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One more year.

One more year, and I’m done with this school.

My gaze drifts out of the window and towards the stormy weather outside. The rain constantly hitting the glass, with thunder rumbling up above.

It’s going to get very hot soon enough, which will once more make my training so much harsher, but alas…

I breathe out and turn my gaze back to my bag, then flick it towards Stelle. She’s nearly done packing her things up, so I should too.

“Yen for your thoughts?” My gaze flickers to the kind face of my History Teacher, his back hunched over and his hair now fully gray.

“Just nervous.” I drawl out softly, and his gaze softens up. He knows why very well.

“You don’t have to do this.” He whispers my way, always so kind and looking out for his students like they were his own kids. “This responsibility you are forcing upon yourself…”

“If I don’t, then who will?” My rebuttal is met with a deep sigh. I decide to change the subject, lest we have an argument, “Heard you are retiring?”

His face falls lightly at that, a sad smile on his lips. “Indeed. I’ve grown a bit too old to traverse these halls and keep up with the youth.” Her murmurs softly and fondly, the gaze of a man who fully loves his job on his face. “I’ll leave when the school board finds a replacement.”

I hum, then resume packing up my things. “I’ll miss you.” He’s one of the two people who knows the shit that is to come, and the burned I am placing upon myself. “You’re probably the only teacher I really listen to in this damn place.”

He chuckles softly at that, “I’d tell you to open up a bit with the others, but…” His gaze shifts towards Stelle, now waiting for me by the door, “You have Blazer-Kun, and Babochka-Kun. I have no need to worry.”

Yeah… Guess that’s all I really need.

“Any retirement plans?”

“I have a bookshelf bursting with things that demand my attention, a few cold beers and some nice sushi to keep me company.”

I chuckle softly at that. Sounds like something I’d love to do myself, just without the beer.

“And I’ll add some wonderful music from my wonderful student to the mix too.” He winks at me, then chuckles and walks away as I roll my eyes.

Needless to say that now I do get some stares on the streets, and even in my classroom now that my identity as Interstellar has gone viral due to the very successful stream.

Not that I really care, as long as people don’t bother me about it. I’ve only done it for Seele, not for people to whisper and point my way. Or for fame.

“You got work today?” I ask Stelle as I throw my bag over my shoulder.

She smiles and pushes herself off the wall, then into my embrace and against my lips. I melt against her, keeping my eyes closed and just breathing in her scent and listening to her quickening heartbeat.

Every sound she makes is something I hungrily take in. It’s like an addiction, one I happily welcome.

Still, I hold myself back from letting my hands wander downward, lest we end up getting a bit too frisky in our classroom. Not that I’d hate it. Hell, it could be exciting!

The kiss is broken, and Stelle pulls back with slightly flushed cheeks and a breathtaking smile on her face, “Yeap.” She breathes out, then pulls back and licks her lips in a way that makes me crave another kiss. “Got any plans for today?”

I hum, then shrug as I follow her out of the classroom. “I’m taking a break on training for a few days, so I’ll probably go and bother Himeko.” Stelle snorts at that.

“Yesterday she asked me if you liked sushi.” I blink and raise a brow her way, “I think she wants to take you out to one of those expensive sushi places. You know, one of those you’ve wanted to go to for a while.” Huh…

“Is she… ya know..?” I make gestures to try and get the point across without stating it out loud and make things awkward.

Stelle just gives me a flat yet amused look, “Maybe.” She shrugs, “I don’t really know her Modus Operandi when it comes to this. Never seen her bring anyone home or even sleep outside. Or come home late.” And a woman like her should be capable of getting laid whenever she wants with laughable ease.

Because who wouldn’t want to embrace perfection in the shape of Himeko?

“Why? It makes you nervous?” Stelle probes, playfully poking my side as she does so.

I breathe out and scratch the back of my neck, “Kinda?” She raises a brow at my not-answer, “I just don’t know how to react. Or what to do.”

Stelle hums, then just shrugs. “You have my blessing, if you want to see if anything clicks between you and Himeko.”

“That’s oddly fast. Why give me the go ahead so quickly?” I’d say it’s suspicious, but I know that Stelle means it. She’s kind of a bad liar.

Again, she shrugs, “Because I want to see Himeko smile, be happy, unwind and live a little. Something I know very well you can easily help her with, like you did with me.” Despite their differences, she truly cares and loves Himeko deeply.

“I guess…” Her hand finds mine and gives it a light squeeze.

“Not a fan of it?” I scrunch up my nose at her question.

Then sigh deeply, “I won’t say that I’m not a fan of it, as I’d be lying straight out of my ass. I just…” How do I say this?“I am physically attracted to Himeko, but not emotionally. Not yet, at least.”

“And I do not want to be led around just by physical attraction and lust. That’s how I lose all that I love with you.” Stelle smiles sweetly at me, something that just makes my heart throb.

Her shoulder playfully bumps against mine, “Well, as I said, you have my blessing. If something blooms, don’t hold back on my account.”

I sigh with a smile on my face, “I thought you also wanted to go for people we both liked?” She shrugs at that.

“Himeko is the exception.” Of course.

“Speaking of liking someone…” Stelle suddenly starts, throwing a cheeky grin my way, “Pretty sure Seele developed a huge crush on you after what you did!”

I blink at her words. She has been acting more affectionate since then, now that I think about it.

And speak of the little Devil, I can hear her approaching with all the energy of a stampede of elephants.

We got troubleeeee-!” I don’t even bother dodging as the little shit will just teleport herself so to still end up hitting me, hence I tank the tackle with ease.

I sigh with a fond smile as Seele squeezes me tight, “What did you do this time?” My words make her release an aggravated gasp as she pulls back, hand over hear heart, faux hurt on her face.

“Would I ever do something that will put me in trouble?!”

“Need I remind you about how a rat had a whole ass fucking hostage situation in this school because of you?” Her faux hurt facade twitches as her lips try and fail not to turn into a smile.

I mean, to be fair, that shit is indeed hilarious. Even Stelle is trying not to snort right now.

“Anyway!” Look at her, trying to change the argument now that I pointed out the truth. “This time it is nothing I did.” Shocker.

I raise a confused brow at her though, “Then what’s with the fuss?”

Seele fidgets as she goes to fish out her phone, “I thought I missed you two so I rushed up ahead, and saw some shady looking people waiting by the gates. I have a feeling they are here for you, Kyo!” My other brow goes up to meet the other one as Seele turns her phone towards us.

On it was a picture of the school open gates, some of the students filing out, and a shady as fuck black car with three men in black suits and black shades standing right beside it.

They do look quite shady, but I can instantly tell who they are, “Ugh, fucking talent scouts…” And I am fairly sure they might be connected to the Hero Public Association, but that’s just paranoia.

“Talent scouts?” Seele parrots, looking both confused and curious.

“People that go around to rope young talents into shitty contracts before they can talk with their parents. Meaning shitty pay for a lot of work.” I sniff in disgust. Should have known these fuckers would have showed up once I went public.

“Huh… that sucks.” Seele swiftly deletes the pictures with a hateful scowl on her face, making me smile softly.

Stelle instead turns towards me with a curious look on her face, “What kind of work though?”

I shrug, “Music, since that’s what made me famous. They very likely will not allow me to write any of my own music and just have me do shitty Hero Music for commercials, movies and whatnot.” And there’s the pure disgust instantly splattered on their faces.

“Sounds more like slavery than a job…” Stelle mutters under her breath, and I shrug while scrunching up my nose. “Shall we go out the back then?”

Ain’t gonna say no to that. I’ll avoid those fuckers for as long as I can.

Good thing the school has the exit meant for the teachers with their parking lot in the back, else I’d have to jump the walls surrounding the school to skedaddle away from those vultures.

“Thanks for the heads up, Seele.” I thank the girl, getting a happy grin in return for her involuntary help.

“Didn’t mean to do it, but glad it happened!” She sniffs, fixing her red scarf and tossing the loose end over her shoulder. I’ve never seen her without it as far as I remember.

Even during hot days and training, though I never really focused much on it. Must be some sort of precious memento of hers.

“Oh, right!” She suddenly perks up, and I blink when she slams into me to give me another tight hug, “This is from Aunty Cocolia! The money is really being a huge help!” I smile and pat Seele’s head, happy to see her so energetic and enthusiastic.

This is how she should be. Happy and bright, not down in the dumps.

“Planning on renovating the orphanage?” Stelle asks with a yawn, her back popping as she stretches, drawing my eyes to her wondrous figure. Of course, her cheeks flush when she catches my ardent gaze.

Seele nods, not noticing our silent flirting, “Probably two or three more rooms, and renovating the kitchen.” I wasn’t there for long, nor did I give the place a big cursory glance, but it was already quite big from what I remember.

To be expected, since Seele did mention that she is by far the oldest of nearly two dozen kids in the orphanage, with all the others being a decade younger than her.

She lost her parents during the Hosu Disaster nearly two decades ago by now, the one where the Trailblazer died to protect Hosu against that insanely powerful and crazy creature/Villain.

Though she wasn’t picked up by Cocolia until a few years later, after Seele had gotten used to surviving on the streets and stealing food and other goods to survive.

I guess that also explains why she used to be so guarded towards me and Stelle even after we became friends, never truly sharing anything about herself unless necessary.

But now she fully trusts us, which makes me really happy.

“So then, what are your plans for today?” Seele asks, crossing her arms behind her head as she walks alongside us. “Though I bet Stelle has work like usual.” My girlfriend nods with a light smile on her face.

She might be incredibly lazy – like yours truly – but she also quite enjoys her job over at Sato’s place. Speaking of which, I should go visit the big guy one of these days, it’s been a while since I’ve seen him.

“I’m probably going to be stopping by her Guardian’s house.” I muse, then tilt my head in thought, “I should also probably bring you along with me to meet her one of these days, Seele.” Said girls raises a confused brow my way. “Himeko is insanely smart, and your Quirk is insanely complicated. It won’t hurt to have her take a look at it. Who knows, we might discover something.”

None us know what the energy Seele wields actually is. It just makes no sense. It creates butterflies that fly around – though they are under Seele’s control, as it is how she trains with multi-tasking– can allow her to teleport and create energy constructs that can cut anything.

It is so versatile and powerful that it’s no joke, so much so that I am utterly terrified that Seele might get picked up by the Hero Public Commission just like they did with Lady Nagant and Hawks, all to turn her into their perfect killing machine.

Though, they were both picked up when young, and Seele is still here.

“Can’t say I’m not curious too… Hopefully it’s not complicated.” The girl huffs, and I playfully roll my eyes.

“Shouldn’t be harder than a two plus two, don’t worry.” Seele instantly puffs her cheeks at me.

“Will you let me live that down?!”

“Never. Your suffering amuses me.” Trolling Seele in making mistakes that I will never let her live down is something that I utterly love doing.

Mostly because Stelle has become immune to my baits and now ceases to fall for them, while Seele just keeps on falling for them with ease.

Aaah… I am truly evil sometimes.

“You’ll get used to it, Seele.” Stelle advises with a dead look in her eyes. I… I’m not that bad, am I?

Can’t be. I’m fuckin’ adorable!

“I’ll probably choke her to death before-”

“Uhm- Jirou-san?” I perk up at hearing my surname being called as Seele is cut short of her threat, my head tilting back to glance behind me and at the person who just called me out.

A male student whose name and face I do not know, and I have a good memory regarding faces.

Emerald hair, brown eyes, glasses and a skinny build. For a second I think of Midoriya, but there’s too many differences between the guy before me and the ‘Protagonist’.

“Yeah?” I raise a brow at the guy, probably someone from a sister class of mine since he doesn’t look younger than me.

He fidgets lightly before coughing in his fist, “Apologies for bothering you, but uh… I’ve kind of been tasked by the rest of the Music Club to approach you and-”

“I’m not joining.” I cut him off with a bored gaze, and he surprisingly nods instead of winching. Kinda expected them to approach me after I went viral, but not like this.

I’d have joined them years ago, but it’s a waste of time. Precious time I can spend with Stelle or I can use to train.

“Not… what we want to ask of you.” I raise a brow, then motion him to keep going. “The End of Year Festival… This year it falls on the Music Club to put on a good show for it, so we’d uh… If possible, we’d like to have your help too. Make it memorable.”

The End of Year Festival… I’ve never really taken part in it before. I’ve heard of it and seen the preparations for it go down while I walked the halls, but never really bothered in taking part in it or enjoying it before.

It’s a festivity our school does, prepared by the seniors – who I am part of right now since this is my last year here– and mostly funded by the school.

It’s always focused on a single club as far as I remember. I believe last year the cooking club did a massive buffet or something.

I hum in thought at the request. School here for me is a chore, one I go through with an absent mind and simply do it because I must.

...Though, thanks to this school I met my wonderful girlfriend Stelle, and my good friend Seele.

“I’ll think about it.” I have many months ahead of me before I need to give them an answer, so I’ll make use of them.

The emerald haired guy smiles and sags in relief, then bows deeply, “Thank you, and sorry again for bothering you all.” Well, at least he is incredibly polite. Some of the good faculties a lot of Japanese people have.

I watch him as he leaves in a hurry, then just shrug and turn around to join the girls once more. “I would never be able to deal with all this attention.” Seele mutters to herself, drawing a snort out of me.

“You’d probably start punching people in the face if they start to annoy you a bit too much.”

And of course, instead of denying my words, Seele outright nods with a big grin on her face. “’Tis the right way to respond to such annoyances!”

“...Let’s just leave, you damn violent ape.”

