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Connoisseurs of the slop I make for YouTube!!!

I's time for the monthly end of month update!! Oh joy!

It's been great to finally have the Helen Keller video out in the world, and it's doing okay from a numbers perspective! Maybe now people will stop saying it on the Koko video, and maybe more people will use the Ground News app - it's good! You should get it! Especially through the link https://ground.news/soup

Hell all you gotta do is click it! But you should also get it!

Next Video!
In a landslide vote, the next video on the channel will be about how Simpsons: Hit And Run Wasn't As Good As Your Remember (Sorry)

It seems I just cannot stop myself from courting the anger of gamers! And honestly, good! There are too many pieces on Hit and Run that are all cock and no cum. It's time for a real hardassed analysis. And who better to do that hard assed analysis than me? A PhD drop-out with no expertise in game design or mkaing games!!

I didn't realise how many opinions I had on this game - I'm struggling to get an ending to it, because I don't have any reasons for making it other than the fact I have a lot of thoughts and feelings

One day the Russel T Davies Doctor Who video will see the light of day (be still, my beating heart)

New Patreons:
We have a lot of new Patreons! Yay! Welcome to the club! Say hi in the Discord! Start chatting to each other! Play games together! Vibe!

If you're a £10 patreon, please make sure you get in touch with me - either here or on Discord - about what kind of doodle you want to go in the credits of future videos. If you've already given me a request, please check the moop channel in the discord to have a look at the design and see if you're happy with it! It's also where you can download them to keep forever if you're so inclined

~Boner~ Content!
The Fallout New Vegas retrospective is being assembled. Expect that in the medium-term future, because it's been placed on whats felt like an indefinite backburner for the Helen Keller video. And now it can come off of it!

I also have a little list of bonus projects for the Patreon - just little rough tidbits - which I'm gonna start making as well. These include: the time Naomi Oreskes publicly owned Exxon using her ability to read; and figuring out how Homer Simpson's wage has changed with inflation/how that ties in to the shifting tectonics in society where there isn't much of an economic everyman anymore for the Simpsons to represent or lampoon.

In my little bonus document there's also an entry that says - and I quote: "Chicken Run but all the chickens are voiced by actual chickens". Make of that what you will

Anyway, catch you on the flip side, whippy dips!!
- Soup


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