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Here is the FULL and UNBLURRED reaction to OVERLORD Episode 3 Season 4!



Lijnaito2021 !

Hey Luke is demon slayer after overlord since it came in 2nd in the last poll??

Lijnaito2021 !

Thanks! I cannot wait for him to see it he's hooked after the first episode guaranteed!


Hey, Luke, TK did the new opening for My Hero Academia S7!


"just a dead dude in a golden suit"😂

Fahed JKR



Having a world item in your possession makes you immune to other world items and the guardians don't go out without one anymore. Albedo's black scepter is a world item which can change into a weapon, Mare is usually wearing two gloves which are world items, Aura usually has a large scroll on her back which is a world item, and Ainz himself has the red sphere in his abdomen which is a world item, so the mind control could not affect them. I'm assuming Demiurge and Pandora's Actor also carry items we haven't seen. Nazarick has quite a few of them.

Kamil Butala

Cant wait for monday next episode is halorious :D

Marcio Neves

Of course, it was ALL part of Ainz plans... for SUUUURE 😅

Ranhar Liscan

with that scene on begginer when Ainz talk about catch some sickness, for me it was more like parents wanted to be sure kids will wear cap and gloves in winter, to dont catch cold. And with that u can see, that Ainz still thinking about them as a child in some way (child from his dear friends)


Can't believe Luke is doubting Ainz' perfect master plan smh "I forgot who we're talking about here" had me in tears lol


Something you probably would have missed Luke, when the council was mentioning windstrider turning against them and the crown of wisdom being lost along with their shaman princess this is referring to clementine. She was originally a member of the black scripture. They also mention the loss of kaire who was the older sorcerer who cast the mind control on shalltear.


"Is he a bard?" - Luke *Two minutes earlier in the episode* "I am the leader and bard of our team, Freivalds."


I thought you'll say you've just noticed Albedo has a different outfit from the usual one, nor the combat suite:) Ainz just wanted to say don't catch a cold, but he did not know/have courage to say it. Why did no one think before to turn Momon against Ainz?? so easy... You were so close with Momon. Ainz master planner sees 10000 years in the future, already caught the Empire with its' pants down:))


That guy : Im a leader and a bard of our team.. Luke 5 seconds later : is he a bard ????? xD duude no way :DD


Albedo is Immune to all known disease in Yggdrasil, but they're in new world so there could be something she isn't immune to...


You were right I could not predict you were going to talk about Albedo's bathing habits. Also the scene with him worrying about Albedo reminds me of the thing in japan where parents send their children on their very first errands alone. Nix is a pretty awesome leader. Ainz has already had to deal with almost losing Shaltear which is probably close to a worst case scenario in his mind. While many of the NPCs despise humans Ainz doesn't seem to ever go back on his word. So if he says he's going to protect someone or accepts someone as his subordinate they will probably be as safe as can reasonably be expected. I'd imagine his citizens would be pretty well off since any troubles could tarnish the name of his guild which he clearly treasures. At the very least is probably better under his protection than to risk encountering Nazarick denizens without it.

Nick Kalunge Farrando

Maybe you won't end up seeing Ainz worried about a player, but what you will see is Ainz really angry. LN of course


Awww, Papa Ains sending his little girl off to summer camp, of course Albedo is carrying a world item capable of destroying a town so hot head Albedo is walking around with a tac nuke. 1:55 Albedo is a succubus so her pheromones add to her attractiveness, and she does bathe to keep herself ready in case Ains summons her to his bed, she mentions this early in season one when talking to Sebas.


they are now besties for sure, so caring for each other.


This episode on a rewatch is actually crazy, focuses totally on the Slane Theocracy and how truly hopeless the Ains situation is for the Empire. Great episode


Luke, the fact that the characters in the story don't have all the information that the viewer has doesn't mean that they are stupid or incompetent. The emperor is the same way, you may think it's a stupid decision to oppose Ainz, but there is no other way out, you can either fight or be swallowed up by the forces of evil 27:50 You really should have watched The Eminence in Shadow after Overlord and Code Geass, it would have been much more fun

freshyjazzy12 .

the ending scene of this episode is one of my favorites due to how hilarious it is. this man Jircniv is desperate for ANYTHING, he’s begging the Warrior King to at least hit him once. Pleeeeeasseeee!!! That has me rolling everytime.


