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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OVERLORD Season 4 Episode 4!




Ainz x Ainzach


I think you missed it after you paused but Jircniv’s knight actually guessed that Ainz isn’t planning anything


Bone marrow has quite a few nutrients and vitamins so might be good for him? But he didn't mean it for a sense of "I'm eating you for sustenance" he believes if he eats ainz he'll absorb some of his power for himself. Also if you didn't catch the call back Luke the triple blades ainz pulled out were Clementines. Why he said he borrowed them from Momon as he was the one who officially took her down.


If I remember right Death Knights are lvl 80 and all floor gaurdians are lvl 100. Check out the light novels, there are character sheets of alot of characters that give a simple overview of their lvl stats and classes. Just be careful of potential spoilers

Marcio Neves


Yuri Huffles

I love the comedy at the end: Guy things he's the unluckiest person in the world - meanwhile, Ainz views him as a BFF and someone he could learn a ton from and would protect. Also, in terms of the book Ainz wasn't really "lucky" in this one. You have to remember that Ains and the guild operated at a magic level which is so much higher than the norm in this world. Therefore a tomb of magic skills or knowedge that would be considered "basic" in the guild is already going to be seen as super high level to the mages of this world.

Yuri Huffles

In terms of the fight promoter, I was hoping you might remember something you said in a previous season. If you remember the large lady that gave Climb his "bells" and also taught him a technique, she's a woman who crushes most she sleeps with. You also at the time pondered who in the world would date her... and here we have your answer - for the fight promoter, she's his perfect woman. :)


Maybe not an Xbox username but i used to ask my preschool teachers to call me Captain *insert my name* because that was how i adressed myself...

Marcio Neves

19:43 mah dude, eating bones is nothing compared to what the MC of Re:Monster eats all the time to acquire abilities 🤣

Tamus Heath

There's a theory that Ainz is actually an inhuman genius, just like his character should be, but since it would be beyond him to comprehend that intellect it instead manifests as him making choices seemingly at random that work out extremely well. It happens an awful lot to just be coincidence.


In Overlord there's magic and skills. magic is stuff that anyone can learn and uses mana. skills are class based and usually come in forms of buffs and debuffs and do not require mana. Aura of Despair is a debuff skill so its not considered a use of magic.


Yeah and same time he talked that Emperor El Nix was "Brain" so no he didn't get that right


The small long daggers Ainz was using is the same ones he stole from Clementine when squeezing her to death in cemetery (Season 1). PS. I was laughing my ass off with Jircniv screaming for the troll to win while Luke is just "Stop screaming already" :D

Cyrill Attakpah

dont have any xbox360 live names except of the automated name that was given to me: "Weizentanne718" xD german ofc ... my cringiest names online anyways: HeartBroKen, RoxiMausi, TheEvilDevil (steam name but it was with every character of the name in weird customized letters xD), VoteMe4ToastBroT, SpycysAffe, Brownie, Brofni, Roxanne (im a guy btw), Tankeschön, Göndir, KuroKumo, Surrüdiger (in league of legends). and dozens more :D i think "TheEvilDevil" was the worst xD and nobody could add me on steam cause every letter wasnt really a letter but looked "cool" xD i was 13 back then .. 30 now


16:00 The rabbit was so afraid he tore up his hands so the pain would keep him from running away, and yes the rabbit is male. 20:40 Ains said he wouldn't use magic, but he didn't mention his inherent class skills of the undead or using magical items.


I think its hinted that he inherited his character stats. And obviously his character maxed out intelligence


touch of undead and aura of despair are skills not magic


about the stuff Ainz used in the fight, where you asked "isn´t that magic?": no, it is not. Everything Ainz used was a skill or ability he has, and those are not magic. --the one where he touched the warrior king was "negative energy touch", an overlord racial skill that reduces the target´s attributes. --Aura of Despair is also an overlord racial skill that depending on the rank used, can cause different mental status effects (starting at Rank 1, with each of the following effects being the next higher rank: Fear (1), Panic (2), Confusion (3), Insanity (4) and Instant death at rank 5).


Luke missed the funniest line. 30:31 - Baziwood: Maybe he wasn't really thinking about anything? The only man to understand.


literally the funniest scene in this episode and Luke missed it... XD


Clementine also used fire/lighting while attacking Ainz :D guess those are just.. martial arts/skills which does looks like magic 100% but in fact are not consider as such :D


The random friendships and readings are so over the top, LOL. Literally the dumb guy of the room said the answer "maybe he didn't know" but of course that can't be it with a leader of a whole terrifying nation, right? 😂

stoned rat in a suit

The brainwashing World Item (Downfall of Castle and Country) Would not work on Ainz, because he also carries a World Item. Am not telling what it is, tho.


