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Comment Backlog

Just responded to a month's worth of comments so apologies for the spam to some of yall's inboxes but i felt bad cause i always try to respond to all of them. Going forward however please dont expect much from me ROFL life has been life-ing and im fine stress-wise but ya boi is BIZZY and responding to comments gives me procrastination anxiety so i stay putting them off forever like they share the same weight as a business email (more on those later). Know that i do read them all since i get them as email notifications so if i dont heart or respond cause im drowning - i apologize. 


Anywaysss im back with another random update plus im hyped up on caffeine mixed with 3 hours of sleep and ive been randomly laughing my ass off at the fact people on the internet unironically use the term "Yaoi-Danmei" SO THIS SHOULD BE EVENTFUL (also ive been subscribed to Chip Zdarsky's Substack for a few months now and hes a fool with his newsletter so that energy might be subtly influencing me to make these more FUN). 

So the next like 5 videos are somewhat figured out more or less i think (watch itll be different tomorrow) and three of them are currently in various stages of being negotiated to be sponsoreddddddddd. None are really concrete-concrete but im feeling reckless so lets jinx some shit - YOLO!

Rest of March Video Schedule

My next video which should be up at the end of next week will be my playthrough of the demo of Oni Onsen to promote their kickstarter. They reached out to me to play it since BLits apparently said good things about me promoting Jock Studio *BLUSHES* so get ready for some of the most obnoxious character voices ive ever weaponized in a video. When theres no audio track and i have to read ALL the text i just cant HELP MYSELF (some of them will absolutely ruin your childhood, fingers crossed the walt disney company doesnt come for me). 

Obviously this pushes back the Bucchigiri video which i intend to do after Oni Onsen and release soon after the final episode of Bucchigiri for cumulative relevance. This video could fall through depending on how the show ends OR its intent could change - saa na. I will say that i intended to read all of the banana fish manga for the video but after reading volume 1 i have decided IM NOT GUNNA DO ALL THAAAAAAAAT. My intent was to highlight changes Utsumi made and discuss them but i feel like delving into the manga too deeply will result in a portion of the video just being a "banana fish manga vs anime differences" segment and thats not what im going for especially cause its probably been done to death since the anime first aired so im keeping my thoughts CONCISE. Also fairly early on i realized that if i continued to indulge myself in that story that i would be in full Villain Era and yall dont want that - YALL WANT TO PAY ME MONEY but youll find out Why i was headed in a Anakin Skywalker-like narrative direction when the video comes out . Instead im gunna rewatch Sk8 and see if theres anything relevant in there to use in the video since its the first Utsumi Original not adapted from another piece of media written by another person so it fits more when discussing Bucchigiri cause theyre full blood brothers (or sisters? GENDER IS A CONSTRUCT). Of course this entire video is acting as a trojan horse for a propaganda piece so i might be underestimating how much of the video's time will end up dedicated to that and wont need to be padded with Utsumi's videography so who fuckin knows. Likely this will be up in April at the rate im going.


Before i get to the confirmed things for April, lemme divulge the other potential sponsorships - one is another visual novel playthrough and the other is still being discussed.

The Visual Novel is Blood Domination which im currently discussing from a scheduling standpoint with the parent company. They wanted it up next week to coincide with a sale but the early yaoi gets the prioritized release date on this channel and Oni Onsen got to me first so I'm waiting to hear back about potentially doing the video later. It could be april, it could be may, it could be september - they could leave me on read and ill never get to fuck around with the slutty vampire twinks - saa na.

The other sponsorship that came out of nowhere and is highkey a dream cum true is WWWave  Corporation aka Suiseisha aka Coolmic AKA ANIME FUCKIN FESTA - THEY ARE LATE - I HAVE BEEN DICK RIDING FOR YEARS. But better late than never especially when it comes to checks (not really, late payments are fuckin irresponsible and life altering in a BAD way). Literally no clue what they want from me at all - VERY early negotiation stages - but they want SOMETHIN and ill GIVE IT TO THEM (consensually of course) unless this ends up like the HIDIVE negotiation i had way back when, maybe ill talk about that one day. The disrespect, the DRAMA, the PASSIVE AGRESSIVE STRONGLY WORDED EMAIL FROM YOURS TRULY. Either way this is THRILLING and probably the first sponsor ive been excited about from a long-term-fan perspective as opposed to me loving a product after ive been asked to shill. Lets hope this doesnt turn into top 2 anime betrayals - i might cry. 

April Video Schedule

Enough about hypotheticals for April, onto the concrete, and whats harder than concrete? Dont say a MASSIVE THROBBING COCK you PERVS (suki-des). No silly billy: STEEL and what pieces of steel have MASSIVE THROBBING COCKS (allegedly)?! Why the TOUKEN DANSHI! In honor of the latest Touken Ranbu anime coming out this spring i will be giving yall a tier list for ALL the touken ranbu sword boys (that im aware of). I finally got around to watching Hanamaru because of the new anime being announced and enthralled is an understatement. Its too bad im like 5 years fuckin late to the height of the party LMAO oh well CURRENTLY THE NENDOS ARE DIRT CHEAP SO WHOS ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF HISTORY NOW~~~?  This video is actually already shot and just needs to be edited, i got ambitious by the time i finished and i figured it couldnt hurt to have one ready in case another video falls through. Pairing with this, April's Natz Cast will be my overall review of Touken Ranbu Hanamaru where i'll also touch on my history with Katsugeki cause of course im gunna cover it ALL.

I have another video id like to do either in april if not may but itll depend on time, motivation and sponsorships taking up my attention cause its fairly ambitious and unlike everything else in this update I DONT WANNA JINX IT ROFL.

Additionally April and/or early May will mean the return of the 3 Episode Ruling Podcast as usual - HOW IS IT ALREADY ALMOST Q2?! Im purposely planning to not watch as much this spring but to sane people that sounds like im watching maybe 5 anime but the current total is 11 so its very subjectively not a lot but after back to back seasons of 17 and 14 anime respectively and ESPECIALLY after this winter season shoved SIX of the total anime i was watching on A SINGLE DAY im open to a break-ish season before summer inevitably is a dud altogether (for me at least)  - easing into it like a good seme

Thats all fer nao, Id be lying if I wasnt thinking in the backmost crevices of my cranium of doing some sort of Akira Toriyama-Dragon Ball related video in tribute but between me not having any solid ideas, the fact DB content has always BOMBED on my channel, that my content leans in a whorish direction and ive been hearing about nsfw db fanartists getting flack in the wake of toriyama's passing - maybe ill just let that thought remain a thot... at least for now. ONE DAY ILL CONVERT MY AUDIENCE INTO DRAGON BALLSACKS VIA A QUEER LENS - MARK MY WORDS.

this is random but i enjoy writing things in caps and then ending the sentences with periods and not exclamation marks cause it feels like such a stark contradiction and an act of grammatical chaos. Brain chemistry is fascinating.

Tis All

That's all for now, hope yall enjoying the gradual (and natural) thawing occurring outside cause its bout to be ALLERGY SEASON and im finna DIE like usual - can CLARITIN sponsor me next? 


Danny Reader 4

Congrats on the sponsorships 👏 🥳I hope they all treat you with the respect you deserve


Fellow Dragon Ballsack here (that’s what I’m calling us now), also fighting the losing battle against seasonal allergies. 🤧 Always looking forward to your next video, whatever it ends up being. Stay crispy, Natz.