“I’m not violent!”

“Then you are an ape? That answers a lot of questions.

Raaaaah-!!There she goes.


I come to a pause by the main gates of Stelle’s and Himeko’s home, the hand holding the keys Himeko gave me to make myself welcome halting right before I press the button to open the gates.

My eyes remain fixed on the unfamiliar car parked at the front of the mansion, right behind Himeko’s massive black jeep.

An inconspicuous black car… One without any discernible tags in the back. Weird.

The gates open with a metallic screech, then start closing just as quick once I hop past the small opening they made.

The car is clean and pristine, with shaded windows that do not allow me to look inside, something I believe is illegal now in Japan.

Still, I can tell there is no one inside thanks to my enhanced hearing. Though I can hear a faint hum come from the front of the car.

I hover my hand over the top and feel the faint heat radiating from the hood, telling me that whoever came to visit Himeko did so just recently. Should I have sent a text ahead instead of just making myself welcome this time?

I draw my hand away, brushing against whatever is making that strange humming sound- Wait a second…

I glance back at the car, and from where the noise is coming from.

Am I… Hearing ‘Heat’ itself?

No, that can’t be. It’s absolute bullshit that I can hear something on the molecular level… But if it is like so, then maybe…

I shake away those thoughts and file them away for later. I’ll bring it up to Himeko later, hearher thoughts on this.

My jacks come up and are aimed towards the mansion, but aside from hearing a single unfamiliar voice without being able of making out what it is saying, I can faintly tell there are four people in total in the mansion.

The keys jingle faintly as I walk up to the door and unlock it, pushing it open to step inside- Only for the hair on the back of my neck to instantly stand on end.

My breathing goes slow and my sight and hearing sharpen immensely as I look around the main foyer of the mansion.

Still as pristine and clean and beautiful as ever, and just as empty.

But now it feels like I stepped into the layer of a beast, and my body instantly entered a self-preservation protocol by making sure I was making as low noise as possible.

Its weird. Terrifying, even.

What the fuck is even giving me this feeling?

My eyes flick across expensive paintings and vases, across small lights hanging from the crimson painted walls.

I stash away the keys and close the door behind me while my Jacks aim towards the faint heartbeats I can hear alongside Himeko’s own.

Upstairs, in the secondary living room outside her office. Two are outside, while Himeko and someone else are in her office.

I glance at one of the cameras as it remains fixed on me, telling me that Himeko knows that I am here. Or she should be, if she has her phone and watch with her, since she can see what the cameras do through them.

So I take the set of stairs to the right of the foyer and slowly walk up to the second floor. I still don’t know all of the mansion like the back of my hand due to how immense it is, but I know that going down the hallway to my right will bring me to Stelle’s room, and the one to the left brings me to Himeko’s.

Not that the woman bothers using her bed.

I take in a low breath, then push the doors before me open and step into the living room on the second floor, and my eyes instantly land on the guests.

Mainly, my eyes land on the source of the sheer danger I keep feeling.

A tall man sitting on the couch, arms crossed and eyes closed, long dark blue hair with red tips spilling down his back. An oriental-styled black tailcoat embroidered with gold and dark blue colors, while the inside are clothed red.

His heartbeat is… weird. It’s insanely slow. And his body is just weird to my hearing, like it works differently from all others but in a way that I can’t quite place.

The popping of a bubble draws my eyes towards the other occupant of the room, a petite woman who is entirely focused on the game console in her hands and playing away at it.

She’s short, perhaps she won’t even reach my chest if she stands on the tips of her toes, and she’s wearing quite the revealing outfit. A crop top with a short black coat above it, unbuttoned shorts held up by a white belt, knee-length fishnets, tall boots with a visible knife attached to the right one, and gray hair held in a high ponytail by a purple bow.

I shut the doors while keeping an eye on the duo, then turn my head to regard the rest of the room, only for my gaze to land on a third occupant. One that makes absolutely no noise other than some sort of mechanical whine.

And it’s a… robot? I think?

I blink at the tall humanoid silver robot, and the robot turns to stare at me too.

Okay, what?

I tilt my head, and it tilts its head too. I… hear no heartbeat?

Aren’t A.I.’s banned after the Iron Cavalry bullshit?

It’s unknown what exactly happened, but the Iron Cavalry were an incredible creation that sparked a lot of controversy from Heroes due to them being capable of outmatching seventy percent of all Heroes in pure fighting capabilities and power.

They needed low maintenance, could work as many hours as possible, could easily cooperate with each other and were outright perfect for disaster relief and stopping Villain attacks before it happened.

It reached a point where the people of Germany – the country where they were created– started wanting the Iron Cavalry around more than Heroes, which sparked a lot of problems.

Until the Iron Cavalry started becoming too numerous, less smart and obedient… And their creator herself, dubbed ‘Titania’, turned herself into a machine to command them all, greedy for power and to create an ‘Empire’.

I don’t know what exactly happened after other than the destruction of the Iron Cavalry three decades ago, not even two years into their creation.

But this machine before me… It has to be a survivor of the Iron Cavalry.


The doors on the other side of the living room are swiftly pushed open, with the beautiful Himeko being the one to have done so, her perfect face lighting up once her gaze lands on me. “Kyoka!”

I smile and send her a curt wave, not missing the way the two other human occupants in the room now start giving me attention. “Hope I’m not intruding on something.” Again, perhaps I should have sent a text ahead.

Though my eyes widen when she suddenly pulls me into a tight hug, her heartbeat quite quick and her hands slightly shaky. “It’s them.” It was a very, very faint whisper, but it told me everything.

These guys were the Villains meant to train me, those she used her favor to pull here.

I don’t recognize them, but that’s obvious as I don’t really spend any amount of time at all in studying or researching villains as I cannot afford to waste time with such stuff.

I full back from the very pleasant hug and keep a further heavy eye on the now far more dangerous people around me. Especially the dark blue haired man staring at me with his intense red eyes.

“My, so our would-be student is quite literally a star.” A very pleasant voice speaks up from behind Himeko, sending dangerously good shudders down my spine and drawing my gaze towards pure perfection in the form of a vixen.

If Himeko is pure, incredible and curvaceous beauty, then this woman before me is pure beauty in the form of a vixen.

Shoulder length red wine hair gathered up in a messy ponytail, leaving two short bangs to frame her perfect face clad in light make up. Atop her head lay small circular black glasses, and her eyes – which are a lighter shade of her eyes– stare at me with an unreadable look in them, a faint smile on her full lips.

She is tall, but not as tall as me, nor as curvaceous as Himeko… But she is still insanely captivating. In a way that just draws my lesbian drive in.

Gods, Stelle will go just as crazy as me at the sight of this woman before me.

A black leather coat hung from her shoulders, resting on a buttoned up white shirt, dark purple leather skirt and dark purple stockings and heels.

She looks like a professional woman, maybe even a model, and I’d never think such a captivating beauty could be a Villain.

“And you guys my would-be trainers.” I speak up, keeping my voice even and standing close to Himeko. I don’t know what history she has with them, but for now, I’ll give them literally no trust. “No hard feelings in the fact that you are training a soon-to-be Hero?”

The woman’s smile, which I can tell is quite fake and simply professional, grows a tad bit and becomes just a little bit genuine.

“We may be the… Bad Guys,” The words flow out of her mouth with a tinge of amusement, “But we hold no hate towards Heroes. Plus, this is just to repay an old favor dear Himeko did for us.” The woman nods towards Himeko, a tinge of warmth appearing in her eyes, making me raise a curious brow.

Is there or was there something between them?

“Do consider my interest piqued though. Why would someone like you, a famous musician, waste that talent in wanting to be a Hero?” The wine haired woman hums, arms crossing below her chest and fine brow raised curiously towards me. “You are even willing to trust us Villains in training you too. It must be something quite… serious.”

I flex my fingers and breathe in, then send a glance back towards Himeko. Her heartbeat is calmer, and she is giving me no sign to lie to them, so I see no reason to withhold my reasoning either.

Even if they do work for Him, I’ll end up in his views by the time I enter U.A., so doing so a bit earlier ain’t such a big change.

“First, I don’t trust you lot.” I state sharply, my words not causing even a twitch or change in their expression. Not that I expected any. Especially from the Mecha dude.“Second… I’d rather be prepared for whatever the fuck the Boogeyman has been cooking up these past decades.”

My words bring a heavy tension down in the living room, with the woman before me going still and her eyes widening a great deal while the other woman playing games also stops to gape at me.

Then, the wine haired woman giggles faintly, dispersing the heavy atmosphere, “Now, why would you ever thing that old legend is still alive and around-”

“Where’s his corpse?” I fire back with a raised brow, bringing her to a pause, “Why hasn’t his death been announced? Why are all documents about him just… gone?”

Why did All Might disappear for entire months a few years ago?” Each of my questions filled those captivating wine colored eyes with more shock and surprise.

“The Hero Association kept his disappearance as hidden as they could, but people noticed. They asked question, and said questions were ignored.”

“Way I see it, All Might fought against that man, and both sides lost. Else either of their corpses would have been paraded around by the opposing sides.

All for One would have paraded All Might’s head around to send Japan into the pits of despair and resume his rule, while the Hero Association would have paraded All for One’s corpse around for all the other countries to see, so to further one up them in a show of pathetic arrogance since I believe quite a majority of them are still dealing with their Dark Age Overlords, or at least their remnants.

I hate to admit it, but this world is far beyond more dangerous that it’s canon one. I wondering if all my training will even be worth it.

“Now, that… That is quite the interesting theory.” The woman hums out, her shock now gone and her face back to its usual mask of beauty and fake friendliness.

I shrug without care, “Consider me the paranoid type.” A giggle escapes her lips at my blunt words, and her posture relaxes faintly.

“Well, there is no need to be paranoid around us.” She shrugs, waving her arms towards her entourage, “Listen: you can trust-”

The floor tiles below my feet completely exploded as the dark blue haired man appears before me, his gloved right hand catching my outstretched wrist before my fist could land squarely on the now stunned wine haired woman’s face.

My arm shakes in his grasp, veins bulging all along my forearm and muscles as I snarl from my nostrils, glaring straight into the man surprised red eyes as I dig my feet into the ground and push him back.

I felt it. It was faint, quick and sharp, but I fucking felt it the moment she said ‘Listen’. My head went cloudy for a split second, something I wouldn’t have noticed if I wasn’t already on guard against these people.

“If you try to fuck with my head again-” I growl out, chest burning with pure unrestrained fury as I glare at the woman over the man’s shoulder, “-I’ll fucking choke you with your goddamn guts. You fuckin’ hear me?”

“Kyoka!” Himeko shouts from behind me, her arms wrapping around my torso to try and fail in pulling me back and away from the man holding me at bay.

Fucking Quirks that fuck with the mind! Of course I run into someone with this shit!

“Kafka!” Himeko shouts, revealing the stunned woman’s name to me, “I told you not to mess with her! She’s been using Gravity Weights for years! She could have killed you-”

“She’s holding back.” The man before me states aloud, sharp eyes gazing at me in a way that make me feel seen through, “Incredibly so.” He then moves and easily pushes me back, and I scoff, snapping my wrist out of his tight hold.

The now named Kafka blinks, and her surprise washes away to once more become that mask of hers, “Well now, I did not expect a violent response, but it helped a bit!” My brows furrow at the woman. The fuck is she talking about?“Did you get a feel of her strength, Bladey-kun?”

The now named ‘Bladey’ grunts and shakes the hand he used to grab my wrist a few times, eyes still locked onto me. “She’s a monster.” I raise a surprised brow at the man, “You are quite good at holding back your strength, but you also never truly practiced using it fully, did you?”

I flex my fingers and sigh through my nostrils, then nod lowly. I know I am strong, insanely so, but I also can’t really fully control this strength of mine.

A few months back I ripped the locked door of my bathroom straight out of the wall with laughable ease. I didn’t even need to push myself, it just… came out.

That made me think of what I can do to the human body if I am not careful.

Much to my dislike, I send a glare towards Kafka, “You knew and did this on purpose, did you?” Himeko pauses while Kafka just shrugs, a genuine sly smile on her face.

“For what is worth, I apologize for using my Quirk on you without permission.” And she’s being genuine too. Ugh, fuck’s sake...

“Whatever.” I scoff, though there isn’t much heat behind it now, “Can we just train already? I want to punch something. Or someone.” And I am totally staring at Bladey.

“First, let us introduce ourselves and tell you what roles we hold in your training.” Kafka starts, smiling serenely and resting a hand on her bust. “My name is Kafka, and I shall teach you Martial Arts.”

Then her hands move to Bladey, “This is Bladey-Kun-”

“Call me Blade. Not Bladey.” Said man growls out towards me specifically, so I send a glance towards Kafka. Why can she and not me?“Last time I told her to stop, she shot me in the leg.”Ah, gotcha.

I’m still gonna do it, because I am an asshole.

“As I was saying, this is Bladey-Kun, and he shall help you in mastering your own body.” Quite vague, but exciting.

Then her hand waves towards the silent towering mecha dude, “And this is Sam, he shall help you in endurance training.”

S.A.M.” The Mecha speaks up, voice male, metallic and rough. “Don’t forget that.

I raise an amused brow towards the towering dude, “And what does that stand for?”

Sexy Amazing Mecha.” He answers without missing a beat, forcing a laugh out of me.

“Yeah, I like you already.” I shake my head, then glance towards the last member of the group, “What about the lost child?”

Said young woman tosses me a very flat stare, the bubble she was blowing popping quite audibly, “I am here to make your life a living hell.” Yet again, I raise another amused brow her way.

