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Chapter 9

Jeannie chose to focus on her personal project for a while. Giving most of her time to the company for a couple of weeks.

The feeling she had, this growing, this expansion, she loved it! And, she wanted to give other women the chance to know how it feels. Of course, they had done some research and developed different ways to offer this treatment to the public.

Pills, creams, even small serums. She´s been working on this for quite a while, and now, it was time to give the announcement.

By now, Jeannie was a 8´9” amazon. A giantess! And that was on her bare feet. She towered above anyone. Loomed high in the sky. To some, she was imposing; to others, she seemed dominant. But for everyone, she was stunning.

A beauty, her body was simply majestic. Men desired her, as if she was a goddess. And women, they wanted to be like her. Most out of pure envy, but some pictured their lives would be better if they were as outstanding as her.

There was a huge line of women, not huge women in line, desperate to have their share of this new thing. The new trend. Jeannie offered the new thing. What every woman would want. A way to get sexier, prettier, to develop an impossible physique. No exercise, no diet, nothing other than either of the products she offered and you could become the woman you always dreamt about. Or, the woman any man would desire.

She was aware of two things, number one, not every woman would want to become huge amazons like her. For those, she simply made a treatment that could enhance your body so that you could get sexier, curvier and, for those women of age, or not, get prettier. Youth, a potion of youth. To get more attractive, better-looking. A guarantee you could get visible results in no time!

And, of course, Jeannie was not a fool. The second thing she was aware of was that, if everyone became tall amazons, then how would she be outstanding in this new world? She knows it´s just a matter of time before this is a new trend. For those women who wanted to get taller, soon, they will fill the world. She could see a world where she was average. And she didn´t like that. Therefore, she put a limit.

She´s been working together with specialists at the clinic. And the final result was, no women would grow more than fifteen-inches, at most. The treatment, the new one Jeannie´s company and the clinic developed guaranteed a spurt from ten to fifteen inches.

She clearly had to hire new specialists and spend a nice part of her fortune on it. But she´ll regain that money, and MORE! With this out on the market, she´ll gather a much bigger fortune. Not that that´s her main goal.

She was already retired. She doesn´t need more money. But she wanted to give everywoman an opportunity, a chance to get taller and prettier, just like she did.

Her new products were not cheap. In fact, they were the most expensive she had to offer, but who´ll care? Even men, some men, will spend all of their money in order to grow their female couples into amazons!

This helped her get distracted for a while, but there was still something on his mind. Troy. What´s up with him? What is he up to?

He still seemed to be up to something. He was always waiting for her at home. Was it because he wanted to see her? Or was it the guilt, the remorse, was he regretting his actions and now he wanted to make up for that?

She wasn´t sure. He seemed sincere, but there´s something he´s up to. And soon, she´ll figure out what it is. In the meantime, she was thinking on ways to, well, punish him for his actions.

Make him pay, economically, for all she´s given to him? He wouldn´t. How about paying with labor? Well, she´s sure she wouldn´t want to see him anymore if he truly betrayed her. To return everything she gave him? She´ll have to get rid of that instantly. Nothing there could remind her of him. What? Then, she started thinking about physical punishment. But how can she be sure she won´t tear him apart? She made a huge whole on the wall, without even trying. How strong has she become?

Even if Jeannie had made the announcement, her own growth wasn´t done. She stood at 8´11” by the time she went to the clinic to get her final results. Dr. Walton, at the clinic, told her that, according to their results, she should be done growing by the end of the month. The problem was that there were still a couple weeks before that. Plus, that´s about the same time when she´ll drop the new merch for public. So far, only a couple people, mostly those who were ambassadors of the new merchandise, will get the products in advance.

Maybe it´s been said that her growth was a problem, but that might not be true. The main deal is that she can´t choose an attire to wear, she can´t pick something so soon, else, she might find herself even bigger by that time.

But the growth itself, well, she can´t say she doesn´t like it. She´s the boss, and looming so high above everyone, she does feel in charge. The looks of everyone, looking at her with so much respect. Even if some are a bit afraid, she doesn´t mind that.

A bit of a problem is that, when her custom-sized clothes aren´t done, well, she normally wanders around the house in her underwear. And sometimes, naked.

Jeannie likes to glare at her figure from time to time. So tall, so mighty. And those curves on her. Her wide hips are imposing, and if she turns, she can see a big, heavy, and healthy butt behind her. So round, so firm, and so juicy. She slapped it a little just to see the jiggling of her fine figure.

