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Recently merry old Blighty (Britain) has been beset by political instability with the shortest lived Chancellor in living memory (Kwasi Kwarteng) being kicked out by Liz Truss for implementing the policies Truss herself ran on.  Why did the city of London react so negatively to Kwartengs mini budget? Was Kwarteng neccessarily wrong about the problems facing British capitalism? What is Keir Starmers role in all of this? All this and more will be answered in this special edition of Red Star Radio. 

Intro is from Act 2, Scene 1 of Richard II by William Shakespeare, the speech of John of Gaunt performed by John Gielgud

Outro Music is 'Dancing with the Moonlit Knight' by Genesis (Peter Gabriel era) - 1973

Episode Artwork is 'Britannia in Tribulation' by Charles Walker (1807)



Brian J

Great eulogy for Kwasi Kwarteng, we hardly knew ye. Would be interested in your thoughts about China and an expected third term for Xi


I thought the idea of capitalists using a social-democratic party to "mould the battle-space" for subsequent repression was interesting. Loosely related: one thing you might consider touching on, for one of the more theoretical episodes, is a sort of "how-to" of historical materialist analysis. I get that one wants to analyze the class forces in play, but at least in the writing of "Capital," Marx struggled a lot with finding the correct-starting point (wound up being the commodity, of course), so there's got to be more to it than that.