“By asking me if I have games on my phone?”

Another bubble is blown and popped rather loudly, her gaze even more flat, “I can hack Reality itself.” Okay… What the fuck?! “So I can make you blind, or fatigued, or anything else you can imagine for just a few minutes.”


“So… No hard feelings, yeah?”

“As I said, I am going to make your life a living hell.” She grins, pink gum held between her sparkling white teeth, a gruel glint in her gray eyes, “And I will enjoy it.”


“Alright, so… You got this whole thing planned out already.” I lick my lips and breathe in, squaring my shoulders as I flick my gaze between the Villains before me, “Where do we start?”

Outside.” Sam is the first to speak up, his hulking form finally moving with a faint mechanical whirl. “I’m going to enjoy this.What?

I share a look with Himeko, then shrug and follow after the hulking machine.

He takes me outside, the out the back, where all the grass is overgrown and there’s a lot, and I mean a lot, of empty land.

Himeko gives the area a somber look, but I withhold from asking anything about the backyard overgrown garden and instead face Sam.

“What are we going to do?” I ask as he steps far ahead of me, putting at least a dozen meters between us.

We-” Sam starts, and the golden ‘V’ on his chest lights up and starts spewing out radiant and roaring flames that howl through the air, warping it with their immense heat. “-are going to fight.” He stresses out roughly, right fist coming up as flames spew out of his wrist.

Then, he swipes his arm through the air, and an immense dome of scorching air spreads, turning the grass below our feet to cinder in a large circular area.

My lips and throat instantly go dry from the intense heat radiating out of Sam.

And you won’t enjoy it. I will.” Ah, endurance training under intense heat. Cool.

“Can I at least get changed, dude?”

My answer is a punch to the face.

This is going to suck. So, so much.


Their car started with a familiar and heavy rumble once Sam’s large form got behind the driver seat.

Her phone comes out of her pocket, a number is dialed in, and the call is set on speaker while her hand held the object in the air.

Two rings, then an answer, “How did it go?” And there came the familiar heavy voice of her boss, a man who could make even the ‘Symbol of Peace’ nervous.

“A lot better than expected.” Kafka hums, thin smile on her lips, gaze lingering on the shaded window beside her head, “In fact, there was a development I’m sure you’ll be ecstatic to learn about.”

Oh? And what might that be?” How many times did she ever manage to pique this man’s interest? Enough to count them on one hand and have fingers left over.

“The last Murata requested us to train her sponsored would-be Hero, who is someone you know quite well.” A smile tugs at her lips, but she suppresses the desire to hum some familiar tunes of the delightful music her new ‘disciple’ makes, “I’ll give you a hint. She makes music we both love.”

Silence, and that’s when she knew she actually managed to leave the man speechless.

Tell me everything.” Kafka resisted the urge to laugh, mostly because like him, she shared the same downright affectionfor Interstellar.

Her boss is a man who adores art with a fervent passion that burns as bright as the sun itself. Be it paintings, sculptures, pictures or music, he adores and worships it all.

But alas, the Hero Propaganda destroyed such wonderful forms of art, now contaminated with spandex wearing fools who truly thought they were making a change in a world much bigger than they could ever imagine.

In the past, people could make a living with such things. They could sell their sculptures, or art, or music- All of their pure hard work that created wonders could be sold to just as passionate but less skilled people.

Now, one could sell music under the banner of the Hero Public Commission, but only make music that makes Hero – their Japanese Heroes– look good, and nothing else.

Art? Only art about Heroes is seen around, while the rest is drowned out and never truly comes to light.

The only true art left is the bits and pieces that survived the Dark Age, with her boss having spent an insanely long amount of time to make sure he saved every last memento of an age he didn’t get to enjoy.

One she herself did not get to enjoy too, and could only hear about with a longing desire in her heart.

And then, a girl appeared on the web and took it by storm. A voice that is as beautiful as it is addictive, and music that Kafka is proud to say made her simply sit on her couch and listen to it for hours on end sometimes.

Something her boss surely shares with her.

Just like the deep and innate violent desire to protect the girl that bought back a wonder long lost to the world. A wonder that had ancient warlord who once had half of the planet on its knees for decades utterly transfixed and enamored.

It took Kafka all of her acting skills not to show her pure affection for the girl on their first meeting, and angering her had left a sour taste in her mouth that still refused to fade away.

She wishes to become a Hero?” Her boss whispers, and Kafka hums lowly.

“You’ll be even more surprised to know that youare the reason for it.” She had a feeling that her boss will be outright gushing at the end of this call.

And she was totally not jealous.

I am?” Was that giddiness she was hearing in the tone of voice of an ancient warlord?

“Somehow, she deduced that you are still alive, and preparing something big, so she wishes to be prepared for whatever it is.” To connect such dots and actively be on the look-out for such things… The girl truly has an acute mind, and even more acute paranoia.

How does she manage to get even better?” Her boss asks aloud, a question clearly not meant for them and one he simply asked the sky above or his own surroundings.

A question that Kafka, again, had to agree with. The girl was already fantastic before, but her drive and her attitude to never give in even after her ‘spar’ with Sam just made her even better in her very small book.

Tell me, what are your opinions of her?

As one, both Bladey and Sam answer together, “She’s a monster.” They say as one, repeating Bladey’s prior words to when he blocked her blow from reaching Kafka herself.

Her boss hums, clearly surprised by the assessment given, as he knows very well how strict Sam and Bladey’s opinion of others are.

And for Interstellar to receive such a massively high opinion from both… Well, it truly showed how special she is.

Elaborate.” Her boss demands, and Sam goes first.

The type of training she put herself through – Gravity Conditioning through specialized weights – is possibly the most horrendous kind of training I can think of. And she has been doing that for years, and now walks casually while weighted down by several tons without a Preservation Path Quirk.

The sheer pain she must’ve experienced through her training. To go through such horrid procedures over and over again requires an ungodly amount of willpower.

She is so used to the harsh conditions her weights cause her that when I tested her endurance with my heat, it barely even bothered her. I had to turn it up several notches secretly in order for her to actually feel a minimal strain from it.

And that means that the girl has been training with those horrid weights even under the dense and powerful heat of Summer.

Bladey keeps going next, picking up from where Sam left off, “Her innate strength is monstrous, to the point where I had to trya little bit when testing out her strength- But that is not what terrifies me about her.”

“Is it how she easily mastered all the things you started teaching her?” Silver Wolf snipes from the front of the car, the sound of her game kept low as she tapped away distractedly yet still paying attention to the conversation as a whole.

Bladey snorts at Silver Wolf’s words, “She did not ‘master’ anything. She ‘copied’ what I was doing through her hearingalone.” That brings Kafka to a surprised and shocked pause.

“Hersense of hearing has to be acute enough that she could hear my muscles flexing, my tendons moving and even the sound of my blood rushing through my veins.”

“And, somehow… She made it so her body replicated those sounds so to perfectly imitate what I was doing. She used sound to break down the forms I was teaching her, and she’d replicate them within seconds.” Bladey sighs softly, though an ardent light shines within his red eyes, “I wonder how far her hearing can be pushed…”

And there goes Bladey, already desiring a good fight from their new friend.

Interesting…” Kafka could tell that her boss had somehow grown even more interested in Kyoka than before, and she couldn’t fault him. “So a Hearing Enhancement Quirk, quite simple. But what about her Path? Caught anything on that?

Kafka had to shrug faintly, as she wasn’t one hundred percent sure on what she caught. “Gives signs of Nihility, but also Erudition and Hunt-”

Finality.” Sam cuts in, his rough and heavy voice filled with certainty, silencing everyone in the car.

Kafka’s eyes widen, and she thinks about it- Then, it clicks. “Oh.”

Finality is a rather… unknown Path, like many others. Quirks based upon it manipulate Time itself, and sometimes Space too.

Those that are part of this Path, personality-wise, are those that have accepted Death is unavoidable, or those that desperately seek to change a future that they feel is to be set in stone. Some even speculate that those aligned to this Path know the future itself.

And Kyoka herself is trying to do exactly that.

Not knowing that the man she fears would willingly give everything up in order to keep her alive.

Change of plans.” Her boss speaks up, voice serious and calm, causing them all to straighten up despite not being in his vicinity. “Train her with everything you got. Teach her everything you know. Hold nothing back.

Kafka’s full lips stretch into a light, yet genuine smile.

Who knew that such a simple trip to repay a favor and maybe get something more out of it would end with such a fascinating outcome?

Sometimes, she truly loved being taken by surprise for once.

Now, perhaps she should start working on some bribes to use against Kyoka, in order to get some music with plenty of violins in it.


My everything hurts. Like, a fucking lot.

It feels like I got run over by a big as fuck Mecha that throws punches indiscriminately while shitting out radiant flames- Oh wait, that’s what exactly happened!

That son of a bitch is so getting a beating the moment I can put my hands on him…

Still, it did give me a wake-up call. I may be training a lot, but I am not training my skills.

My punches were sloppy, telegraphed, easy to dodge and predict. The sooner I fix that, the higher my survival rate will be in the long run.

After Sam finished putting me into the ground – something I know that bitch enjoyed immensely– I got paired up with Blade, who then simply asked me to showcase my forms while I train.

And that’s where I started cheating a bit. He fixed my positions by showing them, so I just… relied on my bullshit hearing.

I could hear how his blood was pumping, how his muscles and tendons flexed, how his bones twitched and how his skin moved.

And the one thing I am a fucking Godat is replicating the sounds I hear. So I did exactly that, but with my own body.

It worked quite well, allowing me to swiftly get down his corrections within a few minutes before he moved on to teaching me more forms of training.

I used to do simple stuff like runs, sit-ups, pull ups, sometimes jumping jacks, squats- Simple stuff, really.

Then he told me to ignore that and focus on more complicated stuff from now on, like planks of different types. One armed push-ups, dips, lunges, single-leg deadlifts, so on and so forth.

He even helped me down into a very painful split, which still has me aching a lot, but that’s a natural state of my body currently.

I think he’ll slowly force more advanced training methods onto me as time goes by, while also improving on my flexibility and making sure I take full advantage of my Gravity Weights.

I was spared the lesson with Kafka, as the woman – who I believe has some Italian roots in her– decided it was best I first get used to Sam’s intensity before she starts pushing my body to the utter limit too.

And I gotta do this three times a week from now on. Fuck’s sake…

I sigh as a very cold ice pack is rested against my forehead, one of my tired eyes peeking open to stare up at the worried Himeko, my head lying in her blissfully soft lap.

These thighs do be thicc.

Also, I can barely look at her in the face due to a huge pair of mountains obstructing the view. “Damn, I can barely see your face from down here…” I state my thoughts out loud with a tired grin, and her cheeks flush lightly at my words.

She does end up pulling my ear though, “You still have some energy to be a pervert, huh?” I grin, mostly cause I hear no bite in her voice, just amusement.

“I always have energy to let my lesbian love out.” I shrug, then wave up at her, “Especially when my head resides upon plump thighs, and my gaze is filled with wondrous mountains and a perfect visage.” Eloquent words, Kyoka. Leave this babe gawkin’ at thy fluent words!

Himeko blinks, cheeks a bit warmer, “Okay, I shall admit that I quite liked that.” I totally did not pump my fist at that. Totally not. “Especially since I cannot remember the last time I was flirted with.”

I pause at that. “You being around and not wifed up already truly makes me want to set this planet on fire.” Himeko bursts out in a fit of beautiful giggles, though I am seriously pissed off, because I can tell why people don’t flirt with her.

“Some dumb Quirklessness bullshit reasons, I bet…” I grunt out with a click of my tongue, then sigh heavily as Himeko’s laughter dies down.

She remains silent, one of her hands still holding the ice pack on my forehead while the other one brushes through my messy and long hair. “It really makes me happy, you know?” She suddenly starts, making me raise a confused brow up at her, “How you do not care about my Quirklessness.”

“Some of the phrases I’ve heard in the past are; ‘It’s a shame you were born so beautiful, yet without a Quirk. Truly a waste.’.” That made my blood boil like fucking magma. “Or something along those lines. After a while, they all sounded the same, so I just… stopped.”

I reach up to grab the hand holding the ice pack and gently hold it, “How much discrimination did you face?” I ask softly, and her hand gives mine a tight squeeze.

“I hardly ever did not face discrimination while I was growing up.” Himeko chuckled weakly, making me pale, “My father was revolted by my existence. My mother outright ignored it. My teachers treated me like I was garbage and ignored my excellent intellect. It did not matter where I went, my Quirklessness just made everything worse.”

She sighs softly, yet heavily, “Have you noticed? When people introduce themselves, they also add what their Quirk is into their introduction. Like it’s something more important than their hobbies, or personality or looks.” I give her hand a gentle squeeze, and she squeezes it right back once more.

“And then I went to U.A., before the new Principal took over.” She went to U.A.? “The sheer hate and discrimination I faced there was ten times worse than even my own home. No one wanted me there, despite how I excelled beyond even the upperclassman. So I just… gave up, and left.” Himeko shrugs without care, and I do not know what to say.

Other than feel even more hate and disgust towards a world who cares so fucking much about some dumb fucking powers.

“You’re not as simple as they wanted you to be.” I quote softly, surprising Himeko, “You are stunning and insanely smart, captivating and sweet, kind and warm. And none of that is because of some worthless genetic bullshit that I don’t give a flying fuck about. That’s all Himeko. You are you, not your Quirk or your Quirklessness.”