And that´s not it, her boobs are a whole other thing. Firm, bouncy, perfect. She feels so majestic. So sexy, just so… like a true goddess!

But this goddess still has something to deal with…

Troy´s been awfully quiet these last few days. He´s got something in hands. She doesn´t want to believe he´s cheating on her, but Danielle came with a video she just couldn´t ignore. This has been bothering her a little every day. And each passing day, she hopes for the worse!

The other day, he received a call, he could´ve listened to a woman´s voice. Not that she was spying on him, but, she had to be sure.

“Great! See you at the store on Sunday. Thank you so much, Darlene.” Darlene? Sunday? Store? This should be that lady from the jewelry store.

The almost nine-feet-tall amazon stood there. Wondering if she should pay a little visit to Darlene. But she was too busy she couldn´t find a time on her schedule to do so.

In the end, Sunday came, and she had to meet some of her associates in order to give the final touches to the project. The presentation was on the next Friday. After that, she´ll be looking at more and more tall ladies like her. Not as tall, but certainly the world will meet a new era where there´s more and more women above the seven-foot-mark.

And Jeannie, she´ll be the biggest of them.

And there were some other news. She met Dr. Walton, and she gave her some great news. It seems she had finally stopped growing! Her height had finally settled, and so had her curves. There won´t be any more expansion for this already amazonic lady.

Part of her will miss sensuously ripping off her old clothes, but this might be for the best. She can´t outgrow her own place. Her mansion was already nice enough, it would be a shame to have to move somewhere else.

And now, as she got back home, she noticed a couple things. Number one, she took a look around, now that this will be her permanent perspective. Plus the heels she might want to wear, she was finally able to get used to a certain height. And number two, Troy´s not home…

She took a deep breath, and let out an upset sigh. She knows where he is, when he´s back home, he better have a perfect excuse. Else, oh, she´ll fall over him like a brick wall. Quite literally.

The door was open, and after peeping inside, Troy came in. Making sure no one would spot him. He walked in and closed the door behind him, making sure not to make a sound. But as he finally shut it, a voice came from behind him.

“Where were you… mister?” He turned back, and then up, and up to meet the not-so-pleased face of his girlfriend Jeannie.

“Oh, h-hi… I wasn´t… expecting to see you home so early… how, how was the meeting?” He had something in hands, something he was hiding. And Jeannie noticed.

The amazon stood there, with her arms crossed beneath her large bosom. Looking at him in an intimidating way. Looking down at him with a disgust on her look. “What´s that?” She said, trying to look at that thing he had behind him.

“W-what´s… what?” He swallowed. She wasn´t supposed to be home!

“That thing behind you! Troy, you´ve been acting VERY weird lately. And I´ve been trying to ignore it, but it is hard! Now tell me, What´s that behind your back?!” There was no turning back. Even if he stepped back, there´s a big chance she´ll find her way to that thing behind him.

Troy had his back against the wall, quite literally. Before him, stood a woman. One of impressive proportions. Troy had to crane his neck to look at the underside of her breasts. He had to take a few steps back to look at her face, and not be obstructed by her protruding breasts. He couldn´t deny a couple things, one, she was so hot. And two, she doesn´t seem so sweet when she´s mad…

Now, she was so big that, her hips were almost at the same level as his eyes. Jeannie had grown, quite a lot. But she stopped, just recently. Her height had finally settled.

Jeannie became a big, voluptuous, curvaceous and very imposing 9´10” woman. Reaching over ten-feet-tall wearing heels. But now, on her bare feet, as she stands before Troy, waiting for his answer, she´s a striking, and dominant, giantess.

Troy swallowed. He knew the time would come. He would´ve wanted it to be some other day, but the day would eventually come. It was such a shame it had to happen like this…

Jeannie wasn´t sure what she´ll do to him. A slap? Maybe he´ll fly a few yards before he lands. A kick? Well, that could result in some serious injuries. She had made up her mind, and she had just the right punishment in mind. It seemed a bit dumb, but it´ll be humiliating enough to him; plus, it will surely teach him a lesson.

“So?” Jeannie asked, she wasn´t the most patient person, but she was with Troy. However, not today.

He sighed, he knew he had to confess, otherwise, things would get worse.

