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New File Added 8/18:

Letters From Space Camp: Day Two added! It is the revised, expanded, and inked sample chapter from the completed rough draft.

Books Ready For Download:

  • DAR! Volumes 1 and 2
  • Letters From Space Camp
  • Letters From Space Camp: Day Two <----New!
  • Drawn to Sex: The Basics
  • Drawn to Sex: Our Bodies and Health
  • Oh Joy Sex Toy: Volume One
  • Oh Joy Sex Toy: Volume Two
  • Oh Joy Sex Toy: Volume Three
  • Oh Joy Sex Toy: Volume Four 
  • More to come!

DAR! Volume One and Volume Two (Self-published, out of print)

(105 pages, 2009 & 137 pages, 2010) These two DAR! A Super Girly Top Secret Comic Diary volumes collect the autobio comics I drew from my early to mid-20s as I navigated being a lesbian who fell in love with a boy and a whole lotta dick and fart jokes. Not only did I draw a bunch of bonus comics just for these volumes, they've also been out of print for like a decade now so if you missed out on the physical editions, you're definitely in for a treat now!

Letters From Space Camp (Unpublished)

(162 pages, 2022) The first draft of my memoir about going through the Intensive Outpatient Program. Very experimental with transcriptions from my notes, collages I made in the program, and mental health lessons straight from my classes. I am currently revising this work with the hope of pitching and getting it published, so this collection will serve as an interesting (I hope) time capsule to compare to my future-finished book.

Letters From Space Camp: Day Two (Unpublished)

(22 pages, 2023) Revised, expanded, and inked sample chapter from the above rough draft. Recounts my battle with hospital air conditioning, jealousy and competition in  the art therapy class, learning coping skills in group classes, a  patient having a freakout that turns out to be really inspiring, and  various other experiences that can only be had in a hospital mental health program with twenty other strangers/patients.

Drawn to Sex: The Basics (Co-published by Limerence Press/Oni Press)

(160 pages, 2018) Pulling from the mighty archive of Oh Joy Sex Toy comics, this first book of the Drawn to Sex series explores the practical side of sex, from the basics of what defines sex, to barriers and testing, masturbation, and the ins-and-outs of having sex with other people.

Drawn to Sex: Our Bodies and Health (Co-published by Limerence Press/Oni Press)

(208 pages, 2020) After learning the basics of sex in the previous volume, now it is time to focus on the reproductive and health aspects of the human body! This book collects more educational comics from Oh Joy Sex Toy, including pieces by guest artists such as Silver, Boum, Ainsley Yeager, Abby Howard, Rosalarin, Alex Assan, and Ashley Guillory.

Oh Joy Sex Toy: Volume One (Co-published by Limerence Press/Oni Press)

(268 pages, 2014) Volume One collects the first year's worth of comics from Oh Joy Sex Toy.  Combining helpful sex facts with Erika and Matt's terrible puns and the occasional Star Trek jokes, it also features the comics of nearly a dozen other cartoonists  including Lucy Knisley, R. Stevens,  and Amanda Lafrenais. Plus bonus content, not found online. Publishers Weekly starred review!

Oh Joy Sex Toy: Volume Two (Co-published by Limerence Press/Oni Press)

(328 pages, 2015) Volume Two collects the second year's worth of comics from Oh Joy Sex Toy. Notable comics include: How to Suck Cock, Strip Club Etiquette, 50 Shades of Grey, Consent, and many more. Contributing artists include Lucy Bellwood, Jess Fink, Ryan North, Abby Howard, Shing Yin Khor, and more. Plus a few bonus comics and some behind-the-scenes stuff exclusive to the book. Starred Review from Publishers Weekly!

Oh Joy Sex Toy: Volume Three (Co-published by Limerence Press/Oni Press)

(312 pages, 2016) Volume Three collects the third year's worth of comics! Notable comics include: How to Make Homemade Porn, The Human Papillomavirus, Matt and Erika Go to a Swingers House Party, Foreskin Funsies, Talking Porn, Homologous Genitals, Vaginismus, Sex Positive, Matt and Erika Visit a Porn Studio. Contributing artists include Molly Ostertag, Incase, Kelly Bastow, Melanie Gillman, Ghostgreen, Eva Cabrera, Claudia Aguirre, Dwam, Lucy Bellwood and more more.

Oh Joy Sex Toy: Volume Four (Co-published by Limerence Press/Oni Press)

(312 pages, 2017) Notable comics in this fourth volume include Period Sex, What IS Sex?, Pay For Porn, Pelvic Exam, Cock Talk (Penis Anatomy), STI Tsting, and so many more. In addition, an entire  third of the book is dedicated to showcasing guest cartoonists with  their unique experiences and perspectives about sex, covering topics from body image to fursuiting to mental health to pegging, to name a few! Contributors include Niki Smith, Sarah Winifred Searle, Kazimir Lee, Gre White, Marley Smith (Matuska), Mady G, Alex Reeder, Ariel Vittori, and many, many more.


I will be adding more books here once I get my hands on them!


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