Perhaps this is exactly what made me hate this world so, so much. Not only because the ending of the series is dumbly spoiled within the first few episodes.

But also because of the fact that the Protagonist wished to become like his favorite Hero. Not some unmatched warrior or powerful being, but a Hero that saves people with a smile. Simple as that.

He did not wish to be that grand or godly. Just save lives.

Yet, he did not train to achieve that goal. Not an ounce of effort, just pure daydreaming and hoping that he’ll land into U.A. with a stroke of pure fucking luck.

And when did he start training? When he was offered ultimate power. He started training only because such power was offered to him, and if he failed, he wouldn’t get it.

I was instantly revolted. He could have been the first to become a Hero while Quirkless, actually put his smarts to use instead of just being mentioned but never put to work.

It’s the way Quirklessness is treated with such irrelevancy that just… irks me.

They are people. Why should they be judged and hated and scorned just because they lack something that could have still been used to bully them either way?

How revolting.

“You know,” Himeko starts and draws my attention to her strangely intense face, “I could really kiss you right now.” I blink as I feel my cheeks grow very, very warm.

Oh dear. Am I in danger?

“Word of warning…” I start, my voice nearly cracking as I do so, “I might faint if you do so.” Or get an erection I won’t be able to hide.

Sometimes I really hate this new part of my body.

Himeko smiles a very cruel, teasing smile, “Now that sounds like fun for me!” Woman, stop! I can’t handle such a beauty going after me!

And the fact that Stelle gave me the go ahead just makes things harder for me.

Should I really hold back, when my own girlfriend wants me to do this? Ugh…

I sigh softly and look down at our joined hands, “I… I’d really love to know you better.” At least, there is no harm in being honest. Especially since Himeko’s face lights up in such a beautiful way from those simple words alone.

“And I’d love to do the same.” Himeko whispers softly, and I breathe in to suppress my full body shudders.

“Is it because-”

“You don’t care I am Quirkless?” Himeko finishes for me with a knowing light in her wonderful eyes, “Yes. Am I that easy? Maybe.”

“You’re starved for affection.” Like Stelle was before I got my hands on her.

Himeko’s smile doesn’t change, yet she doesn’t answer me. But that’s also all the answers I need.

I bite my inner cheek, then decide to ask something else, “That woman, Kafka…” I start, then cough slightly to fix my voice, “She’s… Was there something between you two?” Himeko’s eyes widen quite a bit at my question.

“You could tell?” I shrug. I’m quite good at reading people sometimes, and at catching hidden hints.

“She masked her emotions very well, but the mask always slipped when she looked at you.” Himeko’s cheeks warm once more, and a heavy sigh flows out of her lips soon after.

“She was… someone special to me. My first friend and… something more.” Oh dear…“In fact, I met her at U.A., you know?”

I blink, then frown, “Then how did she become a Villain? What does she even do?”

Himeko’s hand starts tracing my hair once more, her eyes lost and unfocused as if lost in an old memory, “I was in the Support Course, and she in the General Course. I… do not truly remember how we started talking, just that we hit it off and became very close, very quickly.”

“And then, the stress of everything after two whole years just… broke me, so I ran away and left behind only a letter.”

“Next thing I know… Is that she killed the previous U.A. Principal and vanished into thin air, before becoming a world-renown assassin years later.” I… Jesus fucking Christ, what do I even say to that?

“Wow…” That’s the only word I can utter in this moment, earning me a giggle from the beauty giving me a lap pillow.

“What? Jealous?”

“I am the one getting a lap pillow, not her… Though I wouldn’t mind sharing.”

“Oh my God- Actually, no, I’m not even surprised that Kafka hits your boxes. It’s Kafka.”

“To be fair, both me and Stelle would definitely and gladly bark for her.” I state seriously, making Himeko burst out laughing.

I ain’t even lying. I’d let that woman step on me and I’d beg her to do it again.

I am thatdown bad for MommyType women.

“Your bluntness is very refreshing!” Himeko chuckles, wiping a stray tear away from her eyes as her mounds wobble and bounce hypnotically. I am staring up at the Heavens right now…“I think that is probably the most charming part about you.” I raise an amused brow at her.

Then reach down and slowly lift my shirt to show my very chiseled stomach. Her eyes become very, very serious. “Correction; The secondmost charming part about you.”

“Who knew that being stared at like a piece of meat could actually feel hot.”

Himeko snorts and turns her nose up at me, “Piece of meat? More like a wonderful ice cream.” Oh my…

This woman is dangerous. She can get me going in a way that is just… bad.

With Stelle it’s different, as I am constantly in a mood for something morewith her, like a constant hunger to get closer for her.

But Himeko, for now, it’s just… pure lust. I’ve rarely experienced this raw feeling,honestly.

“Come on now,” Himeko starts, patting my cheek before helping me up, “I have something to show you.” I raise a brow, but grunt and sit up to follow after her.

Still, I try not to stare at her swaying hips as I follow, as I can hear the smile on her face. She’s doing it on purpose, the damn vixen.

I place the ice pack on the table as she leads me into her office, still as well kept as the last time I was here, though there’s a large and long briefcase on her desk.

One she swiftly pops open with an eager smile, “Here are some of the prototypes.” She says as she flips the suitcase around to face me, revealing what looked like plastic gauntlets with wiring with them.

Very familiar looking gauntlets. I blink, then connect the dots, then outright gape at them and at the grinning Himeko, “Holy shit, I didn’t expect to see them so soon!”

Whatever material she used for the 3D printing is completely see-through, allowing me to see the wiring deep within that connects and wraps around them, going towards the knuckles and the palm. Specifically, towards the sound-amplifying stereos in-built within them.

“Here, let me help you put them on.” Himeko starts and walks around her desk, one of her hands easily picking up the bulky equipment and pressing a button below the wrist, which makes the gauntlet open up laterally.

I stretch out my arm and whistle at how easily it fits in, feeling the cool plastic of the material hug around my forearm with impressive ease.

It clicks shut just as easily, and I flex my now clawed fingers to test the comfortableflexibility of the material.

The wires within move without problem, but I notice how something just changes when I clench my fist and spread my fingers wide open. Like a setting switch. “What’s this?” I ask Himeko, who smiles proudly at me for having caught that faint change.

“If you were to connect yourself to the arm, you could end up harming yourself if a blast comes out from the palm of your hand when you mean to throw a punch.” The fiery haired woman explains, leaning close to me as she does so, “Hence, I made it so that the connection changes when you clench your fist, connecting the amplifiers to your knuckles, and then connects to the ones to your palm when you spread your hand.” So like a safety switch…

“Gods, you’re so fucking reliable…” I breathe out my thoughts, an enormous grin on my face.

Could I even trust the guys in the Support Course or whoever handles that stuff for the students to do this for me and be so careful and meticulous? Hell fucking no.

How can I know that? I do not, but in the anime and manga they gave a literal fucking portable mini-nuke to a very unstable and retarded guy that swiftly tried to use it to kill the protagonist, and then got a slap to the wrist for it.

No, not even a slap to the wrist. He didn’t get shit.

So no, I cannot trust those fucks, and until I see the faculty and teachers, I will also give them absolutely no fucking trust.

Because if they try to keep that unhinged animal in the school despite his actions and personality, then we are going to have a big fucking problem.

Hence, having Himeko is truly an enormous blessing.

And that’s when I feel a pair of very soft lips rest against my cheek, alongside two massive mountains press against my arm.

My entire body just… locks up for a few seconds, and Himeko pulls back with a pleasant giggle, my whole face going red and burning as I gape at her. “What? I like getting compliments.”

I got a whole lot of ‘em, but I restrain myself from further digging myself into something that I am not entirely ready for just yet. Not that I even have the voice to say anything at the moment.

Luckily, Himeko decides to spare me this once, “Here, plug your jacks-” She reaches for the spot right by my elbow and makes sure I see the port entrance hidden there, “-here. This is just to test if the wiring works, as all the other pieces are built similarly.”

So a test run of this piece is basically a test run for all the others, got it. Quite convenient.

I stretch out my jack and insert it inside the port, then blink as I flex my hand, “You made it so it doesn’t amplify my hearing?” She smiles and shakes my head.

“Can’t risk the sound hurting your own ears. Plus, the mask will have a sound dampening option for when you need to use it.” She really thought of everything, even stuff I didn’t even account in for.

“Now, this wheel here controls the amplification. Not the final placement of course.” I hum as I stare at the button wheel by the left side of my wrist. Easy to reach and quick to turn, but the hip placement one that she told me about before is still better in my opinion.

I turn it lightly and instantly feel my heartbeat flow out through the speakers on my palm, the sound now being quite audible and making my hand shake lightly.

I turn it a bit more, and it grow even louder and stronger, enough to rattle my whole hand.

I hum and turn the dial back to zero, “I’ll have to do some training with these, so to get used to the recoil from the stronger blasts.” I’m sure Sam will gladly help me out with that.

I totally want to do this to punch him in his metallic dick with them.

“I also plan on adding another function.” Himeko reveals as she helps me remove the gauntlet, clearly having given her everything she needed to see that it worked perfectly with my jacks. “One that will ignore the sound of your heartbeat and simply amplify the sound of any noise you make. Possibly through speech.”

I lean back with a frown. That’s… another thing I did not account for. If I were to go all out and use some of the strongest options from my Costume, the mere sound of my heartbeat could turn the surroundings to rubble.

“You really thought of everything, huh?” I smile at Himeko and get a grin right back. This woman is downright amazing. “I’m so damn lucky I met you.” Her cheeks flush at my honest words, but her grin grows even bigger.

I try not to stare at her too much, but it’s kind of hard with how beautiful she is. “Stelle said that…” I lick my lips, averting my gaze momentarily before glancing back at her, “That you wanted to take me out?”

Himeko glances away bashfully, cheeks even more flushed than before, “If you don’t mind, that is.” I gulp heavily, then just… give in.

“I’d love to.” It isn’t certain that something will bloom, and plus… it’s a way for me to take some time off my training and also have Himeko relax a bit.

My response makes her face beam and light up, her hand coming up to push a strand of her bright flaming hair behind her ear in a way that is just hypnotic.

I… need to cool down. “Can I… take a shower?” I’m all sweaty too, so I’d love to get washed up and bask in some hot water to relieve the stress and pain all over my body.

And also some very cold water for obvious reasons.

Himeko’s smile turns sweet and gentle, “Of course. I’ll prepare a change of clothes for you.”

Thank God… Stelle should also be back from work by the time I’m done, so I shall ‘vent’ some frustration on her when she’s here.

I’m sure she’ll be very eager to get a bit touchy on the bed. Like always.


“Welcome home.” Stelle did not expect to be greeted by Himeko once she got back home. Rarely did the woman either leave her office or laboratory.

And instead, here she is in the living room of the second floor, enjoying a cup of coffee while lounging on the couch. “I’m home…” Stelle drawls out softly, eyes straying to the familiar bag sat against the couch. “Kyoka’s still here?” The thought brings a smile to her face, eagerness to hug her love rising to the surface.

Himeko smiles and nods, “She’s taking a shower right now. Had a rough day.” Well, she couldn’t wait to hear the why.

“Surprised you didn’t join her.” Stelle jokes, lips pulled up in her usual annoying grin that her girlfriend downright adores.

Her guardian snorts and sips on her coffee, “It wasquite tempting.” Hmm…Stelle can tell that something happened between the two. Himeko looks quite a lot happier than usual.

“Did you ask her out?” And there’s the flush on her cheeks.

“Kinda.” Huh, Himeko can be shy. She’ll file that information away for when it is useful.

Hopefully to annoy the woman, because it’s always fun.

“Are you sure you are… open to this?” Stelle pauses at the question, then nods without much thought behind it.

Because she already thought plenty about it, and were it not for her girlfriend being Kyoka, then she very likely would have never been open to such a thing.

But with Kyoka… Her girlfriend is just obsessed with her. Stelle knows, Kyoka admits it, and she loves it. All the attention, the pure love and desire between them- It’s not something that will just disappear.

Perhaps it might be wishful thinking on her part, but Stelle is downright convinced that even if someone else were to join her relationship with Kyoka, she knows very well that it will only get better.

Kyoka just loves giving out affection, despite the fact that she puts a strong and rough front, but Stelle knows the deep and sweet and gentle side that she keeps hidden and buried from those that are not Stelle or her parents.

Stelle yearns for a big family, and deep down so does Kyoka. They both crave for a family, and both of them yearn to give and receive an inconceivable amount of love and affection.

Plus, she wouldn’t mind Kyoka going after Himeko. The woman needed it, and starting with someone mature would do them good.

Especially since the only other option is Seele, and she doesn’t know how well a relationship can be handled with that gorilla with far too much energy. Plus, it was best to let her newborn crush stew a little bit more.

Mostly because it’s cute.

“Yep.” Stelle confirms vocally, then swiftly gives her guardian a glare, “No getting laid just yet though. I plan to do that for her birthday.” Himeko’s eyes widen at that reveal.

Then a proud smirk crosses her lips, “Need me to teach you how to please a woman?” Oh right, she doesn’t know about Kyoka being quite… special.

Should she…?“About that…” Stelle starts, rubbing at her neck awkwardly, “Kyoka is a bit… special.” She starts, gaining a confused look from Himeko before realization strikes her. The woman’s cheeks flush and her gaze swiftly flicks to the side.

“That… actually explains quite a bit.” This time it’s Stelle’s turn to raise a confused brow, “Those like Kyoka – who are insanely rare, mind you – share the benefit of both genders. Gravity Conditioning isgood, but Kyoka shouldn’thave become this strong so fast.”