Right before her eyes, Troy bent, stood with one knee on the floor. And then, he pulled that thing from his back. Jeannie wasn´t sure what was going on. But he did.

Troy had planned this all along. That´s why he´s been so quiet recently. He had a plan, an idea, a surprise.

“J-Jeannie Carlisle…” and so, he pulled out a small box, and as he opened the velvet-covered red box, he revealed a ring, but not any ring, one that would surely fit her thick fingers. “W-would you… marry me?”

Jeannie´s eyes turned teary. A ring? He´s got a ring for her? It´s obvious it is for her, that diameter on the ring, only a woman her size could use it.

“Troy… you didn´t…” She said, holding tears back and covering her mouth. “Awww, YES! Of course I´ll marry you!” Soon, she bent and picked him up from the ground.

Then, he found himself on Jeannie´s long, thick arms, she´s a strong gal. She smothered him against her bosom for a while, obstructing the air from coming into his lungs, but it was just for a few seconds.

Then, after she gave a couple jumps on her feet, she put him back in the ground and put her large hand before him, so that he could put the ring on.

“I know it´s not much, I would´ve… loved to get you something better…” He started. Even if he just made her so happy, he knows he doesn´t deserve this.

“Don´t say that. It´s gorgeous! Oh, Troy. You´re so sweet. Believe me, we´ll have the biggest wedding there is! After the company makes the announcement, you and I will plan the wedding. It´ll be so nice! Now, tell me, future Mr. Carlisle, where would you like to go on our honey moon? Hmmm? Pick any place, your wifey will make sure to pamper you anywhere you want. After all, I couldn´t have done this without you.” She said, but he was a bit puzzled, although, deep down, he knows what she means.

“All this growth, I just feel fantastic! And so young! Full of life! And now, all women will get to feel the same way I do! Well, at least a bit, hehe. Oh, Troy, you´re just the sweetest! This treatment you found, it just brought so much to me! I´d be a fool if I let a man like you go. I must be true to you, I thought you were having an… affair. OH, what a fool I was!” He wanted to smile, he wanted to cheer up, he wanted to be happy, but he couldn´t.

Deep inside, he felt guilty. He wanted to make amends. The reason why he made the proposal was that, once, a long time ago, she asked him if he´ll consider marrying her. A silly question after a couple drinks, but she did want it. And he´s been looking for a way to make things right. This proposal could´ve been the way to redeem himself, but it happened, and he doesn´t feel any better.

“S-Stop! I… I don´t deserve this, ok?” Jeannie was confused by his words.

“Excuse me, dear? What´s the matter?” She asked, genuinely concerned. “Don´t you wanna marry?” She feared for the worst.

And now, it was time for him to confess. To tell her the whole truth.

“Can we… have a sit? I´d like to tell you something…” And so, he confessed.

Troy told her all about what his first intentions were. That he thought this treatment wouldn´t work. That he was looking for her money, a gold-digger. But things changed. And he truly fell for her. He now loves her for who she is, not for the money, not even for the size.

This experience has opened his eyes. Now that she´s not that old, wrinkled woman, but the amazonic bombshell she is, he realized his feelings for her.

But now, he feels guilty. He feels a knot on his stomach.

“If you were to reject me, I would´ve understand, I wouldn´t have blamed you. I don´t deserve you, I truly don´t…” He felt so bad, “Even after this confession I… I just… I don´t feel I´ve made things right.”

“Aww, but Troy, dear, look at me,” she said as she, looming so tall above him even while sitting, put her fingers on his chin and pulled his attention towards her. “it´s ok, you made a mistake, we all do. The important thing here is, you tried to make things right. Look at me, Troy, I forgive you.” Her smile, that warm, sweet and radiant smile, he doesn´t deserve that.

“No. You shouldn´t. I… I did wrong… how can it be as easy as this to be forgiven?” He asked.

Jeannie wasn´t sure what he wanted. “So, you don´t want things to be this easy?”

“No! I… there should be a way to prove you I… I´m worth your love. A way to show you I regret what I did. Like… a test or something…” He seems to troubled, poor guy, but what can she do?

Jeannie gave it some thought, and after a while, she came to an answer. She could use her original plan, the idea she had to punish him. Instead of a punishment, it could be a trial.

“I have an idea, but tell me if you like it, ok?” He nodded, and so, the giantess bent over and whispered those words to his ear. He swallowed, but maybe this could make them even.

