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"Black Green and White Gold"
(Farlan and Járed) has been selected for the main story.
Their dynamic and history will be told in the official book, however spoilers of their endgame will not be revealed here. The other unchosen ships, however, are the following;

"Silver Green and Red Gold"

Sang Van Lanh and Shinji, Kino

Sang Van Lanh will appear later in the book. He is a tall, serious young man who wears glasses and has brown hair with pink highlights. His hair is requested by Hoàng Lei, Mistress of the Shinji. He is a loyal servant of her; ever since he was 13 he worked as a kitchen cleaner in the Hoàng mansion. But after he uncovered a great scheme of the Head Chef to assassinate the Mistress (the Chef was a Shinji spy), Sang Lanh was appointed to a very high position by the Mistress who also finds him very attractive.

Now at 21, he is loyal to no other than the Hoàng Family and the Mistress of the Hien ro. He will appear and take a huge role in developing SaLuHa in the main story.

If this path was chosen, the Vietnamese Mafia (lead by representative Lanh) will come to Russia before the Shinji (lead by Kino) will. San Lanh would be introduced way before Shinji Kino. Their dynamic is similar to JarLan in terms of "childish himbo" x "serious businessman".

Lanh puts himself in such high expectations and strictness, the same trope CSOS' Envy was created. Because of this, figurative High school dropout Kino Shinji enjoys bullying him too much. Dialogues in their first meeting include,

"Ahh, Ni hao there!"

"I'm not Chinese."

"I didn't ask about your life story."

Lanh and Kino would then remind Farlan of his own past with Járed, because their personality is way too alike.

"Master Kino, please respect my personal space and stay 5 feet away from me."

"Dámn, what got up your áss, replace it with my díck instead, then you'll be happy."

Lanh's eyes twitch from how hard he's holding back punching the Shinji Master.

While Lanh would try so hard to negotiate with the Shinji, the Master keeps getting distracted because he finds Lanh's hate for him interesting. This relationship dynamic would still be considered toxic because Kino quite literally acts like an incel who harasses the Representative for attention.

All of that was because Kino hates the Vietnamese Mafia, he torments San Lanh and annoys him in hopes that the Representative will give up and go home. But, after San Lanh suddenly forces him into a kiss, with the purpose of disgusting the heterosexual Shinji Master, Kino developed very mixed feelings. Him approaching San Lanh is no longer fueled by his hatred for their Mafia, but his growing attachment instead.

A mutual drunken hatefúck would be a catalyst to their relationship. It will still be portrayed as toxic since Kino is always an ásshole to everyone including San Lanh. Their sexual roles are irrelevant, because they will most likely switch. Kino, constantly wanting to seduce San Lanh, would be on the receiving end but would most likely try to get inside San Lanh's áss as well.

San Lanh agreed to their kinky relationship as long as Kino remains civil with the Vietnamese Mafia. A lovesick Kino would agree, and Farlan had finally united both Mafias together. Kino really likes taking San Lanh out on dates with the excuse of, "I need a bodyguard. Come with me, four-eyes."

But, Kino would grow more and more jealous since San Lanh would put the Hien ro first and foremost, and he is only ever loyal to Mistress Lei.

"If she tells you to stop seeing me... would you?" The Shinji Master seriously asked Lanh while they rest in bed.

Lanh's eyes wavered for a bit, before he says in his usual neutral and emotionless voice, "Yes."

Kino would get angry at that, but refrained from hurting San Lanh. For a few weeks, Kino had stopped seeing San Lanh. And by the time the Vietnamese representative leaves Russia for home, he suddenly finds Master Kino in a meeting with Mistress Lei.

Kino had bought San Lanh, for the price of hundreds of millions in USD, and the guaranteed protection of Viet residents and businesses in Japan. Mistress Lei loves San Lanh as a friend, but Kino had also threatened to oppress her people who are living in his territory.

San Lanh would get mad at this, since even though he grew feelings for Kino, he's attached to the Hoàng Family as if it was his real family. He considered Mistress Lei as his sister, and Kino wants him to never see her again nor step foot in Vietnam. San Lanh quits and tries to escape both Mafias.

But, Kino appoints help from the Schliemann and would agree to [insert spoiler for future chapters that will never be revealed here, a favor that has to do with SaLuHa] if they catch San Lanh for him.

It would take a very, very long time for a captured San Lanh to warm up to him. Would enter the boundaries of Stockholm Syndrome, but San Lanh already had feelings for Kino even before all this. He just feels betrayed and used like an item, traded like such.

But, they would still end up together and San Lanh would still insult the Master to no end, even at their wedding where he even has handcuffs on. Inside, he is willing since he saw Kino change, but outside he is portrayed as a Tsundere, similar to CSOP's Envy. Kino had to handcuff him at the wedding to avoid being punched since San Lanh hates the cheesy wedding vows full of unfunny puns and séxual innuendos.

This relationship is still portrayed as toxic and not to be romanticized, but still has elements of comedic relief.

"Red Gold and White Gold"

(Nougat and Shinji, Kino)

Nougat, or Herzen Strauss from C:School of Psychopaths is Farlan's nephew. Farlan is a step or half brother of Victor Strauss, and Herzen is an offspring from that generation.

Before Miles was captured, Nougat actually stayed in the Schliemann Manor since his brattiness can't be handled by his original family. Farlan might whip and shape him up to be a fine gentleman, but Nougat rebelled by continuing to date Zombie and drink and party with friends.

He is aware about SaLu and constantly approaches them about Miles, but Nougat was always taken away and punished with isolation.

This made Nougat run away and escape to his boyfriend, but the time Miles arrived in the Schliemann. But within months of Miles' stay, Nougat found out about Miles being kidnapped and returned to the Schliemann at the same time Kino was introduced.

Nougat would confront Farlan about keeping Miles prisoner, but then the deleted scene happened where his beauty caught the Shinji Master's eyes.

This relationship would not be consensual at all, and Nougat is constantly fighting with him because he has Zombie. However, his personality became Kino's entertainment and the Master loves keeping a feral boy in his grasp and attempt to tame it.

Kino would most likely not be likable in this route, but he will still be the comic relief (that everyone would hate).

He does confront Zombie in future Chapters, and tries to kill him. So Nougat had to bring it upon himself to break up with Zombie in order to protect him. He'd willingly go with Kino.

Now, if San Lanh x Kino was a direct parallel of Járed x Farlan, this ship is a direct parallel to Miles' situation. While Kino was influenced by Farlan and made him buy San Lanh; Nougat would confide in Miles, and they would try to overcome it together.

Kino would soon get jealous of Nougat's attachment to Miles and become abusive. Indeed in this route, Shinji Kino is a secondary villain.

In this route, Kino would become a secondary villain, and end up dead in the hands of SaLu. Since Taewon had challenged the Shinji Mafia to a formal duel in front of everybody and won by killing Kino, he would rise up as the new Master of the Shinji as well.

It caused controversies within the Underground World since Taewon isn't Japanese, but this was the same situation as Psycho's Justin Levough who killed his step-father in order to become Master. So in a way Miles once again is given to the other Unholy Trinity, since his lover is now the Master of the Shinji.

This relationship route is 100% toxic with no comic relief, other than Kino's witty remarks. But the villainized Kino would lead to Taewon taking his place.


Vegan Vixen

All I ask for is a “nice” smeggy scene with Nog and Zombie 👀 pppppllllllllzzzzzzzz. I gotta know. Is his 🍆 tatted 😏

Vegan Vixen

It’s been a few years 🤷‍♀️ he could’ve added it 😂