So basically her girlfriend is born with the natural sheer strength advantage all men have. That’s cool.

“It’s even a miracle that she was born in the first place.” Himeko mutters, then sighs softly while Stelle gives her a wide eyed look. “Those like Kyoka… Their mothers face immense hardships through their pregnancy. Nine out of ten children like Kyoka come out as stillborn, or have strange mutations to their Quirks. Aside from their unique body.”

Stelle frowns and lowers her gaze thoughtfully, “But Kyoka’s Quirk is normal.”

“Which is surprising.” Himeko admits with a nod, though Stelle remembers something her girlfriend once told her.

About how when trying to improve her Quirk it feels like she has an immense mountain before her.

It might just be her imagination, or it might not. Something to keep in mind just in case.

Either way- “You don’t mind?” Himeko halts from taking another sip of her coffee to send Stelle a confused look, “That Kyoka is…” She trails off, and Himeko understands.

“I am bisexual.” The woman shrugs, “She has everything that I love about both genders, and more.” That purr…Wow, Kyoka truly is in danger just for having some very nice, lick-able muscles. “I’ll admit, now I’d like to join her in the showers even more.”

Stelle downright hisses at her Guardian, “Hands off ‘till her birthday!” Himeko sneers, then playfully shakes her head and stands.

“Fine fine, you greedy raccoon.” Just for that, she’ll raid her fucking laboratory garbage can again. And maybe even the one inher office. “Also, I have something for you. Wait here.” Stelle blinks and watches as her Guardian makes her way into her office.

With a shrug, she removes her upper jacket and places her bag besides Kyoka, then folds her jacket and rests it over the couch just in time for Himeko to come back with a slip of folded paper in hand.

Himeko comes to a pause before her, then breathes in, “I shouldn’t have yelled at you.” She starts and offers the piece of paper to her, albeit hesitantly, “You should be able to make your own choices in life. All I care about is that you stay safe.”

Stelle stares into her Guardian’s eyes for a few seconds before taking the slip of paper and unfolding it to reveal that it is her U.A. entrance form.

She reads through it, then snorts softly. Himeko blinks nervously, “What?”

Turning the paper around, Stelle smiles sweetly at her Guardian, “You signed me up for the wrong course.” Himeko takes the paper and reads through it.

Then looks at her with an even more confused look, “You don’t want to go to the Hero Course?”

“Nope.” Stelle laughs, “The General Course. Good enough to help me with any career, plus I can be close to Kyoka.”

“Himeko?” Looks like her brain got short-circuited.

The woman slumps and palms her face with both hands, “I yelled at you for no damn reason then…” She sighs deeply, then gives her charge an apologetic look, “I’m sorry, honey.” Stelle’s lips twitch, and her eyes redden a tiny bit.

“A hug will suffice.” Himeko instantly latches onto her, “Oof-” Damn, she might break her bones with how tight she is hugging her.

Still, it felt nice. Very, very nice.

“Can I join?” Kyoka’s voice calls out, and two pairs of golden eyes flick to the left to look at her, now fresh out of the shower, clad in only a sports bra and gray sweatpants.

“Oh, you can do more than join the hug…” Himeko purrs like a very horny cat, causing a flush to spread across Kyoka’s cheeks while she sends the woman a deadpan stare.

“Woman, you gave me these clothes on purpose.” Kyoka accuses, her wet hair hanging freely down her back, the towel she was using to dry them now hanging over her shoulders.

“Damn straight.” Himeko nods, then coughs into her fist, “All to give your girlfriend plenty of eye-candy. That’s all.” Nobody would ever believe that straight-faced lie.

“How generous of you.” Kyoka flatly drawls out, “So you see no appropriate… ‘research material’ here?” With a smirk, her girlfriend visible flexes, making those defined muscles stand out even more.

Stelle shamelessly licks her lips and nods while taking in the sigh, while Himeko just releases a noise akin to a boiling tea-kettle.

Time to double down on the torture!

“Yes Himeko, do you see no research material?” Stelle presses forward with a smirk, enjoying the betrayed look throw her way from her Guardian.

“Perhaps she needs to get a feel for it first?” Kyoka offers, joining her girlfriend in attacking and stacking up the combo against the flushed and flustered Himeko.

Stelle nods sagely, “Indeed. Perhaps she needs to check how firm they are with her hands.” Swiftly, Stelle pounces forward to try and grab Himeko’s arm, but the woman yelps and jumps back as if she got burned.

“You two are dangerous together…” The woman sniffs with a flushed face, “But I will have my revenge.”

“And I shall have my muscles haunt thy dreams, milady!” Kyoka cackles before swooping Stelle in her arms with great ease, something that massively turns her on.

Then she is whisked away from the living room and towards her bedroom, her arms flying up to wrap around her girlfriend’s damp neck.

Their lips meet in a hungry and passionate kiss before the door even shuts, and Stelle finds that fire within her being stoked more and more by Kyoka’s scent and her strong grasp on her body.

Her back hits the bed, and her girlfriend is on top of her soon after, trailing kisses down her cheek and neck in a way that sends shudders down her spine.

Stelle lets her own hands roam Kyoka’s body, same as her eyes, but her lust soon gets dampened by the sight of a bruise near her chest, “Babe?” She calls out softly, making Kyoka straighten herself with a raised brow. “What’s this?” She points to the bruise near her right breast, and Stelle swiftly noticed that it’s not the only one.

They aren’t very visible, but it’s clear that they will turn dark in just a few hours, if not less.

Kyoka shrugs, “Threw hands with a Mecha.” What?“Don’t worry, I won.”

“For some reason, I feel like that’s a lie.” And there’s an adorable pout that makes her worries fade away.

“Have some faith in your girlfriend.”

“Nah.” The pout only gets bigger and cuter, “Now, I believe we were doing something?”

Kisses and cuddles. Best way to relax after work.

                                    [Twelve months before the U.A. Entrance Exam.]

“You don’t have a reason to become a Hero?” I repeat out of pure confusion as Sato cleans the table before me, which was fucked up by Seele being a ravenous beast for anything sweet.

And edible.

“Shocking, I know.” Sato chuckles softly at my question, “It’s just… I don’t really know what to do exactly. I can always follow in my parent’s footsteps and take over the bakery in the future, but I don’t know…”

“You don’t know what to do with your future.” I point out a feeling I’ve felt a great many times in my past life.

There, I used to write to make a living, but that was something I could have lost with the snap of a finger. It was a constant dance on the blade of a knife while barefoot, one that… was insanely stressful, but also enjoyable.

Because making others happy and making their day through my writing just made me feel like I was making a change. Like I was doing something useful with my life.

And losing all of that terrified me greatly. I guess I clung to it with pure desperation, knowing that if I lost that then I probably won’t have anything else to use to make a living with.

But now here I have music. I can use that to make a living… If the world wasn’t heading towards a very cruel disaster that I cannot trust the main cast to handle, especially with all these added differences in the usually bland world with no world building I know of.

So despite having something that I’d love to follow, I am still forced to go down a path I dislike due to not being able to trust anyone with my own safety and the safety of my family.

Especially the dumb protagonist that wants to save the main fucking murderous villain.

“Yeah, that.” Sato nods, a somber look on his usually bright and smiling face. “I don’t know what path to take, so Father told me to try anything I have in mind. If nothing sticks, I can always come back here.” A damn good father, alright.

“So then yougonna follow the masses?” I tease with a grin, and he chuckles softly. Can’t really fault him for that though, as stupid as it is, a career into Heroism does pay insanely well.

Well, in Japan it does, because the whole fuckin’ economy runs on them.

“Thought I’d give it a try, especially since my Quirk can be useful. Sometimes.” Elation Path Quirks truly are a pain in the ass for the user, huh? “Still, I won’t go at it in a stupid way.”

I raise a brow at that, so he swiftly explains, “I know how to fight. My old man used to teach Judo, and taught me too. Then my uncle taught me boxing… In his own painful way.” Don’t I know that ‘painful way’ very intimately.

Fucking Sam and his fucking armored super-heated fists. One day, I swear…

“Yeah, most people think that a career in Heroism is easy.” I mutter under my breath, remembering how Hero after Hero just gave up when shit started hitting the fan in canon.

How the pressure got to them, as if they didn’t train exactly to prevent that. As if they didn’t sign up to stand up and keep going during those situations.

Disaster relief workers and the police kept going, while Heroes gave in and ran away like fucking cowards.

Just because the Hero Propaganda fills their head with dreams of grandeur since an early age, making them believe that everything is and will be easy.

Until they get stabbed. Or shot. Or see someone die before them, or they themselves die a horrid death.

“What about you?” I perk up with a hum, staring at Sato’s towering form as he crosses his arms, “Why do you want to become a Hero?”

I don’t. I really fucking don’t.

“A gut feeling.” I sigh out, getting a raised brow from him, “I have a feeling something bad will happen in the future, so I am preparing for it. I can’t change it, can’t tell when it will come, but I just know that it’s right there.”

Sato breathes in heavily, “I think I know how that feels like.” My eyes widen at his words, “Just in a different setting. My grandpa… I knew he was dying, and that he was going to die soon, I just didn’t know when- But… There was this tight feeling in my chest that always reminded me of that incoming moment. Of that incoming pain and loss.”

Not the same, but quite similar. “Yeah… And all I can do is just… Grit my teeth and prepare.”

His eyes search my face quietly for a few long seconds, “You don’t want to do this.” I chuckle at nods weakly at his words. He can be quite perceptive sometimes.

“For all I could care, I’d just follow a career in music for my future. But this fear… It just won’t leave me.” How many nights of sleep did I lose over this? Far too many too count, for sure.

Sato sighs deeply, “At least you aren’t alone.” Those were simple words, but… But they do improve my mood quite a bit.

“Yeah, I got Seele and your dumbass.” And Stelle, of course, but my wonderful raccoon is joining the general course.

“Why am I the dumbass?” Sato whines, and I grin.

“Cause Seele is the gorilla.” He pauses, snorts, then swiftly covers his face to avoid doing that again as he’ll feel bad.

He still snorts again, but takes in a deep shaky breath to calm himself, “Please don’t tell her I laughed at that.”

My grin only grows bigger, much to his growing horror.

Sometimes I really love being an asshole.

                                   [Eleven months and a half until U.A.’s Entrance Exam.]

You are getting a lot better.” Sam rough voice speaks up as I slump to the scorched ground with a loud, pained groan.

“At what?” I snark towards the punchy asshole, “At taking punches, or taking punches?”

He snorts out a mechanical sound, something rare of him despite being an ‘annoying asshole’ according to Blade. “That, and at dodging.” I sniff and lean my head back down as he crouches beside me, arms on his knees, “But you seem to be focusing majorly on dodging. Why?

I take in a deep breath through dry lips that only make me want to drown a bottle of cold water before I answer, “I’m trying to improve my hearing even more.” I reveal, “I can already hear the blood flowing and muscles twitching and moving, but I’m trying to… rely on my hearing to better dodge.” He hums out a mechanical noise and lifts his head up.

That is indeed quite hard, especially with me being made of metal and machinery.” Still makes him a good partner for this, because who knows when I’ll have to fight someone else like Sam.

I’m getting better at understanding the noises of his body through each painful spar, so little by little I shall learn to predict his moves. Hopefully.

I have an idea.” He speaks up suddenly, as if struck by a Eureka moment.

But I can’t help but whine softly, “Does it involve further pain?”

Always.” Fucking asshole. “Next time, we’ll spar while you are blindfolded. So you’ll have to rely entirely on your hearing.” I… That’s both horrid and amazing.

Again, I fucking hate this guy. “You are evil.

I am a Villain, yes.Don’t you fucking sassme, you tin can!...Which makes me curious; Why do you trust us to train you?” I pause, not really expecting that question.

I sigh out through my nostrils and stare up at the sky thoughtfully, “Several reasons, I guess.” Sam tilts his head and waits for me to elaborate, and I do exactly that, “First, I need the training. Desperately.”

“Second… I do not know what pushed you all into this sort of life, nor will I judge when and if I learn about it. It’s your lives and your choices, and I know that this world and country aren’t perfect. There will always be something that pushes someone into Villainy, be it for their own selves or for others.”

It’s the same as my old world, just hiked to a hundred. Quirk discrimination to the point people won’t even be given jobs because their Quirk is ‘too scary’ even though they won’t fucking use it.

Or even because they lack a Quirk, or cannot use it. All these reasons are stupidly common, especially in Japan, where ones Quirk defines ones worth in life, even where it doesn’t matter.

Imagine having your whole life fucked up just because you were born with a weird power, or without it.

How utterly retarded.

“Plus, I like you guys.” I can tell that my words surprise Sam with the way his head reels back, “We might have known each other for barely a month, and I may have barely interacted with Silver Wolf, and you are an ass- But I like you guys. Villains or not.”

A soft snort escapes the Mecha once more before he shakes his head, “You really are a weird one.

“And you are a piece of shit, but you don’t hear me complaining.”

Yes, I do. Every single time we spar.

Dumbass-says-what?” Despite having no facial features, I can all but see the disappointment on his face as he stares down at me. So I shrug. “Had to try-” I pause and stare down.

His hand is locked around my right ankle.

I blink, then stare up at him, “Don’t you fuckin’ da-aaaaaaaaaaaaa-!

Son of a fucking refrigerator hurled me across the clearing!


“Oh, wow…” Stelle pauses when her eyes land on Kafka, and I honestly cannot fault her for it. “She is even more beautiful than you said she would be.”