People who literally eats ribs or chicken or fish as they have really bland bones when fried to max crunchiness:


death knights are lvl 35. But they have an skill that the first attack will never kill them, even the opponent is at lvl 100. Floor guardins are lvl 100 and the pleiades battle maids around lvl 60. The two god kin from the slane theocracy are very strong. That's all I want to say. :)


I preferred having a more wholesome name that could invite others to add me and have matches together, tho because hmof my skills, they would still put me an edgy nickname.


"Hello Ainz" - "Hello Ainz...ach" _oh, they fnn_ . What? They are just greeting each other. "I respect you a lot Ainz" "That means a lot to me, thank you Ainz-ach"

stoned rat in a suit

Clementine used the fire and lightning, Ainz used the fire and (???) so now we've seen all 3 imbedded spells :> Although I still have no idea, what that stabbyspell was that killed Go Gin, with the weird effect that swirled around him.


You're right! My mistake, it's been a while since I read the novels

stoned rat in a suit

Death knights are lvl 35, Enris Redcap Goblins are lvl 43(could 1v1 a death knight), all Floor guardians are lvl 100 (except victim, lvl 35) Note: though their levels are the same, victim could never defeat a death knight bc he/(they?) was not designed for combat


Death knights are level 35 but have strong defensiv skills. Normal humans can only go to level 25 and someone like gazef is level 32 or so


I appreciate the refresher on lvls!


21:06. Give the Emperor a break. At this point, all of his machinations have failed. His initial plan of being an invisible co-conspirator against Ains has backfired so much that he is now being seen (politically) as a mere puppet of an undead legion. He no longer has any possible allies that he can gather/be supported by. If anything, Ains dying right now would be the best possible thing for him -- though the reality is that the entirety of Nazarick would probably descend upon the world in a fit of rage.


I am not 100% sure, since I just watched all of the Anime and nothing of the Light Novel But I am pretty sure the Daggers have element affinity. So 1 Dagger has Fire power, the other 1 has Lighning power. It's not Martial Arts.


The curse of being a genius is not realizing that somethings... there aren't complicated answers. Jircniv has the same issue that Albedo and Demi have: too smart to understand the mind of a simple dude who maxed out the luck stat.


my Xbox 360 name was UnsafeBubbles lol. I loved that name for some reason


Based on the title the book seems to just contain Egyptian mythology. Probably nothing actually applicable.


does it even matter the name ? the pure knowledge of this info is more important




The book Ainz gave Fluder is literally the Ancient Egyptian holy book, The Book of the Dead. It just is full of mystical-sounding stuff and Fluder is drawing meaning out of thin air.


I usually always have the same name in Xbox in stuff which is WarTalon. Also the Emperor keeps talking about how unlucky he is, but honestly if any of his plans so far actually worked he'd be setting himself up for something truly unlucky. At least going by what happens to everyone else who fought Nazarick already.


yeah it could be the result of the world item that is the throne of Nazarick that Ainz sits on


Most likely some instant death dagger. I think Clementine tried to use that on her first poke, but when nothing happened she swapped to lighting and fire, most likely in the idea to find out what works.


"If there was someone that is that strong, they would have been mentioned by now" Wellll, she's not exactly from that world but in the novel (not the anime) at that point in the story, there is a powerful character that has been mentioned multiple times, I'll still put in in spoilers just in case even if it's not really: [spoiler] Rubedo, the sister of Albedo, and by far the strongest creature in Nazarick. We also don't know how loyal she is.


You're pretty close. Clementine's stilettos are magical weapons that can be infused with a one time use spell by a mage. The first time she uses one is to reanimate a corpse.


Clementine's stilettos aren't permanently enchanted, but instead can be infused with a one time use spell form a mage. Clementine had them infused with fire, lighting and reanimate corpse. Ainz's infused them with fire, acid, and some instant death spell I can't remember. I do remember Fulger was the one to infused the spells for Ainz.

