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This one is for Texas. I wanted to do something to pay tribute to the people down there and this song seemed the most important. In the description of the video I have some links and some ideas of you can help if so inclined. 

This is a really fun blues shuffle in G, to match SRV you'd have to tune everything down an half step, but I played it in G to keep it simplish. Remember if it is too tricky feel free to strum through and sing a long with the lyrics, but that shuffle is really tasty! 

Will improve

Blues in G

SRV style shuffle


Stevie Ray Vaughn - Texas Flood - Ukulele Texas Blues Tutorial

Stevie Ray Vaughn - Texas Flood - Ukulele Texas Blues Tutorial Today is an extra special lesson because we are doing this one for Houston, the state of Texas, and every town, every person, anything that has been affected by this storm Harvey. We are going to learn how to play Texas Flood today, but first I want to share some links and information to show you how you can help the victims of Harvey. Redcross is my favorite donation resource in a time like this. https://www.redcross.org/donate/hurricane-harvey A friend also shared some other ideas about how to help people you know who have been displaced because of natural disaster. Here are some ideas how you can reach out to your flooded friends: Remember they are going to feel uncomfortable being in such a position of need. It's painful to go from being self sufficient one day to suddenly not having a pair of shoes with no car to go and buy some new ones. Try to see a need and fill it without asking "what can I do?" Flooded mamas are exhausted and overwhelmed and it's hard to answer that question. If you are going to help a friend clean out their homes, here are a few items that are helpful to bring. Cleaning/packing Supplies: Masks- ventilator Paper towel Disposable gloves Bleach lysol/clorox wipes Cardboard boxes Packing tape Sharpie Boxcutters Hand sanitizer Toiletries: Toilet paper Toothbrush Toothpaste Handsoap Adult socks Mosquito repellent Baby/small kids: Bottles sippie cups Formula nursing pads Diapers (ask the size) Baby Wipes Children’s socks Snacks: Water bottles Fresh fruit and veggies washed and cut up (we've all been eating highly processed food out of bags for days) Ideas for questions to ask: 1. Does everyone in your family have shoes? If not, can I go pick some up? What size? 2. Do you have anyone coming to help you cut out walls? If not, can I call a few water mitigation companies to get quotes for you? 3. Do you have any laundry I can wash? 4. I have hand-me-downs from my kids, what sizes would be helpful? 5. Can I help arrange playdates for your kids? 6. Do you have any medications you would like me to call about getting replaced? 7. I'm making a trip to HEB today, please tell me 3 things I can pickup for you 8. Can I pack a school lunch for your child this week? 9. Is there anywhere I could give you a ride to? 10. I'd like to take you to pickup your rental car. Please call me when it's available. 11. Please call me when you are ready for a ride home after you drop off your rental car. and everything they have been through the last If you want more easy to play Ukulele tunes and other cool jams all you have to do is subscribe to learn, we do new Ukulele songs every single Wednesday and Saturday, ranging from other tunes that we have done by Fleetwood Mac, some of them also very easy (a lot of there stuff was based in simple harmony of elegant melody with tasty guitar on top) but we have everything, rock, blues, soul, jazz, everything you need to be become a better Ukulele player, all you have to do is subscribe and learn. Alright, now it is time to have something to help us take our mind of this disaster. We are going to learn how to play Texas Flood on Ukulele by Stevie Ray Vaughn. What a tune, what a shuffle. A true master of the guitar, we did our best to emulate the shuffle in a tasty Texas way that will have people asking, where did you learn how to play Texas Flood on the Ukulele like that? This song has all the tabs on the screen, and chords, and lyrics, but if you want everything laid out in front of you in an easy to follow PDF all you have to do is become a Patreon. Printable PDFs include the chords, tabs, strum pattern and lyrics all in one place for you to learn and enjoy. Thanks everybody!


Tim Hanke

Just found this! Heard Willie Nelson and his crew play this at Farm Aid.

Nathanael Horne

nice one. like the social theme as well, i hope for a quick recovery to those impacted by the storm.