There is a theory that because Ainz, the character, has a high INT stat, the world itself makes things work out for him as if he were a mastermind, even though Ainz the player is clueless about everything.


Ains has been scared since season 1 after Shaltear got mind controlled. It's why he acts so cautiously when dealing with the unknown.

Argo Valentine

Drunk and high fan here. I think the best ending option would be if ains finds a player to really 1v1 and he accepts. His pride would make sure the guardians stayed out. Now what if he only wins cause he had to use the rest of the guild items since he didn't know the players power and wanted to be prepared. Then it turns out that doing this disbands the guild. So it all ends with everyone standing there looking at the sky wondering as a timer tics to 00:00 and the show ends

The GoDKing 27

How can he kiss if he doesn’t have lips?👁️👄👁️🤣

Shawn Oxley

In fairness as a living being and even more so as a human you kinda have to be opposed to ainz he's a borderline god who has slaughtered hundreds of thousands on a whim and feels nothing doing it and you don't know when he'll decide you're next to die


the albedo smells good is very simple she is a sukubus and they are sex demons means she naturally has a strong attraction to men and that of course includes the smell pheromones and so on to lure the prey into the trap +++ Ulbert her creator has Albedo is cast as a perfect woman in every respect (episode 1, season 1, the super long descriptive text of Albedo that Ainz messes with, in terms of being in love with Ainz(and since the NPCs in the new world have accepted her description and behave according to this (that's why Sebas so easily not entirely in character because he simply has no description, i.e. no personality) Albedo is the perfect woman)) and the two factors sukubus and perfect woman are a great combination even if she doesn't bathe. ps: the fact that albedo is very stubborn has to do with her ultimate fighting form then she becomes a kind of yatimonster big, ugly, with wings, teeth and claws etc


btw the staff that albedo holds is her personal world item (you remember those super badass items, super strong, super dangerous) that has already been seen in a different form because albedo's battle ax is exactly that item has two forms


You're half right that Ainz is there by chance. Of course, Ainz is a clueless office worker who wants to do something in his ally's arena without even thinking about what he is and how it might come across etc (I didn't mean it sacastically because that's exactly how Ainz is) on the On the other hand, the emperor's concerns are justified because Ainz has him monitored and reported on (you remember the book from the first two episodes of the season that Ainz read on the bed like (your words) a schoolgirl??) These are the reports about the emperor.... however.... it's once again not what you would expect from Ainz because he only has the emperor monitored because he wants to learn from him how to be a king and how to behave someone behaves and acts because Ainz is and remains a clueless office worker who slipped into this whole leader thing


It wasn't Momon :D


1:30 hm you really did not said co*k


NOTICE PLZ READ - - The Overlord movie takes place between eps 7 & 8 - There is a translation error in the subs on ep 8 at ~07:34 the subs say "Theocracy" When they should say "Holy Kingdom" ,which are 2 different place that exist in that world, this repeats through out the ep and can get confusing but is fixed by ep 9 I am going to keep reposting this until Luke acknowledges it or ep 8 which ever comes first Plz repost so he sees it

Yami Shoumetsu

The emperor is really a good leader. Such a shame he got entangled with Nazarick's schemes. If Ainz never got teleported to this world, I would assume the emperor would go down in their history as one of its best emperors it ever had.




8:52 Luke: "give Nazarick a scare" me: the 8th floor exists

NB Rem

I don't think people are upset with you for finding ainz overpowered but you seem to not care about threats because ainz seems like he could just swat them like flys when we have been show there could be situations where ainz could be taken down because he's careless


Character introduces himself as the bard of the party, a little later - "Is he a bar?" xD


31:14 "He's in the poster." Different gold armor.