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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Sympathy for the De Vil- Thank you very much for another fabulous reaction, for a fabulous episode of Once Upon a Time that I very much love, Travis!! My gosh... What an amazing episode! Sympathy For the De Vil is easily one of my favorites from the Queens of Darkness arc, as well as throughout this season overall!! I really love it! :) I really, really love, love, love the overall backstory for Cruella, including this beginning upon seeing little Cruella. I couldn't have possibly come up with a story arc for Cruella such as this either. I love how this beginning, and how most of the episode makes us feel sorry for her, because we are led to believe that her mother is the evil one and treats Cruella cruelly. Because she comes after her daughter with dogs and locks her away within the attic. Only for us to learn by the end just how wrong we are to feel sorry for her, upon discovering that she's always been evil ever since she was a little girl, simply because she loves being so cruel. It's brilliant! Next... I really like the scene between Cruella and Maleficent, who comes to her seeking the truth about what happened to her daughter years ago after they all fell together through the portal into our world. I love the moment Maleficent transforms into a dragon when Cruella refuses to talk and then how Cruella uses her own magic to put Maleficent to sleep. We also learn in this moment that both Cruella and Ursula somehow used Maleficent's daughter's dragon egg's shell to somehow keep themselves young during their many years trapped within our world. What a great little detail that explains why they haven't aged in all the years. I also love the title card showing the 101 Dalmatians, just as I love hearing Cruella's title song from the Disney movie as well... Cruella De Vil, played throughout this episode in her backstory too. I absolutely love, love, love all of the nods to her character in the Disney movie. It's all very smart and it adds a lot to her character even in Once Upon a Time. I absolutely love, love, love Cruella's overall backstory!! It's amazing to see how it is she comes to not only have black and white hair, as well as her crazy eyebrows, but it also reveals how Cruella comes to have magic that allows her to control all animals and creatures, when she never had magic in her movies. And her story is fantastic, even beautifully written!!! As for her persuasion magic... It is designed to reflect Cruella's green cigarette smoke she constantly puffs into Roger's face all throughout the original Disney movie... 101 Dalmatians, which I really appreciate too. I love how her story includes the Author, which also reveals how Isaac comes to begin his corrupt path upon losing sight of simply recording history, as he begins to recreate the worlds and the people around him as well after being taunted by Cruella's mother, by conjuring things for Cruella with the magic of the quill and his special ink by trying to win her heart and to impress her. Which only causes him to gain a thirst for changing the stories, simply because he thinks his ideas make for a better story, or even for his own personal gain. I love, love, love how Isaac reveals to us through his revelation to Cruella inside the elegant restaurant, that her world is just one of the many realms he travels to. Realms of storytelling that exist out of time. And I love how beautifully Cruella's world parallels to the Author and Cruella both formerly reading The Great Gatsby within this episode too. I just love this scene between them, even though we know the kind of person Cruella really is, and that Isaac also comes to a villain himself. If they weren't villains, I really actually would have loved to see these two characters in a romantic relationship because I think they really look really cute together. I love how the Author comes to tell Cruella everything about him and shows her the truth about him having such great power upon falling in love with her, in spite of Cruella manipulating him in every way, so that she can get out from under her mother's control. I just love their scenes together, from when Isaac helps Cruella to escape from her attic by magicking the key up outside of her window, to when Isaac uses the quill to take away Cruella's happy ending. This brings me to my favorite moment within this entire episode... I absolutely love, love, love when the Author returns to Cruella inside her attic after she uses her magic to turn her mother's dalmatians against her to kill her, then confronts Cruella upon seeing that her mother had told him the truth about how evil Cruella really is once he discovers that Cruella has stolen his quill. While it's dark and cruel upon seeing how Cruella kills her mother, then how Cruella turns the dogs into her fur coat, like we know about Cruella from the Disney movie, I love how her revealing her fur coat to him proves to him once and for all just how evil she really is. And then... What happens next between them escalates quickly, when Isaac uses his quill and ink to take away Cruella ability to kill, which is the only thing she truly feels any