The woman, who was nursing a steaming cup of tea after having handed me my ass in my ‘martial arts training’, raises an amuses brow our way.

“I know right?” I nod sagely towards Stelle as I dry my hair with the towel in my hands, “Totally the Mommy Type of woman.” Kafka, the woman with insanely good composure, actually falters and nearly chokes on her tea, her eyes going wide and cheeks flushing a minuscule bit.

Silver Wolf instead doesn’t have that composure and instead swiftly and audibly chokes on her gum, turning around and away to laugh, snort and cough while wheezing for breath.

Even Sam’s shoulders shake lightly while Blade remains impassive- Ah, no, I can hear the muscles of his lips twitch faintly. He is working hard not to smile softly.

Himeko instead gapes my way, then towards Kafka, “I can’t believe you managed to break Kafka’s composure…” She whispers as the wine haired woman elegantly taps her lips with a handkerchief.

“I was simply taken off guard, is all.” That’s what my unhinged ass does best. “Still, you tell your girlfriend about little old me?”

“What can I say; The beauty of Kafka must be shared among the lesbian community.” Once more her composure cracks and her cheeks flush a minuscule bit, her lips twitching upward out of pure amusement.

Stelle nods in agreement, “And I am glad that my eyes have been blessed with her beauty.” Ah, my wonderful girlfriend, swiftly sticking with me so that we can fuse our pure lesbian energy.

Kafka shakes her head while Silver Wolf keeps dying in the seat behind her, “All these compliments won’t make me go any easier on you during training, you know?”

Please, go as hard as you want. Step on me too, and I’ll bark for you.” Silver Wolf hollersat my words, falling on the ground and punching the shit out of it while wheezing.

Kafka downright gapes at me, same as Himeko, while Blade looks downright horrified.

I think I’m going to turn myself off for a while.” Sam mutters to himself, much to my growing amusement. Didn’t know he could do that…

“Babe…” Stelle elbows me softly, “Your unhinged self is coming out.” Maybe because I have three damn babes before me?

Well, four. Silver Wolf is a cutie who should really cover up that massive ass of hers some more.

The refined beauty Kafka, the curvaceous beauty Himeko, my wonderful and breathtaking raccoon, and the big booty brat still laughing on the floor.

Gods, I’m too horny today…

“Anyway, before I start blabbering out more out of pocket stuff…” I shake my head and wrap the towel around my shoulders, “You all staying over for supper?”

Kafka smiles and sets her cup aside, “Well, Himeko has done nothing but shower praises towards your Italian cooking, so as part Italian myself, I must try it out.” Heh, woman… You challenge someone taught by an old Italian granny who created the old and ancient recipes still worshiped to this very day.

“That a challenge I hear?” I sniff haughtily, and Kafka schools her expression to a cool gaze despite the challenge in her eyes.

“You may consider it so, dear.” Time to make her yodel from how good my cooking is.

Me Italian blood is boilin’, Mamma mia!

“I got all the ingredients for your wondrous Carbonara already in the kitchen, honey.” Himeko smiles sweetly at me, clearly holding back her own drool while I grin.

Despite how sore I am, I am never too tired or in pain to not cook something I love.

“Shall I cook up some car oil for you, Sam?” I call out with pure snark towards Sam, who turns his head to throw a very flat stare my way despite his faceless head. “What? Had to make sure.”

Stelle snorts, “Is that the Mecha who you say you ‘throw hands with and always win’?”

“That’s a lie.” Everyone cuts in, even Blade of all people!

Fuckin’ traitors, further ruining my already very low pride.

“Gonna stuff laxatives inside your dishes, I swear to God…”

Kafka giggles elegantly behind her gloved hand before turning to look at Himeko, “Still, I hope we are not a bother for staying over.” Himeko waves her hand with a relaxed look on her face.

“I asked, so do not worry. Just consider this as me repaying you for taking care of Kyoka.”

“You mean kicking the absolute shit out of me.”

Complaining about it won’t make it better.

“Shut the fuck up tin can!”

I will gladly punch you across the globe during our next training session.Bitch.

Still, I do not miss the fact that Himeko was the one to ask them to stay over. Is she trying to gleam some information from them?

“So… You guys are bad guys?” Stelle asks as she joins me in the kitchen, taking over the role of cutting things for me, knowing well how much I despise knives.

“Indeed we are.” Kafka confirms from the living room, her voice silky and relaxed, “You do not mind?”

Stelle shrugs, even though they probably can’t see her, “Eh, you see Villains walk down the street and even buy stuff at the mall nearly on a daily basis, so…” It’s funny how that is actually very true.

People usually take pictures, or act all scared when the Villain ain’t even giving a damn about them, it’s usually the Heroes that make a whole lot of noise about this and cause a confrontation.

Still, why don’t y’all cover up instead of going out to the mall in full Villain costume? Like, goddamn…

“I guess that’s fair.” Came the amused voice of Kafka, “But we are quite bad. I, for example, am an assassin!”

Stelle pauses, then throws me a look. I just shrug. I only know of one victim of hers, and that is the old principal of U.A., but aside from the man? Nothing else.

Not that I went and looked it up. I probably should.

“So, you kill people?” Stelle asks dumbly, provoking a snort from me and a giggle from Kafka.

“That I do and have done, yes.” Is she testing our boundaries or something? She seems eager to share this kind of stuff.

“And what did the broody dude do?” That’s Blade. Poor dude, I can hear him glaring our way.

“Beat the shit out of Endeavor, for one.” Comes Silver Wolf’s voice, making me grin.

“He has all of my respect for that!” The more that child abusing piece of shit suffers, the better. “Though what about ya, midget?”


“I mean, you ain’t tall, so… duh.”

“I can make you suffer through the worst five minutes of your entire life.”

“Yeah, by taking me to bed with ya. Try another, more effective threat.” I can hear her choke on air while Stelle is trying to stifle her laughter.

Being an asshole is truly refreshing!

“You’re really annoying…” Oh poor girl, she is starting to learn about my personality!

“No shit, booty cheeks!”

“Booty cheeks!?”

“Stop flauntin’ ‘em around, will ya?”

Me and Stelle share a cruel grin at the furious screech that comes from Silver Wolf.

“Girls, be nice.” Himeko chides with no real hit and just pure amusement behind it.

I see why the two of them are together.

“Want me to annoy you too?”

Want me to punch you harder?” One day. One day I shall dent his face in.

And it will be satisfying.

“Before you guys start tearing each other apart…” Kafka starts, voice tinged in amusement and warmth, “There was a request I wanted to ask of you, Kyoka dear.” I pause at that.

“Yeah? What’s up?” I make sure to remove any lewd image that pops in my head, but Stelle is doing lewd and provocative gestures my way. Damn tease.

“I believe I mentioned that I am a big fan of your music already, so I wonder if it is possible to request a musical piece from you?” Albeit faint, I can hear the hope and desire in her voice. “I shall repay you, of course. Rest assured.”

I hum as I move the pan with the beef cuts over the fire, “I mean, there’s no need for that.” I already make enough, even without the rare Streams I now do. “What did you have in mind?”

I hear Kafka relax, her always slow and calm heartbeat speeding up a minuscule bit. “Something with a violin. It is my favorite musical instrument- One I myself play quite often.”

“For real?” The more I learn about her, the more refined she becomes, “You’ll have to show me sometimes.” It’s one of the most beautiful instruments in my opinion, right after the piano.

Though the Kyoka side of me adores the electric guitar.

“That’s a promise.” Kafka agrees sweetly, and I hum softly.

“A violin piece, huh?” There is one in my mind, something I’ve wanted to bring to life for a while now.

It’s a bit complicated, but downright beautiful and breathtaking.

I’d need help from Dad, but also… Maybe I could use this piece for the End of Year Festival?

If so, I should give them what to practice ahead of time, especially since Summer Break is around the corner. Though, even without Summer Break, they should have a whole year to practice.

And now that I think about,my birthday is also around the corner, huh...

“It will take a while for me to bring this piece to life, though.”

I hear Kafka still, “...You already have a piece in mind?”

I grin, “That I do, and it’s one that will blow your expectations out of the water.”

“If you say so, then I am willing to wait even years for it.” She really is passionate for this sort of music, huh? But I can understand that passion. “How may I repay you then?”

Dirty thoughts, go away. Begone. Disappear. Leave me alone.

“Don’t sweat the small stuff, woman.”

“I insist.” And the more you do, the more my mind conjures lewd images, so please spare me the torment.

That’s when Stelle comes with save, “Well, I do have an idea, if I may.”

“But of course dear. I am all ears.”

Stelle smiles and relaxes while I let out a breath, kinda free of my own perverted thoughts. Damn hormones and damn perfect women with addictive voices.

And damn Auralism.

“Could I too join the training you are giving Kyoka?” That request brings me to a pause, and I can hear that even Himeko is surprised from the sudden request.

“I see no reason to refuse? As long as Himeko is fine with this, of course.” Kafka probes gently, and Himeko remains quiet and confused.

“I… don’t see why not. Though I’m confused on the why you want to train too.” Ah wait, I think I know why!

Because she ripped the bathroom stall door in our school in half last week!

Stelle flushes when I send her a mischievous grin, but let her speak instead of teasing her, “I’ve been using the gravity weights too, when I do my runs. While I am nowhere near Kyoka’s level, I still would like to learn how to better use this new strength of mine before I do something stupid.” You already did, my wonderful raccoon.

Bet she just doesn’t want to harm her precious garbage cans.

“Ah, that’s alright then.” Himeko shrugs and Stelle smiles and relaxes.

I think I can also probably talk Kafka into letting me bring Seele along for this.

Mostly because I want to see the gorilla go at Sam and watch as chaos ensues.

“Food’s nearly done!” I call out, then swiftly move to the side to grab some plates, glasses and silverware to bring out so to set the table.

Even though Sam is a machine, I still set a plate and silverware before him to make him feel included. A thought I believe he appreciated, as did the others.

“Say, Kyoka…” I pause as I set the plate in front of Kafka, who smiles up at me with those wonderful lips of hers, “You said you already have a piece in mind, yes?” I blink, then nod. “Mind sharing the name of it to me?”

Well, I see no reason to hold back on it.

Thousands of Summer Twilights.

                                  [Eleven Months until the U.A. Entrance Exam.]

In the end, Kafka said that she wouldn’t mind if I brought Seele along too.

Neither did Sam or Blade mind the additional ‘disciple’ for them to teach.

“So we are going to fight!?” And the gorilla is full of energy like usual, enormous grin on her face even as Sam activates his engine and sets fire to the air around us.

Focus.” He chides despite his own clear amusement at Seele’s enthusiasm.

“But this is so cool-Pugyah!” And she got punched in the face.

I burst out laughing at the sight.

Only to get a punch to the face too.

Son of a bitch.


“There is something on your mind.” Kafka points out, having known her partner Silver Wolf long enough to see the signs of her being deep in her thoughts.

It is usually when she has her game console in her hand, but isn’t playing. Nor is she chewing on the gum in her mouth, just simply staring straight ahead with a vacant look in her eyes.

Silver Wolf hums softly, then shakes herself out of her daze, “She won’t last long.” Her younger partner starts softly, eyes straying away from the sparring trio down below.

“Do you mean the fight?” Kafka probes, despite having a minor inkling on what Silver Wolf means.

“No, I mean…” Her teeth nibble on her lower lip momentarily, “Kyoka is stressed. Insanely so. She is holding it off somehow, but a mental breakdown will surely happen within the next few months.”

Ah… Kafka feared that something like that might happen. Either through the stress of their own training, or through the sheer stress from Kyoka’s own paranoia and thoughts towards the future.

The closer the U.A. Entrance Exam get, the harder the girl seems to start working. To the point where the usual spars with Sam have turned into all-out brawls as Kyoka pushes herself to the utter limits.

“She needs a distraction.” Kafka points out with a low hum, arms crossing below her bust as she contemplates using her Quirk at full power to make the girl relax.

But alas, it will be a temporary measure, and the mere thought of mentally manipulating the girl makes Kafka frown. A first for her.

She mentally manipulated people and Heroes to kill each other, but manipulating a teenager to simply relax is where she decides that it’s too much. How silly.

Well, she isfond of the girl. Sam has grown fond of her too, Bladey is grumpy but finds her likeable too, and Silver Wolf hasn’t interacted with her much due to her Quirk working at a distance.

And Kafka herself mostly grew veryfond of the girl after the promise of a wondrous violin piece she eagerly awaits to hear.

Something she has started to use to poke at her boss and annoy him. Who knew that she could make a Dark Age Warlord feel jealous towards her.

Pretty sure the man was pouting too.

“Why don’t you play games with her?” Kafka proposes, bringing Silver Wolf to a pause.

“Does she even like them?”

The wine haired woman shrugs with a calm smile, “We won’t know ‘till you ask. Maybe playing games will help her relax even more, no?”

Silver Wolf nibbles at her lower lips once more, then shrugs, “Something to try, I guess.”

“Thank you, Silver Wolf.”

“No problem, Mommy Kafka.”

Silver Wolf.

“I would like to apologize.”


“I feel like our idea won’t work well though-”

                                                                          [One hour later]

“Will you fuckin’ quit killing me and only me, you bitch!?”

Huh, their plan is actually working.

Silver Wolf stare sat the screen before her with wide eyes and a relaxed, cruel grin on her face as she once more kills Kyoka with impressive ease.

“This is because I call you midget, isn’t it?!”

“Why would you ever think that~?”