“I… I think it will do…” He replied.

“Are you sure? Because we can do something else.” She suggested.

“No, I… I think this will do.” Maybe this way he´ll be truly sorry. And prove her he´ll go through anything to show her his love.

“Very well, would you like to set a time or a number?” She asked, ready for it.

“Time or number?” He asked.

“Yeah, we can go for… five minutes, or, we could do one for every, hmm… for every month you lied to me, how does that sound?”

“I think… one for every month. I´d rather count than to wait for time to go by.” He replied, still a little nervous.

“Very well, now, let´s see, we met on June, and I started the treatment a couple months ago… I think it was on April? Or was it May?” He feared what was coming for him, looking at her, at her size, she must be very strong. And this one, this one´s a physical trial. And not necessarily one where he´ll do push-ups…

“Ok then, it´ll be twenty-months. So, it´ll be twenty, ok?” He nodded, while standing right before Jeannie. Even if she was sitting, she was still a good deal taller than him, and now, this tall amazon´s about to hurt him…

“Now, pull your pants down.” She said, trying to maintain a neutral tone, but he´s got something coming for him.

She decided that, at her size, the most safe punishment would be to spank him. But now, those spanks won´t be in order to hurt, but in order to show her how much he truly loves her.

“Remember, I´m here. And I´m not mad, ok? We´re just doing this so that you can show me your true love, ok?” she said as he laid on her lap. Her big, soft lap. Laying his stomach over her smooth, swollen thighs.

“Ok. But… you´ll be gentle, right?” He asked.

“Dear, you know I can´t slap your butt gently. This is a trial. Now, I won´t try to mangle your butt, but this has to be real. If not, how can you show me your true love? Trust me, when this is done, you´ll feel much better.” Mentally, because we won´t, most likely, be able to sit in a week.

“Ok…” He was tense, she knew it.

Jeannie put her hand, gentle over his naked butt cheeks. She was about to spank his boyfriend, well, future husband. And he seemed so nervous, so worried.

“Relax, Troy. Remember, I´m here. Your big,” she smiled in delight, “your big, future wife, will be right here, next to you. Here, hold my hand if it helps.” And so, she put her left hand right before him. Of course he held it, he wasn´t sure what was coming.

“Think of it this way, with each spank, you´ll be more and more forgiven. When we´re done, we´ll be a much stronger couple, you´ll see! And trust me, each spank only represents the love I feel for you, and the strength I put, is the intensity of the love I feel for you, ok?”


“Very well, if you´re ready, I´ll begin.” He nodded, and closed his eyes. “Troy, I love you.” She said.

“And I love you TOOOOOOO!!!” She started. The first spank hurt, it really hurt! Just picture this, Jeannie´s now an almost ten-foot-giantess, weighing over seven-hundredth-pounds! She´s quite strong. She´s powerful.

But he´ll bear for it. He´ll go through all this pain in order to show her he regrets it. Like she said, once this is over, their bond will be stronger. They will be a happy couple. And she´ll know, once this is done, that he´ll go through everything just to be with her.

“Ok, we´re half-way there, can you still go on?” She could feel his fingers clenching to her gigantic hand, even if he was actually holding her with more strength than she actually felt. Troy´s legs were trembling, his butt felt as if it was on fire. Half-way?! There´s still ten left?!

He nodded, sweating, with his face as red as it can be.

“That´s my Troy! Don´t worry, once we´re done, I´ll treat my,” she smiled again, a huge smile on her face, “I´ll treat my fiancée with anything he wants! Oh, you´re doing so good so far. And don´t be scared, your future wifey won´t mind playing the role of your private nurse until your bootie heals, ok? Just think on that. Me, wearing a tiny, tight, and sexy nurse costume. It´ll make this worth it!” And so, she continued.

He knows she´s got nothing but the best intentions. And she knows, once this is over, nothing will set them apart. Once he succeeds on getting past the twentieth spank, he´ll have proved her that, not only he regrets all he´s done, or tried to do; but that he truly loves her. With all of his heart.

Troy will prove his amazonic, future wife, he´s the man she needs. And then, right then, they´ll be a happy couple…

The End…



Bravo! Great story, great ending. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you! I´m really glad you liked the ending :D I was looking for something sweet, spicy and, well, GTS like so... I´m glad it all came up right ;D