingers out while keeping the rest curled against her palm. Tyrese chuckled at her sudden pose and snapped another picture. Seemingly satisfied with it he dropped her phone into a baggy pocket and grabbed her head once again. Now with nothing left to distract him he was free to use her throat however he saw fit. And with a strength befitting his titanic frame he started fucking her throat like it was the first blowjob he'd ever received. His cock plunged in and out of her face  with such a ferocity the entire bathroom was filled with wet smacks and frantic gurgles. Sarah gave up trying to push him away to catch her breath and merely braced herself against him as best she could. Her head was bobbing up and down his dick so fast the entire world was a blur. Thick streams of spit dribbled out of her thoroughly fucked mouth to soak her swinging tits and splatter across her milky thighs. Within a minute her body was a coated with saliva as Tyrese's cock. And the floor beneath her looked like a pipe had burst from all the sticky juices seeping from her horny teenage cunt.

Little by little her vision continued to fade until all she could see was two pinpricks of light amidst a sea of blackness. Sarah was too overcome by the myriad of feelings assailing her to even worry about suffocating, though her body continued to tremble and protest as much as it could. Just as her already sluggish thoughts were starting to grind to a halt Tyrese let out a groan and pulled out with same force as before. This time around Sarah managed to take a single, ragged breath before violently throwing the copious amounts of spit and precum she'd swallowed while being facefucked. It poured out of her mouth like water from a broke dam while her body slumped backwards against the toilet. Much of the tawdry mix splattered across her tits and belly, gooey rivulets sliding between her quivering thighs to join the puddle on the floor. Between heaves her vision steadily returned enough for her to notice the flecks of saliva and precum splattered across her glasses. She was about to try and clean them off out of a sheer mechanical habit when Tyrese grabbed her hips and lifted her onto the toilet.

“It's about time I got some pussy!” He exclaimed.

Sarah let out a startled gasp as one of his large hands suddenly groped her breasts, squeezing an impressive amount of her jiggling flesh before moving to her bra. Grabbing the soft fabric with two fingers he unceremoniously ripped the entire thing from her body without the slightest bit of effort. She looked down at her now completely unsupported tits for a moment before bracing herself as best she could against the walls on either side. As if for good measure he grabbed her panties and pulled them down her legs, leaving them to dangle uselessly off one of her ankles. Her already splayed legs were pushed open even wider as he moved between them and pushed his slick cock against her pussy. Even with all the lubrication part of her couldn't help but wonder if such a massive piece of meat would even fit inside her. Sarah got her answer a second later when, just as he'd done to her throat, he shoved the entirety of his prick into her pussy in one mighty thrust.

“Fuck you white girls have the tightest pussies!” He groaned.

Sarah could only nod like a fool with her tongue hanging out of her mouth while her body was wracked with wave after wave of sudden, all encompassing pleasure. The earlier buildup combined with him fucking her throat had left her so close to the precipice of an orgasm she hadn't even realized. Now it was all crashing down around her like and she was powerless to do anything about it. Hoarse moans and whimpers filled the bathroom as her hips bucked wildly against his dick. For his part Tyrese wasted no time fucking almost as hard as before. Her constantly tightening pussy made it a bit more difficult for him to slam into her with the same kind of force but that didn't stop him from trying. His balls slapped against her puckered little asshole with increasing speed while hold on her waist tightened even more. Her legs closed around his waist so fast her now useless panties flew from her foot like a slingshot. Grabbing his thick forearms and holding on for dear life Sarah threw her head back and screamed in sheer orgasmic delight.

Surprisingly Tyrese managed to keep fucking her through the entirety of her climax without succumbing to one of his own. By the time the sharpest spikes began to fade he was clearly reaching the end of his rope but that didn't slow him down one bit. In fact the more tensed his body grew the hard her seemed to fuck her. Whenever Sarah thought he couldn't possibly slam into her with any more animalistic fury he found away. If she'd been pressed against the stall walls they would have almost certainly been knocked down. As it was the toilet beneath her was visibly rocking back and forth and her massive tits were bouncing around like crazy. The waning ecstasy from her first climax started to return with a vengeance and Sarah was actually starting to wonder if he was going to make her cum twice before finishing. Her unspoken question was quickly answered when he threw his head back and buried the length of his dick inside her with one final thrust.

“Fuck I'm gonna cum!” He growled.

A split second later his cock swelled, his balls tensed, and a deluge of creamy spunk exploded into Sarah's stuffed cunt. His first load was as big as most guy's entire climax and it filled her hole in an instant. The next spurt only made the swirling mess slosh about harder. When the third jet arrived it was finally too much for her tight little body to handle. Sarah moaned in delight and pushed with what little strength she had. Thick strands of goopy cum mixed pussy juice erupted out of her slit like she was cumming too. The more he pumped into her the more leaked out to soak the floor, their thighs, and even the walls around them. His balls seemed to drain every last drop into her tight hole for nearly twenty seconds straight before finally relaxing against her flesh. But even when he was done the cum still gushed out of her cunt like a broken water main. The almost literally flood was only exacerbated a moment later when he slowly pulled his softening cock free and the true extent of her gaping pussy was revealed. Cum poured out of her unabated while she quivered and moaned incoherently. 

“Well young lady,” Tyrese rumbled, tucking his cock back into his jumpsuit, “I hope you learned your lesson!”

Sarah nodded and smiled at him as cum continued bubbled out of her wrecked pussy, “Yeah . . .”

“Good. Then get outta here so I can clean this up.”

“Okay . . .”

Lurching forward like a marionette operated by a bad puppeteer Sarah pushed herself off the toilet and leaned heavily against the wall. She didn't even try to bend over and pick up her cum stained panties and ruined bra, merely stepping over them as she tried to leave. Her skirt and t shirt were still hiked up over her ass and tits but she didn't care. Tyrese stepped aside to allow her out and as she passed he gave her already tender buttocks a sudden, powerful swat. Sarah gasped and let out a little moan that was equal parts pain and pleasure. Grabbing the wall with one hand she weakly tugged on her soiled blue shirt until it fell past her naked tits enough to conceal them. After taking a deep breath and pushing some more cum out of her aching cunt she did the same with her skirt. Neither garment was hiding very much of her nubile young body with most of her taut belly exposed and nearly all of her sticky thighs on full display. But she honestly couldn't care less. All she could think about was how on earth she was going to walk home when her legs could barely function!

“Don't forget this.”

Sarah turned back towards Tyrese to see him holding her backpack with one finger hooked into the topmost loop, “Thank you . . .” She murmured, unsure which part of the experience she was really thanking him for.

She noticed her cell phone sticking out of the side pocket and a small grin lit up her face. Tyrese had already turned away to start cleaning the rest of the bathroom, leaving her to hobble and shimmy her way towards the door. When her hand finally touched the handle again enough strength had returned to Sarah's legs to allow her to walk without using the wall but opening the door and stepping outside was still quite a challenge. The steady drip of the janitor's cum followed her all the way down the hall, as did the hungry glances of the few students she happened to pass on the way. Sarah could feel their eyes stuck to her barely covered tits as she approached or her half exposed ass as she left. Their mocking whispers followed her all the way out to the parking lot where she finally stopped to check her phone behind the largest truck she could find.

“did u do it?” Stacy's text message asked.

“yea,” Sarah replied, “and then some!”

“wat does that mean?”

“i'll show u later. cud u pick me up?”

“yea, be there in a few!”

“thx” Sarah tucked her phone back into her backpack and sighed, “I don't know how this keeps happening to me,” She thought, “But it sure does make things more fun!”


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