Marcio Neves

25:30 that's quite a great question. I want to know about that, too. That world indeed have TIER levels for magic and stuff, but never seen they gauge anyones level in a numeric way. And I also think they would be clueles about "what is a H P?". Other isekai shows takes that away by simply stating it is the NORM of that world and everone has their personal status window, with healbar and all, too (and sometimes it is plaintly visible for anyone around to see and read on it). Sometimes even with a full HUD overlaying their field of view, all the time (Shield Hero is one of those)

noah van den berg

for anyone curious, my gamer tag is Awesomespaceball. and yes, as a little child i thought that sounded awesome


NOTICE PLZ READ - - The Overlord movie takes place between eps 7 & 8 - There is a translation error in the subs on ep 8 at ~07:34 the subs say "Theocracy" When they should say "Holy Kingdom" ,which are 2 different place that exist in that world, this repeats through out the ep and can get confusing but is fixed by ep 9 I am going to keep reposting this until Luke acknowledges it or ep 8 which ever comes first Plz repost so he sees it

Maurice S

time to dig up my absolutely embarassing gamer tag history... My nickname since I was small is Momo. While playing world of warcraft I got the really smart idea to name my characters momo+the name of the class. So my main was called momoschurke (schurke = rogue in german) For some godforsaken reason i started to "switch it up" a bit. Some of those creations were momocool and momostyler God i wish mine were the likes of grimreaper... :D :D but to my defense... I was 12


I've been WildHunt(number) for as long as names were needed. The fact I had to add a number to my name kinda worries me.

Juho Kaartoaho

My Xbox tag was Icew4rri0r.


The opening does have spoilers to what's to come this season.


i picked up the light novels for this again when Luke started s3, and this was the one i started back with, but i hadn't actually watched s4 again since it was originally released. Ainz's reactions during this fight were hilarious, because at first when Jircniv was shouting, Ainz just thought he loved the arena that much and he mentally moved Jircniv up on his list of people he liked. also when the Warrior King says he wants to eat him, Ainz asked why because, internally, he had a flashback to when one of his guildmates explained vore culture to him, and he was really grossed out that that might be the reason.

BRUNO Marques

There's stuff in Nazarick you haven't seen. Omega, leader of the battle maids, shows up briefly in the upcoming movie. We might even see Albedo's youngest sister, Rubedo. Ainz would have a rough time against some of the NPCs. Omega holds a vital role and is forbidden from leaving her area in the 8th floor. As for Rubedo, Nigredo (the other sister missing her face) considers her a catastrophe. Most of Nazarick is disturbed by her (if they know she exists) as she was created through an alternative system, not the guild system. The NPCs instinctively despise those outside the guild, and she technically is not a guild NPC but was created by the 41. This is ln stuff that has been skipped.

BRUNO Marques

Not really something Ainz keeps hidden, it was actually revealed in the 1st ln, but the anime skips it. It's brought up again in the worker arc too in the ln.


Nigredo hasn't been shown yet, just referred to in Episode 4.1

David Pulver

I found this one of the weaker episodes of the season, mostly repeating themes from the past. Good points were that the emperor is always entertaining, the more so in this rewatch as I agree with Luke that his visual design reminds me of Fate's Gilgamesh, so that makes it even more fun to watch him struggle to swim desperately against the tidal wave that is Ainz, before succumbing to pragmatic submission (one of the few politically powerful individuals in the series smart enough to do so). But spending the entire episode as Ainz slowly destroys another supposedly tough no-hoper by melee alone has, this late in the series, gotten a big old, and the extended fight scene against the so-called super warrior didn't grab me. Mostly because of the relative lack of stakes (we didn't know the guy, unlike most of Ainz' other beatdowns), so we had no chance to either feel sad that another good but honorable guy had fallen to the god of death, or happy at a villain's much-deserved destruction by a greater villain. But big troll fights well and still gets slain, then resurrected? There was some humor with Ainz's reactions, but mostly this felt a bit filler-ish. Fortunately, far more egregious overkill is coming... Woof!~


This!! I’ve been trying to tell Luke this since he started Season 3

The GoDKing 27

Jircniv is the most fortunate unfortunate person in the world


In itself, choosing the book was really difficult for Ainz because, remember, he has no idea how the people of the world learn magic and what he could show fluder because Ainz simply learned it all in the game and on top of that Nazerik has a huge library with over 100,000 Books about all kinds of topics about monsters, skills, magic, the worlds in Ygdrasiel (i.e. in the game) and books about the different classes and races (humans, undead, elves, etc.) in the game (of which there were a lot of 64 or even more ) and how you can change these breeds. And that's exactly the kind of race change book he gave to Flöder, one on how you can go from being a human to being a Lich (probably more of a coincidence, but hey for Fluder it's great)


Yeah.. I wasnt sure either.. martial arts, skills, or special weapon effects :D hmm but if those were weapons infused with magic wouldn't they be banned ? In the arena ?? But Ain't used one here too so I guess not.. 😅


The OP has spoilers. Don't watch it till you're done.