Is this really for Kyoka, though? Because this feels like she is taking advantage of the girl.

The momentary distraction leads to her death in the game, and an insufferable smirk from Kyoka, “Don’t feel so good now, does it?”

The bubble she was blowing pops, and Silver Wolf sighs through her nostrils.

Then, she leans forward and narrows her eyes.

Time to lock in and end this girl’s whole career.

                              [10 months and a half until U.A.’s Entrance Exam.]

I can tell that they are trying, but still… They should know that I can hear them, right?

I can hear their heartbeats and whispers as I shut the door behind myself, but that still doesn’t make the smile on my face disappear.

So I ‘blindly’ walk into the dark living room- And suddenly the lights turn on, confetti are sprayed all over me, and I dodge a flying tackle from Seele without even blinking.


“SURPRISE!” Mom, Dad, Stelle, Sato and even Miss Cocolia call out loudly, all dressed up quite nicely just for my eighteenth birthday.

They even filled the living room with all kinds of party trinkets and stuff.

Seele whimpers from behind me, having just made out with the wall from my dodge, but I ignore her and fake surprise towards the gathered group before me, “Oh my God, it’s totally not like I heard your heartbeats from down the fuckin’ street!”

They all come to a pause, then mom and dad curse under their breaths while Miss Cocolia looks smug and wags her fingers towards them.

“Honey, how did we lose a bet when it relates to our own daughter?” Dad whines as he pushes some Yen into Miss Cocolia’s hand, much to my confused amusement.

“I don’t know, but I blame you.” And there goes Mom.


“Just because.” Sweet old home, sweet old parents.

Miss Cocolia ignores their shenanigans with a smile and shake of the head, then approaches me to bring me into a quick hug, filling my nostrils with a perfume of roses, her tall body clad in a silver and gold dress that really makes her beauty stand out. “Happy Birthday, dear.”

“I’d have brought the kids too – since they wanted to meet you– but then this place would have turned into a warzone.” Or a crater.

Seele told me stories of this ‘Hook’ and her bombs.

I smile up at the slightly taller woman, “Will they be alright by themselves?” Her smile grows warmer at my worry for the kids.

“Seele tired them out with a treasure hunt game before we got here.” She winks towards the still downed girl, “Also, forgive her lack of decent dressing. I told her to dress up, but alas…”

Seele instantly jumps up at that, looking affronted, “I did dress up!” The girl flaunts her dark blue tank top, purple shorts and red scarf with pride, “These are my favorite summer clothes!” I snort as she whines, while Cocolia just palms her face with a fond smile.

“I gave you a dress, Seele.”

“Showed too much boobies, so I said nope.” So the tank top you are wearing doesn’t show too much of your chest? “Plus, Hook turned the heels into a bomb.” Oh my fuckin’ Christ…

Once again, Cocolia sighs deeply, “Of course she did.” And the woman swiftly turns and heads towards the alcohol set on the table. Poor woman.

So Seele takes that chance to tackle-hug me, somehow flying at me without charge-up or running start. “Happy Birthday bestie!” She all but yells in my ears while squeezing me as tightly as she possibly can. “I got you an amazing present I can’t wait to give you!” Surprised she didn’t tell me what the present is already.

Seele isn’t patient enough to wait for me to open the presents, after all.

“There enough space for someone else to throw in a hug?” Sato asks as he approaches, playful grin on his face as Seele refuses to let me go.

“With you around, I doubt there’s enough space for much.” How did this big fucker even fit through the damn door?

Still, I accept his hug with a grin despite not being big on too much physical contact when it’s not with Stelle.

And of course, my wonderful girlfriend comes next, and she just had to dress up in a way that makes me salivate.

Low cut black dress that exposes her shoulders and a fair amount of cleavage, dark red lipstick, even some make-up and mascara, with her wonderful hair cascading down her back like usual. “You tryin’ to kill me or something girl?” I nearly wheeze out before I breathe in, having forgotten to breathe due to how transfixed I was.

“Well, I amthe present.” Stelle sniffs before hugging me tightly and placing a kiss on my cheek.

Sato sniffs from beside us, “Show off.” We snort at that, “My parents send their birthday wishes too… And an enormous cake.” He jabs his thumb towards the table and-

“Your parents trying to kill me with diabetes or something?” That chocolate cake is at least one meters tall. What the fuck?

Sato awkwardly scratches the back of his head as he stares at the humongous cake, “I told them to make a small one, but… Well, Dad considered that ‘small’.” I mean… I saw how big Sato’s dad is, and the fucker towers over his son…

“I can guess why he considers that small. That’s probably just two bites for the guy.” Sato snorts and doesn’t correct me, probably because I am correct.

Seele can devour cake slices in record bites, but Sato’s father? Dude downs whole cakes as if they are alcohol shots to throw down.

“Hey, look on the bright side!” Dad calls out from the kitchen, a grin on his face, “At least we’ll have left overs ‘till your next birthday!”

“As if your fat ass is gonna let that cake survive the end of the week.” I snark at him, getting an indignant squawk from the man.

Still… I don’t think I ever received a surprise birthday party in my whole life- Well, in both of my lives.

This is my first ever one, despite all previous birthdays always having quite the celebration with family, then with Stelle too once she came along.

Stelle’s birthday were always calm too, with them being spent with just the two of us alone and cuddling on the bed. Same with her eighteenth birthday.

Yet, they went and did all this for me. It… brings tears to my eyes, really. Being so loved and cared for to such a level, I never truly experienced it.

“Come on, show me your damn presents.” I sniff, forcing down my tears as I nod towards the couch. Good thing I’m at least decently dressed for this and did not fully commit to my run. Mostly because I knew they were going to pull this stuff.

Sato pauses, “You sure you don’t want to wait until you blow out the candles?”

I give the big guy a flat look, “You think I’m gonna be able to blow out the candles on top of that damn mountain?” He stares at me, then at the gargantuan cake, then back at me.

Then, finally, he nods, “Fair enough.” We’re exaggerating, but the cake is even thicker than his enormous arms. Dad is gonna put up a lot of kilograms after finishing that cake.

We hop down on the couch while Seele teleports left and right in a surge of energy and excitement, then proceeds to shove the wrapped up purple package in my face once I am fully settled down on the couch.

Then she kneels down in front of me, face beaming and glitching from her powers, looking like a very proud puppy.

I really wanna pat her head, but she’s just gonna phase around me then very likely bite my hand like a rabid dog.

The package in my hand feels soft and squishy, and it’s the size of my head too, so it’s probably an article of clothing.

I tear the package open, and soon a dark purple scarf spills out into my hands, filling them with the warm fluffiness of the object. “A scarf?” I question curiously, not missing the way it’s very similar to Seele’s.

The girl flushes shyly, “It’s so we match.” So cute.

“That’s not all though, right?” I probe gently, and Seele nods softly, her hands rising to knead her own red scarf. A scarf I never saw her without.

“One of my parents wore this scarf, and bundled me inside it during the Hosu Disaster.” Right, she – like Stelle– is an orphan due to that attack on Hosu. “I’ve never parted with it, and I always viewed scarves as precious things. Something that holds a precious bond.” And she gave me one such special item in her view.

I stare a the dark purple scarf in my hands for a few quiet seconds before sighing deeply, “Guess I know what I’m gonna be wearing even during Summer.” Seele cheers and visibly holds back from tackling me again as I slip the scarf around my shoulders and neck… And damn is it fluffy and comfy.

I can get used to this.

“Doubt I can best that present then.” Sato muses as he reaches over the couch to grab a small bag that was hidden behind the couch, then offers it to me.

Inside it lay a CD case of all things. “I know you love music, so I decided to order this. Dunno if you know her though.” Sato explains as I turn the CD case to stare at the front, displaying a beautiful blonde woman holding a very modified electrical guitar, a confident smirk on her face and large sparks of lighting surrounding her whole body.

Serval’ was written in big characters resembling electricity right above her. “Definitely never heard of her…” I mutter, flicking my eyes down the list of her written songs, with none seemingly having been written for a Hero or Hero Company.

“And no, she doesn’t do music for Heroes.” Sato answers the question I was just about to ask.

Huh, would you look at that… Maybe I gave up on my search for good music a bit too quick, since people like this Serval seem to be out there.

“Geez, thanks dude…” I punch Sato’s arm with a grin, “Now I got something to focus on for a couple of hours when I have free time.” I’m kind of excited to listen to this now, not gonna lie.

The woman strikes me as competent and passionate, after all, and one can never go wrong with that.

Finally, my gaze turns to the grinning Stelle, who gives me a wink, “Mine is a secret!” She teases, her heart hammering in my ears, “I’ve hidden it in your room for later!” Hmmm… I shall believe her for now.

“My expectations are high, my dear raccoon.” I sniff haughtily, only to get a punch to the shoulder from my girlfriend.

“You used to be in the military?” My hearing catches the conversation going down between my parents and Miss Cocolia, drawing my curiosity as Seele tries and fails to make Stelle spit what her present is.

“Indeed. It was something that was… passed down in my family. Or well, something that was requiredfrom us.” Miss Cocolia reveals, “It wasn’t pleasant, and I gave my resignation after the Hosu Disaster.”

“Jesus…We’ve heard of how bad it was, but still…” Dad hisses in sympathy.

“It was worse than you could imagine. I know some that still haven’t recovered from that day’s happenings.” Miss Cocolia sighs deeply, “At first, I didn’t know what to do after I gave my resignation… But then I ran into little Seele, and everything just fell into place.”

I can hear the genuine and large smile on Mom’s face, “You’ve done something wonderful. You should be proud of that.”

Miss Cocolia chuckles softly, “There are ups and downs, but I won’t exchange this for anything else. Your daughter also helped make sure that I can take care of the kids even better now.”

I can feel my parents gaze focus on me, radiating love and pride, “We’re very proud of our little rockstar.” Goddamit…“But please, tell me more about yourself!” Mom swiftly changes the argument, a huge smile on her face.

Oh God… All of their heartbeats are quite fast, so… Are my parents interested in Miss Cocolia? And is the interest shared by the woman?

Oh my God…

“Shall we start tearing down that mountain of a cake?” I propose so to ignore the flirting happening in the kitchen between the three adults. Flirting I really do not want to listen to.

Good thing all the walls in this house are sound-proof in case something does go down between the three.

Seele downright disappears at my proposal. She didn’t teleport, she just moved that fast.

I’m starting to believe that she is less like a gorilla and a dog and more like a fucking honey badger, small beasts that do not fear neither God nor Death itself and simply survive on pure crackhead energy.

That’s Seele, and I cannot be convinced otherwise.

I go to follow after them, but my phone vibrates and draws my attention.

I open it up, only to stare at a message from an anonymous source.

Happy Birthday, dear.’ says the message, and I don’t need to think about it to know who the sender is.

K: ‘Thank you, Kafka!’

A: ‘My, caught on very easily, did you?’

K: ‘You are the only one that calls me Dear, far as I know.’

A: ‘A mistake of mine, it seems.’

A: ‘The others send their own regards too.’

K:‘Thank them for me!’

K: ‘I’d love to have you guys over to the party at my house, I’ll be honest.’

A: ‘A lovely thought, but it’s a party meant for family, dear. We are but acquaintances.’

K: ‘I’d… Like to believe that we are friends. Despite the small amount of time we’ve known each other’s for.’

A: ‘...Reading that you believe such a thing warms my heart. People like us do not deserve your friendship, dear.’

K: ‘Even Villains deserve to be loved. You guys are amazing, and I have learned much thanks to you all. I am proud and very happy to call you guys my friends.’

The line goes cold after that last message of mine, left on read with no more messages being able to sent through for some reason.

Hopefully, my earnest words did not anger Kafka. She is a professional assassin after all, so perhaps making friends and stuff isn’t something she enjoys.

I shake my head and return to the ‘party’ at hand with a smile on my face.

The cake is cut, Seele goes into an overdose from too many slices and nearly passes out on the couch, my parents keep flirting with Miss Cocolia and Sato hears something he very much did not want to hear from the flirting, which causes his brain to crash and reboot.

Needless to say that it’s a nice way for a short and calm party to go on.

“I have a feeling that I’m going home alone…” Seele drawls out as she stares towards the kitchen, where her caretaker is flirting with my parents, and has been doing so for quite a while now.

Sato pulls at the collar of his shirt as he averts his gaze from the trio, “Is this awkward for anyone else?”

I give him a completely dead look, “Sato, those are my parents. Of course it’s very fucking awkward for me too.” He reaches over to pat my shoulder in comfort.

Stelle stares at the trio of flirting adults for a few quiet seconds before she turns to stare at Seele and Sato, “Is this how you guys feel when me and Kyoka flirt before you guys?”

Yes.” Is the quick unanimous response from the two.

I don’t feel bad one bit.

“Still, thanks for stopping by you two.” I give them a smile, thankful to have amazing friends that were present during this simple yet unforgettable birthday.

Sato waves my thanks off with a smile, “Least I can do for a good friend.” He says, then pauses. His eyes arrow, and one of his large fingers points at us threateningly, “Don’t you dare do the same for me.”


“Because dad and mom will use the party as an excuse to get drunk, and each time they got drunk, they had a baby.” I raise a finger, but have no fucking words to say so I just lower it right after.

Sato has a little sister, as far as he has told me. That means his parents got drunk twice, and each time they popped out a kid. Guess he doesn’t want to risk a third, huh?

“What about you, Seele?” It might be different with her, right?

“Hook.” Never fucking mind. Let us stay away from the Merchant of Death kid that builds bombs.

