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We've started few comics this year! And since they're made through team work, we need some reference sheets to guide us.

The Bad Girl:

  1. At first, WildBlur (who worked on Friends with Benefits), was  supposed to draw that comic. We even made the ref sheet together.  Unfortunately, his schedule prevented him to start it.
  2. So it was my wife, Spirale, who replaced him, but for the colour  only, as, this time I was supposed to draw myself. Fortunately, I've  improved at drawing Diane. I just couldn't content myself with such  look.
  3. The spies on page 2. They were supposed to have a bigger role, as  they were supposed to be the ones making Diane horny, but we decided to  skip them as we thought the flow would drag too long. And viewers aren't  here for humans, are they?
  4. Mr Wolf was surprisingly difficult to get. Here are some sketches from Spirale, to learn how to draw him.

Friends with Benefits:

  1. it was a simple quick rough just to figure the size  difference, as, at that time, I was supposed to do the entire comic  myself. I met WildBlur who agreed to colour the comic later on.

Lovely Pear:

  1. Friends with benefits was starting and I got a commission order  for a MLP comic. After discussion, we agreed on a "family" Big Mac  comic. I was happy to draw these ladies as a reference to show the  difference they'd have between the two versions.

The Bond:

  1. I knew I wanted to make a Krystal comic for long, but I wasn't  satisfied by her usual outfit. Based on the story idea, I couldn't  imagine the tribal one in a space ship, and the space suit one seemed to  advanced for her rookie self. I therefore tried to do a mix between her  Dinosaur Planet outfit, and the Star Fox Zero look. Having no pants was  also useful for "more freedom of movement".
  2. Honi Do was supposed to work on a SFW Star Fox comic with me, so I gave him that design so he could learn how to draw it.
  3. With that effect. But as you may have noticed, there's no SFW Star  Fox comic currently, and he works with me on both The Bond and The  Children of Burmecia. Speaking of which...

The Children of Burmecia:

  1. Not much to say about it. Freya was a bit hard to figure for  both Honi Do and myself, but once it has been done, it feels natural to  draw her!

That being said, thank you for your support, and, alongside the  current ongoing comics, we have a lot of new stuff to show you next year!

Until then, happy new year!




Krystal❤️🦊❤️ I love your renderings on Pear Butter. She and Bright Mac have a very special place in our hearts.

Jeremy Webb

I have been struggling with drawing character bodies of late and the reference sheets here, especially the one focusing on Krystal's design helps break the process down easier. Is it okay if I can use these reference sheets as a way to help me draw character bodies better as a whole? I feel like I can build off this and apply to my own drawing process.


Sure, it's just regular academic design break down, so feel free~