Yami Shoumetsu

You have to remember that Ainz lost his humanity when he got teleported to this world because he is undead. Their entire guild members are non-human races so if his guild members got teleported to this world, they too will most likely lose their humanity so they wont really reprimand Ainz for the things he does. I doubt the godkins can match the high level npc's in Nazarick. Remember that Ainz got teleported to this world at the end of the game where they are all max level. If we consider other players got teleported to this world years ago, I would assume they got teleported to this world when players of the game are still leveling up so they are most likely not max level. So their descendants probably have those not max level players as their benchmark for strength and if they think they have achieved the same level of power as those old players, they didn't know those players are not the peak of strength and thus goes into false sense of absolute power.


Echoing what others have already said. Ainz gave Fluder a real book, The Ancient Egyptian - Book of the Dead. It's actually pretty cool, I have a copy. My edition has pictures of the hieroglyphics at the top of the page and then an English translation in plain text underneath.

Kyle David Barnes

My name has always been EtherswornKing or some variation on that.


I bought the book off Amazon about a decade ago. So, I checked my records and the link still works: https://www.amazon.com/Egyptian-Book-Dead-Integrated-Full-Color/dp/1452144389/ Only used copies now but still seems to be plenty available.


Death Knights are mid-tier undead, so they're strong, but Ains can summon even stronger undead (at the cost of EXP).


Ains was end-game, but that doesn't mean all players were. We know nothing about when they entered that world. Now I haven't read far in the books (season 2 passed where i'd read) so maybe it's said in the books but with just the info from the anime we can't assume when they were transported. Based on the comments made by the Slane Theocracy this seems to happen every 200 years, but beyond we have 0 info.


In terms of raw power, Shalltear is stronger than Ains. If all the Guardians came at Ains at once, he would most likely lose.

Miklar Sihn

I have run with 2 main gamer tags: Smacked Fly and Dark Lord Teletubby (Often shorted to DLTeletubby.)

Miklar Sihn

It is worth mentioning that there is some level of gear dependency. With the Staff of Ains Ooal Gown he is definitely the strongest being in Nazarick, it is questionable how many he could take on with that gear, but probably more than 1.

Arctic (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 16:21:02 The progression of my Gamertag/Internet Name:
2024-05-07 16:20:27 The progression of my Gamertag/Internet Name: FlamingPhoenix89 > Arctic_Phoenix > Arctic > Hokkyoku (means Arctic in Japanese)

The progression of my Gamertag/Internet Name: FlamingPhoenix89 > Arctic_Phoenix > Arctic > Hokkyoku (means Arctic in Japanese)


I've always had the same username ever since I was a child (axilir21) but sometimes I change on certain platforms when I create an account (like here on Patreon Jesse_Schuberg or when I have multiple account like on Youtube axilir21, DarkRyunii and Jesse_Schuberg)


Crunchyroll eventually fixed the subtitle errors. It says Holy Kingdom now.


I could be wrong, but I believe the stuff Ainz did to the War Troll that weakened him is probably a racial skill. He is the highest tier undead race called an Overlord. Title of the show is literally Ainz's race. Similar to how Vampires have inherent racial skills dealing with blood, an undead having a weakening touch is common in fantasy. Also those weapons he used were Clementine's from season 1.

Kalisa Fox

even with the staff, there is still 1 being stronger. but they have not been shown in anime so perhaps they wont reveal her and she will just stay in the LN not to mention the literal raid bosses he has under his control which are also stronger then any individual player, and those raid bosses with world items Ainz is not even sure could stop the strongest being in Nazarick.

AchmodinIV SWE

Yeah same here. AchmodinIV have been my first online username. Got it from my father when he got me Minecraft. And then I put SWE at the end when I created my YouTube account, I initially put POL but a friend of mine pointed out that people would think I am from Poland. But I have started to use different names for games now.

Fahed JKR

overlord the best 🔥❤️

Fahed JKR

overlord of death the spreum one the sorcerer king 👑 ainz has some cool name


Ainz master planner sees 10000 years in the future! Still, surprised he did not know what means a vassal state? No history knowledge nor at least some experience in Age of Empires or some game like this?(Civ, Hoi, Eu4:)))) ) New warrior in the army! The guild master is a real bro, who tells your shit:))


I think the cheesiest of the nicknames I ever used was HeraldOfRagnarok. The second place is probably CromCruach.