Guess just a present will have to do, and I’ll have to think about something good to give them, because it’s only right.

“Shoulda brought some board games…” Seele grumbles under her breath, making me smile and pull her into a one-harmed hug she happily leans in.

“So you could have raged at us the whole night?” I tease her with a grin. She only grumbles more at that, of course.

A board game between the four of us would have ended with a shattered table and a destroyed living room, because we are just bad sore losers. Especially me and Seele.

I blink when I suddenly hear the sound of a door clicking shut, and turn around to stare at a now empty kitchen.

No parents, no Miss Cocolia.

An awkward silence stretches between me and my friends.

“This was supposed to be my birthday, right?” And instead, they took their chance to somehow get a threesome.

Sato coughs with a flush on his face, “I think it’s time to go.”

Seele just looks dead on her feet, so she nods dumbly and robotically.

“Honestly, let’s just meet up tomorrow to rage at board games and stuff…” I offer awkwardly. This way, we can all laugh and forget this ever happened.


I mean, I am happy for them, but please do not go and get laid before mine eyes, dear father and mother.

“Yeah, let’s do just that.” Sato agrees, and I blink as I watch him shrink down and squeeze himself in to get past the door he sure as fuck is too big to go through.

Dude must be seven feet or more, goddamn…

“Thank your parents for the cake from me.” I tell the big guy as Seele hops out of the door, Stelle hanging back behind me.

The glitching gorilla nods at my words, “Yeah! As delicious as always!” She then pauses, “You know, one day I should really bring a lot of your sweets to the kids at the orphanage.” Huh, that’s a good idea.

Sato blinks at that, “I wouldn’t mind. Mom and Dad will surely love to help too.” I’m sure that will make Miss Cocolia very happy too.

Handling a bunch of kids, and Seele – and Hook, who keeps making bombs– must be very fucking tiring.

...Now I’m happy that she got laid. Still awkward though.

“Who knew that Seele could have such bright ideas.”

“Hey!” I roll my eyes in amusement as Seele gnashes her teeth my way.

Still, it’s a fun idea. I’m gonna sing ‘Baby Shark’ to those fuckin’ kids.

“Thanks again for coming over, even though you didn’t need to.” Again, Sato just waves me off with his usual joyful and friendly smile while I lift up a part of my new scarf and wave it at Seele, “Get home safe, scarf buddy.” Simple words, but they make her face light up like the Sun.

Making her happy sometimes is insanely easy, which is cute.

They soon depart into the night and I shut the door behind me, then turn around to see Stelle already walking towards my room.

I raise an amused brow as she makes kissy faces my way, then just shrug and follow her into my dark room only lit up by the dark blue neon lights I installed in the corners of the ceiling.

The door is closed, then locked. “So, where did you hide this present of yours?” I ask out of pure amusement, drinking in the sight of her downright perfect appearance for a few seconds before I walk past her to look around my dimly lit room.

It’s small and always tidy, so the only place she could hide something is either inside the closet, or under the bed. But it depends on how big it is, cause then she could also hide it somewhere-

“Didn’t I tell you?” Stelle’s voice is like a quiet and heated whisper that sends shudders down my spine, “I amthe present.” I turn around just in time to see her dress drop to the floor.

My jaw just… falls.

I’ve seen her in bra and panties before. I’ve touched her while in that state and we made out plenty of times like that.

But this? Stelle with fucking lingerieon? Yeah… This is beyond different.

And a million times more arousing.

Nothing too wild, just a dark gold lace bra that cupped her full breasts beautifully, and black lace panties attached to a pair of fishnet stockings.

I gulp. Heavily, and loudly.

Stelle’s flushed face blooms into a huge smile, “I take it that you like the view?”

I try and fail to formulate, because a part of me connects the dots. I know what present awaits me, and I am beyond nervous.

I’ve never gotten laid.

I thought myself asexual for the longest time, until I met and fell in love with Stelle, and… Well, with the body like mine, I tend to get quite worked up very easily either around her or around Himeko.

And me constantly holding back on that doesn’t really help, now that I think about it.

Despite all these years, I still haven’t gotten used to this new body of mine. It’s awkward and embarrassing, and I’ve rarely even masturbated to take the edge off.

And because of that, I can feel all that pent up desire, lust and heat just… gather in a ball in my belly, with my sweatpants now feeling very, very tight.

My throat feels dry due to the irresistible sight before me, and Stelle just makes it all worse by stepping closer to me, filling my nostrils with her scent and my ears with her rampaging heartbeat.

Her hands come up to cup my cheeks, and her soft lips meet mine in one of our usual kisses, just filled with so much hunger and lust that it takes me off guard for a second.

Which lets my girlfriend push me down on my bed with ease. Her hand grasp the hem of my shirt as she lands her hips on my lap, provoking a grunt from me as my erection grinds against her crotch, her teeth coming out to nibble at her lower lip as she visible shudders.

Slowly, her fingers drag against my belly and lift my shirt up, until I just do away with it and am left only in my sports bra, allowing her to lean down and give me another hungry kiss.

Her soft lips trail down mine, plastering wet and heated love and lust across my cheek, then down my neck… and then she travels further and further south.

My chest, my belly, my abs… Then the hem of my pants and underwear are yanked down, freeing my quite painful erection.

Her eyes widen and her cheeks flush, but she still reaches up to grasp the twitching mast, sending a shudder up my spine like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

“Stelle-” My words end in a choked out noise when she just drags her tongue along the shaft, making my sight swim and hearing go numb.

I’ve never felt anything like it, nor did I ever imagine and expect to be so sensitive.

Perhaps it’s because I am not used to this, or because this is Stelle doing it, but still… Who even taught her this- It was Mom! It has to be!

Stelle giggles softly, an enchanting sound that just makes me feel further like I am in trouble, “Just let me take care of you, Kyo…” Her soft lips kiss the head at the end of her words, once more leaving me out of words and unable to reply.

“You’re very big…” What am I supposed to say to that? ...Should I have checked out the size and be proud of it?

Guys tend to do that, right?

“Okay?” I choke out, and Stelle giggles again, hazy and lust filled eyes never leaving mine as she opens her mouth and slowly takes my shaft inside.

Warm, wet, soft- I just shudder and shiver, unable to process all the feelings just pouring through me from the unfamiliar part of my body.

Stelle’s soft lips close, and her tongue starts rolling and caressing my shaft, each caress so sofr and warm and wet and fantastic that it makes my head go blank and my breath draw short.

Her head rises and falls, her hands rubbing along my belly and chest, my swimming eyesight filled with her captivating beauty and her lust-filled eyes.

She visibly takes as much of my shaft in her mouth as she can, her lipstick leaving a light red stain along my flash as she drags them up and down, the sight further stimulating me.

Enough that I feel that knot in my stomach just slowly come undone, “Stelle-!” I choke out again, harshly and heavily, but she doesn’t stop!

And the knot comes undone, and I release a heavy breath together with a powerful orgasm, my whole body becoming hot and relaxing as I spill my cum inside my girlfriend’s mouth.

One of her eyes closes while the other narrows, and I hear her gulp roughly a few times before I manage to open my eyes and lift my head to look down at her just in time for her lips to leave my shaft.

Her golden eyes meet mine, and she licks her lips with a smirk.The sight makes me harden than I was before.

She chuckles huskily at my stare, one of her hands coming up to pull out a sealed condom from within her lacy bra. She really prepared everything… “Up for the next round, babe?”

I gulp, then breathe in, “Like you even need to ask…” Another wonderful giggle escapes her before she opens the condom wrapping, then slowly slides it down my shaft.

I don’t bother changing our positions, but I do kick my lower clothing away so to free my legs as Stelle once more straddles my lap. Her face is once more flushed dark as she pushes her panties to the side, showing me how wet she is as she lowers herself on top of my shaft.

She takes in a low breath, then lowers herself- A hiss flow out of both of us, but hers is slightly pained while mine is a hiss of pleasure.

Still, I ignore it and reach up to hold her as she bites her lower lips, shuddering and shaking her hips to get used to my girth and at having her virginity taken.

I’m finally doing it. I’m having sex with Stelle. Gods, ho many times did I dream or think about this, but never had the courage to try and push things towards doing it.

“I love you.” I whisper towards Stelle, making her face light up with pure love and happiness. No matter how many times I say it, her reaction is still the same. I’ll never get tired of it.

“I love you too, Kyo.” Her hips shake as she lowers herself even more, and I even out my breath even as her folds fully take in my shaft. If her mouth felt good, than this feels downright divine.

It feels so good that I can’t even put it into words. I just want to lose myself in this and enjoy Stelle. Make love to her.

So I grip her hips, and thrust mineupward. The answering mewl makes me smirk, while Stelle flushes bashfully. That sounded so hot.

Eager to hear more, I move my hips and reach up to cup her breasts from below her bra, which she swiftly removes and tosses aside with a pant.

Her hips shake, then rise and fall with my thrusts, her moans matching my heavy grunts, sending amazing waves of pleasure through my whole body.

It’s slow, and I love it. Watching Stelle pant and moan, bounce and shiver, seeing the effects my body has on hers while she sees the effects hers has on mine.

This is addictive. I should have done this sooner. I love her so much.

I lose myself in the slow rhythm of our lovemaking. I embrace her, touch her body, kiss it and worship it.

I watch as Stelle melts and moans, eagerly accepting all of my love and desire with her body until my second orgasm hits me.

And I am not satisfied.

Stelle’s arched back slowly straightens, having somehow pushed her into an orgasm even though we haven’t really done much. But I guess she might be as sensitive as I am right now. “Hope you have more than just one condom, babe…” I chuckle up at her.

Her heated gaze meets mine, and her lips pull into a smirk, “Below your pillow~!” She purrs, and I grin before reaching up with one hand to search for the would-be condom wrappers.

I find something, and pull back to reveal a strip of five condoms. I blink at it, then raise an eyebrow towards Stelle. She shrugs at me, “Your mom kept the rest.”

And is probably putting them to use right now.

“Still, can we take a break first?” I plead awkwardly, and Stelle gives me a confused look. “I can’t feel my right leg anymore.”

Instead of snorting or laughing at me, Stelle slumps in relief, “Oh good, because I can’t feel neither of mine.”

Needless to say that the night was long, and unforgettable.

                                            [Ten months until the U.A. Entrance Exam.]

It finally happened.

I do not know why I cared so much about it, but in the end it still happened, and brought me quite a lot of relief.

The Slime Villain incident. It happened just yesterday, and I just got news of it and saw the video online.

And also saw the Main Protagonist for the first time in this different world.

Well, the camera filming didn’t catch everything well, but Midoriya looks like the same, just taller. Skinny and tall.

Guess even with all these changes, the guy didn’t start working out for his dream.

Still, the Slime Villain incident brings me a lot of relief. For the longest time I feared everything changed from canon due to the sheer differences in the two worlds, but this makes me relax a bit.

As long as things are a bit the same, then I can still rely on my foreknowledge to… I dunno, just grit my teeth and hope for the best while preparing for the worst.

“That must’ve sucked horrendously.” Stelle muses as she leans between our two desks to look at my phone, and at the video currently playing on it.

I raise a brow her way, and she points at Bakugo, barely visible in the dark green slime that is choking him out. “Heard the Slime Villain initially escaped All Might across the sewers. Bet that guy is tastin’ ‘em right about now.”

I blink, then bite my lower lip to hold my delighted laughter. Ah, how nice it is for that piece of shit to suffer so much.

He deep-throated sewage water, hah!

I shake my head and put my phone away, then lean back into my seat as I look towards the front of the class, where the old man that used to teach us History Class used to be.

I’m gonna miss the guy. He believed me when I shared my fears of All for One, and supported me when I told him what I wanted to do.

Hope he enjoys his retirement. A kind and warm teacher like him deserves it.

I breathe in, then come to a pause when I notice somethingin the range of my hearing, walking the halls of our school.

What the… fuck?

It’s… A blank spot? How the fuck is that possible? And it’s moving?

Goosebumps rise all over my arms, and the hair on the back of my neck grow stiff as the wall of Nothing draws closer and closer… Until it’s right in front of my classroom door.

Which opens up a second later, making me forget how to breathe.


A towering man dressed in a nice suit walks in.


A wave of dread and pure horror slams down upon my very existence.


Messy gray hair, a towering and muscular build, nearly glowing red eyes, and a light smile on a fairly handsome face.



A pair of hands come up and clap together, silencing the whole class. “Now, students, please be quiet.” He starts, voice deep and masculine and powerful- “From now on and until the end of this year, I will be your new History Teacher.”

It’s him.

It’s Him!



How is he healed?!

And why is he here?!

“Introductions are in order.” His red eyes flick towards Me. His smile grows.

He knows.

He knows!

“My name is Alan Smithee.” A pseudonym? “It is a pleasure to meet you.” He isn’t introducing himself to the class.

He’s introducing himself to Me.

Apologies for yet another long wait on the chapter, but I made it up with the sheer girthy thickness of this fat co- I mean, chapter.

Hope y’all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it!

Another two chapters, maybe just one, until U.A.! Depends if I wanna hit y’all with another cliffhanger next chapter or not.

Either way, Beating Hearts is hopping on to QQ finally! Show your support there too!

Toodles, and lotsa love to everyone!



I've been reading your stories since before the tenth chapter of the first story on ff.net and I can say with confidence that you're an amazing author musa.


Goddamn chonky chapter. I fucking loved it. I also love the twist with AFO. BUT I WANT MORE DAMMIT. KEK