pleasure from, as her mother had previously told Isaac that she sought pleasure by killing her three husbands. Just before Isaac takes away her ability to kill though... Cruella suddenly snatches the special ink out of anger and Isaac attempts to grab it back, until they lose control as it spills all over Cruella, causing the power within the ink to transform her and make her even darker. It turns half of her hair and her eyebrows black and twists her mind until she feels nothing but rage and hatred, not just towards the Author, but towards everything. This is what the ink does to her. It doesn't just change her hair color. It twists her mind so much, so that there is nothing but evil left within her. I absolutely love this scene! It's so terrifying and amazing. And Victoria Smurfit as Cruella is absolutely phenomenal throughout this episode! It's because of this episode that most fans of this show come to loving Cruella as one of their favorite villains throughout the entire show. And I agree with all those who think so. Cruella is definitely among my favorite villains, all thanks to this episode alone. And she's just always a lot of fun because of her snarky attitude. I love her! :) And this brings me to the overall Storybrooke storyline... I absolutely love the ending between Cruella, Henry, and Emma, when Emma finally comes upon Cruella to save her son, and is forced to face whether or not she should kill the woman threatening her son's life. It's tragic, because while it's revealed to us and to David and Mary Margaret that Cruella can't kill or harm anyone, and therefore that Henry is not in any real danger, Emma doesn't know this. All she sees is Cruella holding a gun to her son's head. So, Emma does the only thing she can think of, as she uses her own magic to force Cruella backwards off the cliff behind her and kills her. Emma's face in this moment after Henry runs into her arms to embrace her... Scary, dark, and so brilliant! Now, regarding why Emma's face may appear sickly, or pain ridden throughout this episode, and as I mentioned in my comments under your previous reaction for Best Laid Plans... Jennifer Morrison suffers from severe migraines and has for a long time. However, she suffered from them more so than she ever has before during the filming of this half of the season, which is why her face always looks so pale and sickly throughout this arc. And while it's tragic that she suffered so much from them throughout the filming of this season and I absolutely feel bad for her, I think it really works in her favor for what the creators and writers are trying to pull off with her character, as Emma is struggling with keeping from turning dark. Especially in this episode. While it might almost be strange in how her sickly demeanor reflects her anger towards her parents and her rising darkness, you also have to remember that Emma has been dealing with a lot of pain this entire season. With the Snow Queen's manipulations, nearly losing herself upon her magic becoming out of control, and to constantly feeling like she's been being lied to by her parents only to discover that they have been. And after everything, it's really begun to wear her down so greatly. I think it's really a combination of all the pain she's suffered this season and really her life, that is the reason why you can say that the character of Emma looks so sickly now too. So yes... I think this look works for her, and her anger is absolutely justified. So long as she doesn't allow it to destroy her like Gold wants her darkness and anger to. I absolutely love Cruella's entire backstory and present day storyline, which unfortunately and yet brilliantly results in Cruella's death and a dark turn point for Emma! Overall... It's a phenomenal episode! I only wish that Killian was in this episode more than he was, which might be my only real complaint. However, I really enjoy the scene between him, Emma, and Regina too, as Killian and Regina try to convince Emma to forgive her parents, as they try to remind her that she has forgiven both of them for their past sins too. I love how Emma bites back by saying that neither Hook, nor Regina ever hid from anyone who they were back then. Never hid the truth that they were villains, while her parents pretend to be heroes and yet they do something evil. Emma is right about Killian certainly never trying to hide how evil he was when he was still Captain Hook. However, Regina did quite often deny herself as being evil for quite a long time before she finally recognized herself to be the Evil Queen, as is shown in season two's episode... The Evil Queen. Regina killed an entire village, yet she had blamed their deaths on Snow White while she still saw herself to be the people's benevolent Queen. So, Regina didn't always admit to who she really was, while Hook most certainly always did. Thank you so much, Travis! I absolutely loved your reaction for this episode!! And I am so happy you loved it so, so much too!!! These last few episodes are really good, and I especially cannot wait for your reactions to this season's two part season finale!!! Until your next reactions for these final four episodes, my dear friend... Sincerely, Heidi


Fabulous 😁