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Upon Icester's shout, several burly, towering Frost Giants immediately jumped into the battlefield.


"Boom! Boom! Boom!"


Another seven Frost Giants of commander-level arrived on the battlefield. Subsequently, six of them, in pairs, chased after the summoning beasts in the other three directions.


They aimed to intercept the slaughter by these summoning beasts. Despite the large number of Frost Giant forces, they couldn't afford to be depleted like this.


Out of the eight commander-level Frost Giants, only two remained, while on Charles's side of the battlefield, apart from himself, there was also his wooden clone.


"Icester, why are there two Supreme Merlins here?"


"Jelga, that's his clone, but it still possesses attacking capabilities like him. Let's each handle one. After his clone is destroyed, come and support me."




Charles and his wooden clone exchanged a glance, each choosing an opponent.




Charles's wooden clone shouted loudly, assuming a combat posture. Even a faint blue chakra surged, covering its entire body.


The aura of a Kage-level powerhouse was fully displayed as it took a step forward.




From under Charles (Wooden clone)'s feet, the entire ground cracked, creating a huge crater heading towards Jelga.


Seeing the sudden spreading crater, Jelga exerted all his strength, leaping high into the air and pouncing towards Charles’s clone.


"Chakra Enhanced Strength!"


Charles's wooden clone, with a basketball-sized blue chakra condensed on its right fist, smashed it towards Jelga.


Seeing the incoming fist, a fierce smile appeared on Jelga's face. An ice blade immediately formed on his arm, stabbing towards Charles's fist.




The ice blade on Jelga's right arm was directly shattered by Charles’s wooden clone, while Jelga himself, like a cannonball, flew back even faster than when he came.


Jelga was smashed through several walls in a row, finally crashing into a hill before coming to a stop.




A faint blue blood spurted from Jelga's mouth, indicating that he was seriously injured.


With only half of his right arm left, daring to exchange blows with Charles in a stage of Chakra Enhanced Strength was like seeking death. He was completely outmatched.


In line with the strategy of striking while the iron is hot, the wooden clone immediately used Body Flicker Technique to charge forward and engage the opponent in a fierce battle.


On the other side-


Charles's main body and Icester were currently facing off. Ice walls appeared from all directions, quickly surrounding the two of them.


With a leap, Icester appeared in front of one of the ice walls, touching it with his hand, and then disappeared into it.


In the next moment, it seemed like Icester's figure appeared within all the ice walls surrounding them.


Watching this scene, Charles was momentarily stunned. This was somewhat similar to Haku's Ice Crystal Mirror.


At this moment, within the myriad of ice walls, a large number of ice spikes suddenly shot out towards Charles, while ice spears sprouted from the ground beneath his feet, thrusting towards him.


Seeing this sudden change, Charles used Body Flicker Technique to evade and then immediately unleashed a ninjutsu.


"Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Jutsu!"


Charles spat out fireballs, aiming them at the incoming ice spikes.


However, when the fireballs collided with the ice spikes, not all of them exploded. Most of the fireballs passed through and hit the ice walls, extinguishing immediately. Only a few fireballs and ice spikes collided and exploded as expected.




Charles frowned slightly. Then he muttered, "Sharingan: Activate!"


At the next moment, the Sharingan with three tomoe appeared in his eyes. Charles looked around at the ice walls.


A smirk played at the corners of Charles's mouth. "I've found you!"


"Illusion: Binding!"


Icester, hidden within the ice walls, suddenly found himself unable to move. A giant maple tree suddenly appeared behind him, entangling his entire body and immobilizing him.


At this moment, Charles's figure appeared on the tree, and he aimed his kunai at Icester's heart.




With a mournful cry from Icester, he ceased to exist.


However, in reality, Charles hadn't moved at all, still standing in place without any movement.


Meanwhile, the ice walls surrounding them suddenly began to crack, and Icester's figure appeared within one of the broken ice walls. As the ice wall shattered, he collapsed to the ground, motionless and lifeless.


In the illusion space, he believed he had been killed by Charles, resulting in instantaneous brain death.


Seeing that his enemy had been dealt with, Charles then looked towards Thor's direction.





On the other side-


Thor was having a tough time. He was surrounded by four commander-level mountain giants, who continuously bombarded him with falling rocks, earth spears, and ground ruptures.


These mountain giant commanders didn't give Thor a chance to get close, firmly trapping him and maintaining a certain distance.


Whenever Thor dared to release the Hammer to attack one of them, the remaining three would constantly hit him with their attacks.


At this moment, Thor swung the Hammer vigorously, like a shield enveloping himself, protecting himself from the enemy's attacks.


Seeing that Thor was not in danger, Charles didn't move to support him. Instead, he approached Icester's body and directly stored it in his storage space. He knew that this guy had frost crystals on him, which could be used for recharging.


Watching this, Farbauti's expression turned ugly. It seemed that the Frost Giants couldn't stop this Supreme Merlin.


Now Farbauti was about to join the battle, ready to take down Charles.


However, Yodon spoke up, "He is just a junior, no need to take any action yet."


With a command from Yodon, four more commander-level mountain giants who had not yet joined the battle emerged, rushing towards Charles's direction.


Thus, out of the twelve mountain giant commanders, eight had already joined the battle, while the remaining four were remotely commanding other mountain giants, occasionally harassing and attacking Thor.


As Charles finished collecting his spoils, the ground beneath his feet trembled, and four 8-meter-high mountain giants surrounded him.


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