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Hey everybody!  The last couple of weeks have been exhausting as I pushed to get the update out, but I'm pleased with how it turned out.  I really appreciate your patience as I ended up taking longer than I expected.  I also appreciate the feedback I've received so far, both the positive comments and those making suggestions for how I can improve in the next update.  I also very much appreciate those of you who have mentioned the game in other servers/forums.  We've still got the public release around the corner, which will undoubtedly require a fair level of community engagement from me, but otherwise my mind is already starting to shift focus to Part Two.

I'm excited to work on Part Two for a couple of reasons.  One is simply that I'm looking forward to telling you the second part of the story.  But I'm also excited that I finally get to start working with the final LI and that I'll be doing more work with the blonde woman.  With respect to the final LI, I decided to start my work on Part Two with one of her scenes, because I want to make sure that the model is exactly how I want it.  So far, I'm very happy with her.  I've included a preview render below.

I think for the release of Part One I made overly optimistic predictions of when I would be finished.  I'm going to avoid that this time and do what all of the experienced devs do, which is just to say that Part Two will be finished when it is finished.  But know that I will be working very hard on it and I'll continue to give you weekly progress reports.  The script is done except for two scenes: the museum scene with Jamie and the bonus scene.  But posing/renders are just getting started.  I can't predict yet how large it will be.  Glancing over my outline it doesn't look as big as Part One, but on the other hand I see about an hour's worth of content in the outline for Part One and there actually turned out to be at least two hours.  So we'll just have to see.

Thank you for your support!  It means a lot to me.




Jill Valentine

Thanks for the update Impious! 🖤