Adam Saunders

That's pretty much it yeah. I was confused on first watch too but remembered it was based on D&D


1:36 Is that a death-knight sleeping on Hamsuke's belly? The same one that's been hanging out in Hamsuke's stall? THAT IS THE SPIN-OFF SERIES I NEED TO SEE. 24:00 Is he (are they) using magic. Buffs and Debuffs don't count. They seem to be considered "Martial Arts Skills"


A little bit of clarity, Ains was using his skills against the Warrior King. You can think of those more like natural abilities to Ains class as Undead/Overlord rather than his magic. He restricted his use of actually magic casting abilities and just relied on those for this fight. The Nullification Ains applied is something everyone gains when they are high enough level. It just prevents any damage from lower level players/npcs. The Warrior King was so much lower level than Ains that once he used it he couldn't even hit him. Also one fun thing I'm not sure you noticed Luke. Can you figure out who's weapons Ains used in this fight? You've seen them before on another character.


This episode always makes me laugh so much. Ainz literally just stumbled into the country and accidentally took it over.

Hououin Kyouma (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-12 15:16:33 Assuming one of the NPC from Nazarick went rogue in a 1 v 1 fight without any prior preparation Ainz will lose against at least one NPC. Ainz was able to beat Shalltear because he knew about all her abilities and skills and took countermeasures beforehand. If he suddenly fights her in a raw 1 v 1 match without any special items I think Ainz would have an even harder time than he did. But the outcome of that is hard to say. There is a higher chance that Shalltear will win. However, there are two characters in Nazarick, who are stronger than Shalltear. One of them has zero chance of winning against Ainz due to his level of intelligence. But the other character who was never mentioned in the anime with the condition same as earlier: if this NPC character went rogue with no special item and no prior preparation Ainz would most likely lose. Ainz is like Batman. With prior preparation and special gadgets (items) he can beat almost everyone. Ainz vs entire Nazarick, Ainz will have a hard time even if he was prepared and had all his special gear/items. Will he win? Well hard to say. Probably not. Besides Touch Me, Ulbert (Ulbert Alain Odle) who is shown briefly in the anime and mentioned as well (one of the 41 supreme beings, creator of Demiurge), was stronger than Ainz when it was a game in terms of experience.
2024-05-10 01:27:03 Assuming one of the NPC from Nazarick went rogue in a 1 v 1 fight without any prior preparation Ainz will lose against at least one NPC. Ainz was able to beat Shalltear because he knew about all her abilities and skills and took countermeasures beforehand. If he suddenly fights her in a raw 1 v 1 match without any special items I think Ainz would have an even harder time than he did. But the outcome of that is hard to say. There is a higher chance that Shalltear will win. However, there are two characters in Nazarick, who are stronger than Shalltear. One of them has zero chance of winning against Ainz due to his level of intelligence. But the other character who was never mentioned in the anime with the condition same as earlier: if this NPC character went rogue with no special item and no prior preparation Ainz would most likely lose. Ainz is like Batman. With prior preparation and special gadgets (items) he can beat almost everyone. Ainz vs entire Nazarick, Ainz will have a hard time even if he was prepared and had all his special gear/items. Will he win? Well hard to say. Probably not. Besides Touch Me, Ulbert (Ulbert Alain Odle) who is shown briefly in the anime and mentioned as well (one of the 41 supreme beings, creator of Demiurge), was stronger than Ainz when it was a game in terms of experience and fighting capability.

Assuming one of the NPC from Nazarick went rogue in a 1 v 1 fight without any prior preparation Ainz will lose against at least one NPC. Ainz was able to beat Shalltear because he knew about all her abilities and skills and took countermeasures beforehand. If he suddenly fights her in a raw 1 v 1 match without any special items I think Ainz would have an even harder time than he did. But the outcome of that is hard to say. There is a higher chance that Shalltear will win. However, there are two characters in Nazarick, who are stronger than Shalltear. One of them has zero chance of winning against Ainz due to his level of intelligence. But the other character who was never mentioned in the anime with the condition same as earlier: if this NPC character went rogue with no special item and no prior preparation Ainz would most likely lose. Ainz is like Batman. With prior preparation and special gadgets (items) he can beat almost everyone. Ainz vs entire Nazarick, Ainz will have a hard time even if he was prepared and had all his special gear/items. Will he win? Well hard to say. Probably not. Besides Touch Me, Ulbert (Ulbert Alain Odle) who is shown briefly in the anime and mentioned as well (one of the 41 supreme beings, creator of Demiurge), was stronger than Ainz when it was a game in terms of experience and fighting capability.


NAH I personally went with killerguardian on xbox/xbox360 xD